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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58899276 No.58899276 [Reply] [Original]


>Hiodoshi Ao

>Otonose Kanade

>Ichijou Ririka

>Juufuutei Raden

>Todoroki Hajime


「Shunkan Heartbeat」

【Hiodoshi Ao】

【Otonose Kanade】

【Ichijou Ririka】

【Juufuutei Raden】

【Todoroki Hajime】
「食虫植物 」(cover)

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>> No.58899418
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a thousand curses be upon bait repliers, shitposters and tribalists

>> No.58899626
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I love Raden

>> No.58900498
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She makes me feel like I'm watching Haato for the first time again

>> No.58901505
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I'm going to learn Japanese for Ririka!

>> No.58901549

Same but for Hajime too

>> No.58901627

I almost included Raden as well, but I don't think my EOP brain could handle her while learning the language.

>> No.58902189

For what it's worth, I find her Japanese quite easy to understand when she's playing games. Zatsus are a little harder, but it's just a matter of practice. Do your best for her.

t. LiveTL for most of her Armored Core streams

>> No.58903344

That's really nice to know. My oshi is Kanata, but she also felt really advanced, so having someone I really like be on the easier side is encouraging. You're doing gods work for the LiveTL's though, I kneel.

>> No.58903380
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チェイサー 飲みます!

>> No.58903772

How soon into runes do you start beginning to understand what they're saying? Grammar and Vocab stage? Everyone basically has to start with the kana right

>> No.58903782


>> No.58903895
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I liked Raden's cover.

>> No.58903904

How smelly is she?

>> No.58904071
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Raden has no control over her bladder. Too much smoking and drinking.

>> No.58904727

radens japanese is hard for even trained jp learners since she uses hakata dialect and talks fast and covers niche things with niche jargon but theres a positive side for beginners. her japanese is grammatically very decent, clean, and pretty formal. one cant keep hearing anyones zatsu for hours if their language skills are shit.

her japanese skills are better than the average japanese persons. shes an academic researcher or a curator and she doesnt act pedantic, shes like a newbie-friendly teacher, so her japanese is good for beginners in the way.

>> No.58905292
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>> No.58905395

0. Don't get super autistic over study methods, slightly inefficient study method is better than not studying at all. It's also a good thing to incorporate your personal interests into studying Japanese so that it feels less like a grind. That's what helped me stick with Japanese.
1. Memorize Kana
2. Go through some basic grammar guide like Tae Kim. Don't put extra effort into memorizing it, just go through it as quickly as possible. You can reference it later.
3. https://djtguide.github.io/

As for how long it'd take to understand them. Well, I guess if you just laser focused purely on memorizing vocab (without bothering with runes) and getting used to listening to Japanese, you could begin to understand them on some sort of basic level relatively quickly.

>> No.58905442

Meant for >>58903772

>> No.58905479

smoking doesn't affect the bladder though, t. smoka
pissing herself from drinking too much would be unsurprising though

>> No.58905881

kana is like 1 week tops of JP reps. It's the equivalent to learning your times tables when starting out in math.
If you're actually starting from 0, as in, less than 3000+ hours experience of previously listening to Japanese from either games, anime,
and visual novels, you could probably get to JLPT N3 fluency in about 1-1.5 years at ~6 hours of reps everyday. Though the amount of time really just varies on how effectively you're studying. This will allow you to more or less understand 90% of basic conversational Japanese. However, that missing 10% is massive, so while not fantastic, you should be able to identify most topic and subject markers and general grammar and context knowledge will fill in the rest.
You can actually enjoy a lot of chuuba streams at this level, and it's why I gravitated towards the VSPO chuubas when I first started because FPS talk is super easy, and the gameplay visuals support what you're hearing so it's a nice reinforcement.
Immersion is a big thing. You really just try to spend as much time listening to raw Japanese even if you don't understand much(or anything at all). As you build up your vocabulary, you'll be able to follow along sooner than you think.

>> No.58905915

If purely all you want to do is listen to them talk, then technically I guess you don't have to start with kana, but really, you ought to get hiragana and katakana, if for no other reason then so you can look up vocab easier.

Basic grammar is also helpful, as a way to mentally separate a sentence into parts if nothing else.

Past that though is vocabulary, and to be honest, if all you want is to be able to understand it by ear, you actually can kind of do the stereotype of learning by watching a ton of anime/streams/whatever. But you have to have the right instinctual mindset of constantly puzzling words out and drawing connections, or you're going to waste your time that way and it'd be better spent doing more traditional study.

>> No.58906183

>kana is like 1 week tops of JP reps
You'll probably be pretty slow at reading kana even after a week but you should still move on. The best way to improve your kana recognition after the initial memorization grind is to just read normal Japanese text. It's like how reading English you don't stop to look at every individual letter, you recognize the words by their overall shapes.

>> No.58906979

It's extremely cute. She reminds me of a golden retriever being a very good girl sitting as you try and explain that you're just taking a walk to the store for flour, but her tail is wagging at a mile a minute because she heard the word walk and it's hard for her to think of anything else.

>> No.58907075
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ill do it for bancho

>> No.58907241

Godspeed, the toughest battles only to the strongest soldiers.

>> No.58908825

I love Kanade's noise

>> No.58909827

>Hajime is doing a 60-minute clubhouse collab with every single member
Jesus, she's really recycling content, huh?

>> No.58910511
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Ao-kun if she horse

>> No.58910529

She's challenging everyone for the bancho title, it's a good arc
a shame she's losing against every single opponent...

>> No.58910781
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Kanade Karaoke!!


>> No.58910848

hi guys, i really like kaede but why is she crying when singing heartbreak song?

is she not a virgin anymore?? :(

>> No.58910969

too many good streams at once, kanade singing kino or bancho x ririka clubhouse

>> No.58911020

Positive, even

>> No.58911105

Could she be a genius?

>> No.58911380

What BGM Kanade is using? I swear i heard it before on some other chuba's stream as a bgm

>> No.58911495

bae's outro

>> No.58911646

oh shit true, thanks anon. Been forever since I watched the rat

>> No.58911922

Banchou... I...

>> No.58911979

Kanade saying some of the dumbest things I've heard a chuuba say

>> No.58912718

Kanade has completely lost it.

>> No.58912809

Kanade is love, Kanade is life.

t. last neuron signing off

>> No.58912823

she was so loud that i didn't even need to put my headphones on, I could hear her just fine while they were lying on my desk

>> No.58912836

Ao thinks of Ui mama as a God

>> No.58913299

She's right

>> No.58913835

Get in

>> No.58913969

A loli god...

>> No.58914741

Ao will be the one to fulfill the Ui prophecy…

>> No.58914823

Also mane-chan strikes again, she NG'd Ao talking about the worst episode of her life

>> No.58915150

I think that's fair. She shouldn't just dump everything that happened in her life in the first weeks of being in hololive because she loves talking.

>> No.58915628

Passed over Dragon's Dogma
wind bros. . .

>> No.58915756

Ririka really is a gamer going off her how much she knows about these games and how many she's played before.

>> No.58916133

Covering everything in basil sauce..!

>> No.58916447

Filming tiktok with Raden in the park..!

>> No.58917066

Drinking herbarium for Urushi..!

>> No.58917076
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You have a chance bro

>> No.58917095

Man, that was a whirlwind to try and translate for.

>> No.58917189


>> No.58917243

Yup, woke up like 7 minutes in to hit the can and noticed that stream was going on, decided f it we ball.

>> No.58917336

Well she had a actually shocking large about of knowledge about video games and played a fuck ton I would say compared to most Holo's really and had a lot of say. She talked about playing Slay the Spire, I would like that

>> No.58917490
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>> No.58917769

Yeah, she's not sure if it or games like it would work as a like a full on game stream, so if she were to stream them, it'd probably be during like a lunch stream or something, though it strikes her as kind of bad manners.

>> No.58917847

>Yeah, she's not sure if it or games like it would work as a like a full on game stream
A lot of her senpai's have streamed it

>> No.58917950

Maybe it's because she's already played a ton of it that she thinks that way, that maybe it wouldn't be as interesting watching someone that isn't a first time player? I dunno, you'd have to ask her, I just try and parrot the words back in a different language

>> No.58918011

I mean I think people who are actually good at are fun to watch since you can do some funky stuff if you know what you're doing and it's fun to watch

>> No.58918211

People are still being fooled by her avatar appearance but she is a self proclaimed otaku, shouldn't be surprising by now

>> No.58918389

Well she also seems to be pretty into fashion and such as well, but also other girls were NEET's or otaku before join and her videogame knowledge seems really large in comparison playing much more popular niche stuff like Shadow Hearts and stuff.

>> No.58920693

Yep, someone in chat called her a gal-otaku hybrid, and she laughed and said that it was a nice thing for them to say.

>> No.58925217


>> No.58926514


>> No.58927332

Gyaru and Gal are Otaku by definition.

>> No.58927497

She noticed

>> No.58929548

sorry i'm a clipfag, dont know nip, but kanade seems surprisingly to be the most unhinged of the gen besides raden being an alcholic

>> No.58931106

I agree, but it was a question from the audience, not something she brought up

>> No.58931188

>all that display of affection
Bwos... The prince curse is real!

>> No.58933483
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>> No.58933951
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For me it's every time Raden says お酒を飲みます! and the strings of her bgm hit just right.

>> No.58935360

Out of Regloss, Ririka is the cutest, the most positive, and the most genius.

>> No.58935471
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>> No.58938277
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>> No.58938877

God my dick isn't going to survive this

>> No.58940329

My husband (female) in 27 minutes

>> No.58940645
File: 238 KB, 880x516, Juufuutei Raden 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Raden!

>> No.58940801
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I love Urushi!

>> No.58943849

this is my first time watching Ao
I think I might be gay
I would let him (her) peg me

>> No.58944230
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>> No.58945114

Cool sneeze

>> No.58945170

Why is she wearing her dad's pants?

>> No.58945401


>> No.58947694 [SPOILER] 
File: 189 KB, 1136x852, 646b7c3163c86a0018cd1b2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get with the times millennial
Skinny jeans are old news, they never looked good. zoomers are using baggier pants just like their grandparents and that's a good thing
Regloss is catering to a younger audience

>> No.58948521

NTA but why do you even have this picture and argument handy?

>> No.58949150

I unironically hate jeans and I am still pretty young I guess

>> No.58949504

left is fine other than showing his damn pantsu. right looks like a turbo douchebag. i bet his names bret and he has an MBA and a tesla.

>> No.58949716

Nothing wrong with baggy pants. Her pants are just clearly a bad fit and the hems are at risk of touching the ground.

>> No.58949963

Are you saying that because of his face, way of walking or clothes? I personally think his clothes look better than the left one.

>> No.58952580
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>> No.58954412

god i wish i had an mba and a tesla

>> No.58957035
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>> No.58957330
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>> No.58957702

How long until Ririka makes me cum for this stream

>> No.58957813


>> No.58959834

these lunch streams are comfy

>> No.58960011

Ririka so cute when she chews...

>> No.58961417

I'm an eop studying jp for a month so far and I've come to the conclusion that eops don't deserve chuubas

>> No.58961507

I agree but I don't get it

>> No.58961760

What's your comprehension like during streams?

>> No.58961993

Hard to say. maybe 15-30% but I've only watched Raden and Nene as passive immersion. I gotta do way way more active listening reps. I read some manga and do my srs every day and then play some jap games but I really should look at some more grammar. I'm hoping to ramp things up a bit for my second month.

>> No.58962116

oh and i've been watching a lot of anime with jp subtitles.

>> No.58962396
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>anime with jp subtitles

>> No.58962444

it's on and off, a lot of shows i can't even find subtitles for so I just watch them raw.

>> No.58963600
File: 30 KB, 540x540, Juufuutei Raden 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning for Raden!

>> No.58963768

Do you do this?

>> No.58964507

That seems pretty good after a month, I was thinking that I wouldn't be able to understand streams until like 3-5 months in

>> No.58968238

Don't die bwos....

>> No.58968452

save us Raden

>> No.58970744
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>> No.58971732
File: 163 KB, 850x1202, Juufuutei Raden 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn frens!

>> No.58971804

don't go to the catalog

>> No.58972069

Ririka soon....

>> No.58972809

get ready to cum

>> No.58972934


>> No.58972996

How fast will she yab and accidentally show off some lewd scene

>> No.58973070

Ah thanks uni

>> No.58973100

The introduction to the game is too quick, is the game not taking itself seriously?

>> No.58973148

It's a sequel for one. Second is they're starting off part way through the story. The proper opening should be part of that and it'll introduce the monster as well.

>> No.58973170

*part after not part of

>> No.58973203

Oh, thanks for explaining that.

>> No.58973206

The fact that she says she's the one in charge of seiso and is playing this is sending me.

>> No.58973224

No problem and there we go, here's the actual intro.

>> No.58973241

This game is heavy on bondage and ryona lamo

>> No.58973253

Did she say if she's played the first one. I'd assume so if she's aware of the game and the content it has but has she said anything?

>> No.58973296
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>> No.58973322

I meant about playing the first game or not. I know she made the warning.

>> No.58973512

Did she force that scream?

>> No.58973540

Maybe made is bigger then it was since it was kinda a jump scare. I think she's really good with horror looking at her.

>> No.58973633

The phone got her

>> No.58973811

So this ends with a good ending right

>> No.58973926

Royna, bondage girl suffering game. Take a guess.

>> No.58973949

There's A good ending but a sizeable number of bad endings

>> No.58974000

Pretty much

>> No.58974068

Also some deaths are time sensitive

>> No.58974294

So the monster is a furry?

>> No.58974369

> Ririka: I used to wear something that has "I am a bitch" written on it
Holy kek

>> No.58974524

I forgot sometimes they just have it spawn right behind you if you take too long in a room

>> No.58974575

It's kinda bullshit

>> No.58974686

Agreed, that fucking pig wasted so much of my time in the first game.

>> No.58974706

"bitch" in Japan has a completely different meaning than the west

unless she was talking about when she was studying abroad.

>> No.58974734

It was when she was studying abroad.

>> No.58974739

>aokun is a lesbo playboy
>she refuses to comitt to a girl
>girls are highest offenders of domestic violence
>has sex with girl
>refuses to get serious because she wants to sleep around
>gets cup ramen thrown in her face

>> No.58974792

why are all of them playing clubhouse?

>> No.58974816

Hajime is challenging them for dominance

>> No.58974823


>> No.58974881

Bancho is summoning them behind the school. They don't have a choice.

>> No.58974912

i see kek

>> No.58974975

Holy shit an old crt vcr television, how horrifying

>> No.58975040

Ririka keeps calling the girl a retard

>> No.58975052


>> No.58975105

To add to this she was going to use the loli buzzer. That blonde girl is fucking retarded.

>> No.58975138


>> No.58975275

Man those cellphones have infinite battery

>> No.58975357

It'd be total bullshit otherwise if it was limited in some way. Just assume the phones are being affected by paranormal energy or something.

>> No.58975392


>> No.58975435
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So that's where she got it from...

>> No.58975534

I took this picture

>> No.58975597

Where'd hajime and raden go....

>> No.58975976


>> No.58975989

Skinny jeans is a zoomer thing though? Those became popular when the oldest zoomers became teenagers. Millennials used pants that ranged from normal to absurdly baggy when they were teenagers/young adults.

>> No.58976849

Drunk hajime....

>> No.58977067

How the fuck does Ao end up with so many girls trying to get into her pants? just looking handsome doesn't explain it sufficiently. She must be unwittingly wooing them somehow.

>> No.58977251

This is why tomboys are extinct, they were simply too powerful for their own good

>> No.58977354

Some people have like pheromones that just make woman try to have sex with you. Had a friend like this and so many crazy girls stalked him, tried break into his house, leave creepy shit in his mail and such he ended up turning gay.

>> No.58977555

But the girls she meets can't realistically all be lesbians so you're saying she turns them gay ontop of that?

>> No.58977741

i think the pattern is that only the crazy ones fell in love

>> No.58978228


>> No.58978329

They're actually quite easy once you know the method. Go row by row, left to right, and if you need to shuffle the top unsolved rows, you move the leftmost piece down, the next piece where the first one was, and that makes room to shuffle 3 and 4.

>> No.58980029
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>> No.58981187
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>> No.58982053


>> No.58982703

>the girl she dumped recently and was afraid would doxx her has a photo of her sleeping face
Damn, I actually believe this.

>> No.58984294
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>> No.58986996

The collab is on devis channel right?

>> No.58989861


>> No.58992264


>> No.58995367

Keep a lookout for good unique moves / finishers if we want good ReGloss reps on HFZ.
I already scouted some good jumping kicks for Hajime and a few chevalier moves for Ao

>> No.58997447
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>> No.58997871

Ririka's won my heart among the ReGloss girls. The more I watch her the more I'm liking her
