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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 327 KB, 500x500, Nerissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58531298 No.58531298 [Reply] [Original]

We need to talk about the situation with GFE in the EN market. Why nearly everytime a chuuba switches to GFE mode she sounds fake, ironic or almost passive aggressive? Pic related is the most recent example of that. Something about her GFE tone bugs me a lot. Why can't girls be more honest and not cringe internally while doing GFE?

>> No.58531346

Because, unfortunately, most girls have experienced real love or at least an actual relationship and therefore the idea of pandering to internet faggots is quite foreign and most likely disgusting to them.

>> No.58531515

Okay anon. How do we explain it?
Think for a second that you are a male vtuber and you have to pander and BFE bait to viewers. Picture yourself having to put up with that cringe for the ugly landwhales watching you.
GFE/BFE destroys any vtuber's psyche.

>> No.58531644

I have a fetish for stinky pudgy unkempt NEET women though.

>> No.58531678

> his GFE chuuba needs to "switch" to "GFE mode"

>> No.58531713

Don't be so desperate

>> No.58531726

Because she does just that that. When she tries to act GFE she sounds and act totally different, very unnatural from her usual self.

>> No.58531825

>Something about her GFE tone bugs me a lot.
Because you're a retard who thinks "is flirty with chat" = GFE

>> No.58531855

maybe cause you cannot imagine yourself an actual woman actually liking you while understanding you, thus you inherently ascribe her tone as fake?

>> No.58532326

maybe because they know they’re setting up a ticking time bomb?

>> No.58532746
File: 285 KB, 430x492, 12229456821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to tal
look, you need to think for yourself whether this is someone you want to watch or not. based on your phrasing here, you should watch someone else and avoid this pointless diatribe completely

>> No.58532890

Anon, there is no such thing as an honest GFE other than from your actual girlfriend.

For Rissa, her GFE sounds like a girlfriend or wife turning on her cute/flirty voice when you're alone together. She knows it's fake, we know it's fake, everyone "plays along". This unironically makes her feel more "honest" than other chuubas.

>> No.58532940 [DELETED] 

Troons, seanigs and ironic weebs have ruined this board.

>> No.58533110

Why indeed

>> No.58533323

Hey that’s mean anon. It’s not OPs fault that they bought into the “must make sure I’m following the correct group think” meme that is modern internet.

They just need someone to tell them how to think and feel because heaven forbid someone just think and feel their own thoughts and feelings.

Mass communication really has exposed just how drone like most people are.

>> No.58535467

this is what cope sounds like

>> No.58536226

I've met girls who act like this. it's just who she is. the real problem is that a lot of people find it annoying. you aren't going to like everyone. move on.

>> No.58539815

>said her "GFE" voice is obviously fake and forced.
>said people doing and enjoying GFE understand it's fake but play along
>said she's more "honest" because she sucks
Nerissa is the worst of Advent for me. Luckily you are only the 2nd worst retard in this thread, right after OP.

>> No.58539944

doesn't sound so bad, I would do it but my voice is shit a nobody would watch me

>> No.58540690

>For Rissa, her GFE sounds like a girlfriend or wife turning on her cute/flirty voice when you're alone together. She knows it's fake, we know it's fake, everyone "plays along". This unironically makes her feel more "honest" than other chuubas.
Pretty much. You'd have to be a complete autist or an ESL to not realize that Nerissa even sounding the way she does takes quite an effort to play up. It actually feels more playfully sincere towards her audience than some chuuba pathetically trying to act like she's your actual girlfriend.


>> No.58540821

Doesn't sound so bad because you can't imagine it properly. After a month you would wish you were dead.
Being a vtuber is exactly like being a prostitute or manwhore.

>> No.58543900

hard cope

>> No.58547138

actual skill issue

>> No.58547586

Shut the fuck up, nijisis. Her member's stream yesterday was fucking amazing and still beat your 3view shitters in CCV.

>> No.58548854

>was fucking amazing
so amazing that she ended at exactly the 2 hour mark.

>> No.58549431

I'd think about what would happen if I gave up on it. I'd have to go back to a shit job instead of this easy shit. Then I'd go back to pandering.

>> No.58551823

classic bugzhangi tactic very wise

>> No.58552424

prostitution without anal and the diseases doesn't sound too bad

>> No.58554951

>Why can't girls be more honest and not cringe internally while doing GFE?
Stop watching EN and Westernized vtubers. Most non-EN, non-western poisoned vtubers do not have this problem

>> No.58558736

>prostitution without anal and the diseases doesn't sound too bad
I like the way you think

>> No.58558908

JP does it too. You're just not fluent enough to notice.

>> No.58560152

I can pull it off easy if I think about some of the hot ones instead of just the landwhales

>> No.58567000

human females do the same when they flirt

>> No.58567061

proof of this so called """switch"""?
inb4 in his head
>KFP waitress= GFE

>> No.58569176

If you want authentic EN GFE. Listen to Kronii's Twitter Spaces.

>> No.58569558
File: 1.66 MB, 720x404, Drunk Deep Voice Remi [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqj8lmf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58569722
File: 447 KB, 975x569, 1692958970560351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her voice is fine, better than fine. where do you live that you don't like it, just dont watch - its not like an offensive "this is negativel affecting my values" trait, its a "i don't enjoy this" trait

>> No.58569815

Gfe ultimately requires a degree of method acting. Without embodying to at least some degree of what the ideal gf would be like they can't actually pull it off. The problem comes in when the ideal gf in their mind from their middle to upper middle class female doesn't allow them to understand what males eant in gfe. But they do have a vague sense of what males MIGHT want and try to play it off from there. This unfortunately severely limits their ability to fully embodying the ideal gf which is why they come off as awkward and fake. It gets to the point where the successful ones only copy what other gfe types have done and just repeat phrases or mannerisms. This is also why the best gfe will be done either by AI or trap that has a super passable female vocals.

>> No.58569852

Bro are you crazy?
I'm a degen. I'd cum because of public humiliation alone. Having to be there, degrading myself in the open for these disgusting smelly fat bitches... Really, i'd fucking cum.

>> No.58569999
File: 147 KB, 1199x795, 16109847499800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely correct. And you see that shit everywhere.
There's a reason why out of one million JOI vids, only two of them are actually good.
Because these two are a rare case of a defective woman who, by some miracle of the universe, actually understands the appeal herself. All the others just go through the motions without having the vaguees idea about why what they're doing is supposed to be hot.

>> No.58570016

That's why I can't stand 3D. They're all so fucking fake despite being supposedly "real".

>> No.58570057

pic unrelated

>> No.58570067

Because OP is a jelly thot

>> No.58570139

Anny literally masturbates off stream after an asmr session or vr segment. She's sincerely horny, not playing it up for the viewers. And that is hot.

>> No.58570185
File: 914 KB, 1000x1556, 1694525772237646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's incredible how just being a normal ass white american woman filters /vt/monkeys

>> No.58570304

If they had maybe they wouldn't be so shit at faking what a guy wants kek.

>> No.58570477

Now imagine if you actually had the prerequisite social skills to be a vtuber. It would be unbearably cringe.
There's a reason why even though there are tons of female vtubers out there doing GFE badly, there isn't a single male vtuber capable of BFE at all. All of them eventually go menhera and drop the shtick or fuck up and alienate their fanbase cause they can't hack it like female vtubers can.
Although that does mean that the BFE market is quite empty. Since all these anons seem to think it's such an easy and desirable job, why don't you get out there and actually try it?

>> No.58570606

Nah, fuck off. I had a presentable job, i have a family. I'm a married man. And throughout all this, i managed to act like i'm not a filthy degenerate who earns for nothing more than being chased, caught and taken advantage of, squirming on a dirty floor. No one knows. Not my wife, not my friends, not anyone.
If i can manage that much without breaking, doing BFE is nothing.

>> No.58570699

>HAD a job
Well looks like you have lots of free time to break into the BFE vtubing scene and stop being a burden on your wife and a failure of a husband who posts on image boards instead of providing for your family. Chop chop anon, get at it boy!

>> No.58571236

Kill all trannies. And I mean every single transgender person on the planet. Impersonating a female should be punishable by death.

>> No.58571266

isn't she fuckin vedal or whatever the fuck?

>> No.58571291

the BFE market SHOULD stay empty, because faggots should die, and females should stop watching vtubers and raise my kids.

>> No.58571535

>wanting 3D girls

>> No.58571555

vtubers are 3d girls bro.. sorry to break it to ya. But it's okay, I'll breed them for ya.

>> No.58571583

>>58531298 you're just an incel. Admit it.

>> No.58571801

We already know Nerissa has a boyfriend, of course she's gonna cringe internally when doing GFE.

>> No.58571882

your first language (presumably) is english so therefor you have an easier time picking out when people are talking in a way or voice to appeal or sell you something then you do in other languages

>> No.58571930

They do it in JP too but you’re a gaijin so you won’t understand.

>> No.58572425

why are you still trying so hard to get people to hate nerissa when all you get is laughed at nijisis? dont you think its time to give up yet?

>> No.58572610

>Mass communication really has exposed just how drone like most people are.

They've had that since call ins or write ins to popular writers or radio personalities. Some people at the end of the day want their opinion validated.
