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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58245065 No.58245065 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to Meica+Nisha+Eru+Shura+Sagi+Merun+Yukine+Axtre+Natsuri+Mui+Rui+Momo】
+Himea and friends

previous thread >>58143650

Cuddling in the bathtub edition














thread dedicated to appreciating and loving your oshi

>> No.58245550


>> No.58246741

I miss you himea...

>> No.58248689
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>> No.58251766
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All mine

>> No.58252014

Need more Axtre

>> No.58252142


>> No.58254293


>> No.58255514

watch my boyfriend

>> No.58255705

I wanna fuck him in the ass.
No homo.

>> No.58256593

why did you make another thread? I want to go to sleep

>> No.58257368

Let it die

>> No.58260843

I miss Neon

>> No.58260848

Good afternoon, I can't stop thinking about kissing Yukine's hands,
kissing Yukine's forehead,
kissing Yukine's nose,
kissing Yukine's lips,
kissing Yukine's neck,
kissing Yukine's collarbone,
kissing Yukine's titties as I play with her hair,
kissing Yukine's tummy as I touch her body,
kissing Yukine's cherry as I squeeze her butt,
kissing Yukine's legs as I make her feel desirable,
Once I finish kissing Yukine's body I submissively ask her for lovely sex,
one inch in, inserting the tip to tease Yukine, and out,
two inches in, slow movement so Yukine can accommodate, and out,
three inches in, making Yukine feel my throbbing spirit, and out,
four inches in, holding my desire to go beast inside Yukine, and out,
five inches in, are you ready Yukine?, and hold inside,
six inches in, still a long way to go Yukine , and hold inside,
seven inches in, please Yukine bear with it, and hold inside,
eight inches in, Are you ok? Yukine my beloved, and hold inside,

>> No.58261212

>Anon makeshift improvised inch 5 to 8 to not be regarded as 4 inch anon

>> No.58262043

I thought she was argie

>> No.58262160

You see argies everywhere

>> No.58263397

She's venezuelan

>> No.58263919

venezuelan are just offbrand argies

>> No.58267330

I wish everyone to have warm dreams with their oshis,night anons

>> No.58269241

I will have a good night inside Nisha

>> No.58269315

... Who are these chuubas?

>> No.58269347


>> No.58270147

My child

>> No.58271064 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58271290

This is pathetic Anya

>> No.58271686

Disgusting, graduation when?

>> No.58271713


>> No.58272620

Now all the envy makes sense haha

>> No.58272755

>post ramdom cosplayer from the sadpanda
>g-give me (You)s
pathetic thread shitter.

>> No.58272902

And worst, the 4 retards that reply

>> No.58272911

It's hard to believe s(he) once had a dick

>> No.58273042

fk off kosi

>> No.58273062

So we have 7 shitters so far, out of 19 IPs

>> No.58273279

Because a cosplayer with 1.5M worldwide followers on twatter would throw away that simp money for worthless spic monopoly currency.

>> No.58273282

all me

>> No.58273297


>> No.58273357

>worthless ars monopoly currency

>> No.58273502

You've never seen a trans in your life

>> No.58273523

Only peruvian peso is worth something. Everything else is colorful toilet paper.

>> No.58273528


>> No.58273534


>> No.58273615

There's really no hope for this place?

>> No.58273700

You've never seen a real woman in ur life

>> No.58273800

Gender change from male to female is not possible yet, you only make it clear that what you say is a reflect of yourself

>> No.58273861

Shit like that really demotivates you to do anything and post it here.

>> No.58273948

That's not Anya retards.
That's rocksylight, famous Insta and porn model and she doesn't even know spanish kek

>> No.58273954

You can't cry over the shit post in a png gang thread

>> No.58274069

Well, her body is very similar to everything previously leaked.

>> No.58274081

thanks man

>> No.58274102

I don't care about Anya, I care about the degradation of the general into a even worse shithole were the only activity is shit on girls and no anon posts anything creative.

>> No.58274220

Anon culture is dead

>> No.58274357

Who said something about anya? Schizo

>> No.58274407

You really thought that changing the thread's name was going to change anything?

>> No.58274409 [DELETED] 

stfu and come to my oshi stream:

>> No.58274482

But Jewgle told me that's Alisa Pika Queen.

>> No.58274518

Anya is not a vtuber anymore, she is not even a PNG. I don't know why these retards keep using her to shit the thread.

>> No.58274552

>Anons discover for the 9999th time that Anya has thousands of multi-accounts and personalities

>> No.58274563

same person different username retard

>> No.58274639

fk off anyaschizo

>> No.58274695

Why are sisters so obssesed with anya? every couple of thread they have to shit on her for free

>> No.58274759

I can bet it's pettancuck

>> No.58274854

I don't believe you.

>> No.58275023

Just imagine who was the sick man who started comparing the body in Anya's photos we had with all the redheads he found

>> No.58275136

imagine the smell...

>> No.58275256

He is right tho

>> No.58275292

And who cares?

>> No.58275319

Stop shitting the thread Ren

>> No.58275323

I do

>> No.58275325

yo mama

>> No.58275371

Pettancock, are you still obsessed with ren? KEK

>> No.58275387

fk off anyaschizo, your obsession is off topic

>> No.58275427

So you're telling me Anya is that insta model? That’s hot

>> No.58275500

cause fags like you keep giving him (You)s or some kind of attention, learn to not reply to shitters like him, ignore and repot ffs just look how easy derailed the thread.

>> No.58275501 [SPOILER] 
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>They started to shit the thread again
They must have some kind of sexual fetish, like molesting strangers online put them really horny and make them have wild sex all night

>> No.58275569

>Shitter complaining about other shitters
How much self awareness can someone lack?

>> No.58275573


>> No.58275581

I'm getting tired of your shit A.

>> No.58275846
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>You aren't watching other women, right anon?

>> No.58276191

>has hair down there
Confirmed not Anya.

>> No.58276256

Stop making this threads, you fags don't even talk about the girls, just shit on them
No matter how many times you change the name, it'll be the same, just let the shitters move to /idolES/ when it's the time

>> No.58276371

I'd want to hear what's OP's excuse to keep making them. If not for him no one would make them.

>> No.58276511

yes, i'm doing exactly that, what are you going to do brownie liar? cry on stream? a cringy letter? kek

>> No.58276553
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>> No.58276635

>the shitter is the OP

>> No.58276702

Wouldn't be surprised, last obsessed OP was the same, he didn't want his source of dopamine gone.

>> No.58276720

I am a spic but I don't watch any Spanish-speaking chuubas

>> No.58276891

Is there a hidden message on Shura's last tweet?

>> No.58276993

She's trying to awake her last remaining eggs by electrode therapy.

>> No.58277054

Go to sleep Shura, no one cares about your vagina status

>> No.58277109

Even with idoles, they are going to stay here.
this is basically the spic thread

>> No.58277184

You didn't see the last /idolES/ thread, right?

>> No.58277225

Meica pandering to peruvians brought the worst scum of the spic world to the general

>> No.58277357

I saw it.
The thread was made by the same shitter just to make shitpost.

>> No.58277405
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>> No.58277486

They are going to stay here because most of the subnormals are addicted to drama and with Anya and Meica, the drama will never end

>> No.58277600

Stop shitting the thread Anya


>> No.58277619
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>> No.58277751

>with anya and meica, the drama will never end.
Anya is not a vtuber, she's not even active on twitter, kek.

>> No.58278051

and? Her groomers and antis will continue to post her here.
nothing we can do about it

>> No.58278214
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>> No.58278234

Yuritroon will pay.

>> No.58278669

Apply as janny, anon. Clean this shit up if you care so much.

>> No.58279001

I don't care
I'm going to move to idoles and if it turns to shit, I'm going to /jidf/

>> No.58279131

i trush Arturo for that, she will farm those IPs and doxx the threadshitters for good.

>> No.58279317

jannies can't see IP, my new friend

>> No.58279358

>he don't know

>> No.58279649

Arturo isn't here since ages ago

>> No.58279665

> I don't know

>> No.58281872

>Becoming a cocksucker jannie and waste my whole day moderating /Wactor/ and another dozen of shitty threads for free!

They can't facetard-kun

>> No.58282934
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Anya cute

>> No.58283722

Hi Ren

>> No.58283785

Can’t stop thinking about Ren…

>> No.58285387

Shut up cuck

>> No.58285565

Yuritroon open your eyes and realize you're just a disposable tool for him.
Same applies to your guardiafaggots.

>> No.58287417

Imagine rape Yuricom and filling her womb so she realizes she a woman

>> No.58287828
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>> No.58288683
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I was busy tonight

>> No.58289086
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>> No.58289528
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>> No.58289985
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>> No.58290484

The anon who wanted to get shura pregnant, now wants to get yukine pregnant?

>> No.58290592

Shura's eggs belong to Krieger, Hincha and Ofeb

>> No.58290719

No one cares about you, argie gata

>> No.58290805

I'll begin to shill this girl just to mess with the argie schizo kek

>> No.58291600

come on Lily, start tweeting already so I have a reason to follow your new account

>> No.58291865

Stop shilling yourself copycat, no one cares about you

>> No.58291978

If you are here cat, you must do something transcendent to become more famous, you need to resign like Anya

>> No.58294257

What a bunch of subhuman niggers

>> No.58297808
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>> No.58298034
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>You're walking alone in the countryside
>This beauty intercepts you

>> No.58298375
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>> No.58299268

Damn anon wasn't joking when he said Anya mogs into oblivion all the other wactorettes combined.

>> No.58299989

Hi Ru! How is the whole discord streaming going?

>> No.58302958

anya cunny bump

>> No.58303063

You know this shit is hopeless when the only fags willing to bump it are shitters, probably OP himself.

>> No.58303089
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>Stop making this threads, you fags don't even talk about the girls, just shit on them
You are free to leave

>want to hear what's OP's excuse to keep making them
It's fun

>the shitter is the OP
No, I'm not

That you faggots always give attention to shitposters and don't report them is not my fault

>> No.58303371

It seems that today is bait Monday

>> No.58303798


>> No.58304137

of course they can, that's how the Latinx jannie exposes us from time to time /here/

>> No.58304258

that just happened to me once in Palermo forest

>> No.58305143

I wrote this

>> No.58307165

But Himea is not a tranny.
That's Anya and Crayon.

>> No.58307656

>It's fun
What's fun? Could you be more specific?

>> No.58307744

the OP is the shitter

>> No.58308546
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She looks disappointed. What did you do, anon?

>> No.58308756

I like that nisha made a space to say good morning to us.

>> No.58308937

I did nothing... and that's the exact problem...

>> No.58309057

Unpopular opinion: GFE chubas would be awful girlfriends

>> No.58309145

And listeners would be awful boyfriends

>> No.58309284


>> No.58309578

But this is our choice and I'm happy with it.

>> No.58309623

both true

>> No.58309748

I shit talked Shura in her unofficial server.

>> No.58309808

Everyone is making spaces

>> No.58311492
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>> No.58311572


>> No.58311754

i replaced her with nisha

>> No.58311853

nisha gfe>>>>>>himea gfe

>> No.58312091

Ok, so Pal is opening a yt channel, she will upload VODs from bilibili or just covers like himari?

>> No.58312268


>> No.58313483
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>> No.58313753
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>> No.58314511

unpopular opinion: your oshi has favorites and most likely they are her mods

>> No.58315057 [DELETED] 

unpopular opinion: you're shit

>> No.58315110


>> No.58315264


>> No.58315291
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>> No.58315568
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>> No.58315687
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>> No.58315815

Jokes on you, my oshi doesn't have mods.

>> No.58316035
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>> No.58316041

rrat about sidosas
lily and hada left because the gata bullied them until they couldn’t stand it anymore
now she is doing the same with whatever her name is dragon girl

lily’s manager kept shilling la gata in lily’s server
it leaked here
la gata now comes here to shill herself to /anon/

>> No.58316129

>the bully got bullied out

>> No.58316132

take meds facetard

>> No.58316193
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>> No.58316217

sedaibros, is she mad because both hers and lily reincarnation accounts leaked earlier today?

>> No.58316238

I wish she was God to love everyone equally, but whatever
>skill issue

>> No.58316254

shut up gata

>> No.58316331

feed me with a spoon

>> No.58316349

give me lily’s

>> No.58316479

someone post lily’s new account here
I’m bored with the copycat

>> No.58316513

You can't expect to have anons respect for your leaks if you don't leak them here first.

>> No.58316650

the copycat almost doxxed lily to get attention during one of her first spaces
management found out
space was nuked

I thought I was imagining things but now it makes sense why lily was so awkward when the copycat mentioned that they were supposed to be sisters

>> No.58316802

I like la gata

>> No.58316805

my oshi treats everyone kisses everyone equally but only shits on one, I guess he's her favourite

>> No.58316977

The suffering of knowing you could have made something, but you didn't act.

>> No.58317040

Hi sedai’s ceo

>> No.58317199

explain why they are antiying lily and aimi now that they graduated, not here

>> No.58317231

How would we know if you don't even post an example screenshot?

>> No.58317263

because sedai is desperate to shill the copycat gata
the only way to do it is antying the talents that are going to either join the png gang or a bigger corpo

>> No.58317374

>lily mentioned many times that sedai would erase her likes if she liked nsfw art
>the copycat is allowed to do it

>> No.58317618

we agree the copycat changed her voice to make it sound like lily’s
her real voice: https://youtu.be/hCnt1FmSfP8?si=dhSZzQypWetkcq0J

>> No.58317732

but she has favorites nishadown

>> No.58317900

No, she doesn't. Prove it.

>> No.58317936 [DELETED] 
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they are spreading the fat cunt lies on comments, and you know the average IQ of facetards, also they are shitting on Aimi on others posts calling her ungrateful whore and posting retarded fanfics.
i don't know if it's the Sedai shills or other faggots.

>> No.58318266

it's Nara/Horos gang, they stopped cliping Sedai, something must happened inside the company.

>> No.58318460

That's Lily for real?
I remember following her years ago. She looked way better cosplaying dudes than girls desu

>> No.58318466

Horos stopped clipping everyone but the copycat kek

>> No.58318524

Hi copycat
Are you jealous because lily’s skin is white?

>> No.58318861

So Horos became Sedai's Simpatico?
Man, clippers really are scum. (Not all) But it surprises me how many of them tend to become assholes.

>> No.58318917

Friendly reminder that Lily is now our protectee.

>> No.58318994 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 228x128, 41746713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi yastabad,i found you

>> No.58318996

Lily is actually la mas bonita
I managed to save some photos when her sns got leaked /here/
before she nuked them

>> No.58319013

he clipped lilys grad, and he only makes coomer/click bait videos

>> No.58319073

since when?

>> No.58319128


>> No.58319132

not really

>> No.58319152

since the png gang adopted her

>> No.58319197

this is PÑG, so yeah we like Lily here

>> No.58319207

Hi Nexcell
dont you have chuubas to shill?

>> No.58319230

Since she went GFE and decided to teach spics about idol culture.

>> No.58319236 [DELETED] 

ufff hard cope nishadown
keep in copium while nisha fucks with arg*es

>> No.58319276

>posting that here, a thread filled with tourists and shitters.
wew, and thats why you should stfu, now you are creating the opposite effect you wanted, dumb idiout.

>> No.58319323

What an odd way ofsaying"I have no proof,trust me"

>> No.58319330

I miss her.
Anon, just post her new twitter account and set me free

>> No.58319353

fk off fer

>> No.58319603

I won't judge you for having yellow fever, but c'mon anon.

>> No.58319623

there is not comming back to good old days, hope idolES come soon and shitters forget about making these cancerous threads.

>> No.58319666

>caucasian features
>yellow fever

>> No.58319752

she is japanese dumb faggot, if you didn't watched her streams is not my fault, she lives on Tokyo, retard.

>> No.58319839

you just noticed that several nishadows are /here/?Fk off Ofeb

>> No.58319841

don't dare to reply to that bait.

>> No.58319850

Fuck off nexcell I can smell your anti attempts.
Lily has said multiple times to be a mexican living in Japan. She's no liar.

>> No.58319962

where do these tourists come from?

>> No.58320006

And sadly she inherited mexican face genes.

>> No.58320040

kek you know who are nisha's favourites fan
>Goki, Meron, Merol, Doze, Ofeb, Fer

>> No.58320054

is the usual nigger shitting the thread, report and move on.

>> No.58320078

Facebook, didn't you saw that post screenshot?
Faggots are most likely linking the thread too and saying 4chan doxxed her. Bet they're also trying to paint the anti campaign on us.

>> No.58320220

Legit 4channeler here.
I hate Lily so much.

>> No.58320260

Are you happy, OP?

>> No.58320321

i'm the fag that posted that, no in fact don't mentioned a shit about /here/ because it will kill their narratives.
is the usual shitposter or you can read the thread again, since the idiot can't live widout his (You)s and hate slow threads, and you probably are him

>> No.58320335


>> No.58320342

I love Lily

>> No.58320384

Sapammer do it, put to sleep this cancer.

>> No.58320443

Shura and Lily are great, but I'm a cunny guy so I don't like their voices

>> No.58320471

kururu of course
you have to be nishaDOWN to not see who are nisha's favourite fans

>> No.58320882

I can respect that.

>> No.58321484

Pretty scummy.
Wactor behavior.

>> No.58322323 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.58322551

Fucking neefags

>> No.58322604

Don't make another thread, faggot

>> No.58323065

That face must look very european like for mexican standards kek

>> No.58323551

Not everyone is brown faggot

>> No.58323746

Did they remove it, or is still up?
Was it Sacro?
When someone talks something slightly controversial about Meica, comments get disabled instantly, or deleted, but that shit got up to 60+ reactions, wtf.

>> No.58323776


>> No.58323808

Fuck off. Seidaishills and sidosas deserve to suffer.

>> No.58323902


>> No.58324044

Still seething Nico? lolololol

>> No.58324089

Good afternoon. I just want to satisfy Yukine's curiosity. I don't think that skinny chinita body could bear a copitudo child
nice taste

>> No.58324221

Bring back /Wactor/ threads. This is bullshit.

>> No.58324230

Sedaishills where never welcomed here.
The only thing that worthless shilling managed to achieve is making everyone hate sidosas and shills like (you).

>> No.58324540

why are you hiding the group name? self-censored faggot

>> No.58324545

>eru doesn't follow nisha anymore
unity bros? how do we cope?

>> No.58324612


>> No.58324697

she's hafu of course she lived most of her life in Mexico

>> No.58324860

If Meica or Nisha unfollow her she will fall into irrelevance

>> No.58325116

in case you want to leave her a message

>> No.58325223

And I retweeted Eru's 2D, FUCK, I'm sorry Nisha

>> No.58325290

the bitch had her chance and she wasted it

>> No.58325294

so seidai shills got away with it and took over this place, see you fags
I don't want to be in the same place those bullies are

>> No.58325330

i told you, nisha hates eru.

>> No.58325372

fuck off joteador

>> No.58325389

She also unfollowed meica

>> No.58325394


>> No.58325464


>> No.58325642

What did Eru do now?

>> No.58325693

eructitos? how do we cope?

>> No.58325796

she fight with nisha for ofeb, fer and yoffina love

>> No.58325819

>unity faggots got scammed by a professional scammer.
>Solía tirarle hate a otras vtubers

>> No.58325910

did eru say that?

>> No.58325961

Now I feel ashamed of being a unity

>> No.58326067

>hurr durr don't start tribalfights they're only shitters
i always told you fags, they hate each other
i wasn't trying to shit on anything, i only was trying to protect my wife nisha from a double faced whore

>> No.58326073

holy shit this bitch is crazy

>> No.58326107
File: 19 KB, 720x676, 1694479264596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58326128

They never were one, you can feel it in the collabs, specially with Meica and Eru

>> No.58326173

Neon said it


>> No.58326190

HEY they're going to cause a menheru, which I'm thankful for

>> No.58326218

I don't have a twitter, is shura following nisha and meica?

>> No.58326249

I thought it said joto but it says joteador my bad

>> No.58326350

Eru probably got ghosted and realized they're both streaming on her birthday then she went full menhera

>> No.58326455
File: 685 KB, 1430x2048, F4VJVcEW0AEhv4Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You believed in her words

>> No.58326475

Did Nisha said something about Eru? I noticed some nishadows stopped following her on X

>> No.58326488

He was right

>> No.58326505

Eru is reading here right now
she just followed Meica again
She's a double-faced bitch but she's not stupid

>> No.58326521


Errr, she still follows Meica you dumbos.

>> No.58326534

>fags surprised to find how heavy interested Eru is
check MarieFD circle

>> No.58326579

She didn't. It was a fake narrative.

>> No.58326634


>> No.58326639

Man, I love Eru.

>> No.58326653


>> No.58326707

I archived that stream myself, faggot.

>> No.58326744

report and ignore.

>> No.58326787

Still funny that all these seethe come from a sonicfag anti a whore menhara, wactor never had a chance, that's the cruelest truth

>> No.58326791

boring as shit, who is this girl?

>> No.58326835

Hello Eru!!!

>> No.58326848

a "friend" of Reimu

>> No.58326881

she never unfollowed her retard

>> No.58326908

She did

>> No.58326916


>> No.58326981

Shura not follow eru or X failing again
Faggots stop making falseflags ,nisha follow mai that is same as follow meica

>> No.58327060

Twitter is buggy as hell, you can't see all the follows. Are you faggots sure she stopped following Nisha at all?

>> No.58327139

I can't see Meica in Nisha follow list.

>> No.58327154

>53 ips

>> No.58327156


She didn't, you are just some schizo adding fuel to the fire.


Can confirm.

>> No.58327219

>Can confirm.
How so?
If she doesn't appear on your list it could be just some Twitter bug.

>> No.58327264


>> No.58327325
File: 107 KB, 734x862, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58327405

I think it's a Twitter bug, I can't see Meica of Nisha's following list

>> No.58327443

at least pay attention before post faggot, she stopped following her a few minutes even before this was posted >>58324545

>> No.58327566

I'm talking about Nisha and Eru, how can you confirm that Eru doesn't follow her anymore?

>> No.58327642

don't you dare to create another of these shitty threads

>> No.58327726


>> No.58327750

>now (probably Eru) tries to impose her narrative that she never unfollowed Meica and is probably a bug

>> No.58327769

She wasn't, she doesn't appear in following list but the followers you know list in the other side said otherwise

>> No.58327797

twitter is working well what are they saying, or are they making a falseflaging? Only eru unflow nisha no more

>> No.58327920

Come on Eru stop filling the thread with spam everyone here saw that you stopped following Meica for a moment

>> No.58328005

after that post I checked eru's follows and reloaded the page several times, she never unfollowed meica.

>> No.58328018

So this was la mas envidiosita after all...

>> No.58328033

this, sometimes twitter don't show all follows, it happen to me with some jap artists i follow, the more follows you have the more likely to happen.

>> No.58328057


>> No.58328134

I also saw it

>> No.58328225

the "following" list is bugged, but not the followers in common one, you can see nisha following eru there, but not eru following nisha, you also can see meica and eru following each other even when they doesn't appear on the "following" one

>> No.58328381
File: 294 KB, 940x661, twbug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is an old known bug, try harder shiters

>> No.58328382

It's a bug you retards.

>> No.58328388

She reconsidered after a few minutes, only by stopping following Nisha, everyone will think that they are just angry or something if she stopped following Meica and Nisha it's practically a death sentence

>> No.58328424

In conclusion, there is no proofs. Just the typical "trust me"

>> No.58328433


>> No.58328460
File: 247 KB, 1446x2048, 20230911_154322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking newfags, anyway can someone make her chubbier

>> No.58328464

Eru you know you'll always have us on your side.

>> No.58328469

Eru stop doing this it's pathetic

>> No.58328510

check the "followed by" faggot

>> No.58328516

It's too late anyway Eru already signed her death sentence

>> No.58328523


>> No.58328541

So how many girls have been targeted today?
It seems they just jump from girl to girl in synchrony.

>> No.58328612


>> No.58328615

menheru is back lets fucking goooooo
i miss that girl so much

>> No.58328678


>> No.58328692


>> No.58328736


>> No.58328775

Nisha la mas viejisha

>> No.58328788

don't say that papu :'v

>> No.58328796

fuck off himea, you'll never be miku.

>> No.58328930

fuck you

>> No.58328935
File: 663 KB, 1122x678, 827362883838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, It's true

>> No.58328971

Eru age: 26-27 same as Reimu

>> No.58328978

new bread when?

>> No.58329006


>> No.58329026

Doesn't matter how much you try Anya, you are done forever, we all know the kind of shit you and Ren are.
The girls won, they are happy with their fans, they are enjoying their new life and they are and will keep thriving.
Cope and seethe whore.

>> No.58329029

for what?

>> No.58329064

fk off Anyaschizo

>> No.58329091

Why are brocuckcitos like this?

>> No.58329191

Start shitting on Meica and see how attacks to all other girls stop and a flock of white knights appear.

>> No.58329204


>> No.58329242

>New Anya's activity on Twitter

>> No.58329343


>> No.58329445


>> No.58329469
File: 112 KB, 652x366, 78fdf34tbbe99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58329474

Stop trying to deflect that your oshi is a two faced whore

>> No.58329547


>> No.58329563

Eru will pay

>> No.58329635

Anya you are really mad today, isn't it ?

>> No.58329680


>> No.58329754

>the OP is an autist

>> No.58329766

anon nostradamus who said"it's bait monday"was always right.

>> No.58329879

>the threadshitter is the OP
wowzers what a surprise

>> No.58329881


>> No.58329899

i think eru will close her maros after the one i just sent her

>> No.58329974


>> No.58329989

you need to get out of your parents house, anon

>> No.58330077

I'm surprised op pic remained until the end while the Nisha ones got purged

>> No.58330091

We should had never left /WACTOR/

>> No.58330235

Latinx jannie is into incest

>> No.58331170

>implying i'm one of the 200 faggots who waste their time watching her
