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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58302847 No.58302847 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone save Mel's stream from earlier? I missed everything

>> No.58303946


>> No.58304409
File: 3.34 MB, 478x578, 1668948583237338.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't waste this model Mel
I believe that you, too, can change!

>> No.58304549

If it's in Mel's hands, it's already wasted.

>> No.58305666

Why the fuck do people keep following this woman who lies almost as much as Hulk Hogan?

>> No.58305801

This model is very sex, i think its very mel, hope to catch a stream soon

>> No.58305849

any guesses on the excuse for this time around?

>> No.58305858

Mellow LOVE!

>> No.58306030

It's like looking at train wreck, I can't look away.

>> No.58306427

If I've blown as many loads to it as I already have, can it really be called a waste?

>> No.58308388

audio only
I missed the first 30 minutes and the last hour part is on her channel

>> No.58308430

Isn't this the person who has had like 30 models?

>> No.58308466

How much money did she harvest this time?

>> No.58308682

You are a saint anon, thank you

>> No.58308785

Maaaaybe THIS time she'll see the error of her ways and stream as one persona and become my girlfriend

>> No.58309117

Wait, where's the AI voice? Did she just completely drop that idea?

>> No.58309173

she will use it for her two other upcoming chuubas, the point of coming back as Mel was to distract attention from those

>> No.58309903

>the point of coming back as Mel was to distract attention from those
holy shit my sides. so let me guess, she denied being Nerissa?

>> No.58310240

yes, she claimed she last streamed as Ichigo
she denied being Nerissa and denied being the upcoming Komari Mikoshiba + other "aspiring retro chuuba"
however I'm certain she's been here dropping hints about herself being Nerissa and Komari while also arguing against it, not sure how to explain this behavior other than disassociative identity disorder

>> No.58310383

>error of her ways
She's a nihilist sociopath and doesn't believe she did anything wrong and only doesn't like she got caught

>> No.58310526
File: 72 KB, 1086x894, F5wtJP1aIAEMwrB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sin teasing her new model on the right

>> No.58311057

the stream made me fall in love with her again

>> No.58311185

She lies so much she thinks she can convince herself of her own lies. She really believes she can gaslight herself into believing a false reality

>> No.58311806


>> No.58312237

damn, this model is good

>> No.58313237

>someone mentions dont bring up throat hort and her voice suddenly starts cracking.
fucking KEK

>> No.58314069

Does she ever stop lying? Is it fun her to lie nonstop or is it unironic mental illness?

>> No.58314264

Mental illness larp. She uses it to avoid accountability.

>> No.58314684

You think she'll stream again tonight, or just vanish again?

>> No.58314702

At this point its safe to say its pathological.

>> No.58314917

maybe she will stream again with this model

>> No.58314921

she said she's going to play something later
she also said no one will come and watch because it's not a drama stream like the last one

>> No.58315891

Why does every "owning up" stream become a basic pity bait stream

>> No.58315938

she farted about 7 or 8 times

>> No.58316001

Cause that's the point of "owning up", to look pitiful and get people to give you a break

>> No.58316897

I think it's sad she thinks her 2 discord groomers aren't from /here/

>> No.58317256

>2 groomers

>> No.58317507

People keep saying I'm pity baiting, and I again want to apologize because that is not what I'm trying to do. You guys need to always keep in mind that I'm a shitty fucking person and I deserve no love, no respect, no viewers, no fans, no money, nothing. When I talk about myself I'm just very matter of fact and since I hate myself I'm just used to saying how fucked up and pathetic I am, but I'm not saying those things to pity bait.

I don't deserve anything and you should always remember that. If I sound like I'm pity baiting just let me know so I can apologize on the spot because it is not my intention at all. I'm really sorry again.

And with that being said I'm live now playing Neopets: The Darkest Faerie if anyone wants to watch me play one of my top 5 favorite games of all time for the millionth time. It's going to be a boring stream because it's just going to be me playing a game I love.


>> No.58317580

Welcome back Mel. Go fuck yourself

>> No.58317630

I believe you deserve love, I love you Mel

>> No.58317648

Fuck you hag.

>> No.58317667

Welcome back Mel. Go fuck me.

>> No.58317696

Shutup dogbear

>> No.58317734

I believe you deserve lots of love too, love yourself

>> No.58317858

I got work in like 4 hours

>> No.58317894
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>> No.58317898

Oh hey it's Mel again. Just going to mostly lurk while checking out the stream.

>> No.58317919

Also save this vod dummy

>> No.58318011

Yea as long as it saves in twitch

>> No.58318093

>Why do people use Twitch?
It lets you monetize softcore porn for minors.

>> No.58318151

Drama aside this is still fun somehow

>> No.58318170

how much Neopets lore do I need to know to understand this game?

>> No.58318279

How is anyone supposed to know what you do and don't have when you lie about stuff

>> No.58318318
File: 8 KB, 236x117, Fucking Kekaroni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was only because of drama
>Still outperforming most indie chubbas
Mel, you can deny everything else but this is a hard truth.

>> No.58318548

This is /vt/ so naturally,
>chatting with anyone off stream = grooming
>exchanging a pleasant greeting = flirting
>becoming mutual friends = leeching

>> No.58318646

Look at what's happening with the RE:Gloss girls kek, this is the perfect explanation.

>> No.58318736

Ever thought about speedrunning this game?

>> No.58318790

Ever thought of speed running life?

>> No.58318814

So what is this model called? Shiyori? Shy Iori? Gothy McBookworm?

>> No.58318816
File: 741 KB, 1437x807, 1689706960180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously denying Ichigo Nogashi? All of the proof is right here

>> No.58318836

Nerissa Novella

>> No.58318848

She didn't deny Ichigo, people were saying she denied everything else after Ichigo.

>> No.58318901

Only because she got caught

>> No.58318965

Get therapy Mel, and go fuck yourself afterwards heartfelt

>> No.58318977

Also please yell at me again Mel, it makes me hard

>> No.58319012

I can fix you

>> No.58319020

Settle the ultimate debate, mel: tits or ass?

>> No.58319041

This model is perfect for you, it matches how much of a bitch (affectionate) you can be and it's hot.

>> No.58319042

She's "spiritual" and believes in the power of magical thinking, also believes she can gaslight herself to make her own reality. Typical millenial woman

>> No.58319088

Ive been clicking 2 view Vtubers for months and everytime I dont hear your voice I get disapointed. Shame about Twitch tho. Doubt im gunna bother going on that dogshit site. Good luck to you

>> No.58319103
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>> No.58319187

Come on, this back and forth banter thing we got going on is a little fun, admit it

>> No.58319220

>I'm streaming for the sake of random nobodies
Uh huh sure

>> No.58319238

She missed us. The only reason to be back.

>> No.58319301

You being spammed in the phase thread is nothing new, it's one dedicated schizo

>> No.58319320

>/vt/ shits on this girl for months
>see her in the catalog on a weekly basis
>finally checked out the stream last night
>expect a complete retarded autist
>she's basically just a typical woman
You fucking faggots lied to me. This is what you niggers have hyping up since forever and it's a nothingburger.

>> No.58319332

Mel get some water or whatever ahead of time tonight.

>> No.58319375

It’s honestly probably her doing it. She’s the one who kept claiming Pippa doxxed her

>> No.58319378

Shes actually an alright streamer most of the time.

>> No.58319408

Well most of the stuff she's done is scam people and lie, not have giant meltdowns on stream

>> No.58319464

You weren't watching streams for 4 years and her constant reincarnations. Lurk more

>> No.58319488

This isn't her new personality, it's just the smoke and mirrors she's setting up. You have to be around when she gets caught in the act, not in the "owning up" arc.
This comes after the fact, if she stayed as Nerissa Delfina it would have happened eventually.

>> No.58319590


>> No.58319616

Hey Mel remember when you pretended to anti yourself on twitter and then deleted everything when some rando called you out for it with screencaps? Good times, good times.

>> No.58319634

Not bad, short and alliterative. Probably gonna get shat on for it though. I would have gone with Nonnie Newsletter or something.
or Shibori Sharter, given her track record

>> No.58319638

Has she already explained the homeless situation or is she denying it?

>> No.58319662

She's getting finger blasted on stream like Ollie did-oh nvm she's back.

>> No.58319705

She's denying everything after pink rat arc

>> No.58319713

Sorry I didn't read the Wikipedia entry on your 2view literally who. Not worth my time to lurk in threads about an actual nobody.

>> No.58319727

She denied everything unrelated to Ichigo because as far as we're supposed to know, she's been offline after the Ichigo incident.

>> No.58319811

Shit tastes famalam. I miss when she isnt streaming as much as I miss Haachama.

>> No.58319848

Mel can you confirm that you were the second shooter on the grassy knoll?

>> No.58319869

No one believes you because you always lie, obfuscate, and omit stuff when recounting stuff, and when people point it out you gaslight them. Just stop doing that and you'll get your credibility back, if you even care anymore (probably not)

>> No.58319924

Drinking game for every time you say "No-one will believe me anyway"

>> No.58319955

I will never understand why you keep entering the never ending loop with /here/. The only ones that ever bring you up are the 2-3 poor brapfags that are still seething. It has never ended well no matter what you say, your best run was when you were Ichigo and completely disregarded this place.

>> No.58319973

>girl that cries wolf cries about crying wolf
Not even surprised anymore

>> No.58320041

Her best run was blue feesh, pink rat a close 2nd

>> No.58320047

>"Uh huh"
Kek, no for real, you had it made as Ichigo.

>> No.58320123

This is one of your older viewers btw. Good timing on my part for looking at /vt/ for once and catch the annual ritual game.

>> No.58320150

Narumi or whatever? Yeah that and Ichigo were her best bets then she had to let intrusive thoughts of scamming win.

>> No.58320267

>I will never understand why you keep entering the never ending loop with /here/
Verbal abuse from randos and schizos keeps her mind off of real life. Easier to fight a boogeyman than face real life like the eventual death of parents and personal health and inevitable homelessness and/or prison. Also why she's addicted to videogames like most people are.

>> No.58320310

What you're saying is we're doing a public service.

>> No.58320406

Jokes on you Mel, I finally played through it entirely after watching you play it back in February.

>> No.58320433

>we're doing a public service.
Not really, more like voyeurs that get a kick out of annoying the subject. Any derived benefit to anyone involved is just coincidence

>> No.58320537

>best run was when you were Ichigo
She tried to fake being a huge Nami from Kawaii fan and spammed her chat like a retard. Someone in the thread posted to report her channel for terrorism because she's so spammy, and she took that, went on twitter and reddit and said how she got OVER EIGHTY MESSAGES FROM KAWAII FANS THREATNING HER AND REPORTING HER CHANNEL.
What 80 people when there's barely 10 people in their general? What a fucking lying whore.
Mel I honestly hope you fucking die. You are subhuman TRASH.

>> No.58320559

You know when she's not being a menhera, her going full on 'tism for a game she likes is kind of cute. I am starting to understand.

>> No.58320579

>guys I'm going to sell my streaming equipment and games
>still has everything
Again, why am I not surprised. Aside from that Mel, would you like a job reviewing games and doing walk-throughs?

>> No.58320595

Now you get it.

>> No.58320659

>What 80 people when there's barely 10 people in their general?
More than 80 people watch Nami.
>best run was when you were Ichigo
It still was, Debuted to 73 people, maintained 20-30, had gachis, had actual fans again.

>> No.58320663

The menhera meltdown and tism spirals are her resets. Anytime she comes near money or cum she goes crazy sonshe needs to be poor and isolated to stay stable

>> No.58320688

Anon... fake fan'ing stuff is part of being a vtuber. You realise this, right?

>> No.58320739

See? She is fixable.

>> No.58320744

>boo-hoo I gotta be a wage slave
You had your chances, don't cry now

>> No.58320768

What are you eating mel

>> No.58320773

She's gonna have a woman moment over this comment and say no she isn't after implying she is.

>> No.58320793

My cum sock

>> No.58320795

To be fair theres no world where a 2 view could make a liveable wage. Even through grifting.

>> No.58320822

Mel become my menhera wife. If it doesn't work out there's always Canadian healthcare.

>> No.58320866


>> No.58320874

>I never had a chance
Basic 80/20 rule, you had several chances we all saw it. You're so retarded sometimes it makes even my brain hurt

>> No.58320981

She just needed to grow viewer base but in her own words she doesn't want anyone watching her. She's a larping contradiction

>> No.58321021

She grifted $3555+ as ichigo, that's more than 1-2 views make ever unless they have an established base

>> No.58321048

You need to keep in mind she has a crippling Vtuber model addiction. She needs a new one every couple months or she dies.

>> No.58321072

There's a reason why a lot of 2 views are also on Onlyfans, Mel.

>> No.58321111

Yeah a lot of girls do that, but usually they just mention that someone very popular is their oshi, in hope to get some of their fans attention or from that talent itself...even a retweet or whatever, but this whore went from 0 to 60 in 2 days by manufacturing drama on twitter and reddit (that she later deleted) because she is a mentally ill whore. There was literally no reason for drama and she did it anyways. I hope a truck splits her in half. Subhuman whore.

>> No.58321130

True, Nerissa cost her $2000+?
Mel doesn't believe in passive income

>> No.58321152

>There's no way
And yet people make it work on min wage jobs working less hours than you streamed. You're just lazy with everything outside of sendurance streams Mel.

>> No.58321295

>every couple months
Every $500 cost associated with the model will buy 1 week of use. She has so many models it's crazy she keeps buying more, like a dead pokemon collection

>> No.58321354

>Mel doesn't believe in passive income
Destined to be a poorfag. Grim.

>> No.58321462

So this was what all the schizo hype was for? A normal female human? Some of you need to get out more.

>> No.58321536

shes not normal and I love her for that

>> No.58321626

I want Mel to beat the shit out of me

>> No.58321655


>> No.58321716

No anon, she hates scat and brap fags. Don't know how she feels about ringo though, so maybe she'd be okay with beating the piss out of you, or jizz

>> No.58321776

anon that wasnt very funny...

>> No.58321805

I want mel to make me deep throat her 8 inch futa cock

>> No.58321815

I suppose a bit depressed as well. I can fix her.

>> No.58321827

But Mel weren't you going to piss on a salad and feed it to someone?

>> No.58321890

She's into humiliation

>> No.58321916

Just because it's funny doesnt mean I wouldnt devour it like a starved somalian

>> No.58322011

Is this the chick that killed a dude by blocking his urethra with shit?

>> No.58322036

She's not depressed, she's and apathetic nihilist

>> No.58322447

Force feeding her chocolate and tomatoes is the key to making her a functional human, noted.

>> No.58322603

Gotta go make dinner. Someone fill me in on what I missed when I get back.

>> No.58323428

Please bully me mel

>> No.58324263

Mel just one “good boy” please?

>> No.58324731

>Speaking of priests, I've been thinking about that...
is Nun Mel going to become a reality?

>> No.58324802

You can't watch 3h video in one sitting?

>> No.58324942

>self diagnosed ADHD
woman classic

>> No.58325134
File: 629 KB, 543x708, 1669734146938934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy sex

>> No.58325178

Hey, Mel. Check THIS out.

>> No.58325193

>people in the thread this
>people in the thread that
Shutup and play the game

>> No.58325199

*Unzips dick*

>> No.58325221

Pretty hot boobas but it's hard to top the current model, it just fits her personality so well

>> No.58325227


>> No.58325240

>cheap and gloomy
I agree

>> No.58325271

I much prefer this to her doing her next scam and people shitting up every other thread.

>> No.58325302

Someone buy her the model again!

>> No.58325382

Only if she promises to fuck me for it

>> No.58325388

You're real hott

>> No.58325444

shutup dogbear

>> No.58325479

Sometimes it really feels like everyone just listens only to the half of the stuff Mel says

>> No.58325527

Will you burp for us

>> No.58325535

They're coming for our skulls, wizards

>> No.58325550

>listen to only half of what a liar/scammer says
Gee i wonder why

>> No.58325697

Because she sprinkles in enough truth to tune out the bs.

>> No.58325724

Play the browser game Mel it'll be entertaining

>> No.58325846

I crave the giant omelette.

>> No.58325850

What the fuck is this way of saying ''twink'' kek

>> No.58325853

I'm glad you're ugly Mel, pretty girls are annoying

>> No.58325871

Mel no you would get splinters

>> No.58325890

Im Pinochio btw.

>> No.58325963

It’s okay Mel I think you’re hot

>> No.58326004

You say you're a horrible pathological liar that scams people for money but it lacks any heart, say it again with more gusto

>> No.58326012
File: 458 KB, 1394x778, Ishoulddonate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligaatory reminder

>> No.58326064

Key moment of many instances when it all went wrong (again)

>> No.58326075

I love funding her mental illness

>> No.58326161

really though, now that the warning signs are clear, whos really to blame if they get ensnared?

>> No.58326186

>why would I waste my time
>already wasting time anyway

>> No.58326187

That's the sound she makes when she chokes on my micro dick

>> No.58326252

I invested 10k Neocash in Melsmell and all I got was a weird lizard "haughl?" sound.

>> No.58326278

Just don't scam again Mel you can do it

>> No.58326296

So you care about random nobodies that might or might not become vtubers but don't care about all the people you scammed and ran from, right. Just shutup and play the game.

>> No.58326360

No she can't, especially nitq while being groomed by 2 /here/ fags on discord

>> No.58326402

But if you do she'll leave again

>> No.58326462

Rules 1 & 2. Good job.

>> No.58326490

So what'd I miss in the game?

>> No.58326503

Are we worse or better than the voices in your head sMel?

>> No.58326529

She'll return shortly after.

>> No.58326577

Nothing, it's a shit game

>> No.58326591

Mel would you ever let someone fuck your hair

>> No.58326614

I think you had just finished rounding up the little guys that escaped from the corral? It was pretty early.
Made a pizza from scratch.

>> No.58326631


>> No.58326646
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>> No.58326665

an immediate no is a bit harsh. What if it's while you're sleeping and a good cleanup is done afterwards?

>> No.58326864

You're so cute

>> No.58327143

Hey Mel, what happened to your succubus cosplay?

>> No.58327225

She still has it.

>> No.58327355

Yes, I have ears you fucking chinese boat salesman, don't reply to me again

>> No.58327520

Did you scam people as some revenge against the world for losing $1500 and the Ebi model? Also you hurt the artist's feels because you buy and ditch their models, they depend on people using it as advertisement for future commissions.

>> No.58327608

More successful than you

>> No.58327629

Are we looping again?

>> No.58327727

Always have been.

>> No.58327840

>all I did was almost destroy his marriage
Uh huh

>> No.58328017

So wait what the fuck did you even see in this guy then?

>> No.58328034

>I take from the 2 discord groomers
Right because they're giving out of the kindness of their heart because they're such good people. Also he might've had side chicks but you were the one that put it on blast.

>> No.58328123

You're projecting kek
>Was a fan
That's how they get you

>> No.58328265
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Oh nice she's back again today!

>> No.58328365

No you're a homewrecker
>people shouldn't cheat
Says the scammer
>he waited till 18
Oh no it was legal, the horror

>> No.58328420

I respect kiara's hustle, but I don't really watch her

>> No.58328573

For you grooming fags not understanding the concept, waiting around til someone is 18 grooming, because you then cash out once they hit 18.

>> No.58328584

Based Groomer chad.

>> No.58328619

I'll wreck mel's home by stealing her away from her parents.

>> No.58328717

Old enough to enlist but not old enough to decide to have sex? Stfu

>> No.58328725

Par for the course for a woman desu.

>> No.58328738

>Mel lists her faults
You have tits and a hole, no one cares.

>> No.58328756
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Lying is okay as long as they're lies I like!

>> No.58328844

>I wish I was like Fauna or Mumei
Well, being two faced is 1/4th of the way there!

>> No.58328876

>waiting until 18 is pedo behavior

>> No.58328987

If someone is under 18 and you're flirting with them, sending nudes/getting nudes and hook up with them as they turn 18, you're grooming.

>> No.58329121

This is literally every middle/high school and college, wtf are you talking about

>> No.58329359

there's a reason why people still watch chris-chan
it's morbid curiosity

>> No.58329684

>Mel has typical npc white woman takes on sex and race
I shouldn't even be surprised but I

>> No.58329718 [DELETED] 

did a quick semi lewd sketch of your new/temp model, hope you like it

>> No.58329791


>> No.58329837

>Mel's butthole jumpscare
Well she isn't selling content anymore so thanks I suppose?

>> No.58329906

>she isn't selling content anymore
that’s the biggest lie I’ve read in this thread

>> No.58329937
File: 115 KB, 232x219, 1631126843179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What flavor?

>> No.58330034

>Biggest lie in the thread
Didn't you say yesterday you won't be selling content? See Mel this is why it's extra hard to believe you're streaming to protecc small nobodies.

>> No.58330071

you fucker

>> No.58330104

Give it a few weeks

>> No.58330108
File: 1 KB, 170x30, meltwitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impressive numbers for someone so hard to find

>> No.58330192

Hasan is a dickweed.

>> No.58330201

Hasan was right.

>> No.58330340

9-11 was retaliation for 20+ years of US fucking up the middle east over petro-dollar supremecy

>> No.58330416
File: 261 KB, 382x441, mococoshades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never watched a hasan clip in my life, so I don't know anything about him

>> No.58330611

Entertaining manner of speaking but totally fucking retarded, just like almost every politicalfag on all sides of the spectrum with over 500 views on twitch or youtube.

>> No.58330615

Nice quads but I will split her in half with my dick. Don't know who this vtuber is but menhera hags are my specialty. Greetings from /swarm/

>> No.58330701

hag evil neuro sexo

>> No.58330783

>voted for Biden
He's a literal child sniffing pedo, why are you like this

>> No.58330887

Literally every femboy ass looks better than this. what the fuck Mel

>> No.58330898

Funny clown political man, got it

>> No.58330939

You're local elections for stuff like Mayor, schoolboard, sheeiff matter more than the federal elections. It's why US has state's rights. Why are you so uneducated Mel

>> No.58331116

This is true. Local elections effect you ALOT more.

>> No.58331188

Yeah, you can't do shit about federal; it's going to fuck you no matter what. Local matters a ton though for what you'll have to deal with day to day

>> No.58331198

She's a npc millenial white woman, don't know what I was expecting

>> No.58331213

is this the farting girl?

>> No.58331367
File: 224 KB, 480x480, comfauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink lemonade yum

>> No.58331448

Our ex-farting wife.

>> No.58331488

Hey, I liked the mel voice

>> No.58331506

For the 4th time? Doubtful

>> No.58331543

Yes but she's in her deflection arc

>> No.58331611

is she for real this time? like no scams or shady shit?

>> No.58331686

It's better to not ask questions like that anon, you just have to live in the cycle and enjoy the time you have

>> No.58331715

yeah bro this time she's for real, invest all your bitcoin

>> No.58331726

>we're looping again, didnshe change?
Of course not, were in the deflection/cooldown arc

>> No.58331734

Where's the shit drinking vids, anons? Niggas said with the Nerissa shit you'd drop what you had, but I have yet to see any scat chugging. Chop chop, simps

>> No.58331839
File: 39 KB, 153x154, moomsideeye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The what vod?

>> No.58331840

Money isn't as important as connections. Be friends with cops and you'd be amazed what you can get away with.

>> No.58331885

I don't think any chuuba has gone that far yet. Maybe you could pay an actual scat pornstar to use a model.

>> No.58331933

One of her content buyers said this, everyone else just called out her new chubba.
Nah bro she's just deflecting her oct debut

>> No.58331955

>I don't think any chuuba has gone that far yet.

>> No.58331974

Oh so we're gonna pretend all the custom shit never happens huh. Funny how everyone just disappeared when she "changes" again
She sells custom vids and shit for people, and people here payed her to do a lot of scat, including drinking diarrhea

>> No.58332006

>can you seal up a fart
You've never seen the vid of the girl farting in a jar and lighting it on fire?

>> No.58332015

>can you actually seal up a fart?
Would you like to test that theory with me

>> No.58332032

No I'm aware of the vods, I was there live for the cup pissing, but I was never aware of anything as far as shit drinking

>> No.58332176

Underwear filling would have been pretty kino. Come at me.

>> No.58332201

Paypigs you disappoint me. Unless anyone wants to immediately make Mel eat her words?

>> No.58332208

Can corroborate her story, I requested sharpie in pooper and she refused.

>> No.58332236

I knew that request was too much, I apologize

>> No.58332256

She filled her panties plenty gambling on braps.

>> No.58332311

They won't nut up, they're too scared now she'll ghost them until she needs money again

>> No.58332386

True, but not quite the same as a visual.

>> No.58332391

It was just the way you put me off, like when you said "oh i don't think I have a white pair" i was like fuck

>> No.58332413

Please be attentive to twitch's bipolar TOS Mel, I have missed your long streams.

>> No.58332529
File: 179 KB, 500x500, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've missed them too, they fill the gaps

>> No.58332562

This. Her main buyer doesn't want to lose a source of nudes

>> No.58332642

god avatarfagging is so lame

>> No.58332724

Gangly mandog

>> No.58332802

No Mel, I'm not a dog feet connoisseur. That's subhuman behavior

>> No.58332818

>We have Kiryu Coco at home

>> No.58332854

If anything you should just lean into it and become a villainess vtuber.

>> No.58332861

Some bizarre alien reverse birthing,

>> No.58332874

Welcome back mel. I love to see how you would grift and waste another model. whose feet are those btw?

>> No.58332900

If you're too much of a bitch to post her scat stuff at least post some feet and nudes, simps. Need to get something out of tonight

>> No.58333007

Someone literally posted a pic of her spreading her asshole less than an hour ago. Read the fucking thread you retarded coomer.

>> No.58333062

Bring back the toad voice

>> No.58333108

She charges too much to share. She recorded some of the content during streams with the cancer arc. Look up archives

>> No.58333151

Mel abandon your humanity and use your Mrs. Piggy voice forever, makes me diamonds.

>> No.58333164

Squeezing mel's fat hog...

>> No.58333192

>A canon futa Vtuber

>> No.58333250

>3,600 jpy
pretty good buy mel

>> No.58333270

That doesn't sound very Christian.

>> No.58333330

Oh, you mean Hutatama?

>> No.58333821

I've got clips of her toggles somewhere, but I'm pretty sure that's her

>> No.58334289

What are you wearing right now mel

>> No.58334644

Got to watch most of the streams back then and I remember hearing a lot, just never seeing anything get posted in the threads

>> No.58335135

Why resign yourself to such a depressing existence?

>> No.58335228

I too hate when the demons grab my ass.

>> No.58336599

Seems like a sweet girl its kind of hard to believe she's actually as crazy as you guys say

>> No.58336870

is she shitting?

>> No.58337041

girls dont poop

>> No.58337336

She's not as crazy as this board would have you believe, but definitely crazier than she seems.

>> No.58337895

What the fuck /vt/, I was told I would and should hate her and it's the complete opposite.

>> No.58337970

>She's not as crazy as this board would have you believe
Nah she's pretty crazy. Don't let her current mood fool you, she feels down just because she's broke and dreading having to get a job

>> No.58337976

i saw her asshole and now im invested

>> No.58338526

So to run from a handful of viewers you didn't want you ran from all you're viewers and scammed the most dedicated ones only to end up with 2 groomers and 4chan?

>> No.58338556

This is the cooldown period, if she didn't get caught as Nerissa Delfina she'd still be streaming as her. She's a trainwreck that self sabotages.

>> No.58338655

Nigga, get off the groomer rrat already, it makes you look more retarded besides not knowing what grooming means

>> No.58338692

Ironically you niggers probably would have got bored of her a long long time ago if she hadn't turned her vtubing career into a game of hide and seek

>> No.58338716

Mel when are you going to start the Chulip indoctrination of twitch?

>> No.58338722

Shutup Nar

>> No.58338900



>> No.58338914

If the chulip itch persists, consult your physician.

>> No.58338966

It makes me sad that out of all the possible vtubers that loves and plays my favorite old retro game it had to be Mel. fml

>> No.58339048

The monkeys paw at work.

>> No.58339120

he's probably a passlet and has to solve the captcha, be patient

>> No.58339124

No I'm not telling you, get blueballed. Stop making me like you

>> No.58339129

Mario 64.

>> No.58339208

brap and he'll tell you

>> No.58339220

Don't answer, the begging has awakened something inside me.

>> No.58339243

Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.58339315

Get wrecked Mel, this is what you out us through. And yes it's one of the Tales games

>> No.58339321

Probably was chulip, or tales of

>> No.58339406

Abyss is a goddamn masterpiece

>> No.58339428

Why can't you be like this all the time without groomers Mel. Is it the money problems?

>> No.58339442

You're in.

>> No.58339456


>> No.58339488

Learn the term or shutup already dogbear

>> No.58339502

Stop anon she's grooming (You)!

>> No.58339510


>> No.58339547

get out before it's too late and you get groomed

>> No.58339644

Literally getting her all hot and bothered

>> No.58339670

I’ll take it a fellow abyss, lover worth it all day long

>> No.58339714

mel claims another one...

>> No.58339764

Imagine how powerful she'd be if she could afford glasses.

>> No.58339875

Nothing is truly deleted Mel, you should know that.

>> No.58339914

Posts get removed because they get reported. The ones that don't is because they weren't reported. Spamming/false reports also get you banned so people try not to report. It's a self regulating system to and extent.

>> No.58340068

Depends on the site, being a mod gives you power and access to info that makes people not actually anonymous. It's a huge ego stroke.

>> No.58340140

Exactly what a groomer would say. Keep going

>> No.58340333

This. Also go shower mel

>> No.58340340

i dont think autistic hags are really that groomable tbqh

>> No.58340611

>one person so asshurt he still tossing out rrats.
Idiot aside, bar of soap or liquid soap it doesn't matter, it's all about the feeling of the loofah tickling your butthole

>> No.58340814

Always keep a couple bars in storage for just in case.

>> No.58341139

Be honest anons, how many of you would actually date Mel if she offered herself to you?

>> No.58341175

Sure, but I'd be a bad boyfriend and basically be using her for sex.

>> No.58341244

Too menhera even for me, fun to watch though

>> No.58341261

mel is for bdsm nonstop anal rape as compensation for her grifting

>> No.58341283

Might be fun for gaming, however my penis is much bigger than her preference.

>> No.58341476

Nah, already married and divorced a woman with the exact same flavor of menhera. Once was enough.

>> No.58341589

I would let mel sit on my face

>> No.58341639

Her ex sounds based. I would do the same thing

>> No.58341675

Mel, be clingy for me. Cling to me with your thighs.

>> No.58341711

Did that leave you with a deeply rooted cuckquean fetish?

>> No.58341733

a crazy gamer girlfriend that can sit in my lap while playing video games would be pretty damn good I’d be in lol

>> No.58341737

Weren't you with a black dude

>> No.58341787

More and more is making sense now, she was broken a while ago.

>> No.58341827

come home from long day of farming and beat your gamer wife silly.

>> No.58341830

Shes grifting so hard right now

>> No.58341852


>> No.58341865

you niggas are getting groomed bad lmao

>> No.58341899

She's fucked multiple guys and admitted to this. Dont be groomed by her weird femcel act

>> No.58341918

>Hold my hand
Before marriage?! You HUSSY.

>> No.58341944

>cant hold mels hand until its sweaty

What a nightmare I live.

>> No.58341959

She's done a lot more too

>> No.58341969


>> No.58341985


>> No.58342014

How are you guys falling for this lmao these are all confirmed lies that she's admitted to before

>> No.58342079

pretty sure they are either very new or pretending to like her to stir the pot
