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File: 883 KB, 616x754, Fuwawa She says girl power like it's a positive thing.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fszfm1s.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58559117 No.58559117 [Reply] [Original]

>Fuwawa: "She says girl power like it's a positive thing"


>> No.58559219

dolphin porn

>> No.58559233

Fuwawa is a trad wife degen

>> No.58559501

Do tard trad wives cuck their sisters?

>> No.58559639

>surface level pick me-ism
manipulator detected

>> No.58559919 [DELETED] 

Fuwawa is dominate
Mococo is submissive

>> No.58560322

female detected

>> No.58560486


>> No.58560725

what the fuck is this post

>> No.58560735

Definitely not trad.
Definitely degen though.

>> No.58561917

>pick me-ism
nah, she is just a girl with a good relationship with her father.

>> No.58562421

She really is smart.

>> No.58562535

>femcel stench

>> No.58562537
File: 501 KB, 636x769, 1674445846243280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give this context, she said this in response to one of the characters shouting "girl power!" to comment on the boss being a woman in a position of power in the yakuza, which Fuwawa probably deemed something not to be proud of.

>> No.58562886

This is more likely to be honest.

>> No.58562967
File: 199 KB, 820x734, seven killed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't trust the average with power, which means you can't trust the average woman with power. The United States of America gave women the right to vote and the first thing they did with it was colossally stupid, created a system of organized crime that openly killed police in the street, and caused a massive centralization of government law enforcement.

So basically even women should know women usually fuck everything up.

>> No.58563088

>a girl not proud of a strong woman
sure thing bud

>> No.58563140
File: 89 KB, 780x438, Ripley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's better fictional characters to admire than the modern STRONG WIMMIN tropes.

>> No.58563184

>that openly killed police in the street
to be fair american cops deserve this

>> No.58563271

Based feminine Fuwawa

>> No.58563273

Remember which groups kill them. If you value them more than police, no matter how much you hate the police, you are a retard.

>> No.58563303

Hell even Chell, a lunatic mute with brain damage, is a better role model.

>> No.58563332

You can tell fuwawa and maybe mococo at the very least find western attitudes pretty tiresome. When the mean spirited incel caricature showed up in rcg they did this cutesy contrarian skit of agreeing with him. They didn't actually agree, of course, they just didn't want to be nodding along with what they thought of as embittered, crap writing. And that's why they are the best.

>> No.58563418

Wonder how they'd react to YIIK.

>> No.58563483
File: 164 KB, 1200x675, Alyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell even Chell, a lunatic mute with brain damage, is a better role model.
Y'know it's funny, I have never once had a criticism of women in VALVe games. In fact nobody had a negative thing to say about Alyx even though she's both a strong woman and mixed race and that was all the way back in 2004.

>> No.58563710

Because good women in vidya are about writing characters, the labels come after. Bad caricatures from retards are just labels disguised as characters.

>> No.58563936

They were pretty outspoken about the negative attitude in "It Takes Two".


>> No.58564406

That’s just them disliking conflict/arguments.

>> No.58564598

It's funny how you could frame Portal 2 as a literal modern feminist fantasy.
>get used by a stupid male to take away the power from a powerful woman
>betrayed by said male because obviously
>have to help the woman reclaim her power
>all meanwhile the facility is crumbling because obviously, a male is in charge
Instead, because you have characters and not caricatures, everything flows perfectly. Hell, even the fucking Space Core had an entire character arc from his voice lines.

>> No.58564641

*Tard wife

>> No.58565079

literal genocide

>> No.58565122

In the membership stream, they will telling ruffians to behave themselves on Twitter. So they really do seem to dislike people fighting each other, which goes with my other post here: >>58564406

>> No.58565419

You forgot to post the link to you channel femanon

>> No.58565822

Context is that she was talking about Yakuza woman.

>> No.58565830

>trad wife
Fuwawa will NOT clean, and she will ONLY cook natto and soup. She WILL steal your credit card and spend a monumental amount of money on worthless junk.

>> No.58566061

>horrible dialog
>retarded nonsensical plot, completely up it's own ass
>never ending monologs
>obnoxious music(some track are pretty cool desu)
>weird as fuck art style that's sometimes nice to look at and sometimes fucking horrific
>baffling game design and combat that quickly becomes grating
>awkward social commentary that literally one liked
They'd probably hate it. Honestly, YIIK is unironically one of the funniest games ever made. It's a rare case of a game that gets pretty much everything wrong and somehow ends up a strangely enjoyable and memorable experience. For all the wrong reasons, of course. This is also relying on you NOT being the one playing it lmao.

>> No.58566181

It's because Alyx isn't actually a grating character. She's pretty chipper and cracks jokes sometimes, but it never feels out of place. It also helps that anytime she shows up, it's after long periods of the player being alone fighting nonstop waves of headcrab zombies and combine by yourself.
Alyx actually felt like a person to me rather than a "statement."

>> No.58566230 [SPOILER] 

Does natto taste good? I already like stuff that drives other people up the wall (very aged blue cheese, mushrooms, tofu)

>> No.58567568

you guys are worse than youtube clippers

>> No.58567572

that's like every holo ever. they're just too retarded to understand story beats, which is not a bad thing

>> No.58567745

God I love the Bau Baus

>> No.58567750

They're so precious

>> No.58567817

And the community of "toxic racist gamer bros" have nothing but love for Demo man and Coach. Valve knows how to make a character

>> No.58567843

my pickme wife

>> No.58567861

You should try it for kicks, it's an interesting taste. I can't say I love it though and the texture is a nightmare

>> No.58567998
File: 474 KB, 400x300, 1694740414531811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58568284

based fuwa

>> No.58568368
File: 86 KB, 662x960, f32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58568420

Because it was back in 2004. It was pre-whatever rightwing brain virus you probably caught during Gamergate or possibly later on in 2016 got to you, so you remember this character fondly. But if she came out in 2024 instead of 2004, you’d absolutely be calling the game “woke” and complaining about it.

>> No.58568436


>> No.58568441

Every thing he heard from that woman is worse than the last.

>> No.58568498

rent free
> rightwing brain virus
the left can't meme

>> No.58568531
File: 27 KB, 563x539, 1694402213794985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.58568749

>pre-whatever rightwing brain virus
You must be pretty young to think those sentiments are new.

>> No.58568929

she's not a 1960's style wife, she's a 1980's style wife and that's good enough for me

>> No.58569497
File: 3.59 MB, 1920x1080, 1694270775147951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 second clip

>> No.58569758

>"She says girl power like it's a positive thing in this case"
How about take up some listening exercises, ESL retard.

>> No.58570288

Alyx also came out after your favorite boogeyman and she's still a good character.

>> No.58571474


>> No.58571597

this but unironically

>> No.58571829

Yes, she's manipulating my penis right now by speaking to it directly

>> No.58571860

F*male seething

>> No.58572048

Take me back to before I'd ever heard of "gender identity" and "white privilege" and you'll see me cured. Until then I want you dead.

>> No.58572221

italians? if we're being historically accurate

>> No.58573976


>> No.58574463

they hate you because you speak the truth

>> No.58575205

I love my anti woke wives

>> No.58575583

And thus the pickmeism reformed into a mighty church that held service every other day at 7ET.

>> No.58575891

Based realistic GFE. This is what you wanted from HoloEN, right?

>> No.58576732

Reminder that everyone seething ITT is a seething 2view that is terminally influenced by western lack of culture.

>> No.58576863

No, we hate you because you're the cause of everything getting worse. There is no 'mind virus', we just specifically hate you. That's the funny thing about you "people", you always seem to deflect to other things to cope with the fact we specifically want you to be lying dead in a ditch and will eventually accomplish that. Fuck off.

>> No.58576960

dangerously based

>> No.58577042

agreed. daily reminder thar fuwawa manipulated, gaslited, and abused mococo to the point of mococo developed severe stockholm syndrome to cope with reality

>> No.58577085

>with the fact we specifically want you to be lying dead in a ditch and will eventually accomplish that. Fuck off.
you can't even walk to the fridge without running out of breath nigga lmaoooooo

>> No.58577300


>> No.58577423

Fuwawa negs the shit out of Mococo so that way when she deems a man good enough to date her sister, they'll have a really easy time making her happy. Fuwawa is the 20-year wingman.

>> No.58577591


>> No.58577596

Valve made them characters before making them black, which the reason why people don't mind black guys fucking their waifu in SFM porn as long as it's Coach.
