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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59029067 No.59029067 [Reply] [Original]

Is it only me that notices this?

>> No.59029269

It's not a ship. They're just friends you stupid fuck. Putting these two together is like saying you should have sex with your sister because you both like the same flavor of ice cream.

>> No.59029275

All ships pushed by the EN girls are artificial. They are literally all straight except kiara who has seemingly convinced herself to be bisexual.
Without conscious effort and good acting, artificial ships will never float.

Korone and Okayu for instance are very good actors. Lesbian kayfabe, if you will.

>> No.59029450

>should have sex with your sister because you both like the same flavor of ice cream.
Wait...you're not supposed to do that?

>> No.59029543

It's plenty popular, I just insert myself in there with them, imagining Mumei forcing me to breed Bae

>> No.59029580
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touch grass

>> No.59029629

Rats are natural prey to owls.

>> No.59030090

It's pretty popular, especially since the recent japan trip.

>> No.59030289

pop quiz: what's the most popular vtuber ship in the world?

>> No.59030426

MuBae is the streamwatchers ship, all ships are made from clips but clippers never clip mubae moments so only streamwatchers are aware of this ship and it's pretty popular amongst them
If you want a clipwatcher ship, look no further than Kronmei

>> No.59030488

me and my oshi

>> No.59030548

because Bae is not popular

>> No.59030628

>the streamwatchers ship
Equivalent to "the thinking man's fetish".

>> No.59030822

Shippers don't watch streams
The two or three months after debut decides what a vtubers memes and ships will be for live
Bae will forever be shipped with IRyS
Mumei will forever be shipped with Kronii
Finding better partners doesn't matter, growing apart and interacting less with your existing ship partner doesn't matter. The fandom is static

>> No.59030988

Because of incident that took place on November 12, 2022

>> No.59031204

Because Bae is hetero as fuck

>> No.59032146

No body likes Bae lmao
You notice how BaeRyS is fucking dead? That’s because no one gives a shit about Bas

>> No.59032301

ook la ook

>> No.59032372

Clearly its Mubae anon

>> No.59032419

The Moguyacht. Next question

>> No.59033244

lol everyone in council likes bae, irys is the autistic loner type

>> No.59033300

Im pretty any rrats that the girls hate eachother are all invented in the minds of drama starved anons here.

>> No.59035147

>Is it only me who notices this?
Yes you are the only one that doesn't notice

>> No.59035345

Who is that ship for?
KronMei is for people living in past.
FauMei is for people with incest fetish (mommy nature x daughter civilization)
Who is BaeMei target audience?

>> No.59035752


>> No.59035843

Because Mumei is claimed by Gura

>> No.59035862

Cute friendsexship

>> No.59035878

Because they don't yuribait, the relationship basically feels like best friends/sisters.

>> No.59035895

Because KroMei is far more grounded in reality

>> No.59037191

dead ship

>> No.59037264
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>Any holo near mumei

>> No.59037345


>> No.59037352

>The ship that's been effectively dead for almost a year carried solely by schizo fanartists

>> No.59038294

>Why is MumeiBae ship not popular?
Does it really have to be?

>> No.59038642

I want more fanarts

>> No.59041238

friends should fuck

>> No.59042672

jesas, how many of these are there? i've heard the timerys one and the mumei bj one and now this mubae abuse

>> No.59043577

the twitter lesbians are the one that control the ships
If you want a ship to be popular you need a twitter lesbian doing fanart and fanfics of that ship

>> No.59044223

>Literally had a whole "We're each other's manager" arc in japan
>Even did streams about it
>No one fucking cared
It's not fair

>> No.59044720

its okay lets keep it this way, look at the timerys cringe in this board

>> No.59044769

>Caring about the board

>> No.59044927

i care about mubae being cringe, do your reading comprehension reps

>> No.59045046

>I liked mubae before it was cool
Ok hipster can't wait for you to jump ship

>> No.59045195

It didn't get a following with shippers early on so it is damned to forever be dwarfed by Kronmei and BaeRyS despite Bae having talked about how frequently she hangs with Mumei over discord. Kronii and Mumei being the most popular Council members doesn't help.

>> No.59045763

stop placing words in my mouth but thanks

>> No.59045901

Why do women care so much about ships?

>> No.59045975

>he doesn't like going on the ocean

>> No.59047314


>> No.59049497

I doubt any gay ship with Mumei would actually become popular given that people have known of her roommate's records from day one. She's as straight as they can possibly come lol

>> No.59049567

TL: Anon wants to fulfill his gay little self-insert fantasies

>> No.59050928

kromei is better

>> No.59051073

I don't disagree and I hate how ESLs force the "n" sound when it makes every pairing name objectively worse.

Somehow KroBae get's sparred this treatment and I don't understand how or why.

>> No.59051151

Council as a whole is not popular.

>> No.59051218


>> No.59051362

Do you have literally anything to back up MuBae? Anything at all?

>> No.59051395
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Debunked long ago. Mumei is 100% gay.

>> No.59052800

All vtuber yuriships are gross and should never be made or encouraged in the first place.

Irrefutably correct and based.

Cringe, retarded degenerates. God, yurifags are such delusional fucking faggots. You fat, ugly, basement-dwelling neckbeards will all be burned at the stake and crucified along with anyone who has ever indulged you in your disgusting fucking fantasies.

>> No.59052899
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go back, normalfaggot
