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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59115829 No.59115829 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.59115953

Who gives a fuck about professional interactions with some nip celeb?

>> No.59116172

That dude's hair and stache are fantastic. I trust him unquestioningly.

>> No.59116267

i like that guy tho...

>> No.59117113

>casually get sugita to appear
as expected of pekora

>> No.59117368

I'd let Sugita fuck my oshi, but I suspect yes gay with Nakamura

>> No.59117430

how the fuck, is the jp celebrity sphere so small that they can casually pull in popular voice actors? even marine did it for her rpgmaker game.

>> No.59117529

it's okay because he's more popular than her

>> No.59117542

Pekora is more popular than most of the anime he's featured in.

>> No.59117639

not really
hololive is not that popular if you compare it with the real entertainment industry like manga or tv shows

>> No.59117661

Oh hey, a beggar larping as a unicorn. Again.

>> No.59117697

I am ok with being NTRd by sugita desu

>> No.59117741

what matters more is every studio wants him to voice for their anime, everyone pretty much recognizes his voice thanks to gintama. a lot of seiyuus voice in a ton of small time anime shows because its just what they do, even for the copy paste anime out there.

>> No.59117841

>how the fuck
Sugita's been a fan of Pekora for years.

>> No.59118092

Imagine being Nene. NTRd by the rabbit.

>> No.59118269

that's called leeching and it's not ok

>> No.59118414

She's collabed with guys before, you giga newfag.

>> No.59120962

Besides Gintama maybe it's true, I don't remember any anime he was in even though I'm sure I heard his voice quite a bit

>> No.59121163

it's okay when Hololive does it

>> No.59121579

It only matters if the Male is a Vtuber too, or are just leeches, she you retarded shitposter.

>> No.59121626

That guy's cool

>> No.59121712

>Forgetting Kyon

>> No.59122084

Sugita is like, the one who spread vtubers (Pekora) among his peers lol

>> No.59122480

Pekora i can only kneel

>> No.59125028

>larping homobeggars
Sugita is thousand times better than your homos

>> No.59127217

Can we have Kojima speaking Pekolish next time?

>> No.59127417

i will always respect sugita after the kokoro connect incident

>> No.59127612

People can't grasp that every major Japanese voice actor does work on a bunch of shit nobody has ever heard of.

>> No.59131099
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>collabing with females

>> No.59133526

I need to hear Gintoki making a Pekora reference.

>> No.59133906
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OP made this thread to distract you from the fact Koyori is just Hijikata with a voice changer.

>> No.59135946

If you guys really don't think it matters, Hololive will do more collab with jpoceleb. Soon they will be standing in the same 3D room IRL and collab together

>> No.59136072

And they still won't collab with your male failures, beggar.

>> No.59136317

Sugita is based, fuck off faggot

>> No.59136486

that's a real bro

>> No.59137274

No one cares if she collabs with him because Sugita is one of the most based men in all of japan

>> No.59137767

I don't think you realize how irrelevant voice actors are, even in JP, most of these VA's have to do porn work all the time because of how little relevance they have

Anime otaku suck off VA's but but these are almost all literal who's that are worse than a who's line is it anyways guest appearance, i remember fapping to hentai before and just hearing Usopp's VA make an exaggerated orgasm noise caused me to immediately stop and kek

The very few VA's that ever really became famous usually became famous for shit outside their work, like sleeping with the whole band production staff

>> No.59138881

And Pekora thinks he is based too and fall in love with this based chad

>> No.59139000

>tries to shame jp VAs with ero voice acting
>tries to downplay jp VAs for doing work with several beloved series
>tries to group all jp VAs with that one kyoani incident
holy holoseethe
guess all holos are unsupported by cover that they have to sleep around for streaming equipment like hitomi chris lmao

>> No.59143713
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I know most of You Unicorns are retarded but to make it big like Pekora you need to interact with men in very public and very professional capacity.
Bitching about offline collab is a thing but whining about this prevent her from even sniffing the floor of Budokan, you fucking faggots.

>> No.59144364

Anon this is an obvious beggar larping as a crazy unicorn because he's mad that Pekora would rather have a male seiyuu on her stream than any of his male failures.

>> No.59144501

>THE sugita
KYS zoomer whore

>> No.59144704
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What's wrong with a vtuber interacting with a female seiyuu?

>> No.59144763

I'm not that much of a newfag. Literally every time Pekora is brought in context to male collabs everyone get defensive and not a single person ever tried to correct it. One horned nousagi is real meme and it's sad.
In reality though Pekora is the one who can do male collab and nothing would fucking change. If you have such a strong characters, collabing would only be positive no matter if they're penis havers.

>> No.59145545

Oh, you're just a retarded beggar acting like this isn't a larp. Likely the op himself. Should've saw that coming.

>> No.59145885

Fuck you faggot
4channel is never monolithic and don't try to put "Samefag" as a defense whenever someone else has a differing opinion to your word vomit.

>> No.59146131


>> No.59146240

Trying too hard, beggar.

>> No.59146726

I thought we had agreed that male collabs are only bad if we already don't like the chuuba? Irys, Pekora, Fauna and the other /vt/ golden girls can collab with males and it's fine.

>> No.59152734

soon? Sugita's already met Marine and Fubuki and sat across the same table, DRESSED WITH A MASK AND A CLAW

>> No.59153715

haruhi is a boomer thing

>> No.59154364

> letting catalog shitposts get to you

>> No.59154427

When did he get hair again

>> No.59156340

ok but wtf is that mustache

>> No.59159559

Someone please buy the dip

>> No.59161540


>> No.59161724

I only know about hololive from catalog threads so someone tell me if there are unironic Pecora gachikois or if it's just 衛問 false flagging as usual

>> No.59161831

sugita is basically yagoo tier, what a retard OP.

>> No.59162290

It's fine, Sugita is a wizard, he's no threat to Pekora

>> No.59162352

Kek what a leech

>> No.59164212

Yeah, I can't believe Sugita would leech from Pekora. What a loser.

>> No.59164732

>OP missed on the fetish corner he took part in with Marine and Fubuki

That's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.59164765

Anon, even the fucking homos interact with and do shit with popular seiyuu. Rikka released a cover with Okamoto. The first vtuber/seiyuu radio show was Roberu and Ono Yuuki, Suisei was pressed they beat her to it.

>> No.59164869
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>4channel is never
