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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 36 KB, 567x442, 19D36D77-1135-4232-9D2C-88FC2FF166D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5903787 No.5903787 [Reply] [Original]

A parasocial relationship is a one sided relationship where someone forms a strong attachment with a mass media producer such as a TV host, celebrity, or in our case vtubers. Of course the producer can't reciprocate the relationship, so it turns into an extremely one-sided relationship. This is even more of a easy trap to fall into right now because we are much more emotionally starved during the isolation of the pandemic. This can be harmful and can lead to damaging other parts of someone's life. Caring about a vtuber or enjoying their their content is normal, but getting to a point where you "need" their content to be happy is a sign that you might have an issues with it.
Ask yourself, have you been changing your real life relationships because of vtubers? Are you able to take a break from watching without any serius withdrawal? Do you feel like you need to spend money on them? Do you view them as a friend, or worse, a romantic relationship? Are you jealous of them spending time with other people in their life outside being a vtuber?
If many of these are true, please consider taking a step back to consider the issues of a parasocial relationship.
That being said, some degree of attachement is perfectly healthy and normal, I'm not saying that you shouldn't care about them, just don't let it take over your life.
You are simply a single person out of millions, they care about their audiance as a group, but as an individual you are a stranger.

>> No.5903836 [DELETED] 

Real and true vtubers are just monkeys that dance for our entertainment and nothing more I have never gave a single cent to any vtuber and always watch with ad blocker on

>> No.5903848
File: 366 KB, 732x712, cuckryuu Coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame I know you're afraid of fellow channers an heroing but this is just how men are. They need to take care of women. You can't program them out of it.

>> No.5903874
File: 4 KB, 250x140, 226FE5DC-4B95-4676-8101-F9FA8F5F0F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not supporting your oshi.

>> No.5903879

Parasocial relationship don't exist faggot, don't repeat buzzwords like a kike

>> No.5903904
File: 273 KB, 500x332, 1622860708844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A para-what? Sorry, not reading your schizo blog post.

>> No.5903921 [DELETED] 

I don’t have an oshi

>> No.5903938

It's an accurate descriptor for a real phenomenon.

>> No.5903966

Exactly.I don’t want to sound condescending, but it is a bit worrying to see just how many fans don’t realize this and think that their favorite Vtuber is more than simply a streamer they watch. It sounds harsh, but you should remember that the vtuber doesn’t care about you personally, and there is always the possibility that she/he may be laughing about your worshipping behind the scenes.

>> No.5904009

But they love me as much as my parents love me, anon!

>> No.5904068

You will be reminded: https://streamable.com/s9omgz

>> No.5904442

People who form parasocial relationships with vtubers is like thinking your friends with Will Smith because you used to watch Fresh Prince

>> No.5904770

It's more like falling in love with a stripper

>> No.5905053

Except the vtubers actively play into and encourage it, so if anything it's more like Mr. Rogers.

>> No.5905178

>parasocial relationship
No, I want a sexual one

>> No.5905247

Easier said than done friend.

>> No.5905268

I have personally interacted with my oshi, even if only a small amount, and have additional opportunities to do so in the future. I don't have that chance if I were a fan of Will Smith.

>> No.5906082

OP, the entire business revolve around forming parasocial relationship with viewers and turning them into pay pigs.

>> No.5906291

>I just want to remind everyone not to form a parasocial relationship with Vtubers
It's too late. Ame is my girlfriend and no one can tell me otherwise.

>> No.5906342

>I have personally interacted with my oshi
Reading your red super chat is not a good or personal interaction.

>> No.5906451
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The only one that needs meds is you. Go back or at least try to contain your autism.

>> No.5906553

I give her superchats, her boyfriend gave her solid dicking. good relationship!

>> No.5906650

I'm happy for you two anon,

>> No.5908129

You speak of parasocials as something negative. But to me, it has been positive. Previously I have been a worthless neet. But through exposure to my oshi I have decided to Man up and get a decent job. And be inspired to subject myself to mental exercises, such as learning Japanese.

>> No.5908370

its too late anon I already married my oshi in my mind

>> No.5913162

When and how does this happen? Don't you need to actually talk for a while and get to know each other before you can call each other friends? That doesn't happen!

>> No.5913355

Parasocial relationship become more common because irl relationship become more rare.

>> No.5913544


>> No.5913856
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I've never had sex and never will have sex. I can make a woman who I find cute happy by giving them $100 which is great.

>> No.5913949

spoken by a real defeatist loser

>> No.5918182

From what I am reading, what you are doing is healthy. The problem starts when your identity as a person is dependant of a vtuber.

>> No.5918262

Is a strong desire to breed a parasocial relationship?

>> No.5918428

Not that anon but something like 30% of men in tbeir 20s can't find a women, and that number roasd mostly in the last 15 years. We are gonna see way more ngmi men with a defeatist attitude because finding a women is becoming harder and harder. Remember a man now doesn't have to compete with local men, he has to compete with the whole state or maybe the whole country or the whole world, online dating has made the options of women much more open and accessible, and the value of the average men has plummeted as a result. I don't blame women for this, if men could fuck random women from all over by calling them on an app im sure they would.

>> No.5919299


>> No.5928796

>A parasocial relationship is a one sided relationship where someone forms a strong attachment with a mass media producer such as a TV host, celebrity, or in our case vtubers. Of course the producer can't reciprocate the relationship, so it turns into an extremely one-sided relationship.
so kind of like god worship, right?

>> No.5929113

>if men could fuck random women from all over by calling them on an app im sure they would.
Isn't that what's happening?

>> No.5929664

You sound like a r*dditor desu

>> No.5930495

The parasocial aspect is literally the selling point. Have you ever heard of idols anon? This is literally their job. What the fuck else are they good for?

>> No.5930732

It is, but it's a much smaller % of men benefiting from it. Damn near any woman can hop on a dating app and get her cunt plowed within a few days

>> No.5931054

Just turn gay anon, then you'll be able to find someone who wants to plow your ass within a few days too.

>> No.5931157

no, I refuse to take my meds

>> No.5931898

He doesn't even have to turn gay. I already know a woman who's into that.

>> No.5932058

I don't watch streams, I just stalk chuubas

>> No.5932215
File: 130 KB, 305x370, 56EB9F02-1E1C-4BE5-84B8-8349D514E33F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not

>> No.5932280 [DELETED] 

> I just want to remind everyone not to form a parasocial relationship with Vtubers
That's like going to a nigger gang and asking them not to do crimes

OP please

>> No.5932366

I've been predicting for years now that the first time a vtuber dies, and I mean actually dies-dies, there will be suicides out of sheer grief. Considering how bad mere retirement hit the culture, I think it might be even worse than I feared.

Can you imagine what this board will look like if say, Korone or Kanata just absentmindedly walks in front of a bus one day?

>> No.5932524

Parasocial relationships are fun and exciting. Watching my oshi makes my day better. Until she takes a break and I fall back into apathy.

>> No.5932533

Personally I think it is harder to form parasocial relationships with vtubers than regular streamers.

If I saw a vtuber on the street and recognized their face I would let them be. But if I saw a twitch streamer I watched like Ludwig, Critical or Jerma I think I would say hello because they feel more like a friend and I think I know them better.
With vtubers, even though I like them there is more of a separation, and I'm not 100% sure what's real or fake sometimes.

>> No.5932787
File: 74 KB, 658x651, 1618325527568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a girlfriend


>> No.5933021


>> No.5933082

In today's woke society? Its a lot harder than you think.

>> No.5933107
File: 58 KB, 500x500, lulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even realize I had this problem until my oshi graduated.
She motivated me to try harder and keep on living but now she's gone for good.
We never even interacted once and I still feel like complete shit.

>> No.5933626

The problem is women, there's a reason lesbian tinder isn't nearly as sucessful as grindr.

>> No.5933691

Based and caring anon

>> No.5933836

I can't help it. I just love Gura so much I don't know what to do with myself in the inevotable moment of her graduation in the future.

>> No.5933988

lol that's like telling a poor homeless bum to "just stop being poor"

simple truth is that there are always going to be winners and losers, the winners fuck real pussy and the losers sit alone in their room and fantasize about some girl giving a single sentence reply to handing over $100.

>> No.5934076

but did you even try anon?

>> No.5934082


>> No.5934098

Try with a guy then.

>> No.5934153

Don't tell me how to live my life :(

>> No.5934269

yeah, obviously. after going years and years without a single success you need to learn to throw in the towel though. I won't hesitate to admit that anyone who can persist after a decade+ of never having a positive interaction with a woman is a better man than me.

>> No.5934434

Already did faggot, but I'm not dumb enough to sacrifice anything outside of my romance life for my Oshi. She will get my (somewhat limited) alone time and while I will try to catch her live when I can, I will go out and do things with friends/family over watching her. I will pour my heart out for her though and write saucy greentext stories about how we fuck and get the warm fuzzies thinking about being with her.

>> No.5934583

Why dont you faggots just kill yourselves instead of recruiting innocent losers.

>> No.5934716

All Vtubers goal is to form this parasocial relationship anon

>> No.5934875

nah, their goal is to make money lmao. having smelly losers obsess over them is simply an unfortunate reality on the path to that goal.

>> No.5934940

>on the path
it is the path. that's their goal so they can get money anon.

>> No.5935039

my point is that if they could get money without having to deal with smelly losers they would, they put on the act despite the undesirable attention not because of it.

>> No.5935393

the whole point of vtubers is to cultivate parasocial relationships, retards

>> No.5935411

I don't care if it's not real and that they don't give a shit about me personally. But the fact that I can only watch her during the stream is killing me. AI simulated waifu with a holographic model projected from the ceiling can't come soon enough.

>> No.5935433

Not reading your giant wall of text, nigger.

>> No.5935673
File: 764 KB, 2499x3369, 20210701_214902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok to like your oshi as long as you don't burden her!
It's ok to be sad when she left as long as you moved on!
It's ok to be happy when your oshi streams as long as it doesn't destroy your life when she doesn't!

>> No.5935761

Bruh there are videogames and pornography get over yourself you're not so special

>> No.5936351

Get a somewhat fit body
Explore their weakness
Be a social person
Don't be a creep/act desperate
>This might help you anon...

>> No.5937122


>> No.5937183

>just change your sexuality

>> No.5937279

>Be a social person
This might take the cake on useless platitudes lmao.
the rest of your post is pretty generic for a "make myself feel superior to an anonymous loser" post.

>> No.5937412

Just find her in real life and date her bro

>> No.5937529

I don't have any other relationships so I don't see why I should stop having parasocial relationships with vtubers. Do you want me to have no relationships at all? Is that what you want, faggot?

>> No.5937568

Do you expect a GF to just walk up to you? You have to be social. If you refuse to, it's your fault.

>> No.5937607

jesus christ, don't post shit like that

>> No.5937823

What if your oshi wants to have a parasocial relationship with (you)?

>> No.5937858

Way to miss the point completely, or maybe you did so on purpose.

The point is, you are talking about people who have probably been social outcasts their entire lives. No friends, certainly no women, the type of person who is so far removed from normal social interaction that they don't even know what it looks like. And your advice to them is "just be social :)" lol. You might as well tell an illiterate man to "just read :)".
But of course, the point of your post was not to give genuine advice but to give yourself a dopamine hit over how empathetic of a person you are for reciting the most generic, meaningless "advice" that literally anyone over the age of 12 has heard millions of times.

>> No.5938000
File: 29 KB, 480x450, IMG_20210620_151903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't be a schizo.

Wise words anon we needed that

>> No.5938035

this accurately describes the situation
beta buxx, alpha punds their cunnies

>> No.5938090


>> No.5938108

That $100 can get you question a lot more than you question read allowed at the right places

>> No.5938118


>> No.5939348
File: 3.87 MB, 4800x6000, 1603133357554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasocial relationships are literally unavoidable here. The girls are doing their best to entertain and be endearing, and you as a viewer WILL get attached to them unless something about them really puts you off. Some of them even end up depending on their fanbase as much as their fanbase depends on them.
The best you could do is to acknowledge it. To realize that, even though you know a lot about them, they don't know anything about you, and it creates a certain power imbalance. Understand that they don't owe you anything personally, no matter how much time or money you spend on them.
Be a supportive fan, watch streams, engage with the chuuba of your choice however they allow, and have fun. But don't be creepy, and remember that you're part of the group, not a single person.

>> No.5939415

>Some of them even end up depending on their fanbase as much as their fanbase depends on them.
lol, don't flatter yourself, clown.

>> No.5939638

>Are you able to take a break from watching without any serius withdrawal
I'm not able to take a break from any of my hobbies without serious withdrawal

>> No.5939680

First of all, obviously you don't watch the streams if you think this doesn't happen. Also, if you're a professional streamer, your audience is literally paying for your food, you can't exist without them. So if you're an introverted girl who's not used to attention, you can easily develop a somewhat unhealthy obsession with your fanbase. It takes certain social skills and an extroverted mindset that people who choose to hide behind anime avatars don't normally have.

>> No.5939720

Tell this to those crazy fuckers that can't stop being obsessed with that polar bear.

>> No.5939807

Kill yourself faggot, your smugly worded condescending shit belongs to twitter

>> No.5939854

you seriously need a reality check
you literally do not know a single thing about the personal lives of these people. the ONLY thing you know of them is an act. what you are saying is no different from thinking you know an actor because you watched them play a character in a movie.

>> No.5940181

>you literally do not know a single thing about the personal lives of these people
Neither do you, but unlike you, I heard how Polka acted in her membership streams before, so I can put two and two together. Obviously she's not a cartoony yandere, but she definitely wants to see her fans there as much as they want to see her. And comparing streamers to actors is disingenuous at best. They're not playing out a script that was carefully written and edited, they simply have a basic theme (that is their character) and wing it from there. Some of them are definitely more socially adjusted than others, so results often vary.

>> No.5940414

>I heard how Polka acted in her membership streams before, so I can put two and two together.
At least try to have some self awareness.

>> No.5940540

What does an illiterate person do? Learn how to read. What does a social outcast do? Learn how to re-integrate into society if he wishes. What will you do? Wallow in self pity and circlejerk with all the other anons who wonder why girls won't walk up to them and talk to them when they make 0 effort to make themselves appealing or normal.

>> No.5940718


>> No.5940758

If you think your time and money is worth what you get from a vtuber then there isn't any problem.

>> No.5940769

I know that being cynical is cool and all, but not everyone's trying to trick you, anon. People can, in fact, be genuine sometimes, even though you probably forgot what that is like.

>> No.5940978

All you are doing with this post is proving my point further. You don't have any real desire to inform other people on socializing, your only interest in writing these things is to talk down to others in an indirect way, so you can simultaneously feel superior and pretend to be offering help.

The whole point of my post was not to say that it's impossible for a social outcast to recover but that it requires much more than some random person simply saying "just be social", that such deep seated issues can't be solved by backhanded comments online.
You reveal yourself when you say things like
>when they make 0 effort to make themselves appealing or normal.
Right away the problem with them is that they aren't acting normal. It couldn't possibly be that someone that's been alone their entire life doesn't know how to act "normal", could it? That they might not have an intuitive knowledge of social situations? No of course not, they are simply choosing to act like weirdos on purpose.
Don't try to give "advice" if you don't have any actual intention to help, it just makes you look like a self-aggrandizing cunt.

>> No.5941202

Kiara has broken down during mem only streams, talked to the chat and used them as psudo-therapists for her issues, and overshares about herself ALL THE TIME to the point where she knows she's teetering on the edge of someone psychotic actually finding her with the details she gives. Her reliance on chat as a pick-me-up and therapist has lessened as she readjusted to life in Australia though, so it's calmed down a bit.
We all know this is a job for them, we get that some of the stuff they do is purely to attract more fans, but it doesn't mean there isn't some level of genuine appreciation they have for the chat being there to pick them up when they're down. Women love attention, love to be listened to, and love getting complimented. It's not surprising that some of the vtubers really rely on their chats positive compliments to make them feel better about themselves.

>> No.5941469

Suck my bbc redditor

>> No.5941543

I wish normalfags would leave

>> No.5941570

/vt/ was always a board for normalfags

>> No.5941641


>> No.5941650

Because of faggots like you and op

>> No.5941727

That is common in our modern society and happens everytime in real life.
I remember that in my country, a decade ago, a morning show host died in a plane crash with several people from that TV channel, the plane crashed into the sea near an island. He was well loved and the impact was brutal in all the country, all the nation stopped during the weeks that rescuers and the army tried to find survivors, until there was no hope and the pieces of the corpses began to be found. People prayed during the the rescue weeks, cried when realit hits, many news anchors broke live, especially some who were close friends, in the end all the tv host and figures from all over television went to the dead entertainer's channel to support the people, they showed it live, and at the funeral thousands of people filled the streets throwing roses at the hearse that carried the amphora of the television host. To this day people remember that.

>> No.5941806

i enjoy vtubers the exact appropriate amount

>> No.5942247

(This might be long...don't know if I should write this, maybe too much info)
Fact is, personally, I understand and rationalize the psychological concept and know that there is no direct interaction with the streamer or oshi, that there is no actual friendship/relationship. In a way It is sad that entertainment industry is like this (streaming/vtubing kind of incentivize the parasocial relationship? Idk), they are just people after all but their "status" separate "them from us". I won't go too deep into this I don't study psychology, I am just assuming.
I'll be honest but I don't want to sound "schizo", autistic or creepy and I don't know how much healthy the relationship is but...I don't know how to put this into words. Maybe I'll try by answering questions:

>Have you been changing your real life relationships because of vtubers?
Don't have any. I am introvert I feel better alone, and also shy/awkward and anxious (basically I even play games alone) - I always say that socials help a bit but I struggle with pvt to be generic even with that one genuine internet friend which we know each other for about a decade. Had two way more extrovert irl friends, I struggled with them too, things didn't last long and I think I killed the relationship. Been years now

>Are you able to take a break without any serious withdrawal?
I'm not sure here. During May I felt really bad, barely eating or couldn't eat at all and in that month my oshi took a long break. But this was few days after I had a long talk where I truly opened up my feelings (that I always acted my whole life as extrovert just to not be seen as strange, creepy, annoying or a recluse) to the internet friend I said beforehand. Probably I felt ill just for the stress of finally opening up my feelings. Yeah, I'm recovering but slowly

>Need of spending money?
Thought about a superchat once but I wasn't sure so I just avoided, did a membership instead after Coco annunced her graduation to the tone of "If you want, support them while you can!"

>Are you jealous/any romantic feeling about her?
I said I understand social relationships also I've always been apathic or, even worse, negative to romantic emotions.
I wasn't so much interested in vtubers back to some months ago; just watched some of her roommate stories from her or other members -I relate to that girl a lot- and for consequence some streams too when I had time. Some time after I began to think about her often, not always, and imagining taking care of her (in no sexual manner, at the very least I'm not a coomer). When this felt strange to me I thought "Woah, do I just have a crush on her? Do I just love her right now?! Should be impossible to me, is not right!". I realized that the persone I could love is not just anyone but someone that is special to me, sadly that person had to be my oshi
So, I don't feel jealous that she gang out or talk to other people irl. I have to be real, sure, I know it clearly, but It just sadden me that I don't have the chance to be there and, being shy, at least try to do the same.

This is it; sorry I don't have any TLDR; sorry again if it seem creepy, I was overthinking while writing this.

>> No.5942630
File: 43 KB, 600x700, take your meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that wall of text
Medications. Now.

>> No.5942711

anonchama.... why would you write this? you sound like reddit and the people here is gonna eat you alive. but if you really want advice, take a break from chuubas and your oshi

>> No.5943873

Parasocial relationships are third order simulacra that maintain the illusion that the connections you have with "human beings" are in anyway significant or genuine. You reality is an illusion. The world outside chat is a wasteland.

>tldr, 2d > 3d

>> No.5943974

I only want a Japanese gf. I don't care if it makes me a sad weeaboo loser, I don't want a white gf. I don't like white women. I don't like women from my own country. I only like Japanese girls.

>> No.5944111

>This is even more of a easy trap to fall into right now because we are much more emotionally starved during the isolation of the pandemic
>right now
Bitch, nothing has changed, and it never will. Let me pick my poison.

>> No.5944136

I don't know at some point thoughts and fingers did just go by themselves, I wasn't really thinking.
She's Aqua, already taking a break as far as I can tell but advice appreciated. Still happy that she is busy with project she like tho
Honestly I'm not really into streamers and streaming in general even if the content is something I like, I prefer videos/clips so vtubers are a new thing for me and, maybe this sound rude, I hated the concept of vtubers until these months. Furthermore I'm browsing 4Chan - /vt/ just by few weeks, what you call "newfag" I guess. To say, this is a strange place and even with anonymous status I don't feel comfortable sharing thoughts, except this one but was overthinking if I had an unhealthy relationship with vtuber Thank you again

>> No.5944225

you'll adapt eventually, hopefully

>> No.5944320

>have you been changing your real life relationships because of vtubers?
No, because I moved to another country and didn't have any friends.
>Are you able to take a break from watching without any serius withdrawal?
Probably not. They're the only even somewhat apolitical entertainment medium I have left, and I just want something mindless fun.
>Do you feel like you need to spend money on them?
I don't even spend money on regular TV, so no. Granted, if proceeds didn't go to YouTube I might consider donating, but as it stands no.
>Do you view them as a friend, or worse, a romantic relationship?
No, though I do wish it could be so.
>Are you jealous of them spending time with other people in their life outside being a vtuber?
Why would I be? If anything I worry they're working themselves too hard.

So like a 50% parasocial relationship. Not healthy, but not exactly 100% deadly either.

>> No.5944480

How many out of her other million+ manservants with better chances haven't already tried and failed?

>> No.5944576

It's real if it's real in my head alright?

>> No.5944635

Have you ever met a Japanese girl

>> No.5944848

Parasocial relationship >>> real relationship

I can watch them whenever I want, and even go back and watch them again.
If they're annoying or I don't feel like watching, I just turn them off.
They are forever young and beautiful. Impossiblly beautiful.
They (pretend to) be interested in stuff that guy's like. Video games, lewd jokes, violent movies, ogling hot girls.

Superchat money is also trivial compared to what you'd spend on a real girlfriend. Or worse, a wife.

T. Divorced guy

>> No.5945317

You sound young. There is still hope for you, my boy. Get together with your friend and go out into the world

>> No.5945549

>That being said, some degree of attachement is perfectly healthy and normal
The community bond is often overlooked. You have so much shared knowledge, you could easily hold a conversation with the streamer or other fans about terrariums or whatever. You have an automatic familiarity to anyone part of the same culture, so you would most likely get along if you ever did meet.

>> No.5945650

Thanks, but...
Why do you care?

>> No.5945708

This is mostly true, unironically

>> No.5945812

This guy gets it.
Even I can admit their roomate is just another woman I'd see on the street. In fact, who is to say I haven't already passed someone I'd like even better thousands of times? But why should I care when I get, and will continue to get, nothing but the cherry-picked experience behind an eternally gorgeous appearance?

t. khhfv

>> No.5946731

>can't find a woman
You mean won't.

>> No.5947197

>it's the weekly parasocial meme thread
Can you put an Ina pic next week?

>> No.5947298

The OP is just calling out unhealthy creepy behaviour very common amongst people here
Did he hit too close to home?

>> No.5947355

Kinda true, I'm not divorced but I've had my fair share of girlfriends, and pretty much all of them where menhera ones. I can just enjoy Hololive girls without a worry, it makes me happy, especially nowadays where I'm extremely picky about getting in a relationship, not worrying about it at all.

>> No.5947513

I've met holos.

>> No.5947566

>I can make someone else happy with the $100 that I worked for
Anon she doesn't know or care about you beyond your money.

>> No.5947629

shhhhh don't tell him

>> No.5947704

Maybe chat as a singular entity, but they don't care about (you).

>> No.5947836
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>saviorfag thread... but for other anons!

>> No.5947998

too late.

>> No.5948208

Will Smith never laughed at any of my jokes.

>> No.5948256

Just as some people pointed out here, this is the awful part of Hololive and the whole vtuber idol thingy. I was into idolish things before (Idolmaster, Love Live) but it was more for the memes and the porn.

It was during last year that I goot hooked in Hololive and at some point I realized how much I was getting emotionally attached to these characters. Which is something they totally encourage because the idol worshiping is what gets them money.

It was horrible coming to the realization that you have been played.

>> No.5948344

People cant help it. Some guys out there will probably never interact with a woman outside of their relatives, it's a sad pathetic thing but let them have some temporary happiness in life. As ridiculous as it sounds, I'm sure some vtuber's existence stopped a mass shooting or murder(s)

>> No.5948393

>As ridiculous as it sounds, I'm sure some vtuber's existence stopped a mass shooting or murder(s)
It's not ridiculous at all, I bet some pedo got to know Gura and that avoided a possible crime.

>> No.5948624

I don't know why people associated Gura with Pedobaiting. Pedos don't want an adult that looks like a children, they want a children that acts like a children. One of the main characteristic for a lot of pedos is precisely their awful interpersonal skills that make them unable to have relationships with other adults.

>> No.5948698

self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.5948774


>> No.5948804

Makes sense. Japan has the most perverted pop culture but also the worlds lowest crime rate.

>> No.5948845

I have a feeling you dislike the vapid materialism and flightiness of most young women you meet. That is normal and healthy. However, japanese girls can be just as bad in that respect. There's actually less stigma against being frank about money and status in terms of seeking a mate so it might even be a little bit worse.

What you really want is an atypical girl. These japanese streamers fit the bill but the "japanese" part is a bit of a distraction. Japanese society is not some kind of wonderland immune to the failings of your own culture. It has most of the ones you dislike, and a few new ones that you weren't even prepared to dislike.

>> No.5948879

Bruh, I'm just entertained by idol hijinks and like my oshi. Whorish humor bores me.

>> No.5948958

Not him but I just want a girl with long, straight black hair, a slim figure, and a tight pussy. Can a Japanese girl give me that at least?

>> No.5949009

If that's your criteria, yes. Although I don't think you need to drop the money on a plane ticket to Japan to find that.

>> No.5949136

>a girl with long, straight black hair, a slim figure, and a tight pussy
You can find girls with these traits pretty much anywhere

>> No.5949214

>That is normal and healthy. However, japanese girls can be just as bad in that respect. There's actually less stigma against being frank about money and status in terms of seeking a mate so it might even be a little bit worse.
Even if that's true at least their attitute is different about it.

>> No.5949222

Good luck finding a non fat girl in America who isn't a stripper.

>> No.5949355
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Or you can do like pic related

>> No.5949373

But I already have a girlfriend Anon, I watch her streams everyday.

>> No.5949410

Yeah, different. Is this better? Thats my point. You can find a cool girl in your home country. Japan doesn't have a monopoly on that.

>> No.5949681

Okay, but I want a two-faced Kyoto ONNA as my girlfriend.

>> No.5950122

Could you at least watch her membership streams rather than rely on hearsay that was probably through a translation?

>> No.5950164

fuck you, pekora loves all nousagi. What she provides is enough "recipprocation"

>> No.5950188
File: 660 KB, 1000x414, MoriandMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask yourself, have you been changing your real life relationships because of vtubers?
Yes, i've been connecting better with friends and famil. I'm on better terms with my mother and meeting my grandmother twice a week to cook her meals and help out around the house. My oshi reminded me to cherish them and dragged me out of the funk that was making me just generally unpleasant to be around.

>Are you able to take a break from watching without any serius withdrawal?
I think I could. When she streams stuff I don't really like, I can skip a couple. Goddamn e-celebs.

>Do you feel like you need to spend money on them?
No, not really. If I think of something witty i'll occasionally send in a small super, but otherwise I consider membership enough.

>Do you view them as a friend, or worse, a romantic relationship?
No. I am in love with her, but I also acknowledge that it's futile to place expectations on her unless I can become somebody she loves back.

>Are you jealous of them spending time with other people in their life outside being a vtuber?
Honestly? Yeah, a bit. I try not to get too schizo about it though.

>> No.5950326

Get out of the south.

>> No.5950367

>Ask yourself, have you been changing your real life relationships because of vtubers?
My oshi made me realize I don't actually like my friends and family so I stopped talking to them, yes what of it?

>> No.5952795

with how many people are a fan of her, statistically I guess it is a possibility. There was also some post on a reddit or facebook I remember posted somewhere where some right wing conspiracy nut who either stormed the capital or was planning to, apparently discovered Gura and stopped his madness
