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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58505440 No.58505440 [Reply] [Original]

These dogs are the weebiest weebs I've ever seen in my entire life. They are basically female version of Ken-sama meme.

>> No.58505475

they are japanese descendants
you can't call them weebs for liking their own culture

>> No.58505642

Japanese my ass lmao
their parents can't speak Japanese. They had to learn Japanese through eroge and manga.

>> No.58505732

The best way to learn Japanese
They are clearly the descendants of bau bau.

>> No.58506469
File: 227 KB, 1080x1350, Ken-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are basically female version of Ken-sama meme.
how's that a bad thing?

>> No.58507052

exactly they gonna made it soon(tm) once advent get their 3D

>> No.58507103

That's cringe

>> No.58507107

They're absolutely amazing. Power levels that would mog almost all of /jp/
Do your reps

>> No.58508634

Any examples you can think of? I already like the dogs but would love to have more to enjoy about them.

>> No.58508889
File: 329 KB, 1920x1081, 2023-07-31_06-02-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those tastes.

>> No.58508923
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>> No.58509097

>fuwawa hates isekai
>mococo likes one (ZnT)

>aku no hana
I wonder if it's the story or the animation used in it

>> No.58509345
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tbf "isekai" is usually used for those new shows which are 90% cashgrabs following a trend. ZnT is from older era. But yeah, it is quite funny.

>> No.58509446
File: 136 KB, 406x484, 1693488338360896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn nipponese but everytime I have to learn kanji I always give up. How do you guys learn japanese fast? I want to be able to play rance x ASAP

>> No.58509486

That's based.

>> No.58509569

Slap yourself 100x times and go study






>> No.58509599 [DELETED] 

>how's that a bad thing?
There is nothing more pathetic than a faggot that can’t hack it in his own culture and has to jump ship to lower the difficulty setting.
In case you were genuinely curious.

>> No.58509791

Don't listen to the retards that tell you to grind individual kanjis via Heisig's book. His "keywords" don't even coincide with what the kanjis mean at times, it's an utter waste of time. You learn the kana, then study grammar, then combine studying vocabulary with consuming Japanese media (in kanji of course, remembering words in kanji as you go). The latter is more important than the former, anki is a supplement and not the way main to learn.

>> No.58509848

Just learn grammar and basic vocab and start playing VNs

>> No.58510422 [DELETED] 

>There is nothing more pathetic than a faggot that can’t hack it in his own culture
>says on 4chinz
>says it on /vt/ no less

tell me anon what is this chad culture of yours that brings you here on early thursday morning, discussing grown women LARPing as anime girls? surely you must be the best this culture has to offer?

>> No.58510644

If you just wanna watch jap chubaa I don't think you need to learn any kanji,katakana or hiragana. Just watch a lot of anime and play a lot of vn for fun. Reading the subs while listening to the voice is enough to make me understand Japanese, I even understand migo for god's sake. Still can't read any Japanese but I can watch anime and chubaa without the need for subtitles.

>> No.58510722

Forgot to mention that I have been watching anime and playing vn since kid so maybe there is some kid's brain magic at play but I don't think it's impossible as an adult

>> No.58510838

Heisig’s method works if you’re filtered by the alternatives. People neglect or forget just how fucking alien the moon runes are the first time you see them. RTK at least gets you to where you can use a dictionary. Not everyone’s brain is wired the same way.

>> No.58510871 [DELETED] 

Deflecting and trying to out me as a hypocrite doesn’t change the fact that you’re a faggot who’s been roundly rejected by your own culture. This makes you cringe, or as zoomers say now, “globohomo.”

>> No.58511068

What worked for me was
- Learn kana
- Learn some basic kanji with anki
- Consume a fuckload of JP content while keeping up the anki reps
I started with easy manga like Yotsubato, then went for shounen stuff and then VNs. I stopped anki after I no longer needed a dictionary to read most stuff.

>> No.58511148 [DELETED] 

deflecting from what anon? he was making a joke and your dumbass is in here taking it seriously. also globohomo was started by right wing Q boomers. alex jones favorite word

retards doesnt even know the history of his own "culture"

>> No.58511968

globohomo is strictly boomer language that zoomers aren't aware of. While it had presence in mainstream 15-20 years ago, now it's mostly used by 60yo+ conservatives and their dumb followers.

>> No.58513627

>weebiest weebs
theyre really normafags

>> No.58513682

They don't eat pizza. They're not normal.

>> No.58513760 [DELETED] 

>retard explains globohomo to me
I know what it means, you pocky munching tranime loving faggot.
You are a loser that watches cartoons made for yellow children. Words cannot describe how badly you failed at being a man.

>> No.58513816
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 26006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only Ken-sama I recognize.

>> No.58513823

The reason why modern isekai is so hated is that it's formulaic. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. They tend to have some kind of gimmick to make them seem unique, but the gimmick is largely irrelevant just a couple episodes in. They all have the same setting, world building, and character archetypes.
There are older isekai that do their own thing, like ZnT. Others would be Escaflowne and El Hazard.

>> No.58513882

I think you're on the wrong site

>> No.58514071

pfft. coward cope

>> No.58514259

>retard explains globohomo to me
I know what it means, you pocky munching tranime loving faggot.

lmao anon what are you even doing on 4chan then? besides fishing for (you)s. stick to your discord circlejerk faggot

>> No.58514609

Yeah. Sadly all the bad rep isekai gets hurts actually good shows like Mushoku Tensei which get trashed for the genre even though they're completely different in so many areas. Especially world building which is top notch and reminiscent of manga like Blame or Otoyomegatari with ability to show how the world lives without wordy explanations.

>> No.58516141

>good shows
>mushoku tensei

>> No.58518537

Mushitku tensei was a major contributor to the modern isekai fad because all the other hacks copied that webnovel

>> No.58518711

>their parents can't speak Japanese
Yeah, they said that on stream.

What kind of weeb level is this:

>> No.58518996

That's some terrible revisionist cope. They were mostly influenced by SAO. Mushoku Tensei's novel is nowhere close that level of popularity. Isekai adaptations became a trend years ago.

>> No.58519092

There's some useful stuff in RTK. I think it's helpful to learn the general meanings of the radicals, and coming up with mnemonics for difficult kanji. But other than that, I agree.

>> No.58519168
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I need to touch her tail

>> No.58519194

Japanese culture is simply more interesting to them. Why would they watch Marvel movies when they can read eroge instead? Their parents are pretty based for not forcing them to be "normal" and instead openly supporting their hobbies, whatever they are.

If you're going to do that, it's better to go with kanji damage for better sorted list, less wrong kanji meanings and much more memorable mnemonics while also having the kanji study be less bare bones.

>> No.58519453

>Why would they watch Marvel movies when they can read eroge instead?
They've barely watched any films. Not just marvel shit. I mean I've also never watched marvel shit but I've watched a lot of classics from the 70s & 90s & early 00s.

>> No.58519678

Same logic applies to classics. Main difference is they got into M&A faster than any of us did and were able to do so to larger extent. Being into denpa or idol songs from overseas is really impressive. I assume they got enamored with idol culture during childhood trip to Japan but i have no idea if that's the case. They talked about visiting Japan in the past but didn't specify the time afaik.

>> No.58519694

this whole board is a bunch of non Japanese people insulting each other by calling each other non Japanese

>> No.58520426

I am transitioning and you are triggering my race dysphoria

>> No.58520845

Human Japanese is pretty good if you want an overnight crash course.

>> No.58522646

They studied the blade

>> No.58523391

Fucking newfag. SAO popularized game skills and getting trapped in a game.
Mushoku tensei WEBnovel popularized the loser OTAKU dying from TRUCK-KUN and getting REINCARNATED into a generic dragon quest like fantasy world with codified guild system, adventurers, elves, dwarves, goblins, beastmen, harems and demon lord.
After mushoku tensei WEBNOVEL, not the LN, everyone and their mother started writing the same isekai slop webnovel that would get adapted later into Light Novels > manga/anime
Overlord popularized the "transported into the game world with game skillsets" so it was added on top of that generic isekai fad and new isekais were Mushoku tensei + game mechanics

>> No.58524366

Knowing that they are unironic weaboo otaku hags makes my penis achieve a near-instantaneous, diamond-hard erection.

>> No.58525654

>I am transitioning

>> No.58526021

do your reps. they are as white as you can get (and a quarter european). the esl accent is a keyfabe.

>> No.58526877

What is .hack

>> No.58527023

Do they even have IRL friends?

>> No.58527064

>What is .hack
Something that's clearly not the current
>otaku gets trucked and reincarnated into a fantasy world
goyslop that is the current isekai genre that Mushoku tensei popularized

>> No.58527200

Dam right. I never asked to be a vending machine

>> No.58527589

I love them so much bros. My heart smiles when they go bau bau.

>> No.58529526
File: 294 KB, 633x610, image_2023-09-14_131543652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she like this

>> No.58529601


>> No.58529761

the only other person in the world who loved the Aku no Hana anime, she's my soulmate

>> No.58529818

>the esl accent is a keyfabe.
Everything you said is true, except this. Their accent is not JP at all. It's a strange amalgamation of Canadian/Japanese/AmeriGOD.
They have a "twin" accent that comes from spending 99% of their time together + living in JP for a while.

>> No.58529843

thats raoh

>> No.58531140

They seem like social people

>> No.58531331

>trying to make someone feel bad for not watching soulless capeshit
what the fuck

>> No.58532199

Kiara seemed pretty pushy about it. I don’t get why they need them to see it.

>> No.58532269

to be expected from ENtubers

>> No.58533662

The rest of Advent didn’t care though.

>> No.58535744

what is tron

>> No.58536918

they're chinese hapas

>> No.58540453
File: 98 KB, 300x249, biboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are basically female version of Ken-sama meme.
>Ken is married

>> No.58543977


>> No.58544264
File: 764 KB, 935x1080, 1676760052562107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grind them by learning with Chloes had writing
