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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58807762 No.58807762 [Reply] [Original]

what did we learn about them individually?

>> No.58807947

HoloEN was a disgrace. Fuwawa and Mococo are exactly what it should've been from the start.
Some people will willingly get on a sinking ship. That girl has issues, and she spells trouble.
Maybe not all zoomers are bad...
You can be a talentless bitchy hack and people will still suck it up as long as your model's good enough.

>> No.58807984

I learn that my kink is as vast as the ocean and I want to fuck all of them.

>> No.58808021

motherfucker, have you heard her sing? she mogs all of EN

fucking threadreaders, watch streams

>> No.58808024

>FWMC vs Shiori

>> No.58808066

Mococo has anger issues and has probably beaten her sister before

>> No.58808157

Advent taught me what having constant, daily streams in my timeslot is like. I've watched more Advent since they debuted than I have Myth and Council in any 6 month period.

>> No.58808185
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I had high hopes for Nerissa with that model before debut. What a letdown. She can't even sing unless it's a studio prerecorded music video.

>> No.58808212

They're not individuals

>> No.58808308

Surprise service

>> No.58808318

not even close, I expected a lot more from self proclaimed demon of sound

>> No.58808368
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I still don't know why Hololive doesn't teach the new hires how to setup hardware and software correctly, especially if they have little streaming experience. The new gens often say how many months they had to get to know each other and how long they've been waiting...so why do they not use that fucking time to practice? I just don't get the female mindset at all. Most of them are fucking terrible with software and especially audio when it's literally everything to vtubers.

>> No.58808500
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Mococo is crazy and Whowawa doesn't exist.

>> No.58808601
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I knew they had potential when they were able to make amazing streams from almost nothing as 2views, Holo picking both these up completely revitalized my faith in their hiring process
Was one of the first ever vtubers I found back in the day. Most of the rrats against her are pretty baseless, she's obviously experienced and my personal favorite of the gen
Very good design, and having an actual passion for gaming And I don't mean just holding stream marathons in minecraft or whatever makes her a breath of fresh air in the corpo scene
Only one I can't get into. She feels very much like she was hired for her VA/Music portfolio over her skills as a streamer Very ironically. how I also felt about kronii 2 years ago

>> No.58808668

>Another X will happen schizo
Can we get opinions of people who actually watch Shiori please.
>Another actually talentless loser calling Nerissa talentless.
Can we get opinions of people who know and appreciate talent when they see it please?

>> No.58808794

that nerissa is my wife

>> No.58808841

Fuwawa: Sadist, manipulator, enjoys torturing her sister, very funny and loveable
Mococo: Tomboy, baby, enjoys torturing her sister, very funny and loveable
Biboo: Looks and sounds like baby, is actually most mature EN member, hardcore gamer, based petachad, unexpectedly quite nice
Nerissa: Normie white girl who will into weeb shit because she wants to be loved, deserves to be loved but it's fun to make her work for it
Shiori: Not the gigathot manipulator I expected, seems to be genuinely autistic and weird in a mostly good way

>> No.58808926
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>> No.58809042

Arguably the strongest en gen.
They all have qualities that appeal to different crowds. A lot of them bring some really fresh stuff to the table and also bring back some feelings I missed.
I love the autistic passion Shiori has, I love how much of a game Bijou is, Nerissa seems sweet and like the most friendly/social/normie of the group, and Fuwamoco are my oshi. I had never understood what oshi meant until I watched them. They are lovely.

>> No.58809458

Holopro thought they were hiring advent two gens ago. This is what they actually wanted. The weakest advent content is still high tier compared to the rest of EN.

>> No.58809487

my oshi and wife
Watching their streams is sort of annoying, but I like them in advent collabs
I can only take her in small doses or in collabs, but she's pretty funny and enjoyable
collab only, her regular stream is unwatchable. It's not even her accent, I like the way she talks and says mhmm, she's just boring.

>> No.58809493
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I think that it is a really insane talent that Mococo can act as two vtubers.

>> No.58809539

How do we do the dogs individually I think it's one person playing 2 people.

>> No.58809712
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Maybe you're right

>> No.58809989

Cute, dumb, and funny. Inexperienced at streaming but has a natural talent for it.
Sociopathic grifter
Low IQ sexual degnerate with a bad attitude who isn't very good at streaming. Needs work. She could either blossom as a streamer or fizzle out. It's all up to her.

>> No.58810302

I dislike her for doing GFE and her voice but she stays in her own lane so I can respect that.
Was neutral on her but she’s being a bitch lately. Her only saving grace is her singing ability. She is the most boring and normie vtuber out there including her fans. Who are just ironic weebs
Hard working and plays actual fun games. I love her
Hard working, idol loving twins that are really saving holoEN from pure disappointment. It won’t be long for she gains more subs than all the council runts kek

>> No.58810511

maybe, but wheres the singing then?

>> No.58810884


I don't care what to learn about them, I want to learn from them

Fuwamoco should teach me how babies are made

>> No.58811564

This but swap bijou with shiori

>> No.58815372

Shiori is probably the biggest miscast for a model, and I love it

>> No.58816613

Nice chemistry, funny sometimes, extremely cute, nice karaoke, etc. My favorite, but some games they like aren’t very popular.
Don’t watch, so I would rather not judge.
Pretty good. I like her more than council, but not more than Gura. Probably my #3.
Don’t watch, so I would rather not judge.

>> No.58816697

nigga she's so traumatized from her horrendous unarchived karaoke she might not do karaoke ever again and stick to processed covers

>> No.58816831

>Fuwawa: Sadist, manipulator, enjoys torturing her sister, very funny and loveable
>Mococo: Tomboy, baby, enjoys torturing her sister, very funny and loveable
I have this:
>smart, but may appear dumb
>dominate, enjoys punishing Mococo
>very horny, and likes girls
>extremely feminine
>nice boobs
>mastermind, plans out the streams
>is terrible at games, because too girly
>red eyed, evil twin
>sneezes a little
>very cute
>easily afraid, screams
>dumb, and appears dumb too
>submissive, enjoys being punished
>less horny, and likes girls
>more tomboy-like
>nice tummy
>bratty, trolls others during collabs
>less bad at games, but never good
>blue eyed, neutral twin
>sneezes a lot
>very cute
>easily afraid, screams

>> No.58816910

Dogs has the most fun karaoke streams, but too much shit games streams.
Biboo is biboo
Rissa ...not my niche? I'm still waiting for her not scuffed karaoke streams tho.
Shiorin has the potential to surpass Rushia.

>> No.58817064


>> No.58817072

White bitch syndrome devours every good quality you have.
Gaming girls are alright, but the novelty wears off faster than I ever realized.
The modern world has sired far too many manchildren and people pathologically nostalgic for their childhood.
Autistic whores are the most underrated social strata.

>> No.58817140

>Shiorin has the potential to surpass Rushia.
Not in views, and not in SC either.

>> No.58817281

I like them
Except Nerissa every passing day she gets worse for me but the lewds are good

>> No.58817519

Literal anime girls and I love them for it.

Not what I expected but I find her comfy when I see her in collabs and when bored

Gamer Rock though these days I mostly watch her in snippits and rarely full stream

Never held much interest for me in the first place and her attitude can be off but still tolerable

>> No.58819843

This, fan artists really know how to make some quality lewds from something so insignificant.

>> No.58819925

oh shit what'd I miss

>> No.58820105


Look. It's that one guy who keeps calling shiori a grifter in every post he makes.

>> No.58820168


People had such high expectations of her, being the 'demon of sound.' Turns out she's just average.

>> No.58820321

Her singing is shit, even IRyS is better than her

>> No.58820916


>> No.58820970

Dude she's nothing special when actually singing live.

>> No.58821054


>> No.58821123

That's disgustingly horrible. But unfortunately that is factually true hate to say it.

>> No.58821170

Yeah her studio vs karaoke was a fuckin major letdown.

>> No.58821316


>> No.58821543

daily remainder that fuwawa manipulated, abused, gaslited and molested mococo to the point of mococo developed stockholm syndrome so severe she unconciously sneeze a lot even without any diagnosed allergy to please fuwawa.

>> No.58821580


>> No.58821996

Nerissa needs to rape a girl to prove that she is genuine. I don't care who it is but it needs to happen. Biboo seems like a good candidate since she's retarded.

>> No.58822000

I'm a peanutbutter abusing dog fucker and pebblephile

>> No.58822065

Will this be the third or fourth time for pekora?

>> No.58822480

It’s great they let ESLs join the EN branch. Too saccharine for me but the people that like it really like it.

Initially found her voice trill and general everything aggravating. Every advent collab has served to prove me wrong and while I detest the GFE stuff she’s a welcome voice on collabs.

My first oshi so can’t give an objective review. Thought she’d be the least interesting but halfway through the first truck sim stream I was all in. I love that she fails in games and just goes “dang it” and keeps going instead of bitching like a child. Her desire to troll her friends in games warms my heart.

Thought I would like her most. Initially though solo streams were boring and just felt neutral about her. But, echoing other anons her bitchiness, control freak, and microphone domination in collabs is making me hate her. Even though I’m trying hard not to become against her she makes it hard.

>> No.58822772

>as long as your model's good enough.
You meant to say as long as you have the hololive buff, right?

>> No.58822774

Peko has been raped too many times, she's a harder target now.

>> No.58822822


>> No.58823046

Shiori is kinda scary
Biboo is funny and cute
Fuwawa is just a hand puppet and Mococo plays two characters
Nerissa on paper has good taste but she feels uncanny.

>> No.58823152

And people dare to claim that Ruffians aren't the biggest antis on this board
Imagine still screeching about nonexistent red flags when you're watching the vtuber equivalent of teletubbies, just white noise, no meat or depth or humor or wit.

>> No.58823664

it seemed like she never did a live karaoke before, had tech issues for 1 hour, called Kiara for help, cried and then she was just... mid
hasn't scheduled a karaoke since, so much for being the singer

>> No.58825036

>And people dare to claim that Ruffians aren't the biggest antis on this board
they aren't. phase and nijiniggers will always be worse, not even accounting for the tide of chumbud shitters and numberfags.
Also Fuwamoco unironically makes alot of EN look worse by comparison just by virtue that they actually managed to keep their morning show consistent, don't antagonize their fanbase, and keep a consistent schedule.

>> No.58825235

she said she's never gone to a dance/night club
I believe her when she says she hasn't done a karaoke before

>> No.58825415

We could have had Beryl or Chapipi. Instead we someone who is the definition of mid.

>> No.58825970

instead of this we got a 30 min karaoke for monetization and a half-assed unarchived in the span of 2 months
her covers better be worth it

>> No.58826289

I had given up on holoEN and was moving towards Idol. But Biboo and Fuwamoco have brought me back. They're what I've wanted from EN for two years. Consistent streams. And fun. The other two seem nice, but I never see either Nerissa or Shiori because of overlaps.

>> No.58826742

Nerissa is a basic bitch.

>> No.58828959

All I know is that FWMC are the perfect honeytrap for the mindless simps that VTubing has attracted and that Nerissa's Terraria streams have been fun. I'll give Advent a real shot after they've been around for a year. Don't want to get invested only for them to graduate later like Sana did.

>> No.58834728
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Local Rock is cute.

>> No.58838792

Why do Diamond Dogs hate every streamer besides the ones they watch?

>> No.58838823

With Beryl in Phase, there's a good chance her and Chaps will end up doing a duet... which will be pure kino.
Not sure that'd be possible if either was in Hololive.

>> No.58839174

dog girls are cute
autistic girls are cute
rock girls are cute
raven girls are cute
in conclusion: advent is cute and i love them all

>> No.58839341
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Personally not a fan of her at all, but Jailbirds have always been chill when I interacted with them so they have my respect.
Usually can't watch her due to work, but I've enjoyed what I've watched and Pebbles are also very chill and welcoming.
Also usually can't catch their streams because of work, but I've also enjoyed everything I've seen from them and they're always very friendly and funny. Most toxic fanbase of the bunch though and instigate most of the fanbase wars so I avoid anything outside of streams with chat off.
My favorite streamingwise since she's comfy and has good interaction, but I hate other Novelites and their fruity larping/roleplaying, so I actively avoid the split in favor of the more comfy /gem/.
Favorite EN gen so far. Even if I'm personally not a fan of Nerissa, it's not a deal breaker for me if she's in a collab or pops in to talk on a stream.

>> No.58840020

Good taste?

>> No.58840279

>all the signs of a secondary with shit taste
>good taste
Be ashamed, you don't deserve to watch them.

>> No.58840496

God tier

>> No.58840603

I always knew it was seething 2viewfags behind it

>> No.58840625

Fuwawa: responsible, shadow leader of advent, good talker.

Mococo: kusogaki, amazing banter, cute mannerism

Shiori: kindest in the group, a lil weird but she’s not awkward, gets too much hate for no reason

Nerissa: down horrendous, lil sister of advent next to mococo, great banter with mococo, bijou and shiori

Bijou: gamer, great interactions with everyone, memelord

And all of them are hard workers. Holy fuck EN is actually saved. If they all debuted instead of council they would all be easily at 1mil. It’s surprising going on holodex and seeing SEVERAL streams from EN and it’s 90% of the time thanks to advent

>> No.58840738

Horny ass lesbian
SEA isn't bad
EN standards were shit, this is the new standard for me

>> No.58840801

Based, don't know why retards think they're only allowed to like 1-2 chubas and hate everybody else.

>> No.58843601

Neither of them are /here/, retard.

>> No.58844001

I cannot give an unbiased opinion on my kamioshis. If they were in Myth, EN vtubing would have been a lot different thanks to them providing the first, REAL good examples of how to behave as an anime girl streamer. There's a lot of everything else I like about them and it's hard to list them all.
Second favorite of this gen. Has the right blend of work ethic and gamerhood. Enjoyable to actually watch, not just listen to.
The only red flag I saw about her is the two-week break that could make her slip into the Myth/Council-style sporadic work routines. Other than that her autism is very enjoyable to tune into and she's seems pretty trustworthy with her genmates. I love her short videos because they remind me of the pre-streaming/L2D era of vtubing. I must admit I fell for some of the shitposting at first, because I don't really have good experience with the "seductive big tits cool woman" type of model. Yes, I was a kronie.
I haven't watched much so I'll just not say much. The main reason is that she overlaps too much with Bijou and FWMC and her schedules aren't very interesting, but I also feel like she might validate the above trauma I have even though she seems pretty fairly enthusiastic about being in Hololive from what I saw of her. I don't mind the /u/ and I haven't really seen her "bitchy" side.

>> No.58844221

nerissa is mentally ill and will probably cause the first big yab for advent
