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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5821291 No.5821291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She’s talking about YOU, /vt/


>> No.5821340

So why is she single? Are you telling me no one wants her IRL?

>> No.5821411

It is always so cringe seeing western vtubers trying to fake a cutesy voice.

>> No.5821412
File: 760 KB, 1018x924, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah your life revolves around pussy
How are women so naive? I love my chubba

>> No.5821425

i'll melt if i go outside

>> No.5821480

>She’s talking about YOU, /vt/
I ain't listening.

>> No.5821565

Probably. When women give advice about this sort of thing it's either what they personally look for in a man or because they are sought-after and want to reduce the amount of people interested. Unless you're interested in veibae her advice is probably non applicable.

>> No.5821692
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curse you veib*tch, i don't give a damn for vtubers like you who's good model is wasted on trash personality and pandering to hopeless coomerfags (like you)

>> No.5821715

I mean she's not wrong. if you don't socialize, your only other option is online dating, which is hell.

>> No.5821740

Retarded clip, it’s tuesday

>> No.5821879

>online dating, which is hell.
That depends.

>> No.5821945
File: 20 KB, 589x139, veii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is she single
She's not and you're fucking retarded to think so.
There's a reason why none of you fucks should ever date anyone and she spelt it out.

>> No.5821952

It's 95 degrees outside, only thing I can get there is a heat stroke.

>> No.5821966

It's 95 degrees inside here.

>> No.5821976

she's only been single during the lockdowns

>> No.5821982
File: 495 KB, 1342x1733, 1607468811727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck watches vtubers because you want to fuck them?

>> No.5821998

Trust me, enough menhera girlfriends to realize every girl is a potential ticking time bomb makes you single by choice, or very selective.

>> No.5822007

Veitards proving they're unstable morons.

>> No.5822021

Ever thought it's not them, but you? Sure you didn't, you lack brain folds to do that.

>> No.5822045

Been 110~ around here. Kill me bros

>> No.5822073

She openly switches between posting her irl info and “vtubing” on the same account. Annoying Orange is a better vtuber. Why would I take advice from her?

>> No.5822076

If there weren't single men, then she wouldn't be getting paid for filling the parasocial relationship they build with each other. Not sure it's wise to insult your paypigs but I guess some people like that. I think Amourath still gets tons of money, even though we know she has a boyfriend behind-the-scenes.

>> No.5822106

Literally told this directly to her fans and they didn’t care. Not because they’re chill and have thick skin, but because they’re delusional and think every insult she hits her fanbase with doesn’t apply to them because they’re different from the rest and Vei would love them and have sex with them if she got to know them.
I thought cuckbeats were bad until I saw Veibae fans.

>> No.5822117

The only point for this clip is to show how she clearly wants to keep her viewers in a parasocial relationship with her. “Never date anyone because it might not go well.” is terrible advice that will seriously only stunt people’s growth.

>> No.5822148

>Never date anyone because it might not go well
She never said that and because you took it like this, means you literally should never date anyone, because you'll just make everyone miserable.

>> No.5822192

>wanting to be in a relationship
Did it before. 2 years was long enough to realize that women are the ultimate gains goblins.

>> No.5822198
File: 752 KB, 600x768, 1622757314267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah apart from the wanting to fuck her part she ain't wrong. But the last thing I want after seeing people and maintaining a facade all week at work is seeing people and maintaining a facade during weekends desu.

>> No.5822267
File: 2.31 MB, 1313x823, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm single because this is what western women are like.

>> No.5822274

>boohooo i was too much of an immature needy baby to sustain a relationship, must be womens fault ill post on r9k now

>> No.5822290

I thought people watch vtubers to escape this exact thing? Veibae could stream without the avatar and it wouldn't change a thing.

>> No.5822297

Between 70-100% of any female vtuber’s fanbase wants to fuck them.

>> No.5822314

>can't sustain a relationship
>literally just said I got out of a 2 year long relationship

>> No.5822322
File: 183 KB, 761x1051, Free_like_a_riding_demon_by_Ragathol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


never take relationship advice from women.

>> No.5822334

Yes, yes. Great advice. “Never date anyone if you have any mental or personal issues to work on. If you aren’t perfect you should totally retreat from all meaningful IRL social interaction and emotional intimacy, and spend your time being parasocially attached to me instead.”
How the fuck are you veitards better than paypigs? The idea of going monk mode until you’re mentally built like a brick shithouse sounds cool and all, but it’s not realistic or healthy advice. Most people who achieve successful long-term relationships in their lives aren’t wizards who waited until they’re 35 to even try dating.

>> No.5822344
File: 2.37 MB, 2000x2000, 1624687256294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao pussy am I right guys haha pu-sayyyy haha hold on let me smoke weed real quick haha I have a personality vagina vagina vagina vagina funny funny funny personality personality personality vagina vagina pussy pussy
I'd rather take a thousand dicks up my ass than watch a minute of this girls streams.

>> No.5822357

Everything she said is pure facts and denying it is coping. Seeing the dwellers seeth at her because they know she is right is too funny.

>> No.5822367

>literally admitted being unable to sustain a relationship and only managing 2 years together
no comment
>If you aren’t perfect you should totally retreat from all meaningful IRL social interaction and emotional intimacy, and spend your time being parasocially attached to me instead.”
She's never said that, you're not only emotionally inept, but also mentally handicapped.

>> No.5822389


id unironically take relationship advice from AO before id listen to Vei

>> No.5822406

An explanation for all your virgins who never touched a woman - she was on birth control for two months, because if you take the pill you get no periods. The period time must've popped during a time she specifically didn't want to have a period, for example, spending a few days with her bf.

>> No.5822443

>relationship failed
>it's automatically my fault with having zero context
Yeah, it had absolutely nothing to do with her whatsoever. 100% on me 0% her. Literally braindead

>> No.5822445

If I'm going to make everyone miserable anyway I may as well have fun doing it.

>> No.5822454

>vshojofags watch for gfe
You're absolutely deluded.

>> No.5822469

>i-it's her fault not mineee, pity me, im such a miserable man boohooo

>> No.5822490

Is she doing some kind of bully kink with her viewers? Material is a bit dated.

>> No.5822494

I’m obviously being hyperbolic retard. But it’s shit advice and she shouldn’t project her personal emotional deficiencies from past relationships onto her viewers. Being unable to view yourself as anything but an emotional burden in a relationship isn’t exactly mentally healthy either. And never bothering to get close to other human beings because you might hurt each other is literally just juvenile hedgehog dilemma shit.

But you’re genuinely a cuck who won’t ever get a GF just because some e-thot you like online told you not to, so it’s pointless to argue with you.

>> No.5822517

>im such a miserable man boohooo
When did I say anything even remotely close to that, you disingenuous faggot?

>> No.5822532

You're obviously a retard indeed

>> No.5822560

now kiss

>> No.5822561

Why do vshojoturds like antagonizing everyone?

>> No.5822571

Not an argument. I’ll take your concession then.

>> No.5822599

Like oshi, like fan

>> No.5822634

No she just dropped the act of pretending to be oblivious as to why her fanbase follows her. Every female vtuber knows their audience is primarily male, they know the personality type most people in their fanbase have and 1000% know that if they had healthy, normal social lives they’d most likely not be watching them and buying their overpriced merch like they are. This video in of itself is total proof of it since she keeps her fanbase even if she insults them. People in here seething at her know she’s right. Truth of the matter is that if you went to an average person and told them you watch girls on the internet modeling as anime characters whilst talking in silly high pitched voices, and on top of that dropped money on them, they’d probably think you’re one sad and lonely individual.

>> No.5822694

a lot of projection going on in this post

>> No.5822742

enough projection in this post to run a movie theatre

>> No.5822744

holy cope

>> No.5822746

>veibae: fucking losers you have no chance with me
>also veibae: I'm waiting for the right guy in my chat

>> No.5822768

Keep seething and using the same comebacks when somebody calls you out. I’m sure you’ll get taken seriously at some point.

>> No.5822783

I'm not the one who wrote that pathetic wall of text.

>> No.5822789

Just using the good ‘ol “no you” argument won’t work here bud. You know it’s true.

>> No.5822797
File: 119 KB, 292x302, 1624234378812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares what a whore says?

>> No.5822821

Tell me how it’s pathetic and doesn’t represent the situation of most people who watch vtubers. Use actual arguments

>> No.5822846

You first, assumptions and projections are not arguments.

>> No.5822881

Case closed then, fair enough.

>> No.5822899

What’s your argument then? “If u disagree with me its cus ur seething meaning im right!!!1”. Don’t complain about getting low-effort and fallacious replies when yours are that way to begin with

>> No.5822926

Don't kid yourself

>> No.5822967

Average people are both boring and have a holier than thou attitude. If they don't want me to explain haachama lore they can say so.
It's also an egg and chicken situation: are you single because you're watching vtubers, or do you watch vtubers because you're single? I can't speak for others, but I have no idea how to flirt or express romantic/sexual interest without coming off as a psycho, and hesitate due to being unsure if I want to pursue relationships anyway.

>> No.5822978

Then tell me why you’re disagreeing. I’ve made my point clear that vtubing fanbases are mostly comprised of losers, anybody with any comprehension of social norms can come up with that conclusion themselves. Tell me why YOU don’t believe it to be true.
