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58595530 No.58595530 [Reply] [Original]

>Fuwamoco Morning already at it's 20th episode
>Meanwhile, Ame's "weekly" broadcast...

>> No.58595579


>> No.58595593

"Watson Weekly" is just the name of the segment due to alliteration. It doesn't have to literally be weekly.

>> No.58595619

This one has Tempus news because she can't contain her cock lust

>> No.58595768

>words don't have to mean what their definitions say, they can just be anything
What a stupid fucking post. Someone should punch you in the side of the head.

>> No.58595796

Holy cope.

>> No.58595939

Oh nyo!
Time to spam AMEEEEEE lol

>> No.58595960


>Why do you guys act like Ame has completely dropped Fish Tank
>Ame didn't actually cancel Fish Tank or Ame in the AM btw
>The Fish Tank isn't dropped too.
>If it's dropped she will say it is dropped like Ame in the A.M. Fish tank is still going
>Fish Tank isn't dropped.

>> No.58596054
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holy based grudgeposter

>> No.58596167
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Members who currently have morning shows
How the fuck does Ame give up after four episodes? This woman confuses me with the way she does things.

>> No.58596193


>> No.58596341

based as fuck.
Teacopes, our response?!

>> No.58596449
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>> No.58596458

it had a chance of being mildly successful so she dropped it

>> No.58596461

Fish Tank was dropped because Gura and Ame low-key resent each other now

>> No.58596487

Ame gave up in 2020.

>> No.58596663

She wanted an excuse to shill Tempus. Didn't work though.
Besides she has a really boring uninterested low energy personality that is awful for this type of stuff, not a good talker either.

The JP girls can do news shows and shoutcasting because they have a good voice and are talkative + high energy

>> No.58596859

My rrat is that she genuinly just wanted to do a news show but there wasn’t nearly enough going on in hololive EN for that to work, so she included the homos just so she could have more shit to talk about. Aside from this, she hasn’t mentioned or collabed with them in a very long time and she overall sounded very disinterested in the guys when talking about them (to the point where she literally did not know some of their names)

>> No.58596941

my rrat is that she included the homos just to spite her unicorns even more

>> No.58597002
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>> No.58597030

If she wanted to do that, why doesn’t she just collab with them more? It’s pretty clear that she cut that shit out at this point, it’s been lime 6-7 months since her last collab with a dude right?

>> No.58597080

>Disinterested in the guys
She has a bunch of Holostars oshis

>> No.58597097

Who is this and why should i care? I swear, this board has chronic boogeyman syndrome, everyone is always blaming someone for something

>> No.58597105

>amelia sucks
>but it's okay because I want to suck her toes

>> No.58597154

I’m talking about tempiss retard, her liking some JPstars does not equate to her giving a shit about tempiss. and it still doesn’t change the fact that she hasn’t done any homo collabs in like half a year

>> No.58597160

I like that he held out hope for months before finally giving up. 2 years later, I can laugh at his naivety

>> No.58597185

Afraid of backlash.
But yeah, Ame needs to show her fangs, Niji EN style.
But it might be because the Tempus 2 guys prefer to play safe and not include Hologirls ever.

>> No.58597357

Ame did 6 male collabs in total.
5 in a single month after Tempus 1 debut. It's likely management told her to go easy.

>> No.58597373

It was dropped because Kiara and Mori are the only members of myth streaming regularly while Gura, Ame and the other one whose name I forget have been checked out since december 2021, around the time Sana stopped caring, a few months after Kronii stopped giving a fuck (but she never gave a fuck). If not for those two and Bae/Fauna and sometimes Mumei when she's not 'dying of asthma' or whatever, holoen would have collapsed. Oh yeah and I guess IRyS was still in the game until April 2022 so that's 1.5 years ago.

I don't hate Tempiss as much as other people but debuting a male group and pretending it was a substitute for Gen 3 fucked the entire thing up. G3 should have happened in 2022, Advent should be Gen 4 and we should have 5 more girls pulling weight. Holoen always feels empty because even with 15 chicks you only have about half of them streaming regularly at any given time. HoloJP also feels like it's slowly dying since only the driven numberfags like peko and koyo, the autist hags like luna and polka and the longtime members like sora and miko are keeping the ship afloat while all the reiwa gen girls are happy to dip their hand into the pot of gold and leech off of heisei's hard work. So this is how japan falls, a generation of japs who just wanna netflix and chill instead of waging.

>> No.58597417

Ame shouldn't bother with any kind of regularly scheduled programming, if she cannot even keep up with them

>> No.58597480

Yeah but that’s my point, she learned her lesson from the backlash and cut this shit out, hence why she knows nothing about the second wave of EN homos

>> No.58597570
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If she didn't give a shit about "Tempiss" she wouldn't shill them so hard like she does. Retard.
Besides even Youtube commenters picked up on how she's much more talkative and free when in collabs with guys compared to girls.
You expect this behaviour from a tomboy, male friends are better to hang out with.

>> No.58597579

Regular scheduled news shows are fun but she never sounded like she knew what she was talking about. It felt like she would just grab random shit from twitter/clips and then just react to it basically.

>> No.58597709

>She knows nothing about the second wave of EN homos
That was part of the joke anon, of course she knows Shinri. She was just pretending to be like the Hololive viewers for the comedic effect.

>> No.58597733

It's quite simple, she's always just seeking the thrill of having a "new project", shining as la creatividad, etc. she has explicitly said chasing this rush of having a really good new idea or stream is what she chases and it's her main motivation in vtubing.
After that, well, the project has to face the other side of Ame, which is the side that has absolutely ZERO work ethic and zero respect for her fans. The same side that results in constantly, ever-changing schedules because "who cares if my fans get fucked over", the side that refuses to fix her sleep schedule, the side that just arbitrarily breaks promises and then lashes out when people complain.
The result is all her projects meeting the fate that is the Toystory "I don't wanna play with you anymore" meme. As soon as the thrill of having made a new project has worn off she suddenly thinks it's lame and will might even post-hoc rationalize a bunch of meme reasons why it "doesn't work" or whatever in her head, either way the results is the always the same, she drops the project.
Literally everyone predicted this would happen with Watson Weekly anyway, it wasn't even contained to just here, people openly talked about "how long she will last" on twitter and YT chat. It's just how she is.

>> No.58597757

April 2022 was 1.5 years ago... I'm getting old. Too old to be wasting my time on this hobby and especially this board.

>> No.58597945
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>I'm getting old. Too old to be wasting my time on this hobby and especially this board
This is how I'm beginning to feel. Still love Ame though. However this board and its antics are really starting to make me realize that I'm constantly reading posts made by children.

>> No.58597982

Fuwamoco treat it like a chill stream to start the day with.
Ame treats stuff like this like a special event that she needs to a lot of effort into.

>> No.58598005

Even if thats true, she still has done very few of them.

>> No.58598057

What else are you going to do? Get a wife? Hah!

>> No.58598524

Why does Ame always do this shit?

>> No.58598553


>> No.58598588

Episode 2 was going to be Iname

>> No.58598639

Doesnt expain why Ame tries to make it a weekly thing just to fall back into indolence again and fucking again all the fucking time

>> No.58598834

The funny thing is that Kiara had been planning a news show very much like this for the longest time (even commissioned a "room" for it that is now never used) but Ame snatched the idea.
I don't blame Ame for it, it's her own damn fault if she takes 5 BILLION years to turn her idea into reality, but it's still funny considering Ame (predictably) dropped it and now there is the awkward vacuum that can't be filled without stepping on some toes.

>> No.58598857


>> No.58599297

It was dropped because your whore deemed that it's a good idea to be Kiara's lapdog, her hate for Cover was what made everything worse. Imagine still being this naive after all this time. must be the average teamate.

>> No.58599306

Threshold of doing anything considered "creative" by Hololive so damn low that she mistaken herself for actually being creative, but once push comes to shove she cannot develop a single idea past "Wouldn't it be cool if" stage which generally ends after first few episodes.

>> No.58599384

that would require long term commitment on her part

>> No.58599521

This is the worst part of ame’s bullshit. Thanks to EN autism she basically locks up any good idea from being copied by someone else even though she has clearly already given up on it.

>> No.58599813

She doesn't want to admit to herself she's commissioning a bunch of assets to use once.

>> No.58599831

Fish Tank was never meant to be a series but you were already told that

>> No.58600088

People here are such monkeybrained consoomers that they cannot go on their day without consooming part74 of their favorite media. No wonder all Disney makes is remakeslops of their classics, monkeys eat it up all the same

>> No.58601108

I genuinely feel bad for you.

>> No.58601190

Ame got rich enough to stop caring

>> No.58601308

Nigger i explained why she does that here >>58596859

>> No.58601430

That's what i would do as well

>> No.58601502

Already married. It's tough, not sure why people make it seem so amazing

>> No.58601651

That's just your headcanon

>> No.58601807

Your historical revisionism is not gonna fly when every teamate at the time was screaming his lungs out about how "It's not dropped"

>> No.58602015

Fish Tank served it's purpose of smothering NijiEN in the cradle before it could take off. It didn't need to exist beyond that.

>> No.58602019

>learning her lesson
Good joke

>> No.58602089

It's ame anon. Anyone who's watched her from debut knows that this is normal for her. If anyone expects anything more then that's on them

>> No.58603862

>Your historical revisionism
nice deflection
>when every teamate at the time was screaming his lungs out about how "It's not dropped"
yeah real teammmmmmmmmates just like you

>> No.58604588


>> No.58604757

t-the ameway baby!!

>> No.58605501


>> No.58607008

Watson Weakly

>> No.58607044

Need more self improvement

>> No.58608427

Ame has no self-discipline whatsoever so she starts projects on a whim and then drops them the instant they slightly inconvenience her.

>> No.58608493

>Fuwamoco Morning
>it comes out every Friday, Wednesday and Monday

>> No.58608812

Did she ever do the charity stream voice pack?

>> No.58609730

I just noticed something, the ones with morning shows are usually hags.

>> No.58609957

No. Don't bring that up to teamates though, they get super defensive

>> No.58610856

thtas my image!!!! holy shit!!!!

>> No.58610944


>> No.58611032
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reminder kiara literally wanted to do the show (idr if it was going to be weekly, biweekly, or monthly) but didn't do it because Ame told her she was starting her own show.
i dont have the timestamp but librarian can post it for me or something

>> No.58611085

>"Holo"myth vs Chadvent

>> No.58615728

>amelia in 2023

>> No.58616828

Never changed even after 3 years

>> No.58618263

>I think the guys don't want to collaborate as to avoid any further controversy (like Regis not collabing after the Kroni laughing debacle) or like the other anon said, management might have axed mixed gender collabs in EN.

>> No.58618619

Nothing in my post suggests I'm a teammate, like literally nothing since I'm actually badmouthing amelia for being a flaky tard who hasn't improoved herself in 3 years and always falls back on some 'creatividad' gimmick.

>> No.58619177

Divide by half

>> No.58619275

Improve yourself, Ame!

>> No.58619730

kiara should do the show anyway!!! go for it kiara!!!

>> No.58619758
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>Watson Occasionally

>> No.58619961

if someone as dour as kronii started laughing at what I said like that I'd avoid her too. such a stark change can only lead to bad things

>> No.58620071
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im glad all teamates now canonically agree this is the best podcast ever made.

>> No.58620082
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>> No.58622269

Noel and Subaru aren't hags

>> No.58622395

The viewership on her 3rd anniversary stream... jesas

>> No.58622900

>every teamate at the time
Interesting. And what did Ame say about it?

>> No.58623132

This is what being a teamate turns you into. Jesus fucking Christ…

>> No.58623232

She has not "cut that shit out".
There was no shit to cut out. She has specific group collabs in mind and she wouldn't let a bunch of mouthbreathing incels tell her she can't do it.
She did it and it's done. She might do more more in the future.
She has never done collabs "to spite 'fans'". She just has never abandoned collabs due to some whining from part of the fanbase.

>> No.58630147

what happened? I missed it

>> No.58630721

Ame is such a girlboss

>> No.58631137

Too busy watching Ame do Karaoke. Ask me again when it's over.

>> No.58631685

can I get a timestamp or clip? I remember this happening but I don't remember when

>> No.58633013
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Why Ame did that? Is she really know jackshit about herself and didn't expect to drop it after few series, what's with that lack of selfawareness?

>> No.58633636

>Ame stops doing intergender collabs because it's a disaster and she can't handle the backlash
Kek. Homobeggars never fail to entertain.

>> No.58633740

She just mentioned more collabs with Tempus coming on her 3rd anniversary dumbass

>> No.58634031

I'm gonna put the odds of you making that up at 90% desu

>> No.58634217

https://www.youtube.com/live/J8Y3t6m32D0?si=1HqQ-WWfXaSAXvpm time was 1:36:46

>> No.58634261

she should just do it, its pretty clear watson isn't going to be continuing hers by now. I'm probably underestimating en autism a bit

>> No.58635860

Didn't A-chan beat them both to the punch?

>> No.58637437

>it's a disaster
Funny how everything is what you want it to be.
The worms collab was very well received

>> No.58638483


>> No.58639488

why are you brown

>> No.58640277

How many big collabs has she organized after the 4 she did for tempus? It's obvious that shilling them is important to her. She probably just couldn't handle the fact that she lost a big part of her audience because of them and is trying to find less damaging ways to shill them. I mean if the debut of en3 couldn't motivate her to start watson weekly again it's not the lack of news that's the problem. Vesper and Magni fucking off probably had an impact

>> No.58640623

>Using FWMC to shit on other girls
Improve yourself.

>> No.58641848

>What went wrong?
Downsides of hiring a 2view
You get 2view mentality

>> No.58642150

Then maybe it should be called "Watson Whenever" instead.
See, it still uses alliteration and is more accurate compared to your mentally retarded take on the word "weekly."

>> No.58644475

>What went wrong?

>> No.58644614

What that clapping noise? Oh, that's probably the washing machine acting up

>> No.58647401

They took e-whore Ame from us. I wanted more titty streams and patreon nudes.
