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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 515 KB, 900x675, 1671046738437167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58678074 No.58678074 [Reply] [Original]

It's not called "seething" or being a "doomcuck".
It's called being a committed fan to the vt league, you stupid faggots. /pcg/ had a fucking storyline going as the heel and Twain was going to finish his revenge arc, but no, the OP has a fucking massive boner for Hololive and decided to let /uuu/ win for literally zero reason.
It's just sad that good writing and story-telling and world-building is ruined by one fucking mistake. /uuu/ didn't deserve to win at all in their group because
1. Not even a stable thread. No managers. Just bullshit, cheap wins against other autotactics teams because OP is probably a saplingshitter.
2. /pcg/ had her own storyline and she's an established team in the league
3. /pcg/ ga,es literally has the most viewers, she's much better than the rest of the threads in that sense. If you compare pcg's all time viewers peak to /uuu/ matches there's no comparison.

>> No.58678262

long-lasting kino is for mainline, ours is garbage disposal

>> No.58678363

What are you rambling about, faggot?

>> No.58678550


>> No.58678668

The dogfucker copypasta...John Ina keeps dominating this board.

>> No.58678995

Holoboard, Hololeague
imagine having 2 TEAMS and still not even making it to round 16

>> No.58679336

It's all luck. Blame the AI.

>> No.58680442

It's not all luck, statistically the better managed team wins, specially if they tryhard as fuck, as the 4cc

>> No.58680832

>Pipnig salty that /pcg/ jobbed and were the first team out this league

>> No.58681287
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>My manager killed himself and you're laughing

>> No.58686296

if you replace all /pcg/ with /2434/ it makes sense

>> No.58687659

isn't niji also auto?

>> No.58688626

>seething over another Anuaf mogging
god you love to see it
Holoboard btw

>> No.58690153

m8, stop getting mad at virtual divegrass
everything is random no matter how much you might think otherwise

>> No.58690877

Pippiggers are a blight upon this board
can you fags all just fuck off back to kiwifarms already?

>> No.58691047
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It's not completely random, else spoons wouldn't always lose.
If this is like hfz just give teams with auto managers less cards so there is an incentive to send people cause right now they are being raped by the autos to have the privilege of getting insulted by their thread later on and letting everyone down.

Why even apply for a manager role? If your team is managed by the OP you get all the benefits with none of the drawbacks like getting harassed by schizos or having to seppuku in shame
HFZ is all "auto" the vt league doesnt really need real people doing tactics to work, just caretakers
>because it's "fun"
not if you lose to someone's tactics who doesn't really care about the particular thread and manages 20 teams from dead threads

>> No.58691465

Of course it isn't all random, sometimes even a retarded +2 full gegen or whatever's the suicide tactic these days team wins
...because it's random and the PES gods sometimes feel like fucking YOU in the ass
The moment you take the thing too seriously is when you should take a break from it, I've watched the big leagues 4cc too long until I realized this

>> No.58692126

If you can't do better than an AI, that's your own damn fault

>> No.58692473

Good, that shit was cancer, along with nasfaq and the retarded worldbuilding shit if that still exists

>> No.58692778

The problem is that right now it is an statistical phenomena: the teams that end up rising to the top are precisely the ones who people give less of a fuck about.

Hachaama makes to 2nd place and now they cant even send one single person to represent them. Nepolabo terrorized the league on cup divegrass this season.

>> No.58697590

why does this have its own thread

>> No.58699597

Is only game
why you heff to be mad

>> No.58700114
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>> No.58701045
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>> No.58701059 [DELETED] 

/vt/ is full of third world shitters posting from their thinkpads, we wouldn't be able to even get 16 individual posters to run the smallest possible league if people were required to run the game to participate

>> No.58701664

you have to understand, I will do literally anything to not watch streams, even make specific threads my oshi.

>> No.58702018

this league had 15-16 managed teams, forgot the actual number, half of which made it out of groups and still 3 in the running for the star
managed teams are just as viable as autos and if anything, looking at how poorly non-holo, non-managed teams did this league, far better off than hoping you become a pet team of the OP

>> No.58702119

lmao, every fucking time

>> No.58702721

>still 3 in the running for the star
3 out of 8...
in a better league it should be 8 of out 8 to motivate people to send managers

the solution is easy, just have autoteams have less cards or at least less tryhard tactics

>> No.58703201

>seething over losing to AI
sounds like a skill issue

>> No.58704294

>dead thread

>> No.58704489

Its like 90% spam of the very same set of pictures tho

>> No.58704523
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>> No.58704694
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>> No.58704785
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>this thread

>> No.58704995

That might have something to do with the fact that there have been 0(zero) Haachama streams since the last /vt/ league

>> No.58705135


>> No.58705527

does that makes it unlikely for it to be niji?

>> No.58705861

the pasta wouldn't've make any sense unless it was a managed team

>> No.58706304

Sorry, the organizer likes his DMNPCs too much for that.
He masturbates to the thought of owning the newbs with his pet holo teams

>> No.58706457
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I see, thank you for wasting your time
have an aloe

>> No.58706557
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short hair is a debuff

>> No.58706661
File: 638 KB, 1143x452, Post to scare a catalogfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 teams were managed.
40 teams participated.
3 managed teams are in Final 8.
15 / 40 = 37.5%
3 / 8 = 37.5%

>> No.58706769
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fine, here

>> No.58706842

so is /pcg/

>> No.58706869

So? Thats just means there is literally no advantage to sending managers, it is all the same for the thread to have a guy doing tactics because it provides zero benefits anyway, it's better to send two aesthetics guys than to send one tactics and one aes guy
Make them all auto and put that manpower to better use

>> No.58706982
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why does this stink of someone who's got a lot to fucking say but would likely never spend a fifth the amount of time they do bitching actually contributing...

>> No.58707011

Schizophrenia, Pippigger, please kill yourself

>> No.58707036

get worked

>> No.58707075

ad hominen

>> No.58707129

3 out of 4 leagues came down to auto vs. auto
6 out of 8 finalists were running on auto

>> No.58707130

Hominem you illiterate fucking scrub.

>> No.58707207

double ad hominen

>> No.58707254

There's more of them, what do you expect

>> No.58707265
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Revive a dead fan favorite and manage it instead of whining about it here.

>> No.58707324
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rip sweet angel you were too good for this world

>> No.58707345

you know he unretired right

>> No.58707366

reading comprehension
pick one

/vtl/ isn't live managed anyways. that combination of words doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.58707371
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he did?
lol what a bitch, now I dont feel bad for mocking him

>> No.58707380

Flies in the face of not wanting to require tictacs for everyone because of the whole
>I don't want the league to be full of tryhards
when the only way to overcome the CPU is 10000% tryhard against it

>> No.58707415

the real issue is that you don't quite understand how the league works
nobody sends anything, if you want to manage, manage, if you do not want to manage, then don't, both can participate and both are equal
>but id like managed teams to have an advantage!
then there would only be managed teams and the league would devolve into namefriend fanclubs and antinamefriend groups as other leagues that do that have.
vtl is not supposed to be a hardcore test of skill, its a fun, mostly random even where pes does what it will and people gather with their threads to spam emoticons at and have fun
if you want hardcore group management that exists, just not here, but it can exist here if you make it
alternately if you want to manage, at a serious, intense, do it in real time level where you can try hard all you want and play with similarly minded people, that exists, too, go to vg, 4cc, and they might even help you with it

the core of this thread seems to be "the team i liked didn't win, but i think it deserved to win more than <whomever>"
but that's altogether wrong, nobody deserves to win, or lose
vtl is just about having fun with your thread and thats about it.

>> No.58707423

>/vtl/ isn't live managed anyways. that combination of words doesn't mean what you think it means.

NTa but Someone explain this to me already because I heard six different explanations and none made sense.

So what the fuck is the difference between auto teams and regular teams?

>> No.58707447
File: 1.70 MB, 1982x1321, balloonrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adopt your local auto team today, you could even have a cool stadium

>> No.58707464

sorry don't speak namefriend

>> No.58707483

what for if they arent auto they wont win anyway

>> No.58707592

From what I understand live management is like 4cc with your tactics man being able to change things on the fly instead of /vt/lel having preset instructions.

>> No.58707629

none really
there's a generic manager if you would that provides non managed teams with tactics
he is not really better, nor worse than managers, which is why you get similar proportions of both winning
non managed teams aren't ai, and the generic manager is trying to win, too, as in effect he represents every non managed thread
if anything hes at a disadvantage because his time and attention is divided between a much larger number of teams
but in the end pes and the ruleset are both designed to make things as random as they can be
the league is by design not tryhard

>> No.58707649

>then there would only be managed teams and the league would devolve into namefriend fanclubs and antinamefriend groups as other leagues that do that have.

So you guys dont want more managers? noted

>if you want hardcore group management that exists, just not here, but it can exist here if you make it

the opposite, I want less hardcore which can be accomplished by lowering the autos difficulty or what ever is happening there.
Popular teams who send managers should have an edge. What I see right now is a bunch of retards trying to have fun and one faggot tryharding his many pet teams to give himself the pleasure of winning

>> No.58707658

Goddamn Europeans...

>> No.58707675

>Popular teams who send managers should have an edge

>> No.58707674

VTL's managers set up tactics/formations, and can leave a moderately limited list of instructions to execute. Managers are able to make adjustments to these things each day (submitted the night before), in case they want to use a specific strategy against specific teams.
Autos are generated before the start of the league, don't typically change tactics or formations much (if at all), and have basic instructions that are generally independent of the team they're playing against. I think some anons are confusing having seen multiple formations on an auto team as the tactics changing between matches. It's more likely that all 3 preset formation slots are being used. I don't imagine the commissioner is remaking every auto team every day.

>> No.58707692

Anon you could just read the rules for /vtl/...
LIVE managed means managers make calls during the game. Subs. Tactics. Presets. /vtl/ has none of that.
Even for /vtl/ teams that have a manager, any changes they can make are pre-determined and get sent in the night before. The stuff you see the streamer doing at half-time. "This team changes their preset". "+2 if we're down at 80 minutes". None of that is decided LIVE, it's a decision your manager made in advance.
As for autos? The team itself (cards, formations, etc.) and all of those "decisions" are basically rolled for you in a gacha by management.
At the end of the day, at least for /vtl/, there IS no difference - PES's own bullshit gacha RNG has way more weight than whether (You)r team is managed or an "auto".

>> No.58707762

> PES's own bullshit gacha RNG has way more weight than whether (You)r team is managed or an "auto".
I fucking hate rain and long grass so fucking much

>> No.58707783

See, this guy understands it. Rain hate.

>> No.58707807
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>> No.58707825

I agree that autotactics isn't great but the way you make that point makes you sound like a fag. Ideally autotactics should only be used as a means to give every team a chance to play. An autotactics team shouldn't be as competitively viable as a fully managed team as otherwise there would be zero incentive to have a manager, only caretakers. With managed/managed matches there's some semblance of control, miniscule as it is, through predicting the tactics your opponent is going to utilize. Managed/auto and auto/auto matches have zero strategy or external thinking involved and are pure dice roll.

>> No.58707833

What does wrestling have to do with any of this?

>> No.58707834

you misunderstand, there is no auto difficulty, the managers aren't playing vs ai, vtl is, people design formations, cards, and strategies, and the game performs them, and spits a winner
the autos aren't the pes ai at a certain difficulty, theyre just a set of strategies, formations, and tactics made by a person, too.
you also misunderstand another thing, everyone is a bunch of retards trying to have fun, nobody is tryharding, and making it so that more popular teams won would make it so that nobody would play
no teams should have an edge of any sort, if such a thing existed, then nobody would play, participate, or watch such a thing as youd always know the result in advance

>> No.58707870

How do you fags manage to have this timeloop every league?

>> No.58707979

because autos keep winning every league

>> No.58708007

literally the last winner was a managed team

>> No.58708041

wdym nobody wants to watch 4 time champion /hlgg/ take their 5th cup? /s
wdym /morig/ being the eternal jobbers of /vtl/ is so fucking good there's no way you could rig something like this?
wdym even the man behind the auto is in awe at the level of bullshit /uuu/ has been able to manifest?
wdym multiple teams that have changed managers, changed between managed/managerless, or both have performed about the same each time?
wdym that statistically speaking, (You)r team won't win /vtl/ once in 30 years?
Do you understand high school statistics? There are MORE of them. Because nobody gives a shit enough to manage (You)r team.
Think about how stupid what you're fucking saying is...

>> No.58708117

Why should an unmanaged team be as viable as a managed team?

>> No.58708133

oh thats another thing anon doesn't understand, if teams won by popularity i am not sure he'd like the world that would ensure.

>> No.58708136

no it wasn't, it was running as auto

>> No.58708167

so that things dont devolve into a namefriend circlejerk, essentially.

>> No.58708181

Then why have managers at all? Why not just have caretakers?

>> No.58708206

>theyre just a set of strategies, formations, and tactics made by a person, too.
cant that faggot tone it down a bit then
>nobody is tryharding
So he is just playing casually and wiping the floor with everyone? That doesnt make it any better
>no teams should have an edge of any sort,
why send managers then?
>then nobody would play,
Then people would send managers to gain the upper hand and those who couldn't've would know they probably wont make it and aim for an underdog route, or consider sending someone next league

It will make it to: "we lost because we didnt send a guy" from the current "we lost because everyone but the organizer is shit at this game because they are literally learning the game this season and couldnt beat a guy who has been playing PES from before this board even existed "

>> No.58708222
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Why should there be a difference at all? Do you watch any other 4cc? /vtl/ is comfy.
Because some threads have people willing to get involved with the 'tism required to manage well, retardchama. And most threads on the tourist board...don't!

>> No.58708270

you finally get it
manage if you want
don't if you dont
managing doesn't mean youll win, or lose
not managing doesn't either
everything is perfectly balanced

>> No.58708311
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>we lost because everyone but the organizer is shit at this game because they are literally learning the game this season and couldn't beat a guy who has been playing PES from before this board even existed
>He doesn't know

>> No.58708320
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you do have one point, more people should get involved in their thread's team even if they're not running it, it's nice having custom models

>> No.58708324

>Do you understand high school statistics? There are MORE of them. Because nobody gives a shit enough to manage (You)r team.

maybe one of the reason there are more is because there is no advantage to volunteering to be a manager? Seems self fulfilling.

>> No.58708363

then remove all managers and make it all "auto"

>> No.58708383

Then the teams that don't can use a predictable set of tactics or use auto at some kind of minor disadvantage. The threads that want the best chances at winning can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and find a manger. Threads with managers that put in the work deserve to be rewarded otherwise there's no reason for them to exist.

>> No.58708498

no, you don't quite understand, this isn't like a fighting game where you have say, jobbers and daigo
this is more akin to a fair game of dice, and the only thing that changes is who rolls the dice, by design
if you want a sweaty try hard personality skill based league, vg 4cc has that, good luck
by the by, that is dying because it doesn't work as you think
if theres a circlejerk of invincible autists, people stop participating altogether and you just get the same invincible autists circlejerking forever.
also this is 4chan, people tend to hate namefriends, and for good reason
frankly im annoyed op even mentioned his thread namefriends name
this place should never be about particular individuals.

>> No.58708552
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Maybe this will make more sense to you.
>pull themselves up by the bootstraps

"Both" of you morons need to read >>58708498
Starting to have little reason left to believe you aren't butthurt /vgl/ autists here to stir shit up on purpose.

>> No.58708583

the way things work is thus:
thread wants to do divegrass, someone steps up and does it
that person has to coordinate polls, make music exports, coordinate aesthetic requests, and if he wants, he can do tactics, if he doesn't, he doesn't have to
that's about it

>> No.58708593

Why exactly would anyone try to learn a game they never played just to get wrecked by a faggot who has played for years then?
Some volunteered because they were told it would benefit the thread somehow and turns out it doesn't

>> No.58708695
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Now you're getting it. There is 0 benefits to being a manager besides having your name on the wiki and that's good. Threads don't need managers, managers exist only to be bred.

>> No.58708735

Why have the option for any control over tactics at all though when there's no measurable difference in the results? At least with designs there's tangible work done but spending time on tactics only for it to go nowhere is pointless. Right now it's the equivalent of giving your younger brother an unplugged controller while you play.

>> No.58708754

>same invincible autists circlejerking forever.
the current system however is just one invincible autist micromanaging a bunch of teams so I don't see much difference

>> No.58708780

Anon both controllers are unplugged...you're arguing about whether or not your team has a blue controller or a red controller that's unplugged.

>> No.58708810

why are you in every divegrass discussion

>> No.58708871

>wdym nobody wants to watch 4 time champion /hlgg/ take their 5th cup?
I would love that
t. /hlgg/ manager
It would get really stale and honestly once Global gets a star I would have turned down the tryharding

>> No.58708903

He's not invincible, my two favorite teams were autos and jobbed completely.

>> No.58708909

then that person is wasting his time learning the game when he could be finding more chants or whatever

>> No.58708941

kek, wasn't expecting that. touche.
you're right! if I have to listen to fucking Phony one more time I'm flooding /apg/ with the worst quality scat doujins I can find.

>> No.58708948

In a managed/managed game there's bound to be some consistency between the managers or at least some semblance of control in predicting your opponent. With managed/auto or auto/auto games it'll be a toss-up every time or hoping you can overcome the general manager who's been doing this forever and is unpredictable.

>> No.58708956

he tones it down for the teams he doesnt like he has many to go around, bad luck for you

>> No.58708975

no point in stacking chants when it plays the same 3 every time, god damn baby peanut

>> No.58708989


>> No.58709120

I headcanon that every league match takes place in the asscrack of the world that is London.

>> No.58709423

but he wants to do tactics, not chants
this isn't a job, its a game
if someone wants to find songs and show off his oshis cool singing, they can
if they want to go nuts doing models and aesthetics, they can
if they want to try doing tactics, they can too
as everyone has said, it doesn't matter much, at the end of the day pes will do what it does
but see there's no real prize at the end so it doesn't matter
the whole point is having fun with your thread and getting some bumps and some content and some fun and introducing people to your oshi and thread
thats about it
theres no glory, no prize, no renown, no nothing at the end
you get a stadium that you will get to use in 6 months, for a couple games, if you get home, that's it
this is a enjoy the ride sort of thing

>> No.58709481

you can manage and control your own destiny
or you can put your faith in the organizer
that's really it

>> No.58709639
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>> No.58709837
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>> No.58709900

Nah that's stupid. I want boogeyman to blame when my team loses instead of submitting to some gay dice roll.

>> No.58710529
File: 1.11 MB, 850x1130, 1674247251630480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont volunteer
-team wins
-vtuber transmitting the game live is so happy she cries when she scores three goals
-team loses
-get shit on
-yellow woman gets shit on for not scoring
-she shits on me to deflect the blame
-I quit because i'm a bitch
-then I go back because i am a double bitch
- still dont know how to play this game well after two years
- a pippsfag turns me into catalog bait for his own amusement

which way western man?

>> No.58710619

cum on pippa's moldy feet

>> No.58710629

Gonna go jackoff in your honor

>> No.58710682
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, FaunaNewChamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what this thread is about but uh......Fauna Sweep?

>> No.58711343

if /uuu/ takes the championship after all that bullshit i will kill myself

>> No.58712818 [DELETED] 

>It's not called "seething" or being a "doomcuck".

>> No.58714254

What's the best way to breed a manager tho?

>> No.58714567

You pin him against a wall, lift his delicate twink body in your arms, and start pounding away at his delicate boyhole while carrying him over to the bed. There, you bend their legs behind his head, so that you have a full view of his cute, small penis that by now achieved at least one orgasm, spraying his useless seed all over his belly, and get to work. If he can walk by the end of it, you've failed at breeding a manager. If he's panting and drooling, dick still twitching in aftershocks after you're done, congrats, you just bred your first manager like a real man!

>> No.58716566


>> No.58716607

Gotta love the dogfucker copypasta.

>> No.58717252

Feed two managers potatoes or carrots

>> No.58717426

Mom they are erping in the catalog bait thread

>> No.58717499

I wanna feed the managers my carrot if you catch my drift

>> No.58718379

Might as well use this for something vaguely constructive, does anyone care that they're called autopilots and not something like organizer-managed or similar?

>> No.58719047
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-manager has no idea what he's doing and just shitposts
-everybody has a fun time
-team wins anyway

>> No.58719296

Autopilot is a misleading title considering the teams get their tactics altered after every match.

>> No.58719383

Renaming them is not much of an issue but if this entire "issue" is caused by a pipkin with a semantics gripe, Jesus H Christ this is stupid

>> No.58719684

>pcg fags got so deciminated this season that even their split thread, who made a team within a week from birth ,performed much better than them.
I see why this thread was made now

>> No.58720213

I don't mind autopilots as long as /myteam/ wins (it didn't)

>> No.58721090

wait lia from phase connect is that new?
felt like ive seen it forever

>> No.58721176

And then you wonder why no one likes pippigers.

>> No.58721417

They've had on and off threads and even a divegrass logo and design concept since new years, but the actual split didn't start until a month or 2 ago IIRC

>> No.58721937
File: 249 KB, 220x220, 1692677242919516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread

Smarks running wild

>> No.58723487

Lia from phase connect really mindbroke them

>> No.58724748


>> No.58724848

The teams without managers aren't even significantly overrepresented in the Ro16, and there's no reason to make the playing field less equal than necessary.
OP is retarded or pretending to be.

>> No.58725102

Who gives a fuck about managers? Not the viewers, and not all threads will find one.
Having more of them doesn't improve the league. It would even damage it if having one was superior.

>> No.58725695

Cant wait to see a joke like /mayo/ to win this cup

>> No.58725879
File: 3.84 MB, 448x720, koyo hearts march.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically!

>> No.58728826

The biggest problem is trying to manage, and asking how to play the game, and you are told "just get good lol" leaving new managers out for the dogs to be eaten. The organizer has many years under his belt with this game, which means yes, "autos" have an advantage because he knows what hes doing and refuses to help teach people what to do.

>> No.58729030

Rip slugmanass
he was built different

>> No.58731792

/uuu/ win again? Wow, it's another one of those fucking matches. The cup just goes back and forth across the organizer pet teams like a fucking tumbleweed. Dynamic fucking gameplay. Not giving real managers an edge was a great idea, wasn't it? Auto teams are bullshit and you know it. Fuck you and your league, it's a fucking desert.

>> No.58732236

the only yab that should even be mentioned about /vt/lel is that it's all autistic discordniggers organizing it

>> No.58733841

keep seething pipigger , kys , your oshi has a boyfriend (me)

>> No.58733933

Is /pcg/ the most tryhard divegrass team? I don't think any other thread takes it so seriously.
