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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5866664 No.5866664 [Reply] [Original]

This whole thing... this group of 'close friends' they've conjured up. It's all fake, right? They can't all like each other let alone stand one another.

I want to believe

>> No.5866697

noone with a brain is able to befriend kiara

>> No.5866764

Stop visiting this mental ward for a bit the schizos are starting to affect you

>> No.5866804

They're warmed up to each other but it still feels like a mostly professional relationship to me

>> No.5866891

It's not because your life and your interactions with people are a steaming pile of shit that this is the same for others.

>> No.5867000

So, all of HoloEN should be able to be her friend no problem, then.

>> No.5867001
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Ame & Gura - actual friends
Calli & Gura - actual friends
Calli & Kiara - actual friends

Otherwise they're just coworkers on good terms who respect each other, who are absoloutely playing up the best friends thing but have no ill-will between them at all.

>> No.5867015

Some members likely don't get alone, but you can put that behind for a hour stream together once in a while

No doubt EN is close, im sure there's some cross generation JP members that just don't mesh well.

>> No.5867030

They are "work friends" in the sense that they get along well enough to do a job.
The only ones that really feel like regulars friends who would probably hang out after work is Gura/Ame and Gura/Calli, the rest feel very much like just work friendships.

>> No.5867057 [DELETED] 

There's irl friends then there's online friends. There not the same thing

>> No.5867072


>> No.5867133

EN is no sansikei or even yonsikei but they're a hell of a lot closer than gens 0 - 2 that's for damn sure

>> No.5867169

I think it really depends on the member. Gura does seem to consider them as close friends. Mori on the other hand, has friends outside of hololive and doesnt seem to care too much.

>> No.5867186

Ina is polite and nice and punny but kind of distant compared to the others, lets be honest.

I'm not saying they don't all have a bit of a private laugh on discord with each other, but I don't see Ina having long 1:1 conversations with anyone.

>> No.5867225

>Mori on the other hand, has friends outside of hololive and doesnt seem to care too much.
I don't like or trust Mori but let's not do this, she wouldn't have gone on 2 fucking dates with Kiara if she didn't care about her and she wouldn't make time for collabs with the others too.

>> No.5867232

Dude, my dad always told me about cracking jokes and having good times with his coworkers, they don’t have to be friends to do any of this.

>> No.5867340

Everyone knows Kiara just guilt tripped her into the vacation because she kept b whinging about leaving Japan

>> No.5867356

>Gura Ame
Close friends, frequent communication
>Kiara Mori
Close friends, infrequent communication because Mori is a cunt
>Gura Kiara
Friends, frequent communication
>Ina Kiara
Friends, frequent communication
>Gura Mori
Friends, infrequent communication because Mori is a cunt
>Ame Ina
Co-workers, but on good terms
>Ame Kiara
Co-workers, but on good terms
>Ina Gura
Co-workers, minimal contact
>Ame Mori
Co-workers, minimal contact, no communication because Mori is a cunt. She is aware if this and tries to over-compensate by screaming how much she likes Watson
>Mori Ina
Co-workers, minimal contact, no communication because Mori is a cunt.

>> No.5867426

they have reasons to be able to bond. They are all literal weebs and first gen of a new branch. I wouldn't say they are close friends since they all live far apart and ignore each other's messages on Discord. At the very least they are in a very amigable collaboration as colleagues or brothers in arm and make a fuck ton of money doing hardly anything that requires actual work.

>> No.5867473
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Is Gen 4 even close with each other?
I know Coco is basically married to Kanata, and is very close with Watame, but Towa and Luna might as well be part of other Gens with how little they interact with those three or each other.

>> No.5867486

wow, is mori that cunty? wow wow wow, wow.

>> No.5867506
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Your opinion is completely pozzed by queer cartoons. You don't choose your friends like a restaurant, you build relationships with the people around you. Are your school day friendships fake because you were forced into a class with 25 other kids? If you can't see how circumstance can bring people together, you need to kill yourself.

>> No.5867555

There's a thing called being friendly and being friends.
You can be both, you can be either exclusively.
None of the 3 are inherently bad in the end. We're here to be entertained and have fun. They provide this and then some.
Many of them are good work friends, but there are a good few who are legit friends IRL, but not the ones you'd think (which are typically ones that bounce off each other well in streams who typically aren't friends IRL, besides a couple like Flare and Noel, and Pekora and Miko, unless you believe dumb shitposts)
A lot of people were surprised at Rushia hanging out at Coco and Kanatas place, for example.
It is very hard to say with EN, besides Kiara and Calli who we know interacted IRL several times and had fun. Whether they'd consider themselves friends or good colleagues is another question, most likely the latter.
Luna is pretty much only friends with Aki and Roboco. Has been for a while. (since she played with them back when in Nijisanji as well)
It is, hilariously enough, how I found both Roboco and Akis personal accounts.

>> No.5867564

There's a reason nerd women always end up in male friend groups. That is all.

>> No.5867577

Not op but most friendships made in class don't last after graduation, or even changing grades

>> No.5867589

She raped Mori

>> No.5867605

Mori is such a cunt

>> No.5867641

Gen 4 is closer than you've ever been with anyone.

>> No.5867652

Kiara was on limited time so she would have to be a cunt to reject, but right after kiara returned she said that her relationship with mori was more distant

>> No.5867726

It's literally fake as shit. Observe how actual friend groups act in real life and how holoEN act. They're all so wooden with eachother. I bet Kiara ditches Myth for Gen2 if they turn out to be extroverts like her.

>> No.5867777

Everyone at a minimum has mutual respect for one another. After that its varying degrees of closeness. I think most are "friends" in that none actively dislike each other, but its hard to tell how close they really feel. I would expect Ina feels rather close to most due to her being mostly isolated otherwise for example, while Mori probably views everyone as work friends at best. That doesnt mean that dictates how well they get along with others, or if those feelings are reciprocated.

>> No.5867780

You can gaslight yourself into liking your online friends and even to develop romantic feelings for them pretty easily. The human brain works such that if you repeat a narrative to it often enough, it eventually believes it. One moment you're saying something just to rile up the audience, the next moment you believe it yourself.

This is also how footfags memed themselves into that fetish, first ironically and then unironically.

>> No.5867841

That's how it is normally. You're not going to keep up with someone if you don't see them or have anything in common no matter how good of a friend you are.

>> No.5867875

>Calli & Gura - actual friends

I don't belive that one.

>> No.5867887

im so sorry for you anon

>> No.5867910

What about Luna and Matsuri?

>> No.5867922

Calli has no problem always hanging out with Vshojo circle in and out of character, she legit seems them as friends.
I have to wonder if she won't go there as soon as her contract is due.

>> No.5867957

Its not fake as shit but I wouldn't blame Kiara for ditching Gen 1 asap if gen 2 turns out to be more extroverted, in fact it would probably be for the better

>> No.5867979
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>Frequent communication

>> No.5868066

Are you friends with all of your coworkers?
Personally, some of my coworkers I like, most of them I'm just neutral about, and a few of them I barely tolerate. Of course I act polite towards all of them
I imagine it's the same with most people amd their coworkers.

>> No.5868085

I'm sure they are pretty friendly with each other but Calli, Ollie and Kiara push for unpopular outside collabs for a reason, it doesn't have to be quite the same reason they all have quite a bit of imposter syndrome going on but I remember that Calli said in that awkward collab with ironmouse that she feels like she can relax and be herself with her which is rather curious does she feel intimidated by other holos or just not good enough?

>> No.5868164

It's all management's fault. They set up the EN branch with individual content creation as the first priority. They sold this idea to them instead of the "idol dream". This made them put things like collabs and group chemistry as a secondary priority. The fact that the girls don't hate each other is a miracle in itself. They even like each other.

>> No.5868194

Anon, do you remember where you are? vt thinks real friends act like slice of life anime characters.

>> No.5868255


>> No.5868275

Calli went on a weird, super tired rant in a zatsudan earlier this year (can't remember if it was members only or not, but IIRC it was right after the Kiara-Calli holiday) about the members she actually likes collabing with, and in EN it was just Kiara and Gura. Apparently she talks to Gura quite a bit in private.

>> No.5868391

I've never seen a faker group of "friends"

>> No.5868441

Didn't they have a breakup months ago? Seems like it was Luna who got fed up with Matsuri's shenanigans whatever it was, she ignored the song festival made for her and it was a huge rrat at the time. Now she seem to hang out with Subaru.

>> No.5868559

they just want creative freedom and to not be locked down by corporate, which is something that hurts everyone. if you respect any of the holos as actual people you should be fine with them doing what they want - if you only care about some corporate image of them, you don't give a shit about the person behind the screen and in that case why are you even fucking watching them?

people get mad at mori for pushing for outside collabs but don't forget the main person she was pushing for being able to collab with was fucking coco. cover management is a shambles

>> No.5868573

Good colleagues at best. I say good loosely, see >>5868441
Matsuri comes off really strong. Luna is too laid back for Matsuris turbo JK energy.

>> No.5869009

I cant believe this rrat. Mori actually saying she dislikes collabing with ina and ame would have been way more well known and used as a huge reason to hate on her if it actually happened.

>> No.5869028
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gura and ame, gura and mori, ina and kiara are the only ones who I feel that are really "friends", the rest business friends.
I could be wrong since they are acting all the time anyway but its the feeling I get.
out of the five gura seems like the one who desires friendship the most. she is friends with ina and kiara too but theres no strong friendship there simply personality differences.
in a loose meaning they are of course friends I am talking about FRIENDS friends.
none of them also seem romantic to me.
but of course could be wrong and happy to be wrong sometimes for example I want them all to be close friends like in anime but its just reality.

>> No.5869111

Like how Towa and Mio are good friends irl but practically never stream together.

>> No.5869127

They're pretty kneecapped by the fact that outside of Kiara and Mori, none of them have ever met in person. The JPs do dance lessons together, get to see each other in the studio, do events together, and hang out with each other outside of their work. I'm sure EN is amicable but you can only get so close to somebody over the internet.

>> No.5869184

I always got the idea that Ina disliked Kiara because of how annoying she is, plus she ruined holofes for her and forced her to watch that shit movie

>> No.5869186

More than disliking, it's like she just didn't mention them.

>> No.5869259

That first time where they had that introduction stream and Mio was losing her shit when Towa came on, amazing.
She couldn't have hid the relationship if she tried.

>> No.5869324

Isn't it mostly Hajime since she lives in Japan and is also a filthy Westerner? Vshojo is not really that musically focused like two of their members are good at singing and one of them will not live very long... Not to mention her hololive fanbase wouldn't like it at all

>> No.5869361

could be true but kiara seems more open with ina which comes off more annoying to outside observers. to me it makes it seem like they are friends. but could also be true ina just regrets opening the door for friendship with her, and kiara thinks they are more friends than they really are, because ina is very passive on camera. (who knows whats shes like offstream but seems passive too and apparently one of the more social which you can see with her relationships with jp gen 5)
kiara is definitely an "annoying person", not being mean its just her negative trait. its endearing to many people but just look at /vt/ big demographics of people are instantly filtered by that trait

>> No.5869367

Gura and Ame knew each other already and were already friends as both were equally gremlins and gamer word users. Gura also was a drunk.
Ina is just easy to get along with.
Kiara isnt the "friend" type, she guilt trips a lot of people more than anything.
Calli is a workaholic, she's easy to get along with but irl she mostly gravitates to people equally workaholics.
So the group of them are more along the lines of "we get along well."

>> No.5869490

I absolutely believe that. they've got a really cohesive chemistry when they one on one collab, even if its its hit or miss from an entertainment standpoint, theyre obviously well acquainted

>> No.5869550

ina ina ina...

>> No.5869861

>Calli is a workaholic, she's easy to get along
Mori seems like the kind of person you either mesh with right away or its a slog to be relatable, and her autism prevents her from taking to offensive, so its up to the other person to do the heavy lifting.

>> No.5869951

Kiara only collaborates for her own benefit
Mori is either fucking an e-celeb on the side, is a clout-chaser, or both
Ame and Gura are anti-social
All of them are SJW

>> No.5870023

But they're awkward with everyone, Calli in particular just check that ironmouse collab.

>> No.5870104

Nah, they're all friends. Even if they're not friends at the start, they are now. Because of they're job, they're basically force to interact with each other in an entertaining way for hours at a time, so naturally friendship would form. This is probably hard for people like you to believe, but making friends isn't that hard.

>> No.5870231

>force to interact with each other in an entertaining way for hours at a time
I agree that they're all friendly but I don't think they're necessarily friends friends. you overestimate the amount and frequency of collab time. unless they don't have any friends outside of work, they have no reason to be friends outside of work

>> No.5870289


My man, you couldn't look more like you haven't done your reps if you tried.

>> No.5870373

absolute delusional cuckbeat, just accept that Grant and Charlie are the 95%

>> No.5870389

She just didn't mention them. I was actually a little taken aback at the time. However, she's collab'd with both since and all of those collabs were fine, so I think it was more her being ultra-tired and a little thoughtless than her outright disliking them.

Still, it's clear she's not as close with them, which no-one should really be surprised at.

>> No.5870419

*rapes you*

>> No.5870426

Any idea what a roommate is? I suggest you lurk a little more.

>> No.5871063

They definitely are friends. I think it started out a bit as Gura looking up to Calli's music chops but its grown since then. Their chemistry has improved a ton and both of them have mentioned in Zatsudans and Superchat readings that they talk quite a bit off stream.

>> No.5871285

They can't really talk about their Vtuber life with many people outside of Hololive/Cover certainly not in detail, NDA aside few people would understand.
Calli and Ina have some other things going on but Gura, Ame and Kiara revolve almost 100% around their chuuba life even if Kiara claimed to love her cosplayer shit it really seems like it was just something to fill the post-idol void.

>> No.5871385

Anon Cali doesn't even like Hololive, she literary applied as a joke. Her friend is the one who applied for real and didn't make it in.

>> No.5871531
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>Calli outright stating on stream that she felt far more comfortable and herself when interacting and collabing with Vshojos than she has ever felt with her Genmates
I don't know, bro, you tell me.

>> No.5871834

Did Kiara return to Japan?

>> No.5871894

The only correct opinion in this entire thread

>> No.5872013

Gura is the only one the genuinely considers them to be friends since the rest of HoloEN talks occasionally about how much fun they have with Gura in their Discord server.
Ame, Kiara, and Ina are just easy to get along with co-workers and fun workers to be around while you're working, but they made it clear that's as far as their relationship goes with EN.
Calli is constantly working to the point she hasn't even found the time to establish a healthy co-worker relationship much less a friendship, but she makes it clear in her streams that she tries her hardest to.

>> No.5873491


She knows Hime irl and now did a collab with Ironmause but I wouldn't say their chemistry was good, it seems like shojos do give them a lot of cheap praise though.

>> No.5873674
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Both the rrat that they all hate each other and the rrat that they are all best friends are equally retarded. A few of them are probably friends/friendly and a few likely rarely talk. The closest you are gonna get to negative emotion with such a small group is gonna be apathy.

>> No.5874005

>I cannot fathom that other people can be friends, because I am incapable of having friends myself. I want to believe the entire world is as defective as I am and that everyone else absolutely hates everyone around them because I hate everyone and everything.
it's time to just become An Hero and get it over with. what a waste of quads.
[citation needed]
why are you replying to and praising yourself, faggot?

>> No.5874085

Spoken like someone who only watches goomba
