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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58360217 No.58360217 [Reply] [Original]

I like Fuwamoco but "Ruffians" are fucking cancer

>> No.58360265

bros... they came back to save us... BOG BOG...!

>> No.58360289

I like /vt/ but "catalog shitters" are fucking aids

>> No.58360315

BAU BAU, BTW are you fine anon that's the 3rd thread i see about that, your mental illness is showing and it's about time you end it.

>> No.58360331

bau bau homobeggar.

>> No.58360341

I like ice cream but choco mint is gross

>> No.58360343

People keep saying this with nothing to back it up

>> No.58360366

Exactly what I'm talking about

>> No.58360392
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>antis tried and tried again to grasp the straw dry to find anything to be relevant

>> No.58360420

Mentally ill ruffian can't read that there's nothing bad about their oshi in this post.

>> No.58360443

What's with this influx of you sisters since advent's debut? Are you still coping with the homo's getting fired? Are you this mad that you will never be a part of Hololive? Or do you jus seriously lack anything worthwhile to do with your time?
Better yet, maybe you're just mad that you will never be a woman.

>> No.58360503

try again next thread son, maybe you should use any gura pic #45

>> No.58360516

>hate other advents
>hate holoen
>hate everything western
>is a newfag
>is a boomer

>> No.58360560

Epic board culture bro you are TOTALLY fitting in

>> No.58360594

All fanbases are shit.

>> No.58360729

This. Time to get Canadian healthcare.

>> No.58360764
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Talking like a woman doesn't make you a woman.

>> No.58360772

pebble here, I actually think ruffians are the most devoted fans and genuinely supportive/protective of the twins. they normally don't go out of their way to be obnoxious unless they are dealing with dicordraidfags and schizos.

>> No.58360886

Take your transphobia somewhere else

>> No.58360969

>twitter troon expecting /vt/ to cater to him

>> No.58360997

sisters seething

>> No.58361797

Thank you pebble. Diamond Dogs together.

>> No.58361838

idk couldn't even keep the act up past 3 posts

>> No.58362010


>> No.58362038
File: 1.46 MB, 4096x2736, 1690897275264128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick rundown on them
>Yagoo bows to the Abyssgards
>In contact with Yopi
>Rumored to posess Twin Telepathy
>Control Advent with a fluffy paw
>Own Doghouses and Gachikoi all over the world
>Direct decendants of the first beloved pup, Korone
>Will bankroll the first VN of HoloEN (FuwaMoco will be the first route)
>In process of Terriforming JP Nikki for their own personal fanbase
>Own basically every Gweh research facility on Earth
>First designer babies will be FuwaMoco babies
>Both sisters are said to have less than 100 IQ
>Ancient Indian scriptures spoke of two cute dogs who will decend upon the Earth and will bring an era of JP culture and unprecidented cute noises with them
>These are the Abyssgard twins
>They own cuteness Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Abyssgard cuteness affecting you right now
>FuwaMoco are in regular communication with the Angel Kanata, forwording the word of EN to the JP Nikki
>Discovered the ark of the Seiso-ness
>They learned fluent Japanese in under a week
>Gawr Gura allows them full access to Atlantis within the confines of her stinky home
>Ruffians entrust their hearts with them. Their hearts aren't anywhere else, only in Ft. FuwaMoco
>The twins are 20 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human
>In all reality, they are 2000 years old having existed being cute for any Ruffian who found them and will live in hearts until the end of the universe
>They have been able to access the cute babble bible since birth and have spoke what they read when they were newborns
>FuwaMoco will guide Ruffians into a new age of cuteness, seiso-ness, and BauBau

>> No.58362193

>hate fans of a chuuba for being obnoxious
>they attack you by saying you hate the chuuba
every time

>> No.58362475


>> No.58362776
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Not a ruffian, but I've only ever seen them Bau Bau at very obvious seething troons trying to spread drama, so they're ok in my book.

>> No.58363355

>he says as the ruffians anti every other girl in advent

>> No.58363429

so true sister

>> No.58363464

As a Ruffian, I hate when other Ruffians do this.

>> No.58363473

Your concession is accepted.

>> No.58363517

People who make these threads, which has been from the homobegger community so far, are terrible people pointing the finger at others.

>> No.58363633

>I like Fuwamoco
No you don't
>"Ruffians" are fucking cancer

>> No.58364519

I just think it's hilarious that they can't shit on the girls themselves, they have to go for the ruffians. The ones who are boomers, like anime and don't even browse here. I wonder who are they trying to troll here?

>> No.58364837

you niggas have said this about every Advent fanbase sine debut and this specific thread go remade like 5 times in the last 48 hours.
Also anyone have a link to that post where anon admitted the reason he hated ruffians was because they kept responding to his bait with Bau Bau?

>> No.58364929


>> No.58364983

Hide chat so that it's an audience of just you

>> No.58365090


>> No.58365156

>make bait thread
>ruffians don't bite just post baubau and probably sage

>> No.58365365


>> No.58365651
File: 652 KB, 404x474, botak_[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzps1aj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek

>> No.58367573
File: 181 KB, 476x264, FuwaMoco RoboBauBau1[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3sj9n9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58367751


>> No.58367972

Hold your breath and die, faggot.
