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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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588655 No.588655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think we should have an early /vt/ meta thread before this board gets way too far up its own ass as to rules, mods, etc. The board is still young, so it's probably good for us to have a conversation on rules NOW.

What suggestions do you have for our glorious mod overlords, /vt/?

>> No.588683

kill all mods AMAB

>> No.588697
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we only need one rule
doxfags get perma'd
otherwise let the threads be untainted battlefields

>> No.588710
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Going first -- no fucking generals. Recurring threads are fine. But this is how we end up with /ptg/ or /ksg/.

If some fucking tumblr faggots and /pol/tards can keep irrelevant threads going long past the expiry, imagine what some fucking thirty betas can do unable to move on from some dead vtuber they spent thousands on was for.

>> No.588754

Meta threads are off-topic and always get moved to /qa/, which isn't any better because /qa/ is in an irredeemable state at the moment. Still, just ban annoying orange shit, politics, wojak/pepe posting and the board is better off.

>> No.588799

Kick /hlgg/ back to /jp/ - that kind of cultish schizo behavior provides nothing
Ban AO and "ohhh but what if [irrelevant nigger] was a vtuber and not your anime girls lmoa" shitposting
Probably ban anti threads too since those are just crypto doxxer threads. PROTIP: Criticism doesn't mean anti. Chang LARPer Coco threads ARE anti.

>> No.588818

imho orange is fine. The occasional thread isn't killing anything.

>> No.588821

why ban fads like AO that will die out in weeks? it will only fuel them more. just let them die naturally.

>> No.588841

Just define vtuber as a person playing a fictional character behind a fully animated avatar that uses motion tracking.
- If they're just playing an animated version of themselves (Pokimane, Pewdiepie, etc.), it's not a vtuber.
- If the avatar has live action features (Annoying Orange), it's not a vtuber.
- If the avatar does not use motion tracking but is instead manually animated in post or not animated at all (Jaiden, TheOdd1sOut, Death Battle, I Hate Everything, etc), it's not a vtuber.

There, I fixed everything.

>> No.588857

Off-topic shit shouldn't be posted here, no matter how hard they try to force it or gaslight people into believing it's on-topic. If they were moved to /co/ (where they should be) they would never post there at all because the election tourists would find no value in trolling there.

>> No.588858

>Kick /hlgg/ back to /jp/
lmao no way, this is a containment board wether you like it or not, as long as global kiddies don't infest other boards I'd say this one's doing it's job

>> No.588867

Killing all semi off topic threads will just cause them to sperg and put in more effort. Mods deleting all but one or two threads to contain them is good. Doxxfags should be permabanned

>> No.588895

There are poorfag vtubers who use PNG though

>> No.588909
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Rename to "/vt/ - Virtual Tsugu" and ban all non Hatoba Tsugu threads.

>> No.588946

Orange threads are great because now that the tourist have given up they're done ironically and are usually the first to shit on actual tourists swinging by.

>> No.588969

I mostly agree but that would exclude people like Shigure Ui and Pochimaru

>> No.588993

Ban vshoujo discussion in general. We can have threads about mouse, froot and melody but all the other girls need to be delete on sight, there hasn't been a peaceful thread yet and probably never will be

>> No.589121
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>there hasn't been a peaceful thread yet and probably never will be
why is this a bad thing?

>> No.589292

It is a brutal world anon, in all things there can never be peace.

>> No.589338

>h-hey guys it's me "not nyanners", what do you think about nyanners
>seething and shitflinging for 300 posts

>> No.589352

The hate seems to only target specific vtubers.
Artemis got the /pol/ schizos that have trannies living in their head every second.
Nyanners was obviously going to get flamed here, I don't know what her fans were expecting and there's literally nothing to do about it.
And lately I've seen a lot of Kiara threads, most of them being made by her fans complaining about antis (???).
I think moderation should look at Artemis and Kiara threads individually and decide the best course of action.

>> No.589446

I wouldn't want to kick out png chuubas though, some of them are good

>> No.589724

Artemis threads seem to police themselves since nobody even talks about him unironically, they're all bait threads that die relatively quickly. Kiara not sure, it's mostly /jp/ refugees mad about some old drama so maybe just report it as off topic/roommate shit

>> No.589934

With Nyanners I just expect it, but when a stream is actually going, the antis tend to be ignored more. Still a shit show, I've just gotten used to it.

>> No.589984

I'm pretty sure doxxposting is banned on sight, even hinting at confirmed roommate stuff can get you warned or banned.

>ctrl+f "tran" after reading your shit
>1/1, yours was the first and only mention of such a thing
Sure it's /pol/ raiding this board of all places and not you mentally ill fetishists playing the victim card as you do in real life to draw attention. Just join the 41% meme already.

>> No.590106

Literally rent free, fucking tourists

>> No.590233

Lot's of indies start with static avatars until they can save the money to comission a Live2D rigging. And if the japs who created the thing are fine with them calling themselves Vtubers I don't see any to exclude them.

>> No.590414
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>ban annoying orange threads and posts, and any other shitposts about george floyd, pewdiepie, etc
they just contribute nothing and only exist to shit up the board. the definition of shitposting. they're also against the spirit of the board which is for japanese culture based vtubers. this isn't /jp/ but it should at least be considered a sister board to /jp/.

>limit of 1 thread per vtuber at a time
do we really need 5 threads about kiara and haachama all the time? it's fine to have general threads for companies but we don't need multiple threads for the same vtuber every time they stream.

>more clear-cut rules on roommate-posting
talking about their past vtuber personas should be considered fine. the history and growth is interesting.
talking about their real life stuff that they've revealed on stream should be fine. if they didnt want it talked about they wouldn't mention it.
talking about stuff from their roommate should be fine if they're a public persona like Coco as long as there's no real life pictures or videos or links posted.
posting real life pictures/videos of their roommate should be permaban, or at least a couple days ban if it's a public enough persona that it's conceivably believable as a mistake.

>crack down hard on politics and /pol/-posting
this means anything involving trannies, YWNBAW, fearmongering about SJW's invading Hololive, etc. enough is enough and inevitably every single thread devolves into this shit. just look at any thread involving HoloEN gen 2 and literally all of them are just /pol/ tourists seething over sjw's totally unprompted and derailing the thread. nobody is here to read your shitty political views and schizoid delusions, that's what /pol/ is for. if you can't post a reasonable opinion on vtubers without injecting politics into it then you don't belong here.

>> No.590550

>Sister board to /jp/
Nope, claiming another /v/ offshoot, those fags have to stay in their /hlg/ ghetto

>> No.590635

If you're the type of person to shit up a board even more after being rightfully banned then that's all the more reason you should've been banned.

>> No.590657

>Sister board to /jp/
It's a containment board for /trash/, a second child to old /z/.

>> No.590705

Good post

>> No.590759


>> No.590764

I wish I can give you a blowjob right now

>> No.590810

yeah, so what?

>> No.590832

>ban annoying orange threads and posts, and any other shitposts about george floyd, pewdiepie, etc
AO only exists on this board as a containment thread for antis and zoomers that are angry about vtubers. AO is very obviously /co/ territory if we're being real here, but the fact of the matter is that people are getting bored with the shitpost and the number of AO threads have only gone down over time. I doubt it needs actual attention.

>limit of 1 thread per vtuber at a time
Nah. If a vtuber can support multiple threads, no need to get anal about how many they're allowed imo. If the spam gets too bad I'm sure jannies will step in.

>more clear-cut rules on roommate-posting
I wouldn't mind that, if only because the rule can be a little ambiguous sometimes.
That said it sounds like you just want to HER post, and that's the kind of shit that we need to avoid.

>crack down hard on politics and /pol/-posting
They already do that for the most part.
>this means anything involving trannies, YWNBAW, fearmongering about SJW's invading Hololive
Oh, you're one of those people, got it.

>> No.590881

just use reddit if this is the level of moderative hand-holding you want

>> No.590992

You're right but
>this isn't /jp/ but it should at least be considered a sister board to /jp/
Vtubers have more to do with /soc/ than /jp/, the fact that it was japan that came up with the idea doesn't overwrite the fact that they're internet celebrities and this board's purpose is to give other a place to circlejerk about them.

>> No.590998

What's next?
Are you going to ask for and upvote system too?

>> No.591050

Artemis threads are newfag honeypots for polfags even if Artemis is shit it serves a purpose to attract the lowest form of trolls to easy bait

>> No.591098

>Not wanting to hear unprovoked bitching about trannies is being "one of those people"
Ok nigger

Go back you fucking election tourists

>> No.591145

Anon any politics also includes lefty fags who bait pol tards and use words like chud because it’s clear what they want and it’s to derail the threads hell it might even be the same anon just samefagging

>> No.591180

Fuck off /v/irmin

>> No.591182

Besides being hard on doxing (which is already a rule), I dont see the need for any extra board specific. Things like ao, poki, etc. would die out if youd all just try to control your autistic rage.

>> No.591214

>every single thread devolves into this
No they don't, you and your kin of special snowflakes derail threads and make them revolve around it, even when nobody brings it up.
>you're one of those people
They can't contain it and keep outing themselves all the time.
>election tourists
This board wasn't even around during elections, keep pushing your ebil /pol/ nonsense, you're literally exposing yourself more with every post.

>> No.591229

Wrong it was holofags who couldn’t stay contained on jp to one thread that got everyone ass mad enough to beg for a new containment board so it’s jp clay

>> No.591286

>couldn’t stay contained
Blame the mods.
I remember Nijis having generals of their own by the time, it wasn't strictly a hololive thing.

>> No.591301

Anon this board has more in common with /pw/ or /asp/ if you are not with the times the entire thing is kfabe that appeals to man children ergo pro wrestling but with anime and videogames

>> No.591309

That's good though.
I haven't seen any unprompted lefty politics shit, but if they bring it up or can't help responding to /pol/ bait and derailing a good thread then fuck em too.

>> No.591311
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I've been here 16 years you double nigger

>> No.591312

>injects his own politics
lol you had one job you retard

>> No.591326

>Implying they stay on one board
I don't even call them /pol/, redditfugees absolutely did come post 2016 election and shit up every board on this site for the past 4 years, and you're here now too trying to play as an oldfag

>> No.591348

It's not a containment board, vtuber discussion isn't banned from /jp/ or /trash/. Though if it turns into /AO/ then certainly everyone will move back to /jp/ to get away from the shitposters and it'll just turn into /wvt/. So it's in the meidos' best interest to ban that kinda content early and develop a proper board culture that defines what vtubers are welcome and what vtubers are just Youtubers. The clearest definition in my opinion is that vtubing is a uniquely japanese thing and vtubers should be at least tangentially related to japan or japanese culture or anime.

>I doubt it needs actual attention.
It's easy to say this about AO but it's only a matter of time until they find something new to spam. Yes the jannies have already been cracking down on it if you report them outside of their designated threads, but it'd be good to establish an actual rule on what vtubers are and what is just shitposting. I don't particularly care if AO has its own general but if you allow it then you'll have to allow individual generals for every other shitpost like PewDiePie, furries, etc and it'll just clutter up the board.

>Nah. If a vtuber can support multiple threads, no need to get anal about how many they're allowed imo. If the spam gets too bad I'm sure jannies will step in.
This would be fine if the threads were about different aspects of a particular vtuber, but lately every thread is the same. If you want to talk about Haachama's latest daily antics you'll be posting in 3 different liveposting threads at the same time without really keeping track of them. It's just the same shit in every thread. Maybe just limit it to one liveposting thread per vtuber then.

>That said it sounds like you just want to HER post, and that's the kind of shit that we need to avoid.
Nah I find that stuff obnoxious, but it's not explicitly harmful besides the retards that are actually doxxing in those threads. I just think it's kinda dumb when you have insight on a vtuber's mindset based on their past but can't really post about it due to being unsure of the janny's mood that day. Stuff like Polka's past is pretty relevant to who she is now and would be worth discussing in her threads. Besides, Aloe/Delutaya threads inevitably turn into Aloe-posting anyway, so if we're gonna allow that we should allow it in general as long as it's not doxxing.

I don't want leftist politics posting either, but it's pretty obvious that's not really the case most of the time. Again just go to any HoloEN2 threads and all of them are unprompted tranny seething without any leftist baiting necessary. Obviously leftist baiting should be banned too but saying you don't mind Artemis being trans or don't mind Hololive hiring a black vtuber isn't "baiting" necessarily. A person's skin color or nationality or personal identity isn't inherently political. I wouldn't really care if all that stuff was banned entirely though, it's just annoying to read.

>> No.591349

Based, dope, and, dare I say it, suprelit

>> No.591352

I mean it was purely a false flag operation by qa retards and sea trolls but hey we got a board out of it

>> No.591561
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It's not injecting politics just because I didn't "both sides" it. I just couldn't think of any examples of leftists shitting up the board. There's very clearly very little "leftist politics" posters here and they tend to be dealt with when they make themselves known or bait by chudposting. Just very evident that the vast vast majority of derailment is coming from schizoid /pol/ tourists who can't stop themselves from talking about trannies every second of their lives.
I'd challenge you to find a single leftist post on this board, as I haven't seen any. Meanwhile I can easily go to any thread about Artemis or HoloEN2 or Coco and find /pol/ tourists derailing it.

>> No.591574

kill mods, replace with meidos

>> No.591597

the only thing the mods need to do is rangeban SEA.
we know it, and they know it.
I don't know what's taking so long.

>> No.591636

The site belongs to us, weebtranny

>> No.591646

but anon-chama if we ban SEA then treerrat will never give me (You)'s.

>> No.591664

she can pay for a private VPN if she wants
