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58296410 No.58296410 [Reply] [Original]

now that the dust has settled, was she a good hire?

>> No.58296515

No. She was mediocre at best.

>> No.58296678

Yes, She is easily one of their top 10s

>> No.58296773

She is good, just don't care for her game choice.

>> No.58296784

if ur in holo for gfe no, if ur normal ye

>> No.58296840

Objectively by every measure of success yes

>> No.58297006

so was Sana
retards on here have no idea what good hire means

>> No.58297298
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Yeah she's cute

>> No.58297694

She is a better Kusogaki than Gura, and anons seem to like Gura so yes

>> No.58298384

she was harshly corrected for being a grifter, she is okay now i guess.

>> No.58298491

She's only average at best. She's good on stage but everything else about her is meh.

>> No.58298530

Incredible charisma and kayfabe nulled by being an annoying 19 year old whore

>> No.58298567
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I just wish she stopped being a valo shitter

>> No.58298853

The irony Kek
Going full twitch mode

>> No.58299278

For the cunny art, yes. I'll just ignore her existence otherwise.

>> No.58299703

Only good for sex

>> No.58299756
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I would hire me again in a hearbeat

>> No.58299763

cover never misses when hiring
for the women at least

>> No.58299771

Menhera whore

>> No.58299795

Yes, she just needs a better handler

>> No.58299837


>> No.58299856


>> No.58299866


>> No.58299907

have sex chud

>> No.58300223

post your delicious pink asshole next time you ask to have sex with me

>> No.58301173

Yes, a good cocksleeve

>> No.58301424

Her model turns me on so fucking much, so yes.

>> No.58301536

should've hired ribon instead
at least we'd get some gundam content and nightly asmr

>> No.58301576

No. Actually one of the worst ones.

>> No.58301847

not really, she wasted all of her potential

>> No.58302256

I always thought it was very cute that she was caught defending herself on 5ch.

>> No.58302307


>> No.58302451


>> No.58302530
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Never watched her because I don't speak moonrunes, but the amount of times I fapped to the art depicting her was definitely worth the hire (for me).

>> No.58302591

No, she really wasn't. She has the potential but she just refuses to put in effort and actually make use of her opportunities.
In the end she's too dumb and immature and fucks up everything, they shouldn't have hired her

>> No.58303029

real? fucking kek might start watching her for that

>> No.58303243

All I really wanted from her is not to make forced company collabs intolerable but she always makes things awkward by overplaying her hand and not vibing with the rest of the girls. Compare ot someone like Nene who will do incredibly stupid things for a laugh but actually makes other girls laugh and lightens the mood of a collab.

>> No.58303549

>very cute voice (top 5 in the entire company)
>genuinely funny
>fucks up constantly
>also a whore
She's not oshi material but she's not a bad entertainer. I still won't forgive her for how she acted during the official Minecraft collab (the one with males) with Kanata.

>> No.58304154

No. I'd bet she's the worst,

>> No.58304384

>fucks up constantly
>also a whore
Anon, you're just a dramafag kek

>> No.58304462

no she's going through the same phase festival had long ago with her lust for niji jp. except laplus is worse with her lust for twitch ecelebs

>> No.58305614

Yeah, she leaked her ip address on stream and some 5ch anons linked it to some posts there where she was defending herself and her genmates. It was endearing.

>> No.58305825

No, just like Gura.

>> No.58306046

kusogaki gura but actually delivers

>> No.58306205

Honestly not really, not being overly harsh here but she just doesn't fit into hololive and has a huge chip on her shoulder for not being allowed to funnel success into her IRL

>> No.58306264

literal bait

>> No.58306341
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That model was wasted on her. Despite having a good model and voice she faded into "who?"

>> No.58306606

She was but Cover went hard on her and shilled her specifically at the start. That was their fuck up. Any of the other HoloX would have been more deserving

>> No.58306819

>and her genmates

>> No.58307402

I have a feeling that iroha is going to have a big comeback, like kanata or AZKi

>> No.58307932

Objectively yes, she is very talented, charismatic, and entertaining
However she clearly has a lot of women moments, and was poorly handled by Cover who spoiled and enabled her

>> No.58308173

HoloX has two based hags why couldn't they tard wangle her

>> No.58308201

hololive is a double edged sword, they support all the girls equally, it doesn't matter if you are the most popular girl in the company or the least, they are supported just the same

ends up that some of the least watched girls get saviorfagged by the company, the most popular girls get their projects sandbagged, and the girls that are just in it for the money just do the bare minimum while the hardest working girls don't get much of a reward

>> No.58309360

did kanata have a big comeback? Tell me about it

>> No.58309628





>ガチ恋営業するって言って全然してないから今後頑張るっていう気持ちを高めるためにプロフィールにガチ恋営業担当です!って入れといた! 営業だからな営業!

The answer is no.

>> No.58309841

La+ can be funny, cute, is good at dancing and decent at singing.
Sana played nintendo games with a 3 dollar mic. I dont even like lapras but comparing thrm is stupid.

>> No.58309999

she was never going to fuck (You), dipshit
none of them will

>> No.58310338

Nice digits.
Where are those quotes from? Her rm acc?

>> No.58310435

>>58309999 (me)
man, if i knew i was gonna get quads i would write something significantly more witty

>> No.58310495

No shit, Sherlock. It's literally never been about that. Hardly anyone thinks they will end up with their oshi but that's not the point, you newfag retard.
No one would be mad if she said that she wasn't going to date a fan. It's the way she said it. It's the way she is telling her fans that they aren't good enough for her and that she looks down on them and think they are beneath her.
And most of all, it's the way she implied that all the other girls in Hololive are either losers or secretly dating.

>> No.58310530

>It's the way she is telling her fans that they aren't good enough for her and that she looks down on them and think they are beneath her.
are you implying they are good enough for her and arent beneath her?
you sound incredibly insecure, anon

>> No.58311245

Yes, faggot. I'm saying she's literally worthless without her fans. She is nothing without them. How narcississtic of a cunt piece of shit do you have to be to think you're better than everyone who supports you?
You sound like you're just as much of a piece of shit as she is. Eat a shotgun shell, subhuman vermin.

>> No.58311677


>> No.58311767

I'll support Rap in the ways I find appropriate for the content I want her to make.
She has the best group lore, model and has great singing/dancing talent so I support those activities with merch.

>> No.58312853

Good hire=makes the boss lots of money

>> No.58313061

Could have been a great hire, but sadly she's too much of a menhera brat.

>> No.58313285

>Given everything
>Make a ton of money
>Throw it all away
Woman moment.

>> No.58313403

She gets my dick hard so yes

>> No.58313639

I mean its easy for her.
She acts up like this but still earns a lot and probably fucks dudes every week and will retire and marry before 30.
It's why women deserve less

>> No.58315726

Any screenshots of this that are in understandable English?

>> No.58319090

it was around debut and there have been no other incidents like it since. she doesn't need to now that the fps shitters she likes allowed her into the group

>> No.58319675

Not really. She's got the voice and the streaming persona, for sure. But her open disdain for her audience and the industry and her job is unfortunate. I wish she could find it within herself to buy into what she signed up for, but as things are she's defecting in a game theoretic sense from the team effort that makes holo special. I feel really bad for HoloX that she's their conceptual lynchpin too, that shit is basically dead now.

>> No.58322175

She is my oshi

>> No.58322700

does anyone even care about her? she doesnt have any presence in holo jp now. i was totally forgetting her existence.

>> No.58322732

not a good hire

>> No.58322748

Her incredible lack of work ethic, menheraism, laziness, half-assed 3D lives, lack of content range and so on make her overrall very mediocre despite starting with a strong character idea and a personality that kinda worn off over time

>> No.58325143

She was a good hire who was managed badly and managed to throw her own career in the dumps
She got an interview with Robert fucking Pattinson. She was shilled to the moon.

>> No.58325200
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She's on the opposite spectrum to Kiara, who drag others to go MEMEMEME while Laplus reject others to go MEMEMEME

>> No.58326783

I think she's a space filler now

>> No.58330287


>> No.58330790

She had one of the strongest starts I've ever seen and squandered it.

>> No.58330900

She just needs a good manager to tardwrangle and correct her attitude.
Maybe I can fix her... maybe...

>> No.58331847

she had a manager, lui and various senpai all looking after her and still fucked up. all you can do is accept the sex in exchange for letting her stream apex and valo

>> No.58332084

so much seethe for a little girl. mindbroken baby back bitch. :)

>> No.58334832

The worst of the worst.

>> No.58335202

it turns out actual kusogakis are shit when you can't correct them

>> No.58336976

>doesn't like the milf pokemon
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.58338196

She will end up like Matuli eventually

>> No.58338569

she is good and has the talent but her immaturity won in the end.

>> No.58338590

Matsuri goes out to eat in expensive yakiniku restaurants, so I guess ending up like Matsuri is a success, right?

>> No.58339168

She had the potential to be one of the best streamers in Japan and threw it away to suck FPS e-celeb dick. Pekora saw a lot of potential in her, took her under her wing and then she threw it away. That's why Pekora likes to butter up Koyori these days.
You can't manage someone who is self-destructive and has a huge ego about the success the brand gave her (all the sponsor deals Cover fed her in the first year really spoiled her).

>> No.58339983

sorry but being a rich celebrity with millions of people hanging on your every word means youre better than a neet
