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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, i'll show you whos the boss of this gym.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
586379 No.586379 [Reply] [Original]

Does she normally use this much English in her streams? It's nice.

>> No.586437

Yup. English is her only lifeline because the nips don't watch her.

>> No.586486

Shes so hot

Shes one of my fav designs but with does she has no neck?

>> No.586542

I like her a lot. Girls with a sweet demeanor turn me into a huge spineless fag.

>> No.586592

More than 50& of her audience is foreign so it makes sense.

>> No.586606

She's a pretty good dancer. I think she could attract more people if she utilized that more. But I don't know if it's feasible.

>> No.586615
File: 2.56 MB, 2160x3054, 1613274371361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based rosetai

>> No.587217

Nips are fucking retards then.

>> No.587241

I want to be breastfed by her while she caresses my head and calls me a good boy

>> No.587266

>Cries about having less subs than her colleagues.
>Reddit whiteknight EOP army comes in to save the maiden.
there you go

>> No.587279

Aki is honorary EN because of all her EN saviourfags that pushed her in this direction

>> No.587293

she isn't popular with japs for some reason

>> No.587308

>for some reason
irradiated brain cells

>> No.587364
File: 23 KB, 436x432, 1478475111016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Cries about having less subs than her colleagues.
You're either being purposefully dishonest, or you yourself are a redditard. Aki wasn't crying or being envious over her sub count, rather she felt as though she wasn't being a good team player, and carrying her weight in the company. The entire point was that Aki herself felt as though she was the one dropping the ball, not nips or gaijin for failing to sub to her. Fucking niggermonkey, do everyone a favor and drink base liquids.

>> No.587516
File: 1.82 MB, 1807x1017, t6zlhczp8cm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discovered Aki on my own before that clip
Am I still a saviorfag?

>> No.587846

This has been known since contact in the 1500s.

>> No.587864

>replying to indogs/flips

>> No.587906

she's too buff and powerful
MukiRose forever

>> No.587935

feels good, doesn't it?

>> No.588254

desu it kind of breaks my heart a little she isn't more popular

>> No.588382
File: 251 KB, 1500x2053, ErQxU7AVcAACnnF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's pretty happy and comfy with where she is now, has a nice collab group in AnPonTan, is involved in a lot of Bloom releases and covers and her community is one of the sweetest and most tight knit ones across Hololive

don't be sad, be happy, anon - that's what she'd want anyway

>> No.588532

Honestly if she was in later gen like 4 or 5 she would be super popular.

>> No.592125
File: 184 KB, 1200x1799, Et_fZDCVIAAE8N9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.592193
File: 2.49 MB, 1300x2064, 1613274318514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, are we AkiButt-posting?

>> No.592276

why is that?
not seiso enough?

>> No.592551

Why dont she just release a fuck ton of these asmr songs like Chocolate Pandemic and Nekoze Punch, they are by far her best content

>> No.595391

they're actually lots of work and a big investment and as Kiara said, Cover doesn't really provide any assistance to the girls when it comes to those, so they settle on easier stuff like standard covers

>> No.600349

A career filled with hiatus and complications that left her behind in comparison to her gen mates.But that's as far as I know since I'm kind of a newfag myself

>> No.602168

It's what this guy >>600349 said about health problems at unfortunate times but also:
>Married woman with children
>Related to the first point, streaming is only a part-time job for her compared to a bunch of the other members
>Plays ARK all the time rather than something people want to see
>Doesn't act in a way that easily lends itself to memes when memes are what put Hololive on the map
Aki is great the way she is, but it's easy to see why she's comparatively less popular.

>> No.602297

Aki is not married.

>> No.602491

She couldn't stream on youtube because shit internet then after she got it fixed she broke her leg and had to get a surgery
This killed her growth

>> No.602622
File: 116 KB, 594x870, 1593444856334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.606730

Her crippling ark addiction isn't doing her any favors. She should really consider swapping it with a crippling minecraft addiction like flare has. Because that game actually boosts your viewership.

>> No.611403

Its nit that they hate her, it's just that she had a rough start and fell behind quite hard and didn't pick up until halfway through last year
>had a car accident shortly after her debut and was unable to stream for a few weeks, killing any momentum right off the bat
>youtube's crackdown on ASMR left her without a niche
>ARK addiction
>streams were at odd hours limiting her views
>barelly any collabs
>7 hour ARK marathons
>did I mention ARK?
Thankfully she bounced back and has gotten better, she has better sonewhat better content variety (even though she still plays way too much ARK) and she does more collabs

>> No.612390

She must be doing something right because I am starting to enjoy ARK

>> No.612539

Ark literally saves her career anon. Nobody knows Aki exist before Ark. Her sub and views got a pretty nice boost after she started playing Ark

>> No.612579

If you can't handle Aki playing Ark, you don't deserve her when she's not

>> No.612795

She didn't gain views because of ARK. Hololive took off in the west and people noticed that she was the last place underdog. This gained her views. Bundled with the fact that the most popular subtitled clips about her are clips where she talks about being the least subscribed holo. Her chat has significantly more english speakers than other holos their chat.
If I remember correctly, her death stranding playthrough was more popular than her ark content. And that's a game that's as exciting as watching paint dry.

>> No.612821

>Her chat has significantly more english speakers than other holos their chat.

Not Towa!

>> No.612873

>Married woman with children
well thats just inspiring. take my aka supacha

>> No.619865


>> No.619980

>Discover her because of Kaichou's birthday celebration
>checked her out
>Less than 1k viewers
>I randomly comment in English
>she reads it
She was always based

>> No.623735

I want to give aki another child

>> No.623818

me first

>> No.623825

If she is really married with kids that makes me like her more, not gonna lie. Better than being a shut-in NEET who streams all day with few prospects.
