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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58976761 No.58976761 [Reply] [Original]

>you don't care when they were a 2 view untill the blue doritos
what's with this argument being thrown arround, like they missed the whole point of joining a corpo. you dont give a shit about some indie band or soundcloud rapper till they signed a record label

>> No.58976819

My line of thinking is that a corporate serves as a useful filter for the consumer. It's not reasonable to expect the consumer to filter through every 1,2, or 3 view trying to find someone they like. So, by going to a corpo, they can look through a selection of chuubas with a certain minimum level of quality and standard of production. I'm sure id love some 2view out there but idgaf enough to find them

>> No.58977296

Big corpo is a normie standard

>> No.58977350

For me the ecosystem and the opportunities it provides are more important. I don't really care to watch a vtuber that has no prospect of making connections with already-beloved colleagues and growing into their own as a part of something greater.
And nothing can replicate the moment when they stand on the big stage for the first time.

>> No.58977424

That you insulted and mocked people who liked them, criticized them for their flaws when they were indies and when they became corpo despite not changing absolutely anything now you're part of their defense force and think their current popularity level is somehow an indication of their quality despite not being able to reach 10% of that heights by themselves.

>> No.58977654

>shitting on an indie 2views
>one day she joined blue dorito
>her model is now better, she has more open and better personality, all around more likable
>making music and MV regularly
>sponsors cash here and there
>becoming idol saved her life and family
>i like her more and more
>she's my oshi now
get fucked

>> No.58977788

Indiefags are a bunch of retards afterall.
They won their Hololive spot after competing against a thousand others, so any Hololive member are guaranteed to have a good enough resume for the customers.

>> No.58977817

This, it's /hlgg/ in a nutshell.
And this.

What ever happened to the independent nature of 4chan? The idea that we should support talents, not companies?
The corporate bootlicking on this board is the worst I've ever seen on the site.

>> No.58977835

Yes, You should support and love the entertainer you like from the start
If you like them after they got famous/ adopt by a corpo, you’re a hypocrite

>> No.58977919

you can find a shitton of good 2views to watch just by reading a few threads. big corpo fags just don't give a shit about vtubers, they only care about their corpo of choice. It's no different than /v/tard console wars

>> No.58978008


>> No.58978038

For me, it's just a simple matter of easy exposure. There's way too many indies to check them all out. Meanwhile, a Hololive EN gen doesn't come around often so I actually bother to check them all out when they debut. I watch some indies but there's obviously going to be a lot that fly under my radar and if I only find them when they become corpo, I don't see how I'm somehow a bad person for it.

>> No.58978244

>independent nature of 4chan

>> No.58978411

Lol nice joke indiefag, you have to go through a mountain of garbage 2 views to get to that good one. Corpos can do that tedious process for me. It's like asking someone off the street to fix your car and hope for the best, vs asking a certified mechanic.
And YOU don't care about vtubers, you only like them because they are small indies, you don't want them to grow and be successful by joining a corpo, you only care because they are 2 views. You also don't care about how corpo like Hololive started with 13 viewers, you only like to look at the result after years of hardwork and go "corpo bad" like an idiot.

>> No.58978445

>I cant think for myself so I'll let the corpos decide for me

>> No.58978589

>i am too retarded to quicken the process so i am going waste my time and do it the retard way.

>> No.58978632

I watch both 1 views and 4 views

>> No.58978664

sorry, but "big company = good" and "big number = good" is an anomaly on this site
4chan is usually accused of contrarianism because popularity isn't equated with quality

>> No.58978763

We have an entire board dedicated solely to the highest grossing video game franchise in the world, but okay go off.

>> No.58978832

there's also a much bigger draw to these corpos than purely numbers. There are tons of amazing indies who are great musicians/streamers/performers/etc who can't completely show that on stream due to the budget restraints of being a 2view. By joining these corpos they are pretty much given access to everything they could ever need.
Would you really want your oshi to suffer in 2view hell, with no way to make their dreams a reality?

>> No.58978846

it's literally a containment board because everyone hates those retards

>> No.58978855

Natsumi Moe was a washed up twitch whore sucking china's cock 2 months ago but now she's our hecking beloved goth gf Shiori Novella because she got the dorito

>> No.58978887

Some people don't get that I don't care about them unless they join hololive. Streams are fun, but having like +50 girls taking part of the big idol dream is what makes it more special. An indie is just trying her best to survive and to make streaming her job, once you get into holo you don't care anymore about money that much, that brings their full potential as entertainers. If they are not in hololive = I don't care, if they graduate = Dead, I'm not gonna follow them

>> No.58978942

Ironically this reads just like the bitter rants from incels about how women can't see past their low income, their unfashionable dress sense, their taciturn, introverted but sensitive nature, or their lack of a decent social circle, to their true, worthy self. Except in this case, it's the average audience viewer that is in the position of the girl.

No one considers any corpo vtubers to be the cream of the crop in 'skills'. Shitting on their zatsu, or their singing, or their gaming, or their tech knowledge, is par for the course. You can surely always, always find 2views that blow them out of the water in one or more of these categories. In many cases I'm sure that's even the driving factor - some girl looked at a corpo vtuber fucking up, said "that's bullshit, I can do better in my sleep", and started streaming.

But unfortunately, people still consider the corpo vtubers superior. It's not because of their personality, or their skills, or whatever.
It's frankly very simple, and it's for the same reason as in relationships; a 2view cannot offer anywhere close to the security, or stability, that a corpo vtuber has.

A 2view likely never went through any sort of RL background checks, never had doxxfaggots rip their entire internet and IRL history apart, so you don't know if you're following a total piece of shit until some drama happens and all that shit comes spilling out from some jealous ex or something.
A 2view can have their own little orbiter groomer circle from her first MMO hidden away in Discord modding her chat, telling her everything to say, do, or stream, and there's no manager to tell them to cut that shit out or you get fired.
A 2view could just decide to start ranting about voting for X party tomorrow because I hate politics but it's so important and if X doesn't win the entire country's going down the drain and...
A 2view you've watched for months can just up and vanish tomorrow because she finally hooked that big accountancy job and getting out of her parents' house is more important than hanging around twenty-five losers online who throw her five bucks once a week.

So yeah, it's fucking unfair, it's terrible for the good ones with a heart of gold. Guess what, life's tough. If you find a good one, that's great, hold onto them. But most people are not going to spend months of their life watching hours of someone that has much more than equal odds of turning out to be a fucking land mine.

>> No.58979109

>independent nature
4chan's always been, "I like things normies don't," and, "my things are better than your things." The first part used to apply to vtubers, but now it's just the second part.

>> No.58979160

Why should I bother scouring through a mountain of 1views looking for diamonds when a corpo can do that for me? Saviourfags and groomers might like to waste their time but I don't.

>> No.58979283

The irony of this is that /vt/ itself is a containment board... of an already infamous containment board...
You know your a really cancer hobby when even the 2hu and sex toy board can't stand you

>> No.58979789

stirner is a bitch

>> No.58979832

I bet you watch some LE BASED /HERE/ whore

>> No.58980182
File: 201 KB, 410x411, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres plenty of reasons this argument exists but I do see things from the corpo side too since i used to watch them. It is nice to have a place that just vets in people to interact with talents you may already enjoy plus the stability and knowledge of the type of a content a corpo provides and gives is always a plus if thats what you seek since most that get inducted in change their content to better fit the mould of the corporations viewership. Its just generally easier to watch a corpo.

>> No.58980233

It's preselection, the same way women decide who to date. Just follow what everybody else is doing.

>> No.58980256

>Another holonigger numberfag thread talking about how blue doritos are superior
>Check holodex
>No one in EN is live
So much for your whores being better when they can't even stream, but I guess that just gives you more time to seethe in the catalog.

>> No.58980404

>you don't care when they were a 2 view
Yeah because I'd literally never heard of any of Advent before they joined Holo for exactly that reason, they were 2views in a gigantic sea of 2views and I don't want to waste time swimming in that sea trying to find a good streamer when I have plenty of Holo and big indle streamers I like

>> No.58980678
File: 1.54 MB, 1080x2146, Screenshot_2023-09-21-22-45-13-903-edit_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down seething 2view, there plenty holo to watch
>inb4 jp doesn't count
Oh you one of those retard, reminder most eop already watch holo even before holoen and still watch jp today.

>> No.58980719

My oshi never even streamed before she joined Hololive, I am immune to this argument.

>> No.58980835

>Has to post JP to cope
And I shouldn't be suprised that some SEAnigger who can barely write in English is the one posting it.

>> No.58981197

looking at the time and the fact its hololive probably yeah.

>> No.58982109

Yeah and Sana graduated

>> No.58982782

Best post in this thread

>> No.58983367
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I used to hate big corpo too.
But then my oshi join hololive.
Yeah, fuck these seething 2views.
They should use their time to improve their resume for audition instead of seething in this shitholem

>> No.58983412

best example is gura, i rly enjoyed her before she joined blue triangle gang, but since she joined it went downhill fast, same for mumei, i always watched her streams before holo, when she was still the orca girl, sad to see what's left of her former self
also bettel, i watch that fucker since 2009, mic only, flesh streams, chuuba, and now holo, he always delivers so he's the exception here, but for most it's the rule that they go down the drain as soon as they join a corp

>> No.58983538
File: 40 KB, 312x360, 1693483242637827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also bettel
Nice try, sis!

>> No.58983609

>Nice try
thanks buddy
i don't rly know what you mean, but thanks
now you're losing me, sry, who's your sis?

>> No.58983711

For me it's the opposite. I spent 3 years fighting to stay awake watching hololive streams. They're so god damn boring. All of the talents are nailed to the ground and forced to never to anything funny or interesting ever because it could lower the company stock price. Hololive was all I ever knew, so I just assumed all vtubers were boring and shit, so I kept watching the few holomems I spent 3 years with.
Then, they all went on 17 month long hiatuses. I ran out of content to watch and branched out to watch indies. To my surprise, it's actually possible to be an interesting and entertaining vtuber. I still watch 2 holomems out of habit, but corporate streamers are objectively worse than indies in every way.

>> No.58983743

>A 2view likely never went through any sort of RL background checks, never had doxxfaggots rip their entire internet and IRL history apart, so you don't know if you're following a total piece of shit until some drama happens and all that shit comes spilling out from some jealous ex or something.
Lurk for 10 more years.
>A 2view can have their own little orbiter groomer circle from her first MMO hidden away in Discord modding her chat, telling her everything to say, do, or stream, and there's no manager to tell them to cut that shit out or you get fired.
Plus another 10.
>A 2view could just decide to start ranting about voting for X party tomorrow because I hate politics but it's so important and if X doesn't win the entire country's going down the drain and...
Add 50 years to the above
>A 2view you've watched for months can just up and vanish tomorrow because she finally hooked that big accountancy job and getting out of her parents' house is more important than hanging around twenty-five losers online who throw her five bucks once a week.
Sana. Another 50 years.

>> No.58983897

>corporate streamers are objectively worse than indies in every way.
retards don't know this simple fact, but then again, 90% /here/ are corpo bootlicker and just want yagoos dick

>> No.58984060

Do chubas need to stream at 7-10am in order to be real for you? Or do you think that everyone needs to stream 12 hours a day like an indie slave? I sure as hell wouldn’t and neither would you.

>> No.58984525

>Mutt joins the thread just to show that he doesn't know what timezones are
>Also calls streamers with motivation and drive like Kaela and Koyori "indie slaves"
The fact that you faggots are fine with getting no streams and eating shit is wild
