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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58529711 No.58529711 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58529735

None of them, go outside

>> No.58529740

Kiara to Nerissa.
Next thread.

>> No.58529750

All of them, with me.

>> No.58529760

Shiori but I won't reveal it until the end

>> No.58529784

Kiara > Nerissa > Shiori > Mumei

>> No.58529899

Kiara will marry Nerissa

>> No.58529935

Kiara to Nerissa
Mumei to me

>> No.58530021

Mumei above shiori. Not because I think either of them would be willingly married to anyone ever, but because if a fan tried to kidnap them and force them to marry, Shiori would try to stab that person or kill herself while mumei would simply turn into an emotionless husk and lifelessly accept her fate.

>> No.58530113


>> No.58530172

In order:
>most likely
Kiara because she craves praise and attention with no limit. The more you worship or praise her the happier she gets. Fans are the best at this.
Shiori doesn't necessarily have any predisposition towards fans but she could easily fall in love with anyone persistent enough to break through her autism shell.
Nerissa is a normal, mentally stable woman (relatively speaking). It's unlikely she will marry a fan but if by pure chance one of her fans is her type then it could happen.
>never ever
Mumei identifies with her fans and likes them in the sense that she feels connected with them and can relate to them but she views them like she views herself, i.e. failchildren, and she knows she wouldn't be able to stand a clone of herself. She views them as allies and friends in the same struggles as her and wants to see them succeed but knows that her mental illness and their mental illness would combine explosively in a relationship. To be honest she's more likely to end up a spinster or a dyke than marry a fan. But she would happily attend your wedding and give a speech about how far you've come and how touching it is.

>> No.58530209
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Three of them can't because same sex marriage is not legal in their country

>> No.58530218

none of them

>> No.58530288
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>Nerissa is a normal, mentally stable woman

>> No.58530327

All of them

>> No.58530369 [DELETED] 

Two of them have a boyfriend. One is married. One is divorced..

>> No.58530933

Mumei probably has adhd, she doesn't have the ability to turn into a lifeless husk.

>> No.58531130

>relatively speaking

>> No.58531166

Unironically Kiara

>> No.58531261

>To be honest she's more likely to end up a spinster or a dyke than marry a fan
This is most of hololive desu.

>> No.58531338

Nerissa joined Hololive to do just that.

>> No.58531375

No one tell him most of the Holos are straight

>> No.58531407 [DELETED] 

They all have boyfriends th

>> No.58531493

Kiara is past her expiration date and is single so quite likely but reminder that women don't marry men who make less than them and if they do they will 100% cheat on him as they will have zero respect for him.

>> No.58531576

I used to think meditation and mindfulness were completely bullshit because literally how can anyone "stop thinking about everything" outside of sleep and then I got diagnosed with ADHD

>> No.58531588

No one tell him what a spinster is.

>> No.58531632

They all have 0% inclination to marrying a fan, but 3/4 of them are very good at giving you the impression they'd marry (you)

>> No.58532684

Kiara is dependent on whether that fan is a girl (see how she acts around Nerissa). Nerissa could go full dyke as well, or she could eventually settle for someone who can provide her with a child and a stable family life, with fan status being a minor consideration at most.
Mumei probably would try it, provided that both she and the fan are single when it happens, and the fan is able to break the ice and make her feel comfortable. How well that would work is up in the air, as I have doubts as to whether she’s mentally capable of maintaining a long term relationship. Mumei’s case is notable mainly for Kiara suggesting on stream that Hoomans should either groom existing girlfriends into being more like Mumei, or ask for relationship advice to seduce girls like her, who may turn out to actually be Mumei herself. Shiori also seems like it would be situational at best.

>> No.58532837

>Kiara suggesting on stream that Hoomans should either groom existing girlfriends into being more like Mumei, or ask for relationship advice to seduce girls like her
WTF is with this woman.
