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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58508784 No.58508784 [Reply] [Original]

She pushed aside her goslings and hitched herself to Tempus because she thought they were the next big thing. I bet she's regretting that now, especially seeing as how she's run out of la creatividad ideas.

Party's over, teamates.

>> No.58508915

Why do you like retards who self-insert themselves into Ryan Gosling?

>> No.58508980

Stare into the face of mental illness

>> No.58509069

Ryan Gosling self-insert niggers are the worst. They left Ame just because she is a little honest. Pathetic self-insert fucks.

>> No.58509123

Damn, I am more mad that they use random number image rather than naming it an appropriate name.

>> No.58510732

>i bet she's regretting that now
Ame will do whatever it takes to hste her fans.

>> No.58510790

Hello sisters. Is this the thread?
>sad ame.png

Yass, this is definitely the thread.

>> No.58510807

Nigger shes liked stars since before Tempus was a thing. At least knows what youre posting about or you out yourself like a retard

>> No.58510886

You really can't blame her for all the unicorns having a meltdown honestly. Her behavior from the very beginning made it obvious that she wasn't GFE, they just latched onto her.

>> No.58510951

>she liked stars
Signs of a bad vtuber.
They could only like Hololive girls like Gura, Fuwamoco, Fauna, Mumei and a bunch others do. But she decided to expose how straight she is.

>> No.58511090

I don't even like Ame and I have no idea where you are getting this from. She has never backtracked on her gachikoi hate, ever. She is just as sarcastic and acid tongued as Kronii but is even more distant since Ame puts up more of a barrier between herself and her audience while Kronii will reveal more vulnerabilities. I have no idea why people Goslinged Ame to begin with, she doesn't even have "I can fix her" vibes, she has "mean girl who actually hates you" vibes.

>> No.58511142

She shouldn't have leaned into it at all then, you can't have your cake and eat it too. I wasn't even an Ame gachikoi but her inability to be consistent or stand her ground on literally anything ticked me off at the time. I still support her though

>> No.58511211

>I have no idea where you are getting this from.
OP wants Ame to look like a victim even though she stands for all she did. He's probably a teamate.

>> No.58511258

She never leaned into gfe at all anon

>> No.58511263


>> No.58511299

> date outfit reveal

>> No.58511330

None of these things are gfe. She even says it's ironic.

>> No.58511422

Honestly yeah, this. She's like a girl you confess to and she says no, and you try to be friends afterwards but she's distant and kinda hateful towards you. And to top it off, even before homoEN, she was incredibly inconsistent already and this is still the case. Before getting mad at homo mentions people got mad at her for just not streaming or never keeping her promises, something that is STILL happening.

I usually check on what she's up to after a big event and always end up being reminded exactly why I stopped watching her. It's like she's mentally checked out and has been for a while.

>> No.58511609

Because she likes testing mic setups, of which she has like 10. She does stuff like cutting soap and melting wax, not erotic lewdbait ASMR

>date outfit reveal
Harmless larping for the sake of the theme in the outfit reveal stream. Once again, nothing over the top. Ame likes to roleplay scenarios and ad lib, like pretending to be a doctor and fast food clerk.

Was made in a collab with Mori and directed at Mori

>> No.58511984

why do you try to defend someone who dislikes you, with bad arguments at that

>> No.58512359
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This was a few months before tempiss

>> No.58512371

>sister posting
>refutes nothing
Seems like you should improve your argumentation if not yourself.

>> No.58512425

I'm not defending anyone, i'm disproving fake claims that Ame did gfe.

>> No.58512434
File: 27 KB, 518x538, 1691956587220240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I dislike Ame...KWAB.

>> No.58512520

Everyone does Valentine's roleplay streans anon. Even the whores at Nijisanji

>> No.58512533

I'm starting to think nearly every single bait thread against holoEN is started by the same person

>> No.58512587

I think its high time unicorns accept that GFE is made by consistency to sticking to a character and not one time streams.
Or even yet, they should accept that GFE is a fantasy and learn to differentiate when a streamer is in GFE mode and when she is not.

>> No.58512594

You didn't watch Ame during first 2 or 3 months after the debut, right? It wasn't deliberate GFE like actually hinting that she's your girlfriend but you can see what goslings saw in her. Somewhere around the Witcher gwent fiasco she couldn't keep up the facade anymore and became a bitch we all know.

>> No.58512627

>she never leaned into gfe at all

>> No.58512637

I really wonder if we are gonna a see a full Myth year 4 or 5, sometimes it feels they have a foot out of the door.

>> No.58512703

>roleplay stream
I think you should watch a real gfe vtuber before posting stupid shit.

>> No.58512891
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Kiara proved they won't last stream.

>> No.58512954
File: 376 KB, 1578x1886, warosu.org_vt__task=search&ghost=false&search_text=fhynac.mp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and also that faggot spamming that suisei clip

>> No.58512988

Yeah, she wasn't full on gfe, but she definitely leaned into it. At least before tempiss

>> No.58513127

> worst ENs staying
the world is unfair

>> No.58513216

Worst ENs are Ame and Kronii

>> No.58513239

So her "leaning into it" is doing complete non-sexual ASMR occasionally, making mori say ILOVE AME and one "date" stream?

>> No.58513268

they're fine now that the 2 faggotinis are gone, Kiara and Mori haven't improved at all since debuts

>> No.58513937

Nice try brownoid nijitroon

>> No.58514210

Are you okay man

>> No.58514308


>> No.58514439

What is the purpose of this thread, it almost always reads like it was written by a bitter former fan.

>> No.58514749

Ame is a mf fujo and that's hot. Fujos make the best gfs.

>> No.58514758
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>She is just acting cute in an observatory that's not gfe
Shut the fuck up
>Kisses in bed, she also sniffed me in this stream

>> No.58514775

you guys do realize that none of these girls will be your girlfriends nor will they ever have sex with you, right?

>> No.58514798

Thank you Ame for the Garry's Mod stream

>> No.58514799

I feel like this bait has been overused in several timelines by now. At least get an editor anon...

>> No.58514863

No they don't. Trust me.
I have a fujo friend and she's the worst piece of shit i have ever befriended.

>> No.58514917

The rare Ame gosling of 2023 appeared.

>> No.58515063
File: 323 KB, 619x527, 1673436691590384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Ame Thread
>Reused Image
>Reused Samefags
48 / 5 / 28 / 2


>> No.58517431

wtf are you on about? Learn to read dipshit

>> No.58520363


>> No.58520535

it also helps that the clip is so fucking inconclusive and the rrat holds so little water that mods don't even bother deleting it and nobody gives a shit when he posts it.

>> No.58520581

>>58520535 (me)
oh and the fact everything he writes alongside posting that clip is complete bullshit.

>> No.58520667

one weird phenomenon about this board is how its utterly retarded shitposters and antis go all out so hard that even the people that initially may have been on their side eventually get tired of their bullshit and so every subsequent bait thread is now filled with people calling OP a retard instead of agreeing with them.

>> No.58521059
File: 39 KB, 500x495, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT : Mythfags have fallen
so, graduation stream when? Oh i give a chance to kiara and mori for streaming consistently, others can go for peace of their own mind. Will see if council can maintain their image after 3 years unlike their senpais

>> No.58521991
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I bet you regret pinning your hopes and dreams to an e-girl, you lonely cuck

>> No.58522150


>> No.58526620

She just needs to have a creatividad brainstorming session and then we can have old ame back.

>> No.58526904
File: 67 KB, 323x291, 1694398397242005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday I thank God for not making me autistic.

>> No.58527516

This is the most pathetic fucking stretching I have ever seen.
After three years that's the best you got?

>> No.58532129

this isn’t autism, because autism can actually be diagnosed and treated

>> No.58532415

Is the catalog propped up by one mentally ill, South-East Asian dude? It can’t be.

>> No.58532475

She did a dating stream fairly early on and while she does have more of a barrier then Kronii she did talk about personal stuff.

Her acting thirsty for Shien on Twitter before she debuted, should've been a clue that she wasn't unicorn friendly. (IRyS turned out to be an exception).

>> No.58533454


>> No.58533682

so ive been recently gettin into ame (heh).
I only really see her as a streamer, shes probably the one i see the least sexually out of myth and council because i just don't like blondes.

Shes kind of funny, what should i know about her?

>> No.58535537

I'd say die mad about it, but that's basically guaranteed from how often you make this thread.

>> No.58539161

You should know that nearly everyone that shitposts about her only hated her after last summer. none of them actually watch her and they starting making up reasons to hate her.

basically she told off people who were harrassing her about collabing with males, it naturally pissed them off, she did like 3-4 of those collabs total and all of them were group collabs where she barely interacted with them.

She is a bit more closed-off than other holos, but opens up a lot during membership streams (again, dramafags would never know this.) In fact, if you do get membership, I'd recommend watching her most recent membership stream (doodles and chatting). It's packed with a ton you need to know.

She has likely been suffering mental issues over the last year or so because she has struggled to stream as consistently or finish tons of big projects like she normally does - but the last month she has been on a roll and I can guarantee her anniversary stream is gonna be great. Don't believe the shitposters who say she's barely hanging on to hololive by a thread. She's invested thousands upon thousands into a home 3d studio that has produced some great results (go watch the ame/kiara 3d collabs from this summer.) As well as new mics, and a new PC she just finished building, which will help operate said 3d studio.
She's also really cute.

>> No.58539356

Imma hijack his stuff now

>> No.58539897

>I have no idea why people Goslinged Ame to begin
Because she was cute as absolute fuck and made hilarious gremlin noises. Unfortunately her genuine anger problems and bizarre spite for her own audience eventually started to surface. She also got increasingly lazy and burned out. Now Ame's just an empty husk made of bread and termites.

>> No.58540009

eh, its not as bad as I thought. I've seen 5 pages of same bait threads for Fauna

>> No.58541871
File: 236 KB, 436x383, 1613349014222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had to be there for her early stories about how she was a poorfag with a scuffed family life and relative lack of happiness/success before she became a holo. that combined with the coin game dating stream happing shortly after the amegeddon is what won over the hearts of thousands of goslings. not to mention her sovl-filled karaokes, with her signature song being a gosling anthem (Kiss Me). it was pure, concentrated (mostly) unintentional GFE kino that hasn't been matched by any other EN yet, simply because it was so authentic until the mask slipped off. late 2021-present day Ame has been a gradual decline into mediocrity and laziness with a healthy heaping of spite to go along with it. and yet it's hard to let go and forget about her because of what we experienced in her early days, the potential that could've been.
>t. oldfag teamate who stares longingly into his ame pillow every night before bed

>> No.58542252

The worst part is, every so often she gets a burst of energy and recaptures the old days (like these past 2 weeks) but you just know it won't last.

>> No.58546783


>> No.58551154


>> No.58553699

Eh, that's pretty small time compared to even other schizos on this board. And those are nothing compared to real autistic fucks like G.oodrafag and Leaffag. /vp/ is just a really fucking awful board in general.

>> No.58553733

improve yourself
