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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 862 KB, 1269x714, Low Effort Clips - Pippa's personal Hell [gevMm55Hb7Q - 1269x714 - 2m50s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59261320 No.59261320 [Reply] [Original]

>has a literal small nation's/army's worth of potential suitors
>"Things I'll never have"
>[half joking mindbroken sobbing]

And before you say she never gets out of the house, she's talked about doing shit like going to a water park, and trying out DnD groups. If she's not fat, all she'd have to do is just sit down next to any guy she wants, at these places, say
>Do you want to go on a date?
and she'd have a boyfriend. Same goes for the rest of them who say they're lonely

>> No.59261449

She's the equivalent of an autistic female brony con-goer, why would anyone worthwhile go out with her?

>> No.59261513

Because it's an act, you fucking fetal alcohol syndrome crackhead incest baby.

>> No.59261515

she's not fat

>> No.59261565

Isn’t she missing like half of her teeth and her mouth is riddled with cavities and diseases? Pippa is the definition of white hick trash.

>> No.59261651

you say that like the women in her demographic, in relationships, aren't on average markedly worse

>> No.59261799
File: 53 KB, 374x338, 4F363519-AA2A-42CD-860B-9BB2548455F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your evolutionary biologist husband will never take you and your special needs child to WcDonalds

>> No.59261817

Reps you midwit, non of that shit is true.

>> No.59261856

I'm pretty sure the bulk of Pippa's fanbase would rail her, given the chance, regardless of how she looks IRL, Anon

>> No.59261983

That's not the issue at all.

>> No.59262008

this is how incels see the world...
women don't have it any easier, you could argue that a man could do the exact same thing as long as he's not fat, has a good haircut and isn't a sperg

>> No.59262009

then what is

>> No.59262062

next you'll tell me she doesn't actually exude a heavenly stink

>> No.59262082

You say that like Ryan Gosling couldn't get any chick in the park, if he just sat down at the bench and asked her the same thing

>> No.59262166

That you still haven't done your reps.

>> No.59262263

I'm pretty sure she doesn't live like that anymore/presently. I get what you're saying, no I'm not going to say it because jannies are triggerhappy

>> No.59262762
File: 36 KB, 229x178, 1670840363124585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of her suitors colress?
same with pippa, as soon as i stop seeing a pink bunny girl it's not her anymore
3dpd fags will never understand.

>> No.59263215

>Walmart Pekora
>Diehard Holofag
I bet she'd have joined Holodick if she had the chance but instead ended up in Nijicuck like Millie.

>> No.59263286

She isnt ugly and she isnt fat
That's pretty much all it takes for most of these cucks

>> No.59263530
File: 321 KB, 645x599, angynunpanunkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine that Pippa suddenly behaves differently, calmer and more playful, and decides to put her microphone on her chest, to capture the soft, rhythmic beat of her heart as it dances to a new, seductive tune. Her once lively banter now carries an undertone of mystery, drawing everyone in with each word she utters. The room, once filled with laughter and chatter, now falls into a hushed anticipation, as if the very air is electrified by this unexpected transformation.

>Pippa's playful smile lingers, but it's different now—more knowing, more enticing. She leans closer to the microphone, her voice a velvet whisper that sends shivers down the spines of those who listen. Her words weave a web of intrigue, luring everyone into a world of fascination they never anticipated.

>As she continues, her stories become a blend of sensuality and intellect, a mesmerizing cocktail that leaves her audience spellbound. Her once energetic demeanor has given way to a captivating magnetism that defies explanation. Every word she speaks resonates with a unique allure, leaving her friends and onlookers enchanted and craving more.

>The room, once so familiar, now feels like uncharted territory, and everyone in it becomes an eager explorer, eager to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface of Pippa's newfound sensuality. It's a strange and exciting shift, as if a hidden facet of her personality has been unlocked, revealing a side that none had imagined.

>As the night unfolds, Pippa's voice becomes a melody, her stories a journey into uncharted desires, and her presence an irresistible enigma. In this strange and exciting moment, the unexpected transformation of a friend has turned an ordinary evening into a memorable and tantalizing experience.

>> No.59263704

then she puts the microphone in her hairy asshole

>> No.59263718

Yeah no shit. NEET women don't exist. Pippa leaves her house multiple times a week, and Lia thinks that leaving your house 5 times a month is too little.

>> No.59263950

Literal goblin mouth living in actual filth. She’s funny. Kind of like a Roseanne Barr for the streaming age. Which means she has her choice of Tom Arnolds. This is, one might argue, less than ideal.

>> No.59264131

>NEET women don't exist
They do, just like femcels they are rare, but they do exist

>> No.59264516

Pippa, Shondo and Mouse should start their own org, they'd be perfect together.

>> No.59264534

>potential suitors
no. the thing about socially retarded women is that they never have time for even semi functioning socially retarded men. this is like asking why femcels are femcels when they can hook up with your run of the mill incel.

>"things i'll never have"
referring more to a stable, healthy relationship (or at least one that is more in her favor), not just a relationship in general. you likely know exactly what i mean but i invite you to do reps if you somehow havent. alternatively, chalk it up to fake, "relatable" sadgirl shit and move on.

>> No.59264578
File: 53 KB, 738x415, images (3) (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now you see, if Pippa were to start reading Kagura Bachi, all of those problems would disappear. It's simply the effect peak fiction has on people. She will be swimming in husbands the moment she reads this masterpiece.

>> No.59264741

i'm near positive what is being skirted around here is no longer a factor. it's been nearly a year since any indicator of it no matter how deep you dig, and trust me, as the situation intrigues me, i have dug. keep in mind, something has kicked her ass into gear to take better care of herself.

>> No.59265067

it's called being a woman, live life on easy mode and still complain

>> No.59265129

how old is Pippa? It could just be baby rabies

>> No.59265186

>something has kicked her ass into gear to take better care of herself
More like the entire degen character was just that and she grew tired of pretending.

>> No.59265240

lying sluts incorporated

>> No.59265398

I remember a long while ago she mentioned Healthy Gamer GG, and both the Discord and stream chat just laughed it off. I don't watch her enough to say that'd be for certain that'd be a moment driving her to keep up the persona, but she definitely recognized her audience is full of people who want to remain shitty right then, at least.

>> No.59265513

Okay, hold on now, why are we calling Shondo a liar? Shondo barely talks about her condition and doesn't make it her personality.

>> No.59265557

>healthy gamer GG
that guy is basically the dr. phil of internet psychologists. NPC bullshit

>> No.59265611

Damn that hair is retarded

>> No.59265646
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>> No.59265848
File: 70 KB, 250x250, CAN I GET UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His content has helped me improve my life, there's just a limit to how much the videos can do. You can certainly learn to be able to tend to yourself, day to day, and manage stuff like depression/various mental disorders, but you can't just magically spawn in strong communities no matter how much you want and seek one. Nor can their, and I say their because there's a staff behind them, content do shit like even determine what you like to do for you. It's helpful, I stand by that, and it's also Dr. Phil tier stuff if you do anything requiring money or engaging in the discord

>> No.59265985
File: 128 KB, 850x1202, PP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could get a one-night stand or a date easily, but once the guy's bored of her after a month or so, he'll revert to his baseline of being a stupid dick.
Especially her fans, who will resent her for not actually being a pink rabbit-girl.

It's not worth risking her income stream for that.

>> No.59266212

let me explain you this: you know how online dating has ruined the lives of men by making all women try to aim for the top 10% while giving no chance to the rest?
well that alsoo ruine the lives of woomen cause now those same 10% have so many offers they have no reason to settle down.

>> No.59266244

mid 20s, but knowing her sister's history there as well as her history with her sister's kids, she likely isn't too eager.

>> No.59266265
File: 491 KB, 758x847, sip[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5uaxbu.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it was an act, but you could literally see the ants crawling all over her desk as she was eating the spider.

>> No.59266275

He says nothing you can't get out of some $20 self help book at fucking barnes & noble. Dude is the biggest fucking simp and defends bad behavior from women every fucking time

>> No.59266391

Anon, those two problems are not the same.

>> No.59266902

Gee, I wonder why I'm sad I will never marry Kurisu even though there are dozens of girls after my dick.

>> No.59267117

The answer is autism.
Both for her and for you.

>> No.59267528

I bet you seriously believe she's a virgin too

>> No.59267627

>cancerman will never go on her stream

>> No.59267756

its confirmed kayfabe
"i'm such a shut-in uwu" is usually kayfabe. you really can't trust any of these ho's, look at mouse literally pretending to have a serious illness

>> No.59268029
File: 535 KB, 2005x2161, Yandere Pips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All she has to do is sit down to someone and say-
You've never met someone with actual crippling social anxiety, have you? Yeah, she went to a Water Park with a friend to support her, and went to a DnD session where the social expectations are the lowest you can possibly have them. The idea of approaching someone and not knowing what the outcome could be is enough she'd lock up and leave immediately in a panic.

That's ignoring that she's missing teeth and going by the feet pics is very pale and likely very unhealthy. I love Pippa but chances are conventionally she's not very attractive, and it's pretty clear she's living very vicariously through her avatar. She's at least bad enough that she's had the urgent need to clean up and fix herself.

She also lives deep enough as the pink rabbit than her irl self to completely fall in love with Colress. Even if she did become a bombshell and meet a real man, if she truly is completely lost in the sauce, it wouldn't be enough. I've seen people cut off real life relationships because the fantasy with their perfect husbando/waifu was better/they know it would never match.

tldr: She's got real pipkin. She makes flowcharts to handle conversations in advance. Not the meme Autism, the real shit.

>> No.59268111

that's a lot of words to say she's just a coward, dude

>> No.59268193

Ok so you have no response, gotcha

>> No.59268675

>a man could do the exact same thing as long as he's not fat, has a good haircut and isn't a sperg
That literally has always been the case. Even those with uggo face have far greater chances of scoring when they're slim and neat.
And even if you're fat you clean up and tidy yourself at minimum to look presentable. The problem if fat slob neckbeard WITH poor hygiene crying discrimination. They didn't even try and have the gal to bitch.
t. Actual obese sperg

>> No.59268684

i still wonder why the massive amount of faggots she got as followers actually believe her bullshit, she is not even good at lying kek.

>> No.59268813

>trusting any word coming out of Pig Pippa

>> No.59268819

you’re such a retarded fucking redditor tourist, go huff nigger cum somewhere else.

>> No.59268886

Why would he waste the time to reply to some assblasted obese faggot from reddit lmao

>> No.59269005

of course not but it also means no one ever gets what they want if the only men women want to marry dont want to marry

>> No.59269070 [DELETED] 

>and she'd have a boyfriend
I always laugh at the constant stream of new idiots watching pippa who don't know that she has/had a boyfriend and he even used to manhandle her ON STREAM on her PL. the femcel bit is complete fakery for suckers

>> No.59269078

ITT: falling for the grift

>> No.59269280

had, likey doesn't have. and the fact that she allegedly was with a pedophile since she was 13-14 is more testimony that she is in fact not up to standard or doesn't perceived herself to be if anything.

>> No.59269498

Reps before you fall in love with a stranger.
Reps before you try to stir shit.
Reps before you carve your words on a semi-eternal internet cache.

>> No.59270024

You know how rockstars and famous people feel depressed and alienated and either can't find a long term relationship or get into fucked up marriages and divorces?

Its the same thing
You can't date your fans. That's just not how love works
Pippa is a shut in her entire social circle is online most of them being fans.
And in real life she probably isn't capable of attracting a guy. She might even be averse to touchy feely stuff like many internet autists are

I don't get you guys in this thread. You've internalized too much incel stuff. There are plenty of untouchable maladjusted girls that are ignored every day

>> No.59272265
File: 3.85 MB, 600x600, Sister_Pippa_Footjob[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flzyqac.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss my sister bros

>> No.59272332

for you fags that can't into soundposts

>> No.59273238
File: 72 KB, 686x386, nyanIntense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chuuba who is charismatic enough to attract thousands of viewers, and can tard wrangle them for hours on end can easily get a decent boyfriend.

>> No.59276753

>has a literal small nation's/army's worth of potential suitors
Would YOU want to marry a Pippafag?

>> No.59277086

Phase connect is filled with femboys (at least lias side of it) so I'd fuck the shit out of a pipfag

>> No.59277153

The fanbase I mean

>> No.59277193


>> No.59277334
File: 628 KB, 1467x2424, 111507613_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd marry a female one

>> No.59277512

Getting one is easy, keeping one is another story.

>> No.59277556

she's not fat.
Literally the only thing most men want is a girl that's not a land whale and even if you are there are some men who will still want you because coochie.

It's women who are super picky, not men.

>> No.59277673
File: 838 KB, 800x800, 1674078461345891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even another chuuba.

>> No.59278127 [DELETED] 

No because ugly chicks always want chad. This is the primary source of female loneliness- seeking men who are out of their league.

>> No.59278338

Pippa isn't a niji you retard, she literally does better than all niji females in Pahse connect.

>> No.59278342

Go back to r9k faggot

>> No.59278835 [DELETED] 

>yet another newfaggot who is incapable of writing board names correctly
Guess who has to go back to red dit? You!

>> No.59281350

I bought 40 rolls and no shoob.
I also learned that there is a 1:1 gem conversion
Should I spent money in this chink money laundering garbage, I should spend for resources to level up friends
This is shit. Totally disenfranchised
I want to quit. I get nothing by spending $

>> No.59281793

Unironically this. These apes see following vtubers as "MY END GAME IS DATING THE VA BEHIND AN AVATAR!".
Absolute normalfag attitude.

>> No.59281887

>Isn’t she missing like half of her teeth
>blowjob without teeth

>> No.59282019

>what is kayfabe

>> No.59282093

Are you rapping?

>> No.59282205


>> No.59283691

>any woman that likes attention enough to make a public social media account in attempt to gain a following has a boyfriend or is in a dry spell that won’t last more than a month
Always remember a woman’s relationship status is dependent on how picky she is and nothing else. “Ecelebs” are so desperate for validation they will say yes to the first guy that asks her out (never a fan tho she thinks you’re subhumans)

>> No.59283718

>better than all niji females in Pahse connect

>> No.59283980

you dont know what neet means

>> No.59284295

>Im stuck in the desert and theres nothing to drink, I will die of thrist.
>Starbucks ran out of pumpkin spice latte? I really wanted one, Im gonna die of thirst :(

>> No.59284672

Meds pls

>> No.59284681

Anon, I'm glad you figured your shit out. It took me a while to get my life in order.

>> No.59284725

I can't believe how many people still think that she's single a virgin. Inb4 someone posts THOSE webm clips again from certain vaulted vods

>> No.59284783

A real mans endgame is to become colress and then date pippa. Simple as.

>> No.59284864

Hes right though. Maybe you are the one that needs meds.

>> No.59285483

I'm starting to think that some of you have an actual cucking fetish.

>> No.59285583

>Taking therapy seriously
>Taking parasocial internet equivalent of celebrity therapists seriously
Actual woman like behavior. Your problem isn't mental it's too much estrogen and not enough testosterone. Take zinc and sun your balls

>> No.59285675

>has a literal small nation's/army's worth of potential suitors
>Thinking that dating fans is not just acceptable but the first thing a single woman should try to do.
You need to go back wherever you came from, the same as every moron who didn't immediately call you out on this retarded premise in this thread.

>> No.59285744

honorary first post best post

>> No.59285870

Most vtuber fans like OP are like those people who see an actor in real life and think he is the same as the character he played in the TV show.
Imagine believing that girls who can talk for 5+ hours about anything and everything and make it entertaining enough to attract thousands of viewers every single say is socially awkward or stays in the house all day. Sorry OP you fell for their trick, better luck next time.

>> No.59285978

I would unironically not date or have sex with this bitch. Shes not just annoying but I bet she looks terrible too.

>> No.59286505

Simple, Anon. It's this >>59262762 >>59281793. It's not that she can't get a guy, she can't get this guy in specific because he's 2D. Couldn't get any more clear when she flatout told people to not ship her with Kirbopher, even when he voices Colress.
It's not about the person behind the character/L2D, it's about the character himself or herself.
To repeat that Anon's reply: 3DPD fags will never understand.

>> No.59288671

>He says nothing you can't get out of some $20 self help book at fucking barnes & noble. Dude is the biggest fucking simp and defends bad behavior from women every fucking time

But there's nothing wrong with that, making information more digestible for the modern person has always been a thing.
Obviously he's not presenting new ideas, but he's packaging them in such a way, to such a particular audience that it's hard to say it's ineffective just because it isn't new.

>> No.59288838

Feeling kinda down today so I'll join in on projecting my insecurities onto internet celebrities. I hate that the pink haired cat anime girl isn't being considerate about my experiences as an oppressed virgin

>> No.59288928

Dating is far harder for females then men, mr incel. You get judged for literally everything. You need to prep for 4hs in the bathroom before going out. Only like 10% of males are actual quality material.

>> No.59289005

least obvious catalog bait

>> No.59289106

He's right though.
Biologically speaking women need to be selective with partners due to 9 month window in which she is an incubator.
Men can theoretically breed as many times as they want per day, whereas women need to choose better due to time and health being a massive factor.

>> No.59289202

>and the fact that she allegedly was with a pedophile since she was 13-14
I genuinely feel bad for her if true.

>> No.59291317
File: 257 KB, 2880x1920, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women need to choose better due to time and health being a massive factor

>> No.59293435


>> No.59293722

Mouse pretending to have an illness will only get exposed when she retires from vtubing and gets spotted sun tanning on the beach or something. Latinas lie.

>> No.59293819

It doesn’t matter if she’s attractive. It doesn’t matter if any woman is attractive. Land whales have higher body counts than the average male.

I don’t care if her foot looks like a block of spam and she has no teeth. I’d fuck that retard any day of the week.

>> No.59294357

It's a larp anon. She's trying to be relatable to her mostly male fanbase.

>> No.59294482

Either her stupid interaction with him ruined the whole joke.

>> No.59295617

This is completely, 100 percent false. You are living in a delusional fantasy that allows you to snuffle oh boohoo women have it so much easier than me the poor victimized male

Attractiveness 100 percent does matter, mental stability 100 percent does matter. "BUT SOME MEN WILL FUCK THEM ANYWAY" does not. The most scuffed up man could have sex if they were willing to fuck desperate, fat, ugly hags. Surprise, most women don't want to let themselves be fucked by ugly, possibly violent lunatics, they want an actual relationship with someone nice.

One day you're going to grow to resent the fact that the internet fill your head with such self-victimizing nonsense.

>> No.59296502

She's probably one of those 'men are dumb, also why am I single' kind of girls.

>> No.59296562

get plapped

>> No.59299514

Rumao, even

>> No.59300767

female can enter any random discord server and get a couple of orbiters. shut the fuck up roast

>> No.59301164

They throw at her thousands of dollars because she acts retarded and autistic why are they astonished she doesn't want to change risking her bread and butter

>> No.59301690
File: 3 KB, 91x314, times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice organic thread you have here

>> No.59302077

Seethe, griftcucks deserve to be mocked for posts like the OP

>> No.59302190

>t. Woman

>> No.59302819

You just made it a organic thread dumbass. Fuck you. You stink. Youre ugly. I hate you. You're a loser. I don't like you. ):<

>> No.59303671

That is the difference, even the absolute lowest value women would not go for low value men, while low value men would go for anything that moves.

>> No.59303872

She's just trolling. Everyone knows she's already taken. Otherwise thousands of men would be ready to propose to her on the spot. That's how bad the relationship situation is for men these days.

>> No.59304301

on the off chance they are still together, i don't at all. a recurring theme with pippa is crying about chosen unhappiness. she was a minor then, she is not now. keep in mind she still keeps her kiwinigger orbiters around even knowing they'll just as easily throw her under the bus as they suck her off.

>> No.59304389

Feds did nothing wrong.

>> No.59305000

She could ruin his life with one tweet if she wanted to. So she enjoys having an ojisan molest her. Based unintentional loli pippa

>> No.59305150

Pippa says she's ugly and hides her face with a mask irl, so I'm lead to believe her.

>> No.59305705

Fans are not potential mates but a revenue source

>> No.59305824

This. None of them would date a fan and would prefer guys who don't even watch vtubers.

>> No.59306285

This, she's covered already

>> No.59306433

online fans/friends aren't replacements for irl relationships, but being alone together offers some catharsis. enough to cope another day at least.

>> No.59306489

>she enjoys having an oji san molet her.
while it's not out of the range of possibility, i think it has to do more with her career being ended from all angles if she ever did so. the very people who immediately flock to the side of anyone who screams "bad touch" simply wouldn't because of her grift. she would have to come clean about her pandering to as she put it "the right" during the beginning, which would then make the average /pol/tard election tourist fuck off as well as anyone who came in from clip compilations, and then the obvious question would arise from both groups:
>why did you let this go on for the years you weren't a minor and knew better
to which if she said she willingly went with it and said she thought it was okay, bam, now she's a pedophile because she thinks 13 year olds can consent in their eyes. and the argument of being young and stupid/a woman doesn't hold up when you consider her intelligence elsewhere with her grift. the best thing she could do is what i'm leaning towards believing she has done; finally kicked him to the curb and started to improve herself, albeit half assedly.

>> No.59306555

anon, she already has a boyfriend, you repless retard

>> No.59306663

>Pippa says [thing that makes her fans donate more], therefore I believe it to be true
I have a bridge to sell you

>> No.59306712

iirc the kirbopher interview was more about yiik and general VA industry stuff anyway and him voicing colress once was just an ironic coincidence. she said the japanese VA is the voice in her head and kirbopher wasn't even her favorite among the various english VAs after all.

>> No.59308077


>> No.59308304

I really think pippa with a gf could work better than a dude

Better emotional support

But worried she may catch a slap

>> No.59308889

she has a boyfriend and lives with him

do some retards legit believe those girls are single?
they are charismatic, talkative and have countless orbiters, those are they type of women to lead around 10 guys, not to be single

>> No.59309027

shes been doxed and her pic spammed endlessly few months back, and while one was fake with some russian chick, her real one proves shes no bad looking, she looks like typical skinny long haired white chick, in muttland shes probably 10/10 though

>> No.59309084

pippa could never go full lesbian. actual lesbian relationships are doomed menhera feedback loops. at best they just become a loveless depressive codependence. in pippa's case it would likely end in a murder-suicide very quickly.

>> No.59309487
File: 183 KB, 480x480, 1695001569991550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has the longest and most well known BF yab of any small corpo vtuber
>Also has the most unicorns of any small corpo]
My hate for her aside, impressive how she pulled off the impossible. She's like the 90's alt rock of GFE

>> No.59309545

Why are so many women on this board

>> No.59309581

wanting pippa's world famous footjob has nothing to do with her being single or not

>> No.59309643

Why do you even hate her

>> No.59309782

jealous seething femanons are very dedicated (and cute) posters

>> No.59309888

She is SSRI/meds fat, and also unironically disgusting, Pippa is fun, I like her streams, but she lives in sqaulor with a dozen animals, probably reeks of animal piss, has a fucking nightmare rot maw mouth, and I garuntee you her cunt stinks so bad you can smell it when she walks in a room.

>> No.59309971
File: 3.60 MB, 249x245, 1695601039223460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was indifferent until I found out she is good friends with and had on stream the SEA youtuber who sold Vtuber PLs on patreon.
It is common sense to hate anyone from that /here/ stealing clique

>> No.59310179

She has since cut him off after it came to light

>> No.59310469

if you ask me vtuber should be credited
the entire persona secrecy is gay as fuck

>> No.59310919

Even if you could ignore the PL aspect of vtubing which in 90% of cases is a plague that has ruined this board since the very start , Just the mere fact that he used PLs as a temptation to purchase a patreon membership says alot about him and anyone he associates with.

>> No.59311168

i don't begrudge anyone for practicing good opsec or even policing their own chat for it but i agree the mobbing anyone who hints at irl stuff is gay, and creates an exhausting "culture" of constantly tiptoeing around the obvious.

>> No.59311707

>Wanting your personal life or anything that has nothing to do with your vtubing career is now a bad thing
You people man...

>> No.59311765

who are you quoting?

>> No.59311896

Pippa must have not brushed or flossed her teeth for a solid couple of years for it to get that bad. Mine is pretty shit after all the sugar and periods of no brushing or flossing but it's nowhere near 6 implants and a few root canals and weird mold bad.

>> No.59311943

Yeah, have we already forgotten the ants who were just chilling on her desk during the tarantula eating stream? She didn't seem to mind. There are definitely dozens of ants crawling around every room in her house minimum.

>> No.59312349

Lucky bastard, got her in a corner. Minus all the political bullshit this could be a doujin.

>> No.59312638

>live life on easy mode (woman)
>has a legion of simps willing to date you
>act oblivious and cry about it being unfair
whatever dude

>> No.59312829

That the meaning of "doing reps" has changed to mean "look up a vtuber's personal information" is one of the great tragedies of /vt/.

>> No.59312854

Would you date a fat balding old man or a scrawny malnourished young man? Didn't think so dumbass

>> No.59312950

It's not personal tho she streams with him as a vtuber. It's just forbidden because pippa is /here/ or at least panders to the right faggots so it gets memory holed or Thanos snapped

>> No.59312966

I find it funny how people around here have that attitude when you have millionaire celebrities being followed by paparazzi. There is nothing abnormal about digging into the personal lives of celebrities, internet celebrities included. You people are really strange.

>> No.59313366

This post is completely right, but it's still funny considering If you do reps on pippa, she via found pl twitter accounts has straight up egged on and dog whistled the kiwi users who were tracking her down in the early days, she put herself in the yab situation

>> No.59314178

Fucking delusional

>> No.59315902

are you retarded?

>> No.59316089

Yes, this is 100% a post about her wanting a boyfriend and not about her SPECIFICALLY wanting a fictional character from a children's videogame.

>> No.59316134

>Women live of easy mode?
>Yeah, well you're not gay. Checkmate chud

>> No.59317902

this post is accurate, however if I were in their position i would do what i could to safeguard my private life.

>> No.59321974


>> No.59323978

let's establish some things here in hopes nobody will have to see this pink cunt shitting up the catalog again.
>she could easily date one of her-
she's not going to fuck you.
>but she regularly proclaims to be
she's not going to fuck you.

honestly as much as I see you fuckers throwing the term kayfabe around it's really a fucking wonder that you're immune to the concept when it comes to Pippa. I realize plenty of people are spergs that merely want to feel validated and related to, after all if you didn't you wouldn't be /here/. but do tell me when any non functioning autist of the same level has
>had a network of competent peers who like them even outside of work
>the social confidence and competence to successfully grift an entire untapped niche of an audience
>held down a relationship, predator or not, for the last ten years
>more than likely fucked around with one of her former moderators
>and as a bonus manages to make it to appointments and events despite allegedly not driving and living completely alone
You are not Pippa's savior and you never will be. She does not need one because she does not need saving. and it's not hard to do the math and figure out that she's not looking for a partner for a very similar reason. and finally because I see some of you faggots pulling this one;
>"B-but it's been a year since any sign of Z-"
do you really believe a /here/tuber isn't going to take the the fallout from every time that shitstorm has passed though and learn from it? It's called fucking opsec people. and if they were done, I have a hard time believing she wouldn't at least tip the rabid faggots off about that in some way just subtle enough but clear for those in the know that way people get off her fucking back about it.

>> No.59324421
File: 290 KB, 575x621, 1692548134119789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: /vt/ is incapable of immersing themselves in kayfabe

>> No.59325159

RIP that fag then

>> No.59325236

Fat and balding [woman]. Scrawny and malnourished [woman].
You knew what I was getting at you just wanted to avoid the question numb nuts

>> No.59325284

she had infection after bad fillings
she got fucked over by the typical quality burger medical care where you can go to a dentis with tiny cavity and lose couple of teeth a week later

>> No.59325329

Yes but that has nothing to do with what i said. Or are you pre-screening me? Where are we going for our first date?

>> No.59326157

>Literal pig photoshoped onto obese woman, with copious amounts of extra body hair added
>Gets hundreds of messages on tinder in a couple hours

>> No.59326463

My dear faggot, you're aware that birthrates are not related to "uh women dont want low value men reeeeeeeeee" and is really related to ho low the wages are in the modern world ?

>> No.59326911

shut the fuck up retard its not the 1930s anymore women are just hoes

>> No.59326944

My dear retard, are you aware that no matter the reason for it trying to pull the 'women picky cause pregnancy' card doesn't work when women aren't getting pregnant?

>> No.59327147

Your dedication to being miserable pathetic man is admirable. Not only do you refuse to exercise or find things offline besides woman that interest you, but you dig up shit from 2015 as a cope for why you shouldn't try to find happiness that doesn't involve getting into someone's pants. You deserve to be where you're at friend. But I can fix you give me your discord faggot ill make you a man

>> No.59327256
File: 577 KB, 220x302, 1680809391645243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives evidence that goes against your narrative
>spergs out and resorts to insults

>> No.59327317

all housewives are NEETs by definition

>> No.59327774

Look up throw away email click whatever link makes you happy then make a discord with that.

>> No.59327861

it always baffles me how the fans of people like pippa, shondo and kiki act like based gigachads who know that all women are lying whores until it comes to their oshis and then they become womens rights activists

>> No.59328188

that's why shes called your oshi anon.

>> No.59328412

Kiwis fans are fucking annoying they shill in every thread even when shes not relevant. What did she do to gain that kind of audience?

>> No.59329687

Actual most retarded thread in a while. /vt/ was a mistake.

>> No.59329760

Hi Kiki, you sold your brother's ballsweat for 3k

>> No.59329801


>> No.59329858

Man, she even had her husbando's VA simping on her at one point and nothing came of it. She doesn't even know what she wants.

>> No.59329983

completely unironically, touch grass, go get some fresh air, preferably while the sun is out. It will do you good.

>> No.59330902

Oh no no no. Not my precious Pip! Not my sweet Pipkin! It was funny when /vt/ called Holo, Vshojo or Niji girls selfish, retarded harlots but this is going too far! My adorable Pippa Pipkin does NOT deserve this abuse! Someone have OP arrested for this heinous crime!

>> No.59330956

brain damaged

>> No.59331377
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1666741612587365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being able to have sex with any bottom barrel cretin means it's easy to have a loving relationship with a stable partner and having a cute daughter together
do men really believe this?

>> No.59334705

quit complaining and recognize you're living life on easy mode foid

>> No.59334707

>she said the japanese VA is the voice in her head
Kinda dropped her after the camelot thing but this was not the case as far as i remember and sounds like damage control to placate kirbopher shipping. She played Pokemon Masters in english and quoted the his lines with the same intonation, also i think she only mentioned his JP voice once just for the sake of trivia.

>> No.59336716

>nooooo it's SOOOOO hard being a man!!!!
>we have to uhhhhh GET A JOB and uhhh actually go outside and socialize to get a GF!!!

>> No.59337579

Why are people from r9k coming to vt? No one likes you. Youre a miserable pile of shit. Crawl back to your shithole.

>> No.59337597

Females are not required to do any of that to get a bf.

>> No.59337686

How could a girl like her say she's lonely? That's like saying you're hungry when there's a half eaten hot dog on the sidewalk outside.

>> No.59338168

streaming has been the best thing to happen to her and I'm not talking money. Shes gone to the dentist for her fucked up teeth, shes going to the doctor for her fucked up body and living in mold for years. Shes talking to people.

>> No.59341038

Lmfao cope. Foids have infinite smv, even a braindamaged triple amputee midget could have at least 3-5 orbiters at any given moment

>> No.59341170

Back to /nenmen/ or /mans/ or /cbdct/ y'all go, roastoids

>> No.59341387

Yeah but those guys aren't worth dating. Why does it cause moids so much psychological damage to realize they have to work hard and be able to provide to be attractive to women? You guys are just upset because you think a smelly neet girl like Pippa should have standards as low as yours and can't stand when they realize it's better to be alone than settle for some loser.

>> No.59341544

Yes bro just waste your entire youth going to school and get a PhD while working 8 hours a day and studying for another 8 hours a day while lifting 2 hours a day for at least 3-5 days a week and get to single digit bodyfat and get your own house and car just to get an overweight post wall single mother that partied and rode the cock carousel whilst you were grinding your ass off

Alternatively just be born tall, white, and handsome with good bone structure and hair genetics

>> No.59341905

>overweight post wall single mother that partied and rode the cock carousel
Well you're certainly not going to get a thin, young virgin if you don't work for it.
>Alternatively just be born tall, white, and handsome with good bone structure and hair genetics
Oh no, women selecting men with good genetics. If you have bad genetics you shouldn't reproduce. You're just a bitter shitskin.

>> No.59342196

I’m a 6’5 mulatto but I’m just lolling at how you’re either a baiting male or a 3.5/10 fem”cel” that thinks she’s forever alone because she got pumped and dumped by a chad a few times

>> No.59342278

Yeah it doesn't matter how tall you are then.

>> No.59342480

t. asian foid

>> No.59342566
File: 25 KB, 680x383, IMG_3100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still going around wearing a covid mask
No wonder, that’s such an instant turn off
She fucking isn’t Brad Pitt, literally no one would recognize her, if that’s the reason she has an ego the size of the moon

>> No.59342664

>nooooo it's SOOOOO hard being a woman!!!!
>we have to uhhhhh…………………..

>> No.59342856

>be able to provide
Yeah but women are always sending mixed signals, sometimes they say this, other times it’s le evil patriarchy by implying that the woman can’t provide for herself. So what is it? Make up your mind, do you want to be provided for? Ok, but then don’t go and complain about your "lack of agency".
It’s like the scenario where you’re in the wrong as a man for both holding a door open for a woman or just not doing it

>> No.59343001

i thought all the recruit difficulty alphas had killed themselves by this point

>> No.59343016

/vt/ is literally full of people who do the same thing
if you dream about 2d gf/bf and do nothing for your 3d self you get nothing
same as it has always been

>> No.59343092

Literally what’s stopping you from installing tinder and swiping right on all the chads/tyrones in your area?

>> No.59343097

walking around with a mask is cool
no need for makeup and people leave you the fuck alone

>> No.59343151

Point is, it's about that 2D husbando. Even if she can find a 3DPD man it's just never going to be the same.

>> No.59343262

Only looking for a husband at the moment. The guys on tinder are fun to hook up with but not good for anything else.

>> No.59343412
File: 21 KB, 374x358, IMG_3305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about not getting a boyfriend
>wanting to be left alone

>> No.59343775

pretty sure I saw a comedian tell this joke

>> No.59343877

Now THIS is a post in which one would appropriately say "she will never fuck you".

Anons here are just that desperate to the point of having no standards.

>> No.59343986

A mask absolutely does not look cool at all femoid, everyone thinks you’re an antisocial reject or covid fanatic and think you’re weird for it. That’s fine if you want to but then don’t complain about not having a boyfriend

>> No.59344073

Normal people know this already but this is the incel board, the men here like being victims instead of just taking a shower and talking to people. It's extremely rare to find a man on /vt/ who has some awareness like this guy >>59268675

>> No.59344286

Can you really only imagine the most heinous creature imaginable not having a girlfriend? I do of course practice such basic hygiene all the time, go to the gym, get haircuts, go out and talk to people, don’t think I look particularly ugly either, it still feels like I’m grasping for ghosts out here

>> No.59344586

Oblivious foids and boomers like him don’t realize that hypergamy has increased thousandfold nowadays and that there’s literally no safe way to make friends with women other than being fortunate enough to have a social circle with them in it, or using a dating app which is rigged against men not in the top 10%

>> No.59345760

>She's got real pipkin
rule 1: dont consume your product!
>She makes flowcharts to handle conversations in advance. Not the meme Autism, the real shit.
how you know it isnt part of the act or invented by her
the most derenge and sictic she plays the more interteining people find her
Remember that game about the schizo streamer
even her type of model is similarly pink and girly

>> No.59346413

32% of young men have had any relationship in the past year. In a normalized distribution averaged around 5, the most eligable incel would be a 6/10 - and for the record this grading standard assumes that that there are less than 20 true 10/10s in the entire US between the ages of 18 and 40.

>> No.59346639
File: 316 KB, 459x459, 1601084187103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are phasecucks just /r9k/ fags?

>> No.59346830
File: 23 KB, 226x321, 1694642512784654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're mixing hikis with neet anon, do yuor reps before shitposting

>> No.59347109

It’s like I’m really on r9k

>> No.59347161

>The most scuffed up man could have sex if they were willing to fuck desperate, fat, ugly hags. Surprise, most women don't want to let themselves be fucked by ugly, possibly violent lunatics, they want an actual relationship with someone nice.
So what you’re saying is that you agree that women are more picky? But that’s exactly what Anons point was. Women have it much easier because anyone would fuck them no matter what, you literally agreed with that

>> No.59347175

Admitting to being a woman should be a bannable offense.

>> No.59348402

And you fags wonder why you are single kek

>> No.59348467

This board is just neo/r9k/

>> No.59348607
File: 150 KB, 666x911, 1677352100109281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ IS NOT /r9k/ and all /r9k/trannies should go back to their self-pity board where they can be retarded defeatists and whine and moan about not getting laid despite having all the advantages in the world.

/vt/ is for vtubing and vtubers, not for your socially maladapted ass coping for life.

>> No.59348636

Are you a vtuber?

>> No.59348646

But at this point I'm convinced that at least half of this board is a woman.

>> No.59348674

More than half the board deserves to be banned

>> No.59350209

>all the advantages in the world
What? Being alive? How would someone even not have all the advantages in your mind?

>> No.59350555
File: 235 KB, 535x489, 1691635014135037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rape, kill & die for Pipkin Pippa.

>> No.59350899
File: 85 KB, 769x672, 1520054511411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are there still this many people that don't know Pippa has a boyfriend and has had one for years?

>> No.59350924

What's with fans drawing their oshi cucking them?

>> No.59351144

Then why does she say this?

>> No.59351238

Why does she say anything on stream? Because she's an entertainer and she thinks it'll be entertaining. Truth has nothing to do with any of it.

>> No.59351314

Because of this >>59343151. 3DPD will never come to be remotely similar to what you feel for your waifu, or in Pippa's case husbando. In normalfag 3DPD terms, it's like falling for a girl that you will never be able to even approach, so you settle for the second best you can get.

>> No.59351379

So you’re saying what she says here is entirely fabricated

>> No.59351929

No I'm saying what she says is said for the sake of entertainment and not truth, not that what she says is always untrue or always true, or even always entertaining for that matter.

>> No.59352197

But what you’re saying is that you can never take her word for anything, that very much is implying that she isn’t telling the truth whether you like it or not

>> No.59352537

Also, how is her saying she has a boyfriend meant to be entertaining? You’re grasping for straws, this is obviously her trying to be genuine

>> No.59352598

>most intelligent phasecuck

>> No.59353250
File: 291 KB, 850x1157, sample_ca39dff7112803ad316760ec66936c3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa('s previous incarnation) literally has webms of her giggling over her boyfriend teasing her on stream.
Lia took the opportunity to flirt with some shitskin right after you cucks donated thousands of dollars.

You have no one to blame but yourself. These girls lurk here and you've been so meek and pathetic that they know it's okay to treat their biggest supporters as cucked numales.

>> No.59353272

Isn't a sperg leaves a lot of room for interpretation.

>> No.59353628

And the issue with that isn't so much that she has a boyfriend, because she's never done GFE and never claimed to do GFE and always set boundaries with chat from the beginning. The issue is that she still pretends to be a lonely suffering femcel that her chat relates to, when in fact she gets all the real physical intimate love and affection that her viewer base has never had in their entire lives.

You don't have to be a unicorn that feels like they got cucked by their GFE chuuba to hurt from this. The more Pippa relates to her viewerbase, the more that basic fact hurts. The more she's JUST LIKE ME FR FR, the more you think
>she's just like me
>except she found love and acceptance and I didn't

>> No.59354092

Well summarized

>> No.59354847

anon, I find pippa as entertaining as any retard does, but I wouldn't risk catching pipkin with a 10 foot pole

>> No.59355132

>not for your socially maladapted ass c
>Implying anyone willing to go on a basket weaving forum to discuss 2D girls is well adapted
lol, rumao even

>> No.59355134

>Lia took the opportunity to flirt with some shitskin
Have you never had a conversation with a member of the opposite gender

>> No.59355178

>has a good haircut and isn't a sperg
weird haircuts and menhera will attract men by the flocks (fem)anon
just eat less

>> No.59355451

I know people who actively avoid people who still wear masks because they're faggots.
Kinda amazing how stupid Pippa can be sometimes, then I remember that Pippa is a girl.

>> No.59355835

delusional bluepilled cucks

>> No.59357123

You literally are a pipkin, a fan of hers too. This type of mentality leads to streamers actually unironically despising their fanbase which only exacerbates problems

>> No.59357943

Yeah me for example, it’s ridiculous to think that there are femcels that believe it makes them the "uwu quirky introvert gf that isn’t like the other girls" but it just makes her look horrible. But I also feel the same way about long baggy clothes so maybe it’s just my opinion

>> No.59360316

>there are femcels that believe it makes them the "uwu quirky introvert gf that isn’t like the other girls"
I'm glad maskurbators still hide their faces, just so I know who not to associate with.

>> No.59360643

That is true, seeing red flags immediately is good in the sense that you can just avoid them, but I’d rather they don’t exist in the first place. Though to be fair, almost no one but senile old people goes around with masks anymore

>> No.59361747

>But I also feel the same way about long baggy clothes so maybe it’s just my opinion
Well then you must hate Mori, Between the baggy black clothes, black mask, and black hat she looks like a walking trash bag.

>> No.59363385 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 960x1280, 69FACC74-3170-4206-BE24-90C45E3897BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the foid you have to grind your entire youth for

>> No.59363402

Well gee then, color me surprised, I guess so, never could’ve imagined that I hate mori

>> No.59363667

>derenge and sictic she plays the more interteining
ESL or stroke?

>> No.59363979

>If u don't simp the egrill will hate you
the absolute state of this board

>> No.59364054
File: 172 KB, 496x536, 1694079246076852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't this bitch get doxxed and turned out to be some fat balding furry chick, and was married?

>> No.59364053

I'm just suprised this girl has been able to lie and build such a strong fanbase of retards by pretending to be "based" so easily.

>> No.59368366

incel thread
no i wont scroll down to check

>> No.59370383 [DELETED] 

No, if you keep up this notion that the very fanbase you’re part of is despicable, that don’t be surprised that you reap what you sow

>> No.59370441

No, if you keep up this notion that the very fanbase you’re part of is despicable, then don’t be surprised that you reap what you sow

>> No.59370484

>Incel vs femcel seethe that veers off topic
>relying on old, dusty ass dox to go off her looks from YEARS ago
>Same recycled "she has a boyfriend" loop over the same fucking catbox links from years ago
>Most recent evidence of them being together being nearly a year old.

The absolute state of this fucking board, boys. You have all become lazy and/or so dependent on this board in your daily routine that you piss yourself at the thought of a vacation for backing up what you say. I have wanted this bitch gone from the very beginning, it's not hard to see through her, but she literally has nothing new to go off of now except for braindead tweets and old stuff. Getting so rabid about this tired shit makes you no better than the zoomerchan schizo sisters. You are as useless as Chase and Henri.
>she's not as retarded as she says
>she still fucks her groomer
>they're married
(side note, that one is ridiculous enough that it still makes me laugh)
Use your autism for good and back this up SUFFICIENTLY like we used to, because otherwise I don't believe for a second that you actually hate this pink cunt considering how much you shit up the rest of this board with her. Make an effort or fuck off back to your containment general, anti and phasecuck alike.

>> No.59372510

she's just trying to seem relatable to her loser audience, i dont know why you're thinking so deeply about it

>> No.59374284

But this is asking for sympathy, not just trying to be relatable. I’m pretty sure she actually has convinced herself of this
