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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58348149 No.58348149 [Reply] [Original]

After tonight's collab, do we forgive her? Do we apologize??

>> No.58348205

nah, she raised way too many red flags in her debut, more time needs to pass before i give her a chance

>> No.58348303
File: 187 KB, 440x495, 1693278005620678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine doubting jap's hires

>> No.58348816

Just two more weeks just to be sure.

>> No.58348820

Man who'd have thought hiring vtubers who treat their audiences kindly and respectfully would be such a winner. God if only we had any way of knowing this before now

>> No.58349431

She's better than Nerissa at least, I'll give her that

>> No.58349512

>nah, she raised way too many red flags in her debut,
Why stop at debut anon? She already introduced culture war bullshit into her streams when zero HoloEN girls, even Kronii of all people, ever did this. They kept their political views off stream where thye belong.

>> No.58349595

citation needed

>> No.58349605

>political views
is this the Nerissa not straight thing or something else?

>> No.58349606

The Altare of HoloEN.

>> No.58349629

She fucking bailed on her genmates so she can fleece people out of SCs, no I don't fucking forgive her.

>> No.58349741

Speaking of, can you imagine if Kronii had been the one telling us how devs need to include more tranny shit in their games to be "inclusive"? This board would have thrown a shitfit for weeks on end and claimed she ruine dthe branch. The non-idol of Advent gets a pass I guess.

>> No.58349743

lol u wish

>> No.58349797

Hmm... are these BrownVTM hours?

>> No.58349819

What are you shitters complaining about? OP is vague and I don't watch your dying EOP branch

>> No.58349841

First of all, her manager restricted her stream time to two hours because her throat stopped improving.
Secondly If this stream was the only pov of the collab then it'll be considered scummy but it's her own fans who chose her pov over the others so whats's wrong with responding to thier superchats after the collab is pretty much done?
Kys thread reader.

>> No.58349860

Don't worry anon, most board novelites don't watch streams either as evidenced by this thread.

>> No.58349900

Who said this?

>> No.58349961

>throat hort
Is it mandatory to go through a meatgrinder to get into hololive or what?
These girls usually don't even work a quarter of what the average adult works timewise, but you would think they are grinding away in the coalmines for 75 hours/week

>> No.58350000


>> No.58350044

I'm just happy she wants to see hololive becoming more progressive

>> No.58350231

I hope your oshi ends up and suffer in Nijisanji English.

>> No.58350236

>>58349961 let me give you an example based on your own career:
What happens if your jaw muscles started to hurt from sucking so much dick for a living? Would you take it easy for some time or continue sucking like always untill the muscles get injured and you'll have to get surgery and take a prolonged vacation which will hurt your career even more? A streamer's voice is thier breadwinner and the most valuable and abused part.

>> No.58350379

Fuwamoco were ready to leave around then too. So it's fine. Two hours is enough time for a group collab. Especially since most of them are streaming almost every day

>> No.58350384

She did like 1 karaoke and then took a week off, truly abused

>> No.58350429

better than tummy hort. Memory holed much anon?

>> No.58350666


>> No.58350695

which stream did she say this shit

>> No.58350767

You won't trick me, trips demon. Shiori is based for that.

>> No.58350822

Based on threadreading she seems nice to her genmates, but I just really don't want to watch her after like three major red flags.

>> No.58350863

What a fucking nothingburger

>> No.58351304

How did "oh they added they/them , how nice" turn to " THEY HAVE TO ADD THEM TO EVERY GAME" in your schizo brain?

>> No.58351414

Goalpost status: moved
You deserve your oshi. Enjoy your Californian trash.

>> No.58351423

Is mentioning inclusivity a culture war move now?

>> No.58351445

FUCKING PRONOUNS nigger who care go hang yourself >>58349512 epically you

>> No.58351469

>Shiori did an oopsie
>oh that wasn't as bad as I expec-

>> No.58351483

We don't forgive mori. We don't forgive shiori.

>> No.58351516

i love how people /here/ say stuff that would send them to a mental hospital as if it was normal

>> No.58351872

No. Never. Into the Kiara pile she goes

>> No.58351938

You know she got COVID right?

>> No.58351979

>do we forgive her?
for what? what did she do?
>Do we apologize??
for what? what did you do?

>> No.58352071

stay mad you retarded transphobe

>> No.58352698

Having been in this situation before, I would use mint chewing gum to enhance the suckage, this eliciting a larger ejaculation, then gargle the cock vomit to coat my throat and help it heal.
If you can't even do that, are you really a dick gobbler?

>> No.58352738

>Kiara will say trans rights.

My fucking sides!!!!

>> No.58353313

>First of all, her manager restricted her stream time to two hours because her throat stopped improving.
Which is why she streamed an extra 40 minutes reading SCs? What is this fucking cope?

>> No.58353643

>Trannies are fans of shiori
why is this not surprising at all? Shiori spam really isn't going to end is it

>> No.58353948

>The state of 4chan...

>> No.58354157

The indoctrination has really progressed. These kids don't even realise what's happened to their own culture over the last few decades. It's over chaps, the clown world is now.

>> No.58354220
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>> No.58354264

Na I love clowns, they're hilarious.

>> No.58354284

These "people" probably suffered around 11% attrition on their way home

>> No.58354420

Trannies are starting to see shiori as thier in on hololive. Maybe she can nepo one in or get them to stop throwing thier applications in the trash the moment those nasty voices are heard. It's not gonna happen of course. But they will be more annoying until they grab a rope.

>> No.58354568

>It's over chaps, the clown world is now
good, when are you going to kill yourself?

>> No.58354616

Certainly not before you inevitably do, tranny.

>> No.58354718

>trannies here
Good, another reason to not watch the worst EN hire ever

>> No.58354984

thats funny because nobody hates trans people more than themselves. so i fully support that statement

>> No.58355125
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>> No.58355398

statistically speaking, you're the most likely person in this thread to kill themself troonchama. Do your part to make sure yall keep the high score

>> No.58355501

Your right man. It's so over. Only one way out. Let's all kill ourselves. You can start.

>> No.58355593

Shiori is a piece of shit.

>> No.58355602

I know that ywnbaw but I'll humour you just this once. Ladies first.

>> No.58355717

Zoomers and Boomers: Battle of the Sensitive Pussy Generations

>> No.58355792

>every Shiori catalog thread will be plagued with /pol/ from now on

>> No.58355884

People who try to cope with her being happy about playing as a girl character try to ignore that the option existed already. You had either male or female options without the pronouns bullshit. No one would be mad if Shiori just said "Damn I finally can play as a girl for my self insert fantasies".

>> No.58355929
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>supports the cause
What's more? And novelites have the guts to say she's good

>> No.58355939

She was not bad this collab for once.

>> No.58355947 [DELETED] 

ITT: Trannies full on confirming they're the ones who've been shitting up the board with Shiori.
I mean we all knew it was them from the start but now they're just directly outing themselves.

You have an illness, please seek help. mutilating yourselves rather then getting actual mental health treatment is only going to lead to you killing yourself. Go see a therapist. If they agree with and placate your mental illness, look at the 52% trans suicide rate, then go find someone else who will actually help you.

>> No.58355989

As an epic fencesitter, I say and trannies and /pol/yps could both fuck off I'd be in heaven.

>> No.58356022

novelites want to see hololive become more progressive, pls andastand

>> No.58356140

Not until she says she won't play a game to support the cause
Fuck that tranny loving faggot

>> No.58356242

Just to unjerk a bit, the biggest risk factor when it comes to trans suicide rates are discrimination by peers, family and society. I yall were just a bit nicer, lives could be saved. But you'd rather rant about queer people on a board that's about people acting like they're anime characters, which is the gayest shit I ever heard.

>> No.58356353

Calling you a retarded for cutting your dick off isn't discrimination, it just a fact, what would you say about someone who cut their own arm off? If you feel sad about and want to kill yourself go ahead, just don't bring that shit in my hobby

>> No.58356458
File: 128 KB, 332x351, 1656784804112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the west has fallen. i must /pol/post in /vt/

>> No.58356604

Arms are generally beneficial when it comes to day-to-day tasks. Half of all people live just fine without a penis.
Do you call people who undergo a tonsillectomy, hysterectomy, etc. retarded, too?

>> No.58356665

You people are insane

>> No.58356849 [DELETED] 

I'm really happy that you fags actively won't reproduce.

>> No.58356911 [DELETED] 

It doesn't change that it's mutilation, and losing your ability to have kids is way different than taking off your entire dick
I never used my dick, doesn't mean I'll take it off, if you want to act like a woman do it like those thai boy toys(idk their name), mutilating yourself is always mental illness

>> No.58357026 [DELETED] 

>Half of all people live just fine without a penis.
Yes, biological women. Because they were born to function without them. When you take hormones and cut off your own organs you are fucking up your body and causing an ton of damage to it.
You have a form of body dysmorphia, the same way anorexics, or people who want to cut off their own arm, or people that think they are never muscular enough do. The difference is that rather then getting proper mental health treatment for it like you would have 50 years ago, your community has lobbied for acceptance of your mental illness rather then treatment.
Seek help, affirming your mental illness is not help, it is harmful to you.

>> No.58357089

Just when I was beginning to tolerate her you had to show me this... Well, thanks anyway anon, better find out now than subbing to her without knowing of this. Also, this just strengthens the rrat that she was the last thing omega left on en before roping itself

>> No.58357120

Funny how you rarely hear stories about women wanting to become men but there's a lot of men larping as women.

>> No.58357136
File: 237 KB, 529x416, 1693020173076048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pol thread you guys having my fellow westoboos. Mods sure do a great job~

>> No.58357165

Worst part is the retarded real women who accept them

>> No.58357241

Don't see transphobes campaigning against optional cosmetic surgery. Also please remind me of the US circumcision rate.

Also, why are you talking like trans = chopping your dick off? You know that trans people who undergo bottom surgery are in the minority, right? So are you actually a trans ally in general and you support them and will call them their preferred pronouns? Or are you gonna move the goalpost further because your whole ideology can be summed up as "trans people are icky because they aren't like me"?

>> No.58357282

Says the one that supports mutilation

>> No.58357297
File: 219 KB, 1925x1413, 1684207947303900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEA Primetime
>SEA larping as White men fighting for their dumb politics
This is just sad.

>> No.58357444

Are you arguing against the existence of transmen? You know you could just google one word and stand corrected instead of spouting BS

>> No.58357450

i think they explained on an early fwmc morning. they actually wake up at like 5am. if they're going to do a long stream it has to start earlier.

>> No.58357473

>optional cosmetic surgery
What happened to the human rights argument?

>> No.58357497 [DELETED] 

They exist, had a good friend a few years ago before moving who was Female-to-Male. Didn't even know for the first 6 months I knew him, it just came up one day because he was complaining about his chest binder. But that's the thing, I didn't know he was trans or born a woman because he didn't act like a crazy person, just a normal ass dude.
Later asked him why he never talked about it and he said that the trans community is crazy and toxic, was against kids taking hormones and getting surgery, and legitimately didn't want to associate with them whatsoever. He just wanted to live as a man, not a trans man, so he never brought it up.

>> No.58357500

Yes, she showed a lot of patience and genuinely cared about FuwaMoco and Bijou, unlike Nerissa. Shiori is a very good girl.

That's a single comment reacting to what's directly on screen. Means nothing.

You're retarded.

>> No.58357524

i'm not a zoomer. i have a shiori reeval on my calendar at 3mo. one stream changes nothing.

>> No.58357534

First that circumcision is retarded too
And if you want to feel like a woman feel free to do that, the only part that bothers me is cutting your dick off and changing the language just because you feel like it, to me it doesn't make sense wanting to be a woman but if you want to do it then do, just be a normal person
Just like gay people, I don't care if you like to take in your ass, just be a normal person instead of going around spreading to the world that you like dick and wearing revealing "clothes" in public were everyone can see

>> No.58357696 [DELETED] 

She's not redpilled like the rest of hololive. She said it was nice that there is a they/them option in a game she was playing. It's time to ruin her career. We are legion we are anonymous xD. All her supporters are trannies and she's part of the secret tranny coalition designed to destroy America and oppress the white race

>> No.58357761

Admit it. She fucked up. Whether you're a tranny or a /pol/tard it doesn't matter, you have to recognise that she brought a divisive political notion up when she didn't need to and even outed her own stance on that notion. You have to be brain-dead to think that there's no problem there, for a Hololive talent more than any other perhaps.

>> No.58357765

>her throat stopped improving
That family vacation really fucked everything up.

>> No.58357767

How can I stop hating her when I'm constantly reminded that she exists

>> No.58357836

I would prefer even Sana coming back than this bitch, but not everything in life goes the way you want, at least I'm happy she's the runt of EN

>> No.58357891

I'm not seeing any ESLs larping my guy. SEAfags can't write English this well. Most people on 4chan just hate troon culture in general.

>> No.58357936 [DELETED] 

>The difference is that rather then getting proper mental health treatment for it like you would have 50 years ago, your community has lobbied for acceptance of your mental illness rather then treatment.
You argue about how things should be without any expertise o professional background; just your vague feeling of trans = not normal = mental illness. Instead of believing current best practices in medicine, you defer to the medical knowledge of the 70s (when the last few lobotomies were still performed). Tell me again how transphobia is based on science and trans inclusivity is an ideology.

>> No.58357965

>divisive political notion
>they/them pronouns
Sorry you don't live in reality mate. Even at my job we're asked to put pronouns in our bio, and I'm pretty sure every the majority of job application nowadays for white collar jobs will ask them as well.

>> No.58358063
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Man I sure do love this retarded board.
One falseflag comment about being a transphobe is enough to make a ton of anons angry.
Btw she had some SC's mentioning troons and she didn't even bother to read them out in full.
The SoS thing being inclusive is that they just now have a female option when before it was only male and she wanted to play as a cute girl that could romance other girls.
Sorry, the bait's been spoiled. Have a nice day /pol/

>> No.58358171 [DELETED] 

And I bet you do as you're told like a good little goy, writing your pronouns on the diversity and inclusivity form, fully embracing the cock in your throat and even telling people that it doesn't taste too bad. Get back to your herd, lemming.

>> No.58358181
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>> No.58358203
File: 160 KB, 1266x712, youwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have reached such extremist views that you have become a special snowflake that gets triggered by words and flags to the point of acting out aggressivly and painting people that disagree with you as the other
you dont belong in this hobby. leave.

>> No.58358208

Yes just accept things because they are enforced/pushed everywhere it will surely not have any bad consequences ever! I'm sure the people that are pushing this have the best interest of humanity in mind! Why can't you freaks just live your lives and leave everyone else in peace? This stupid agenda is trying to change the grammar and rewrite story and normies just eat it up!

>> No.58358241

MOOOOOOODS _______hi_________

>> No.58358365

Mods are probably enjoying this. Watching monkeys fling shit at each other is decent entertainment for a while.

>> No.58358429

Yeah bro I suffer by writing he/him in my slack bio instead of getting fired for being a culture war crusader.
They probably do, great stuff making people feel included or whatever. I support it b4 it was popular get fucked

>> No.58358587

He/him has nothing to do with they/them, retard

>> No.58358625

Let me tell some news for you then, people are not entitled of the way others call you / see you! Is that a concept too hard to grasp? And another thing, I'm sure people like you are just living their lives when they go to schools and read pornography to 5 y.o.

>> No.58358669

damn who knew he/him weren't pronouns, you got me

>> No.58358694

>calling people pedophiles for literally no reason
go back

>> No.58358746

You didn't need to out yourself like that fag

>> No.58358747
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>> No.58358796

>great stuff making people feel included or whatever
Or whatever, maybe it's all good and that. ye i dont really know what it is but im pretty sure i supported it b4 it wuz popular. its written on the important paper so i guess its normal.

>> No.58358825

I'm sure you'll soon be Japanese. Any minute now.

>> No.58358852

They're pronouns, but pronouns aren't bad, they're just a facet of the grammar, the bad thing is retards trying to change the way to address people for the sake of what, 1% of the population or less

>> No.58358871

Sure, you're not "entitled", but in polite society, you can spare the effort to not misgender people if they care enough about it to tell you. And lole, calling people their preferred pronouns == supporting people reading pornography to 5 year olds is quite the leap ESL-senpai.

>> No.58359008

What did she do? Never watched her just curious about the hate

>> No.58359028

>polite society
Sorry, anon, those days are long gone.

>> No.58359063

It's a pretty reasonable change though. He/him and she/her gets the same usage. What did you use before when you wanted to refer to a person but didn't know their gender? You'd naturally use they anyway.

>> No.58359074

I read this in Shiori's "funny" voice kek

>> No.58359100

>skips entire thread discussing what she did
>"What did she do?"

>> No.58359152


>> No.58359155

Literally nothing, catalogfaggots just taking the most nothingburger statement ever and trying to use it to shit on her endlessly

>> No.58359169

Literally nothing

>> No.58359189 [DELETED] 

It's not. The same faggots that support this degeneracy also support this pronouns retardation. If you're not one of them, I've bad news, you're just an useful idiot, not nearly as evil but much stupider

>> No.58359218

>the biggest risk factor when it comes to trans suicide rates are discrimination by peers, family and society
Tons of individuals and groups face or have faced far more severe discrimination and dont have suicide rates approaching 'coinflip'.

>> No.58359276

She debuted a month ago and already gets Mori-style APOLOGIZE and HAVE YOU FORGIVEN HER threads
What a fucking pathetic track record for a freshly debuted chuuba

>> No.58359284

If it was nothing, there would be nothing about it. There is indeed something about it, so there certainly was something. Whether you like to admit it or not.
She incurred the wrath of /pol/tards who were set upon by trannies and then the thread became really funny to read.

>> No.58359406

>Implying she did anything wrong
Are you retarded or something?

>> No.58359449
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better late than never I guess, man I just want to watch a Vtuber without this bullshit politic. into the ignored folder you go

>> No.58359525

What degeneracy? Drag queen story hour? Lmao. Think for yourself, anon.

>> No.58359541

>men get pandered to by the whole industry
>a vn allows you to be a woman by changing pronouns
Jesus fucking christ, just say that you hate women

>> No.58359568

You're the mindbroken retard who sees politics in everything

>> No.58359591

>There is indeed something about it
Indeed, anons too retarded to understand context is why we're here.
See >>58358063

>> No.58359596

>bullshit politics
>talks about it for literally 10 seconds and never brings it up again

>> No.58359598

Holy fucking based Shiori.

>> No.58359608

I rest my case

>> No.58359666

Stay in school, because you're clearly still retarded

>> No.58359763
File: 30 KB, 728x410, PGZitIng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care call me what ever you want. cute girl do cute things no exception, I already had my full of politics bullshit in IRL, I don't want to hear that bullshit in stream as well

>> No.58359826

Opening the door even slightly, even for a moment, lets the stink in. As soon as the political types get a whiff they become consumed. This is the problem that you're missing, and what someone like a Hololive talent should make sure to avoid for the sake of the community's health. It's no doubt a tough balance sometimes, but an important one I think. Why do you think no politics policies exist? Because it poisons everything it touches.

>> No.58359848

Great ad hominem! I'm sure you're feeling much smarter now troonchama!

>> No.58359846

>I don't want to hear that bullshit in stream as well
>10 fucking seconds and it's talking about letting people be genders other than male in VNs so she can play as a female character and self-insert

>> No.58359852
File: 28 KB, 278x316, 1691090573650666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of HoloEN and their fans defending this
mentally ill retards

>> No.58359937
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> bla bla bla
hey anon your girl just lost one viewer and that's it. I'm pretty sure the blue dorito logo will save her, you don't have to worry about me

>> No.58359977

She didn't open the door at all. She just expressed happiness at being able to play as a girl in a game and not be forced to be a boy.
As mentioned she straight up didn't even read out loud some scs mentioning troons at all.

>> No.58359996 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1573x1135, NotaFetishBTW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fetish guys. this is super serious psycological stuff, you woundnt get it

>> No.58360010

The thing is that nobody excluding schizos on /vt/ care. There was next to nothing political about what she said.
>Oh, it's nice that pronouns are added to VNs. (She/her) It's good that it's more inclusive etc etc (for women).
Now you can self-insert as a woman if you're a woman, instead of having the game refer to you as male pronouns the entire game.

>> No.58360131

kys globohomo fag
I want girls to be able to play as girls

>> No.58360157

Not that poster but you've been doing nothing but ad hominem as well. I honestly don't know how you can think yourself of a free thinker or whatever when you're just regurgitating the most socially accepted opinion of the online bubble you're in. I hope you're trolling for your own sake.

>> No.58360215

It's depression, retard. People who have gender dysphoria are always abused by someone and suffer from depression. Getting snip snipped or other "gender affirming care" doesn't cure depression. It might help, it might not help, but if it doesn't help a gun barrel to the roof of the mouth starts looking very attractive since now you have permanent medical care needs in addition to depression to deal with and most people have trouble enough dealing with depression.

>> No.58360257

No one is believing this rrat anymore. We already know that he was literally trying to avoid getting the attention of alphabet terrorists and /pol/ faggots.

>> No.58360285

You'd think this is so obvious no one would need to point out, but look at the responses on this very thread, these people are already trying to kick the damm door

>> No.58360354

Pronouns and inclusivity, and the support for these things are the trigger here, regardless of context. These are things closely associated with a certain kind of politics and acted as the door that was opened. I'm not saying the /pol/ brigade are in the right, nor that they're wrong for their distaste of it. I'm just trying to illustrate why her even bringing this up with judgement of her own causes a problem.

>> No.58360358

>Why don't you freaks just live your lives
Yeah, let them live their lives. Let them talk about stuff they think is important, advocate for themselves, maybe even build communi-
>not like this

>> No.58360363

>always leaves first
>Tries her hardest not to crack twitch-tier jokes, tends to fail
No anon, I don't forgive her.

>> No.58360386

You're talking about this on a board that is infested with political types. The kind of people who will cheer for lugia, but then proceed to melt down because lugia is genderless and that genderless things are a boogeyman.

>> No.58360442

If you guys want to discuss gender dysphoria, the snip snip, the effectiveness of gender affirming care, etc why not go to /lgbt/? Then you can have all the discussion and arguments over the science of trannies as you want. I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of people (myself included) know next to nothing about the condition of gender dysphoria and what currently constitutes as effective treatment.

>> No.58360461

I'm throwing insults and stating my views, if you can't even identify that, I don't now what to say. Now if you think the retardation that is happening to the world is completely normal, you may not be the "free thinker" you think you are

>> No.58360473

>Support for being able to play as a girl
>Screen just so happened to show pronouns because game slop has been catering to that shit crowd
Yes, keep trying to connect dots that don't exist. I can already tell that it's impossible to change minds despite describing things exactly as they happened so. Have a good morning I guess.

>> No.58360508

Who said I wanted to discuss it? I wanted to call him a retard.

>> No.58360534

I am surprised no one has made a thread out of this clip, and if they did, I totally missed it, since I'm traveling atm.

>> No.58360613

Pushing mutilation and mental illness to the youth that don't even know what they are yet sure is the best way to build a community! You go sis!

>> No.58360614

What even is that nefarious endgame in your little conspiracy theory you keep alluding to?
>Accept trans people
>Trans people have better lives
>[Danger to society]
I just don't understand the last step. Please enlighten me.

>> No.58360685

It's kind of sad that the blowback from extreme-SJW politics is just as bad as it, and like a thousand times as common. Now if you so far as hint to support inclusivity or whatever, it triggers a rabid hoard.

>> No.58360688

Have you been travelling for like 3 days retard, there have been constant threads about it where pol-poisoned retards are mad that Shiori gets to play as a woman instead of LARPing as a man.
They hate trannies that larp as women/men but want Shiori to larp as a man, kinda weird if you ask me

>> No.58360690

fuck off to somewhere else. we're discussing vtubers.

>> No.58360704

people ability to memory hole something is pretty good thing to have, and beside she already in blue dorito, no matter what she'd do it's easy money

>> No.58360758

It triggers a rabid hoard even if you don't care about bullshit identity politics. Americans are retards who want everyone to "Be on a side" for the sole purpose of having a reason to hate someone.

>> No.58360791

>we're discussing VTubers
where's the VTuber discussion? 90% of this shit thread is /pol/fag bullshit, that entire reply chain you're quoting doesn't have any VTuber discussion in it except for the first post

>> No.58360792

Please learn to think, anon. It's perfectly understandable that things have turned out how they have. It's not a good thing, sucks for the Novelites that poison has been let into their community, but it couldn't be avoided because of the state of modern political discourse.

>> No.58360805

Because this isn't even clipworthy.
>Cool, you can choose your pronouns.
That's it. But the Babyface LARPers are shitting themselves.

>> No.58360812

I sexually identify as Shiori's footstool and my pronouns are Step/On/Me

>> No.58360856

Listen, I myself I'm not what people consider to be normal and I'm aware of that. That doesn't mean I have to push to others what I believe is best for myself. What in this stance is hard to understand?
The people pushing this agenda are not letting the younger generation take their own choices, people are being influenced into taking decision they may regret for the rest of their lives if they don't just kill themselves! I could go on, but if you don't think this is evil, I don't know what to say

>> No.58360901

That's what I said-- all you're doing is regurgitating socially accepted opinions in this little bubble and sprouting insults. Normal is relative and many of the changes happening to the western cultural climate seem positive to me.

>> No.58360917

if you didn't predict that it wouldn't take more than a few years for holo en to talk about blacked, being inclusive and wanting hololive to become more progressive, then idk what to tell you. Invite EOP normies to your fandom, leftist politics will follow shortly

>> No.58360920

>"VTuber said [topic]"
>Let's discuss [topic]
>wtf guys where is the VTuber discussion?
actually retarded

>> No.58360949

You're right, but you should notice tranime is behind 70% of MTF trannies

>> No.58360979
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took her an hour to start

>> No.58361031


>> No.58361093

Exactly, theres no saving En streamers and audiences

>> No.58361152

Isn't most boys in the US getting a circumcision a long tradition?

>> No.58361193

You saw me defending that?

>> No.58361207

mentally ill. get a rope

>> No.58361214

Americans seem to have it worse, looking in from the outside, but this kind of poison permeates the west to varying degrees I think. When people say the west has fallen, I think the sentiment rings true, but for different reasons. Namely that its common culture and social fabric is coming apart, and people are becoming so polarised. This is old news though and at this point I think it's obvious to anyone with their eyes open.

>> No.58361261

Please explain.

>> No.58361262

Tell me truthfully, deep down, from the bottom of your heart: Do you believe that accepting trans people is more harmful than shunning them? That less people will kill themselves if we ban doctors and patients to come to their own conclusions that may not fit your world view, than if we allow them to live life as their preferred gender and (in your words) "mutilate" themselves?

>> No.58361264

Sorry, I was thinking of >>58354157 still.

>> No.58361326

I must be lost, I thought we were on /vt/ not /pol/

>> No.58361328

>but this kind of poison permeates the west to varying degrees I think.
In communist Sweden they run an anti-trans documentary about people who regret changing their gender. It is pretty good being europoor

>> No.58361364

That's fair. But how many people on the left actually support forcing the younger generation into being trannies or whatever? It's pretty much none outside of a extremely small batch of mentally ill people. There's a pretty strong line between informing the younger generation about gender and coercing them into becoming transgender.
I don't think anybody wants to have gender dysphoria-- it's like wanting to have depression or schizophrenia. It's a mental illness and there's no current pill that makes it go away (yet).

>> No.58361435

I genuinely don't understand what happened to Blue Thing when it transitioned into HoloGoth. I remember her being rather chill, considerable and not overly dumb but the moment she joined Hololive it feels like she's speed running becoming most hated HoloEN member and getting slapped by management.
Is that her point? Act unbearably stupid and self-destructive just to get enemies in fanbase, get blocked off by management and then graduate year later while screeching about evil "idol culture" and how management is evil? Is she's new Coco?

>> No.58361440

It's all the same. The veil between each board is very thin and easily pierced.

>> No.58361461

You guys should stop thinking about trannies 24/7

>> No.58361492 [DELETED] 

more like leftpol because apparently this board is full of degenerate tranny loving pedophiles, as expected of a bunch of losers who like anime streamers

>> No.58361498

If someone is sick, you get them treatment. Gender dysphoria is still a mental disorder despite what medical associations changed to suit the agenda. I'm not even arguing in favor of not letting people do the procedure, I'm just saying that it's evil to push such a thing into the mainstream, and worse to young people as some kind of cool trend

>> No.58361630
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>> No.58361702

isn't precisely because she's now in blue dorito ? it's a golden ticket jackpot more than you can ever think of, now she doesn't need to restraint herself because the blue dorito itself already a guarantee viewers and money

>> No.58361722

The awkward moment when you can't decide whether your precious pronouns are a modern equivalent of a religious dogma, the rejection of which leads to a secular excommunication which is used to threaten and ostracise non-believers, or a non-issue with little societal relevance that hateful incel chuds keep unnecessarily crying about.

>> No.58361731

Nothing wrong with liking vtubers, faggot. I have no interest in trannies, and I'm not particulary into cunny, but vtubers are cool. Did you come here just to shit on someone else's hobby?

>> No.58361756

You seem to be talking about Nerissa here

>> No.58361821

I agree with you-- it's evil to push it as a cool trend since the "treatment" has lifelong health effects. As for being mainstream, I honestly don't know since you'd want people who'd need the treatment to get it. If the only current treatment that reduces their suffering is hormones and altering their genitals, then so be it. Hopefully in the future there's some sort of mental alteration as opposed to physical, since that'd probably have much higher success rates.

>> No.58361840

Posting a le edgy animay reaction face doesn’t make you a rugged badass, Nguyen. You’re still seething at something everybody has.

>> No.58361898
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say someone who seethe at my comment

>> No.58361915

dont get it anon. its ok for me to be a moralfag and shill for trannies on boards that have nothing do with it. but if you oppose me you are heckin /pol/
consider not shilling for trannies if you dont want to hear opposing views

>> No.58361984 [DELETED] 

You niggers will ruin people's lives if they don't believe your moldy wound makes you a woman. Kill yourselves, you would be making the general population a favor

>> No.58362127

I chose to work in a company where one of their core values was "Diversity and Inclusion" and they take it seriously. I signed myself up for it because of the pay and benefits-- I wasn't forced to join. Pronouns are literally a non-factor outside of my workplace and rarely come up IRL.

>> No.58362322

Look anon, you seem like a reasonable person despite our differences, but I seriously can't understand how people can't see that it's an agenda that is being pushed especially on the the younger people (and I'm sounding like a broken record already). I see from where you're coming from by saying that people need to be aware, but that's completely different from putting these themes on places that could potentially confuse or harm. There are themes that should not be shoved at the face of society. It's that simple, and it doesn't mean I want the death of everyone that doesn't conform (despite my harsh tone in this discussion so far)

>> No.58362392

i'm tired of trannies making tranny support threads and bringing pro-tranny propaganda to everything. im glad ur here to oppose the indoctrination of the evil left who have to make all our hobbies political. look at them seething and raging because they know 99% of this board hates them

>> No.58362422

You're all faggots holy shit how did we even end up tralking about troons

>> No.58362437

Hololive ID will keep the truth alive. Kobo already disowns the trannies and the gays.

>> No.58362528

She got Covid and did the Fauna strat of not making it public

>> No.58362542

/vpol/niggers, not even once

>> No.58362557

yeah honestly I think it's too late, Shiori is already promote as the "support the cause" queen just like the blue one from tempus, at least in my local group, so enjoy the trains

>> No.58362626

>literal tourist
go back and kill yourself

>> No.58362648

Holy based. /pol/teens fume eternally

>> No.58362778 [DELETED] 

40%. the day of the rope comes for you soon. anime loving freaks and parasocial losers are almost as bad as trannies

>> No.58362814

how do you even get to here? some faggot friend of yours link you the thread? you dont fit in

>> No.58362997

look at this faggot NPC who can't handle somebody who doesn't conform to his groupthink

>> No.58363024

What a faggot, YWNBAW

>> No.58363046

>buzzword soup
try again without the approved languagecock in your mouth, "free thinker"

>> No.58363162

I'll never watch her over shit like this, she's obviously a raging shitlib (which means she hates us men), but at least she's been getting more tolerable in collabs.
Nerissa is the opposite, I haven't seen any of her yabs but she's becoming more and more of a bitch when interacting with other Advent.

>> No.58363238

Fuck that complicated dyke

>> No.58363239

shiori is just like most women, way to nice for their own good (most terfs were the same). dont take it personally

>> No.58363412

Shiori can stay irrelevant then. JP and the biggest ENs aren't doing that shit.

>> No.58363453 [DELETED] 

Trans are mental illness. They need correction.

>> No.58363478

I found her disgusting from the start, but I thought that as long she keeps her politics in check I will at least tolerate her.
But thankfully you trannies convinced me to anti her for life, I won't tire til she graduates and goes to vshojo!

>> No.58363561

Someone needs to add "and my pronouns" to the respect my collab choices meme

>> No.58363563

Having trans people on your mind all day is much more of a mental illness

>> No.58363607

Grow up and seek mental help

>> No.58363648

There's no such thing, they are mentally ill people that have been made into jannissaries of the jewish system. If you love this jewish system so much why are you watching hololive, which is an escape from it and includes none of that filth? Just go outside and interact with all the tranny racemixers.

>> No.58363676

Dangerously based

>> No.58363705

That's rich coming from you

>> No.58363829

No, it was Nerissa who called it quits for everyone after Shiori left. Watch the video again. Otherwise the stream would’ve continued,

>> No.58363851

It's a made up thing because they cannot accept that the fact there are only men and women in this world.

>> No.58363904

anon I personally don't care about this pronouns queen. I only report as it is she's promoted as "support the cause" queen by her own fanbase. it's not me you should convince

>> No.58363938

>watching a western vtuber
>mutt's law
I guarantee you the vast majority of vtubers despise their audience and you're just paypigs to her

start a family and fight for the ethnostate instead

>> No.58364039

But Altare is in HoloEN

>> No.58364054

I've seen one anime that had anything close to tranny ideals, not counting animes that feature 'he's a guy' gags. Anime doesn't make trannies, trannies pass on their brainrot and groom other people into becoming trannies

>> No.58364090

What did Shiori do I'm so confused

>> No.58364104

Of course it was Nerissa, she's been autistic about ending collabs as soon as possible after they hit 2 hours in every single Collab they've been in

>> No.58364242

I am a part of the NJP, the only organization that is effectively fighting the jews in America, but I need some form of escapism from clownworld. Hololive is based and includes none of that filth, and we should be gatekeeping it.

>> No.58364241


>> No.58364255

>thinly veiled polnigger catalog thread, again

>> No.58364289

Go touch BBC

>> No.58364318

not interested in your fantasies, selenfag

>> No.58364351

Talking about inclusivity and pronouns.

>> No.58364385

go back to plebbit. 4chan isn't an anime board

>> No.58364390 [DELETED] 

I thought you loved niggers, why are you getting mad at pol otherwise? Go touch some BBC to show us how not racist>>58364289
you are.

>> No.58364401

and blacked shit...

>> No.58364411

Does Nerissa hate her genmates?

>> No.58364445

thanks to one of her streams, she's promoted to being the campion of inclusivity and pronouns, which piss some people who don't want any politic whatsoever in streaming

>> No.58364479

>and blacked shit...

>> No.58364485
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>> No.58364621

Imagine being a /pol/ nigger and somehow trying to square that with being into vtubers.

>> No.58364629
File: 1.98 MB, 300x263, tumblr_765d774a0ab29d5426327591764a9a14_7623e15c_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean, "you people"?

>> No.58364648

Did you mad that your wife fucked with her nigger bf?

>> No.58364694

They square perfectly, hololive is peak femininity. Imagine being a jewish system enjoyer and supporting something where there is no jew worship, blacks or gays. Go outside and touch some BBC, hololive isn't for you.

>> No.58364732

they're yuribaiting all the time
>no jew worship
they're making money for their jewish masters

>> No.58364807

>I'm saving the white race by obsessing over another Japanese hobby
mhmm, I'm sure

>> No.58364844

Lesbianism isn't gay, it's cute and literally is done because their male fans don't want to imagine the girls being with other men.
Yagoo is the CEO not some jew. Sure jews profit from it but they do from everything in the jewish system, Yagoo pays his pound of flesh like we all have to but not more than that.
Sana got rejected in large part because she's brown lol.

>> No.58364930

I'm not saving the White race here, I'm gatekeepijg a form of escapism that hasn't been made into the same jewish garbage as everything else. If you are a jewish garbage enjoyer why are you watching Hololive?

>> No.58365014

lesbianism isn't cute it's degeneracy. relationships should be between a man and a woman for the sole purpose of recreation you kike porn influenced hypocrite. yagoo is a chink same thing as a jew

>> No.58365021

If you love goyslop then just turn on the TV

>> No.58365099

>even Kronii of all people
because Kronii hates that kinda stuff, the neverending "culture discussion"

>> No.58365357

Anon, NTR is an actual punishable crime in the civilized world.

>> No.58365379
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/pol/ this, /pol/ that, I literally don't even know how to access /pol/ and don't plan to, I just don't like ANY politic in hololive, call it sterilized or whatever but it's better than listening to politics every 10 seconds in almost every other hobby
Even football I can't watch for 10 minutes without some faggot complaining about the salary of the women players or the lgbt issues like in the last world cup

>> No.58365546

honestly same this is why male vtubers shouldnt' be a thing. they're always bitching and whining about "wahh wahh i have to do so much more to get the same results as a man why dont i have as many subscribers im so oppressed" like stfu nobody wants to watch ur gay ass

>> No.58365872

Lesbianism isn't real, if you're shoving a fake penis in your vagina while calling yourself lesbian you're just LARPing. Cute girls being lesbian with each other is something that is done for men.
Trad doesn't necessarily mean good but the most trad form of relationship is one man with a harem of women (look up any mammal courtship), and what's the problem with the girls being lesbian with each other in the harem while their husband is busy? This is the peak male fantasy, and while not ideal IRL it works well online.

>> No.58366008

Is this bait?

>> No.58366063

You will never be a woman

>> No.58366102

What the fuck does that retarded sentence even mean, anon? A bit of a bad thing is still bad. Actively bringing it up AT ALL is a symptom of an underlying way of thinking.

>> No.58366209

Politics in vtubing are a good thing. All vtubers should talk about their political opinions so you know who to avoid. Do not watch, subscribe, or give superchats to vtubers who do not aspire to be tradwives in a conservative ethnostate.

>> No.58366237
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>> No.58366277

Until she does an actual yab, I will love Shiorin.

>> No.58366333

She did a very good movie watchalong, she does animal facts..honestly she was redeemed in my mind a long time ago. What i honestly want is a way to get rid of the fags who encourage her to go for the GFE garbage

>> No.58366493

i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
>i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
>i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
>i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
>i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
>i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
>i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
>i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal
>i hate /pol/fags so much it's unreal

>> No.58366511
File: 222 KB, 850x1390, sample_5a8a5969ee5b6cb74fed1a3aac97d275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retards crying that a wealthy white girl born in a city is left leaning
Curl up in a ball right now faggots. I'm about to blow your minds about how Fauna the vegan from LA who thinks people need to care about others more isn't a conservative.

>> No.58366599


>> No.58366656

Good I'm never watching Fauna again. Vtubers to never watch list:
1. Non-whites
2. Left leaning traitors
I will only watch based vtubers

>> No.58366746

>get called out for utterly nonsensical statement
>heh I'll just pretend to be retarded
Are your beliefs truly this shallow? You didn't even know why you said what you originally said, did you? You just repeated a learned response that you never thought about.

>> No.58366854


>> No.58366866

I agree with your points but there's no she's a white girl.

>> No.58366945

I'm not that poster you 80 iq mongoloid and I am 100% serious

>> No.58367000

She's happy that a dev allowed for customizable pronouns, such that she can choose her character's sex. Now anons are upset because they think she's a troon now or something

>> No.58367081

Stop larping and get a job.
Many such cases

>> No.58367151

You first tranny

>> No.58367204

the indoctrination is strong with this one

>> No.58367266

Why not just include an option to choose sex instead?

>> No.58367278


>> No.58367339

>you can speak anything you want on 4ch. this isn't a hivemind hugbox like plebbit, dicksword or xitter. we are truly free /here/
>i think trans people are okay

>> No.58367350

>trannies defending hololive

How the great have fallen

>> No.58367403

That would be redundant. English pronouns are synonymous with sex.
If the game was truly making a pro tranny political statement, they would have made a sex option independent of pronounssuch that you could choose male sex and female pronouns.

>> No.58367449

Someone might have 100% the same opinion as mine that I won't watch, it's boring and attracts fags

>> No.58367609

if somebody talk about politics in any hobby that I liked even if that fuckers have the same brain as me and same politic view, I won't watch that fucker ever again. I don't want to taint my hobby with politics in anyway

>> No.58367709

Because sex is a biological category, gender is a 20th century social construct. Sex is therefore not inclusive, focusing merely on oppressive physical reality and not factoring in various psychosis in the minds of lgbtqasdf-people.

>> No.58367915

>"manager restricts her to 2 hours because her throat stopped improving"
>collab where she had to speak a fraction of the time
>implying the manager would also say "no, go ahead use your throat for a half hour solo, constantly reading SCs"
>"I'm gonnaaaaa... dip out early because I didn't eat dinner"
>tells her audience at the beginning of the SC milking "I'm gonna go eat dinner, I skipped it"
Watch streams, or better, kill yourself and don't stop trying when you fail.

>> No.58367959

what is it with western people and their obsession with this shit? go visit another country you've never been to. experience someone else's culture for a change.

>> No.58368252

So none of them?

>> No.58368278

My first trips on this god forsaken place wasted on a (you) bait that spawns 200 /pol/ posts lmao serves me right. anyways, if you rewind like 10 seconds before that timestamp, she actually made fun of the pronouns. If she moved on from that and said nothing else, you know twitterfreaks would make a stink about it. She caught herself immediately, and had quick thinking to do a virtue signal to distract from the yabe joke. She's not woke. This is the same girl who called the male genitalia the "XY chromossomian sword", said "hermaphroditic" instead of intersex, and told chat to stop the kissing so her fag fans don't push away the heteros. Shiori love! get baited, dramaniggers.

>> No.58368376

nice, now write an essay about how her blacked comment was actually justified

>> No.58368421

Why are you choosing to memoryhole her pronouns chatbot from her first stream?

>> No.58368632

>told chat to stop the kissing
She's the one who started it by speaking "kissing your homies" every minute, I only watched her debut and her first stream after that so I don't know if she stopped, but that it's all on her entertaining fags

>> No.58368641

>I am surprised no one has made a thread out of this clip
Someone did, but it was spammed to death with endless calls for deletion.

>> No.58368649

there is literally nothing wrong with not agreeing with everything your oshi says/does. I don't know why you fags have to keep justifying any "unsavory" thing they do with bonkers mental gymnastics. you even doxxfagged for fuck's sake. make peace with the fact that every EN vtuber is left leaning and your life will be a hundred times better realizing how little you actually care.

>> No.58368696

Incredible how she manages to just get worse and worse.

>> No.58368876

This isn't a smoking gun that she's a woke tard, but it is indicative that she is activism obsessed.
Only activists use the term inclusivity.
Either pro and anti.

It's not a normalfag word that normal people use in their day to day.

>> No.58368911

>lesbianism isn't cute it's degeneracy
lol, you're living in the past. Enjoy being left behind

>> No.58368998

watch streams

>> No.58369046

>wealthy white girl
Anon, she's an asian immigrant. She's talked about being bathed in a bucket as a child, her family is not wealthy.

>> No.58369161

only if there are many motherfuckers not just a single entity

>> No.58369228

You can't just push and normalize everything m8, some things are not going to progress

>> No.58369353

The people saying this is nothing are the same fools who never see the slippery slope when they're standing at the top of it. Shiori will damage Hololive. How badly and how long we can't say, but it's no luck longer a question of 'ifs'.

>> No.58370086

>That would be redundant. English pronouns are synonymous with sex.
LMAO, you know damn well the people pushing for pronouns hit try their hardest to deny this.

>> No.58370333
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>> No.58370621
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>> No.58370758

How is this thread still up kek are all the jannies comatose?

>> No.58370789

Its 2 am in SEAland.

>> No.58370898

People who push for inclusivity always turn out to be the biggest assholes and ostracizers from my own experience

>> No.58370940

False, he’s probably in better shape than 90% of this board.

>> No.58371006

Shiori’s from Asia, but most of the people seething over an anime girl they don’t even watch have probably never left their unincorporated community/banana leaf hut.

>> No.58371054

pretty sure that's actually anti-inclusivity /pol/schizos who are the biggest assholes, anon

>> No.58371108

>make peace with the fact that every EN vtuber is left leaning
No, never, I hate both sides, don't care which side they are on and don't want to hear it

>> No.58371115

>turn out to be the biggest assholes
Saying that in the thread where "people" are screaming with rage and calling her a multitude of derogative words because shiori is "inclusive" wasn't the brightest idea

>> No.58371271

Man it's good to be back.
A nice fat 300+ replies drama post about a complete nothingburger "happening" about an idol that is new

>> No.58371272

Not the heckin' mean words!

>> No.58371332


>> No.58371411

oh no... dropped
sad, I kinda liked her

>> No.58371490

Stop making the same thread faggot
No matter how hard you try I'm not watching Shiori I already gave her 3 chances and she filtered me
I don't care about her husbandos
I don't care about otome games
I don't like her Niji tier humour
I don't care about her irl friends
Every stream she goes back to the same 3 topics
And Novelites are so retarded it's hilarious, they talk about "GFE"... nigga you're like her gay friend KEK

>> No.58371687

This whole thread is just a stealth view farming ploy.

>> No.58371919

>you can spare the effort to not misgender people
Don't you think that people have the right to not partake in something they believe is harmful to society? Not a /pol/ user btw

>> No.58371991
File: 121 KB, 500x792, I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every board is turning into /pol/ because /pol/tards are like a plague that ruin everything they touch. I even had to stop browsing /fit/ because i didnt want to see another thread about some stupid culture war, schizo shit that has nothing to do with lifting.

>> No.58372256

They kill themselves all the time

>> No.58372281

>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/

>> No.58372375

So true. 2 more weeks, sis.

>> No.58372417
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She liked Velma....

>> No.58372447 [DELETED] 

I just need one word for you though

>> No.58372461

>no one cares about it
>everywhere I go people are starting threads about it
Lol ok butthurt shitlib

>> No.58372544

Yep, I've the same thing over and over again and we keep making the same mistakes it's hilarious
At least you can have fun watching from a safe distance

>> No.58372572

Pretty much. If they could shut the fuck up we'd almost never hear about it. It'd be the kind of thing you might rarely encounter for a moment and then pass by the same way you overlook anything else that isn't important.

>> No.58372637
File: 1.77 MB, 200x166, Aight..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what's going on but carry on

>> No.58372923

>everywhere I go subhumans from /pol/ are starting threads about it

>> No.58372926

If I can't turn on the TV without watching infinite racemixing propaganda then you shouldn't be able to post on 4chan without seeing pushback to that. Feel free to go anywhere else where anti-White shit is celebrated if you hate /pol/ so much.

>> No.58373006

You're the subhuman who is butthurt about people talking about the truth. /pol/ is the political consensus of 4chan so if you don't like it then fuck off.

>> No.58373109

>/pol/ is the political consensus of 4chan

>> No.58373962

/pol/ is the politics board of 4chan, you can feel free to go there and discuss any aspect of politics but your shitty jew-induced worldview will easily be rhetorically dismantled and laughed at there

>> No.58374040

There is a place and time for everything you fucking autist. How is it so hard to understand that regardless of what my opinions are i simply dont want to hear your offtopic bullshit while i am browsing a board that has nothing to do with politics?

>> No.58374156

saying /pol/ is the political consensus of 4chan is like saying the white house is the political consensus of the united states

>> No.58374432

>i simply dont want to hear your offtopic bullshit
Exactly the problem with what Shiori said but you can't accept that

>> No.58374527

The /pol/ posts are in a response to someone doing something shitty, like the above with Shiori talking about muh pronouns. No one is posting about politics in e.g. my oshi FuwaMoco threads, because FuwaMoco do not talk about politics period.

/pol/ is democratic while the White House isn't. Can I go into the White House and call Biden a jew-controlled faggot? No, but I can do that on /pol/.

>> No.58374583

both /pol/ and the white house are populated by out of touch leeches who are obsessed with power games over the betterment of society

>> No.58374769

/pol/ is populated by average people like you can me, you can right now go on /pol/ and try to spread your political views through discussion. Try that with the US gov and if it's something jews don't like you'll be thrown in prison for 20 years like the January 6 people.

>> No.58374811

nah not like me

>> No.58375125
File: 43 KB, 320x401, 1683592620711783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>populated by average people

>> No.58375333

Average people as in you don't have to suck off the jews to be allowed political input. Anyone can make their case, it's not my fault that you/your worldview is too stupid to win in the marketplace of ideas. If twitter/wherever had free speech like /pol/ does it would be nothing but Nazism.

>> No.58376325

You will have transgender chuubas, you will live in a pod, you will eat the bugs and you will be happy

>> No.58376826

Honestly, I do not blame Shiori, I blame the system that indoctrinated her. Women, especially Asian women that grew up in the West often have leftist ideals. They're more accepting of lgbt people, interracial marriage, open borders, etc. So I'm not surprised by what she said at all.

>> No.58377372

I was a novelite since day 0. I don't have to apologize.
