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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58271283 No.58271283 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else watch their oshi and think to themselves, "Damn, I hope she's saving some of that money"?. I don't know how much the highest earning chuubas make, but I doubt it's so much they never have to worry about money for the rest of their lives.

Being an anime girl on the internet playing games is not a viable long-term strategy. Even the highest earning v-tubers won't have shit to show for it when they reach retirement age unless they save and invest. Do you think any of the Hololive girls are speaking to financial advisors? Probably not.

If Gura, for example, is the scheming blue jew people say she is, then she has some kind of plan for the future. This all might sound silly, but as a person with a 401k, it's something I think about occasionally.

What do you think? Is there something I'm not taking into account?

>> No.58271434

They're women anon, they'll just marry some idiot once they're pushing mid 30's, possibly have a kid or two, then divorce him and spend their rest of their life coasting off child support and their marriage cashout

>> No.58271467

In 20 years we're all going to be living like the road. So saving money for the future is kinda pointless

>> No.58271936
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I just laughed my ass off imagining welfare queen Gura drunkenly ranting to her uninterested child about the days when she had 4 million weebs in love with her

>> No.58273797

can't they just find another job?

>> No.58274276


You're not taking into account the sheer amount of money the top earners can make. By Covers metrics, we know the top earners are mutli-millionaires.

The average person makes $50k a year and works ~35 years. In other words, $1.75M in their entire lifetime.

Gen 0 of Hololive JP is literally going on their 6th year now. So far they've had 4 people actually retire and the rest are still going strong.

They literally have members who put out content once or twice a month and aren't destitute level broke, so that should also tell you just how insanely paid they can be.

>> No.58274509

Women are afraid of money and compulsively spend it to get rid of it. I doubt very many holos have much in the way of savings.

>> No.58275295

thats a useless measure given how skewed the highest earners make it. thats why median is used everywhere for income and home costs. median household income (not 1 person) in the US is like 70.8K, however median single person income is 37.5K, far lower than averaged.

>> No.58275349

>once they're pushing mid 30's
so this means half of HoloEN is already married?

>> No.58275444

Hololive is a sinking ship, this is the beginning of the end. They fell far behind in tech and over saturated the market with low tier chuubas, they dug their own grave.

>> No.58275585

As a holofag I can tell you that the 3 girls that spent the most on dumb shit were Rushia, Coco and Marine. Well Marine “dumb shit” was paying shit tons on her MV and songs but man She broke thru to the tik tok ers now so maybe it wasn’t so dumb

>> No.58275745

Each one of CouncilRyS except kronii made $200k + on just their Unlimited BD merch stock, even bae. These other smaller merch don’t make that much but man I don’t doubt these girls make $500k ish a year (lose half to taxes tho).

>> No.58276460

I think even after the peak of popularity, even if holo crashes and burns and they have to go indie, even into old age, they will maintain enough of a following to be supported through a frugal existence

it is also possible(though I don't know how any are actually taking advantage of this opportuity) to develop skills during the course of their career that they could use for work after retiring from streaming, like video editing, music production, art, etc

>> No.58276632

Everyone in Hololive is set for life but outside of them it's a very different story.

>> No.58276775

>Retirement age

No such thing. They can be 80, barely be able to move, and still be relevant as long as the community's alive. Perks of being a vtuber.

>> No.58276806

>mid 30s
>have a kid or two

I'm so sorry sisters... but...

>> No.58276809

I fucking hope so

>> No.58277638

I very much doubt their gross is anything above 100k, and i say this as the most devout pebble wishing the EN girls nothing but pots of gold and fat stacks

>> No.58277810

>that spent the most on dumb shit were Rushia, Coco and Marine
not one of those decided to buy a fucking monkey. that will always be more insane than a $10,000 mattress and shit

>> No.58277988

The only reason I'm not as worried for a lot of them, mainly the EN ones, is because to even have been able to have the time to be a streamer with a pretty active schedule and be in hololive especially in their mid/late 20s to early 30s, they were probably already in somewhat well off families. Streaming is a rich man's hobby/profession, not someone who's scraping by. So I imagine most of them were already doing fine on their own financially/mooching off rich family members and then with hololive they're only doing even better.

>> No.58278020

Ehhh. With the medicinal science / tech we have now, i think 30+ is possible. Its the 40+ that should be worried. But then again those are already grumpy single aunties if they still cant find mates at 40.

>> No.58278129

I just wonder what they'd do if they weren't in Hololive. Gura and Ame have zero skills outside of streaming.

>> No.58278204

Using Gura for this thread is too fucking funny man. Remember her lemonaide stand story? Investing and finance is almost in her blood.

>> No.58278233

Ame would be dead, on the street, or still leeching off family while she tries another failed "career", possible onlyfans (again).

Gura has an uncanny knack for tapping into what goes viral. Her work ethic is atrocious though.

>> No.58278252

arranged marriages.

>> No.58278350

Anon, are you living in a third-world country? In the west most people have children between 30 and 40 now.

>> No.58278493

I largely agree, though looks isn't the only thing that fades with age. Your voice, your wits and perhaps most importantly your energy levels, they all take a toll. I agree that you can probably still have your hooks in some of your (equally old) gachis by doing the bare minimum at that stage, but it'll be slim pickings by comparison. (Not that old people need that much money to get by of course.)

>> No.58278642

i would hope they're not still doing this stuff when they're 80...i feel like it'd already be sad to watch the non-hag ones still doing this stuff in their 40s

>> No.58278795

This increases the autism

>> No.58278804

There's only 2, maybe 3 above 30.

>> No.58278845

Their superchat income is public knowledge. Just take that and divide by 1/3rd and then by the time they've been in the company and you can work out their absolute base minimum income.

>> No.58278887

with someone like Gura, that's probably already a guarantee though.

>> No.58278910

You know autism is more than just being an awkward loser, right?

>> No.58278966

The only time I've felt something similar is with Shion and Ayame. They got into hololive early and lucked out bigtime. Can't believe they don't capitalize on it further.

>> No.58278972

The best thing Pippa is doing with her money is that she's finally fixing her teeth and getting all the necessary health checks she neglected for most of her life. American healthcare is expensive as hell, just like the myths said. On the other hand she's also a consumer and buys a lot of girly stuff.

The point is it's impossible to advise someone on what to do with their money, how to do it and so on and in vtubing the fans can't really do anything in that regard. In theory chuubas who earn much could be set for life with clever investing and managing, but who knows which one of them has that kind of foresight? I always assumed that non-American chuubas might be more aware of how precious money is and are much more careful with it.

>> No.58279099

Who fucking cares?

>> No.58279435

Yeah, to me.

>> No.58279487

How new are you?

>> No.58279494

>I always assumed that non-American chuubas might be more aware of how precious money is and are much more careful with it.
you'd think so, but you still hear stories about JP chuubas buying monkeys and $10,000 mattresses and going on insane fashion shopping sprees and stuff so i don't really know.

>> No.58279575

I'm not new, I'm trying to insult Pippa and her fans, you moron.

>> No.58279776
File: 3.56 MB, 1280x720, 1663715067358648.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Fauna is a Burton Malkiel-pilled Boglehead gunning for fat FIRE at 30, and she even has playing money to fuck around with factor investing (she's a bit of a Fama & Frenchcel), betting against beta, leveraged crypto CFDs, and other shit like that.
Now, when it comes to YOUR oshi? She's getting fucked by a
>>>>>>>>>>financial advisor
as we speak.

>> No.58279789

You asked who cares about Pippa on the board that either can’t stop shilling her or can’t stop shitting on her depending on where you look, apparently people care.

>> No.58279974

My parents had me and my sister when both were over 35. Perhaps my dad is a hagchad.

>> No.58280119

>possible onlyfans (again)
Shut up.

>> No.58280209

I never heard of Fat FIRE so I looked it up. First result was a site saying a good retirement "nest egg" is 2.5 million dollars.
Two point five million United States dollars. Are you kidding me? You can live comfortably with 1/10th that.

>> No.58280391

My mom was 32 when she had my brother, and 41 when she had my sister, and they are both less autistic than me.

>> No.58280561

No. It's a vtuber's job to make me not think about that kind of shit. I assume they're making enough to live and that they're responsible with it, because I don't actually care otherwise. Why bother worrying about a vtuber who's irresponsible with their life decisions when I can always jump ship to a corpo where the girls don't have to worry about meeting personal expenses anymore?

>> No.58281176
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FIRE specifically is about early retirement, 250k are not gonna last you in the US if you intend to retire at an age of 30-50. Fat FIRE is a version of FIRE where you aim to maintain a costly lifestyle in retirement (like the one most Hololive girls are used to), for which 2.5m+ isn't unreasonable at all - that's 125k/year in capital gains (before tax) assuming a modest 5% interest rate. Obviously you can start cannibalizing your initial investment once you grow old to increase your disposable income, but that's not an option before you're like 70 (and even that assumes that you're fine leaving less/nothing to your children).
Of course, if you're willing to move to SEA or Eastern Europe or somewhere else with low cost of living, you can get by with significantly less money.

>> No.58281249

In defense of Coco her retarded audience donated $9k specifically for her bed

>> No.58281520

Dude, she bought NVDA calls last October, she is fine.

>> No.58281607

Yeah. Anyone outside of Hololive is doomed. It's better not to think about it because it's depressing and it deteriorates the experience of watching smaller chuubas (or just stick with Hololive).

>> No.58281661

>actually confirms himself as third worlder

>> No.58281733

>concernfagging millionaires
Unless your oshi is a 2 view there's no need for that.

>> No.58281882

Holo vtubers shouldn't have a problem if they put a % of their earnings yearly into the most popular ETFs they are set for life.

>> No.58282029
File: 455 KB, 632x844, 1690105212867046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being an anime girl on the internet playing games is not a viable long-term strategy.
But it absolutely is? In every sense, streaming is a vtuber is eternal until the day your voice turns to shit or your health deteriorates. This medium will be around indefinitely until the day some other form of entertainment replaces it, just like how live streaming replaced pre-recorded let's plays.

>> No.58282183

When you take out youtube tax, cover tax and government tax, then take out how fucking useless women are with money, blowing it on brand name garbage. Well, they are still eating well but most holos are not mega rich.

>> No.58282342

Machine learning is going to rugpull a huge amount of vtubers.

>> No.58282501

Marine wish its that easy lol.
Dying eggs are the ultimate fate of all female VTubers unless they fuck someone while on the job.

>> No.58282516

I definitely don't think the JP vtubers are better than the Americans at money. Maybe the IDs, but having everything be dirt cheap probably helps.

>> No.58282609

Not sure about EN or ID, but I've seen a couple of HoloJP roommates show off all the miscellaneous expensive shit they've splurged on.

Fucking Laplus and her uglyass $1k shoes

>> No.58283131

Realistically no they can’t. It’s why big streamers and youtubers try to solidify their brand early on so their revenue is no longer dependent on it. Their shelf life is 3-5 years on average which is 3 years minimum without a real job. It will be hard to get a decent job without a degree at that point.

You’re not taking into account the fact that you’re retarded. How much they make means nothing if they’re spending 99% of it that same year. Multiple members have spent more in a month than they brought in. There are members that take out a credit card for hobbies like gacha for the sole purpose of maxing it out in that month then paying it off. Then you have the girls moving between high end apartments or buying new houses every few months. That’s not a show of wealth that’s a lack of restraint

Just like musicians and celebrities before them at least half will end up broke and that’s being optimistic

>> No.58286149

My oshi is Ina, and I am not concerned one bit about her financial future. Hololive is not even her main workplace in the first place, she can easily go back to her life as an illustrator and make a good amount of money for the rest of her life.
I'm more concerned about her lifestyle and health honestly, but I definitely don't have any right to judge the way she lives knowing how worse I am.

>> No.58286184

>Does anyone else

>> No.58286795


>> No.58286840

my dada and mama were in their fifties when they had me
am i remarded

>> No.58286871

Why? It's literally the best job ever.

>> No.58287044
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Mysta literally started begging for free shit on throne after graduating and he was one of the top vtubers in the west.

>> No.58287100

you know whats bad about that? she's gonna life comfortably with her future husband with the money she farmed from (you). Or if you think its a good thing, then you're a cuck, because its never gonna be you who live alongside her.
t. electrical current interference is also known as ..dy current

>> No.58290178

There is likely good reason why the Cover generic merch cut hasn't been made public but the big Hololive talents likely have millions in the bank. Talents are making enough that few would consider leaving but the company is making enough to pay 400 employees.

>> No.58292108

>It will be hard to get a decent job without a degree at that point.
alot of them do have a degree tho

>> No.58292739

Is that out of necessity or greed though?

Imagine being the mystake donating to this guy after he spent the past 6 months explaining how much he hates you kek

>> No.58293352

>they're not billionaires!!!!!
weird cope pajeet, doge coin to the moon sson

>> No.58295017

explain, what is the road?

>> No.58295193

aerosolized penis-eating bacteria forces everyone to become vtubers and gura becomes a billionaire

>> No.58295263

Why would I care some millionares financial future?

>> No.58296482

My indie oshi makes nowhere near enough to survive on, doesn't live with her parents, and doesn't have a job. I have no idea how she survives.

>> No.58298784
File: 252 KB, 654x656, IMG_4780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think this is how the majority of women live? I can’t even be mad I’m just sad that your understanding of the world is so warped by years upon years of deranged internet politics

>> No.58299370

You know damn well they piss their money away like it's going out of style. They'll be broke by their 40's

>> No.58299413

Can stop concernfags stop this cringe faggotry, these girls have boyfriends that will take care of them

>> No.58299449

right right, it's 2023, they don't get married or have kids anymore

>> No.58299495

>nowhere near enough to survive on, doesn't live with her parents, and doesn't have a job
Then she's sucking a man's dick for a place to live.

>> No.58299535

>these girls have boyfriends
Just like you.

>> No.58299755
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>skin based on vintage cartoons
>theme song is a nig screeching in autotune
God damn it, Epic Games.

>> No.58300094

anon i would say just worry about yourself
because your oshi won't care a bit about you as much as you seem to care about their financial future
just enjoy the entertainment they give you, give them some money if you like but let them do their own financial planning for better or for worse
but yeah i agree the future does look grim statistically
most celebrities like athletes, rappers, actors etc and even prostitutes do tend to run into issues down the line when the high earning power dies down and they didn't save enough
spend $990k a year when they made $1m a year, as if the money would continue to flow in forever
unlike business types like entrepreneurs, investors and c-suite managers who are savvy with the numbers shit, so much less likely to go busto being much more cautious usually and not to mention their career lasts longer too

>> No.58302661

and thats a good thing! you will eat ze bugs

>> No.58308224
File: 10 KB, 100x100, 1645498649574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based wallstreet walker

>> No.58309400

lol. She has made what? 3-4 successful internet personas, any 1 of which could have been a full time job.
