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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58431681 No.58431681 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58431883

i only watch hololive vtubers, so i'll have to take your word for it

>> No.58432145

Yagoo really struck gold with Raden, now if only there was an EN chubaa that is like Mito or Raden

>> No.58432171

That's... Actually it kind of makes sense somehow...

>> No.58432308

How would an EN vtuber like Raden even make sense.

>> No.58432336

Shiori is kind of close.

>> No.58432373


>> No.58432499
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>> No.58432777
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Raden is like Lili, but darker, coincidence?

>> No.58432942

literally who

>> No.58433081

Every mildly quirky vtuber gets compared to Mito.

>> No.58433097

Lili from Tekken. Her outfit is from Tekken 7 https://tekken.fandom.com/wiki/Emilie_De_Rochefort

>> No.58433156

>wastes raden into a mystery new branch that rightly worried fans
>wastes fwmc into an EN branch (don't even try to deny that they would be far more successful playing the games they already play but to a jp audience; and the fact that if omega wasn't fired it would have been an outright disaster for advent)
the absolute state of management

>> No.58433195

omega also reject pomu and others holoreject

>> No.58433207

The first point is schizo but fuwamoco would make way more money as JPs

>> No.58433308

Fuwamoco belongs to us, not ungrateful JPs, no matter how much you cry about it

>> No.58433431


>> No.58433461

I like her, but if she doesn't turn around her smoking and alcoholism problems she's ngmi worse than Laplus in less than a year.

>Omega also reject pomu
He did something based for once?

>> No.58433469

Rejecting Pomu was one of Omega's best decision

>> No.58433610

Admit it EOP, they'd have a much larger fan base in JP and would make significantly more money.

>> No.58433661

Her face is so good I'd wish she'd stop using the dumb mask

>> No.58433673

And she's somehow the most hated Advent /here/ lmao
Face it, westoid EOPs don't want unique girls with niche interests and novel ideas. They just want the same shit they've been getting since the beginning. No wonder their entertainment's gone to shit

>> No.58433698

>no pomu and other rejects like finana and millie
are you trying to make me hate omega less?

>> No.58433711

I only hate her fans

>> No.58433737

>most hated Advent /here/
Imagine this retard falling for psyops.

>> No.58433800

She's generally the most hated and for good reason, she's a ticking time bomb. At least people with more than 2 functioning braincells realized early

>> No.58433802

Mito knows jack shit about art

>> No.58433969

you are a genuine retard if you think japanese fans would support white woman foreigners
Coco only enjoyed support because she was japanese ethnicity
JP wont even support hafu, they'd be languishing like Lui

>> No.58433972

>Two more weeks
You niggers said shed male collab as soon as the collab ban was over

>> No.58434058

Wont be happening anymore after her suspension. At least not for a long time.

>> No.58434090


>> No.58435024

>You n*ggers
I thought it was shiori and her fans who are into blacked? Also shiori wants hololive to become more progressive so better avoid using the n-word

>> No.58435059

I keep reading it as Raiden

>> No.58435095

I'm watching the vod right now and genuinely wtf do they have in common?

>> No.58435134
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>mogging the rest of the competition with just a guerilla zatsu
Shit you might be on to something

>> No.58435319
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>> No.58435522

Go back to r*ddit newfriend

>> No.58435978

Don't compare her to a barely 4view like that washed up bitch

>> No.58437019

Kek. Do you have the stream link?

>> No.58437079

>suspended for talking a bit about BDSM
lemao marine can talk about her masturbation habits nigger

>> No.58437980

Raden is going to reach 1 million subs before 2024.

>> No.58438294

Shiorikeks still on damagecontrol

>> No.58438482

>And she's somehow the most hated Advent /here/ lmao
you actually falling for the baits here huh?

>> No.58438548

>And she's somehow the most hated Advent /here/ lmao
thought that was Rissa

>> No.58438899

its spelled Myth, retard

>> No.58439846

I'm a holofag and I prefer Mito over her, even though I don't watch both

>> No.58439918

Kek no, Novelites are 24/7 shilling this girl
I don't care about otome games and I don't and I don't wanna hear why Dimitri is so hot

>> No.58439950

All the big holos are "the same shit they've been getting since the beginning", a niche is a niche for a reason, because the general audience is repulsed by that, now go cry somewhere

>> No.58440493

Pekora, Miko, Subaru, Korone, Aqua, etc.
Almost all the big holos are "the same shit", just accept nobody cares about muh improve comedy and those shit on vtubing, if you don't like that feel free to watch 2view nijis, they're pretty niche

>> No.58440576

Bwahahaha i can't...
>looks again
Hahaha must be nice being ignorant huh holof*ggots lol

>> No.58440699

And nothing of value are lost.

>> No.58440716

The clip where she talks about art is super cool
Is she like the artsy type hipster? But the japanese version?
That's kinda cool
I wish I could understand japanese because I want to learn about japanese culture and all that stuff

>> No.58440838

I’m a day 1 Novelite and got 3 dayed after making fun of a SEAposter for posting his NTR fantasy after the Dimitri tangent last night. I truly hate the Shiori general and am just going to watch her in peace away from that shithole from now on.

>> No.58440988

most based evo ive ever seen

>> No.58441015

>"and xx chromosome is a female *gasp*"
Kek, you lost.

>> No.58441168

breddy sure if you look up evo finals 2023 match with Dogura youll find it

>> No.58441602

It's not that hard to be better than Mito, she literally has a generic RomCom background character for a model.

>> No.58441716

That's the best part though. The juxtaposition of it and her often vulgar/weird personality is good.

>> No.58441868



>> No.58442570

Thanks anon

>> No.58444784

>hyping her up
Come back in a month or two like Salome and we’ll have something to maybe talk about.

>> No.58445422

It only take how many years to even find a better Mito? Says more about Mito than it does about Raden.

>> No.58445518

Mito is good. Raden is good. I like the gal in the devis branch as well. I also want to force Deron to suck my dick while looking angrily at me.

>> No.58447389

Salome is a walmart Pekora

>> No.58447390

So kanade isn’t living in Japan? If that’s the case, why didn’t cover put fwmc in regloss too?

>> No.58447533

what the fuck are you on
they are completely different

>> No.58447537

Because it's that much harder to find good applicants for EN.

>> No.58447716

Coco's rm is japanese? She had the moon round face of your average Korean. lmao

>> No.58447810

I don't get this, she's autistic and awkward but she's pretty basic.

Raden and Mito are the opposite, they're charismatic and socially adept and out there.

>> No.58447868

Mito is only appear to be good because she is in Niji which says a lot about Niji's quality, overall she is okay at best

>> No.58447957

I don't think there's been any actual confirmation on her ethnicity even from her. Everyone just assumes she must be Japanese because she lives in Japan despite no one in her family speaking Japanese.

>> No.58448139

Ewww no thanks


>> No.58448207

The retards on this board either don't watch streams or lack the ability to do the most basic analysis so everything is always decided on what their design looks like and what their voice sounds like.
Bright, light shaded colors? Lamy
Speaks fast? ANY mention of R18 subjects? Marine
Anything resembling gothic lolita fashion? Shiori

>> No.58448464

holy retard
she texts to her dad in japanese, her sister has forgotten english and her niece only speaks japanese

>> No.58450132

They could be a family of zainichi. That would explain why they move to the states in the first place.

>> No.58450226

According to herself her dad can barely speak japanese. Was she lying when she said that?

>> No.58451316

I don't why I have a feeling she was a comedian and if that feeling is right that's the worst thing to happen to hololive, female comedians already are trash, imagine a japanese one

>> No.58453157

Novelites are newfags, they never watched Mito

>> No.58459741

i don't know who either of those two are

>> No.58460360

Both are good and neither were heavily influenced by other vtubers. mito created modern vtubing and raden seems like she fell into it.

>> No.58460706

Don't worry you're not forced to be /here/
don't have to post either, you can leave and enjoy your oshi

>> No.58463620

kind of bizarre that she was getting the most shit here. she was the only one that actually caught my attention the moment the MV came out. glad she's doing well

>> No.58463975

They both feel like art school graduates but mito is an otaku while raden seems like she hung around 70 year olds her whole life.

It's pretty weird that people here don't even know who mito is yet they follow any and every hololive streamer.

>> No.58468787

She's going to fall so hard the moment she starts taking breaks for her trips and her quirky 53 years old salariman ojisan gimnick (smoker, drinker, pachinko addicted, goes to art museums) wears out. She's already getting 30k average 4 days in and doesn't want to play games.

>> No.58471584

Maybe not, too soon to say. Zatsu streamers need a lot of new experiences to share because if they don't go out and find new topics they will run out of stories and interesting things to share, that's why I don't fully buy into zatsu focused streamers in their first or second month

>> No.58471941

>you are a genuine retard if you think japanese fans would support white woman foreigners
Explain Mori's music career.

>> No.58473843

>you are a genuine retard if you think japanese fans would support white woman foreigners
is this the reason Mori only gets a few superchats from nips on her anniversary stream? https://hololyzer.net/youtube/archive/superchat/aoa6BFc8wMU.html
I thought nips were superior and could support all talents, but I never expected there could be racism.

>> No.58474192

>hung around 70 year olds
All me

>> No.58474587

She just hasn't played nice with the most popular advent members until the last collab. If she keeps playing nice with fwmc and biboo and will start gaining favour with some other communities, except for the unicorns. there is no recovering from her NTR past, even though it was just larping on her behalf.

>> No.58475557

She is cool and mysterious, and most importantly, not fat

>> No.58475605
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A shame that I asked earlier for an EN Mito/Raden, looks like EN does not have someone with that level of charisma/conversational skill

That said, a Raden and Mito collab would be absolute kino

>> No.58476069

I'll agree she's niji, but comparing her to mito is just plain stupid.

>> No.58476412
File: 2.05 MB, 2477x3718, Fw-ql2VaUAE-djX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also want to force Deron to suck my dick while looking angrily at me.

A man of taste

>> No.58476798

Vtubing in the west is still the domain of low tier twitch streamers and weird weebs, It'll be some time before it attracts anyone with an interesting approach to the medium.
mito is too intimidating, whenever she talks to random vtubers they get super nervous and start spilling spaghetti. Raden might be fine but i dont see them as compatible personalities, they have very little in common beyond the outsider feel.

>> No.58483159

The japanese had them and squandered them, EN is their home now.

>> No.58487698

Sadly it's the different origins of EN and JP vtubing that prevent EN from having such talents from becoming mainstream-popular. Imagine a smoking drinking gambling alt hoe trying to vtube, she'd be buried alive unless she's edgy and "controversal" and people react to her "takes", just being entertained by her stories and weird voice won't be enough.
