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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58135687 No.58135687 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58135943


>> No.58135949

Androgynes aren't troon you junkless sissy

>> No.58136195

Anon, don't delude yourself. You weren't even in the race in the first place.

>> No.58136276

>androgynous woman = TRANNY
terminal /v/brain, please kys

>> No.58136331

She is a woman you brainrot

>> No.58136337

Man just go out and bang a trans girl already. Your lust is rotting your brain.

>> No.58136364

Ao WILL fuck your oshi.

>> No.58136392 [DELETED] 


>> No.58137664

even fuwamoco chose a troon

>> No.58137802

Why are chudcels so utterly obsessed with the 0,6% of trans people? They even fucking watch trans porn? Do they secretly want to transition?

I have never fucking seen a trans person in the real world. The only place that constantly talks about it is 4channel.

>> No.58137832

/pol/ lost

>> No.58137975

If you live in a very poor country where people cannot afford to transition, it would make sense that you haven't seen them.

>> No.58137985

You see one every morning in the mirror. Also YWNBAW

>> No.58138132
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>> No.58138158

You basically have it right, people that are the most adamant about hating something are usually overcompensating for the shame they feel for actually liking it. Read up on 'Matt Schlapp' and being anti-gay and his incident

It's the same with VTubers here on /vt/ these retards can't keep that word out their brain because the crave it so much, when Artemis debuted the threads about her were nonstop.

>> No.58138233

>hasn't done her reps
I will anti her now

>> No.58138285

They keep trying to push this shit into media

>> No.58138430

What did you lose anon?

>> No.58138456

troons in the form you are discussing basically only exist in america and western europe
people looking in from the outside mock them

>> No.58138901

>You basically have it right, people that are the most adamant about hating something are usually overcompensating for the shame they feel for actually liking it. Read up on 'Matt Schlapp' and being anti-gay and his incident
Quack. Quack. Quack.

>> No.58138969
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you lost to a woman, actually

>> No.58139000

You guessed it. These are same people who say they aren't gay but fantasizes about the girls having a futa cock and them sucking on it. How could they not be gay and say shit like this? I don't understand at all.

>> No.58139169

>he believes he even had a chance

>> No.58139252

>he wouldn't suck his oshi's dick

>> No.58139299

well, they mostly exist online.

>> No.58139308

Futa isn't gay, it's the straightest thing ever. You're telling me that when you watch porn you want to see a man's dick and balls? THAT'S fucking gay dude.

>> No.58139363

If you're willing to suck a futa cock then you're a faggot. And there's nothing you can say to get away from being labeled as a faggot.

>> No.58139434

So futa porn isn't gay now? What kinda goalpost moving is this? I think you should seek help. Cock is cock and that's the end of it. Now continue normalizing your closeted homosexuality.

>> No.58139437

Despite being such a small percentage of the population, they seem to be incredibly fucking loud and invasive. It's impossible to ignore them when they will come to YOU and raise a bunch of shit for any perceived slight against them.
That said, OP is a faggot

>> No.58139486

okay, fagboy

>> No.58139530

Your superchats are just double sided dildo money for Ao

>> No.58139574

>Futanari is the Japanese word for hermaphroditism, which is also used in a broader sense for androgyny. Beyond Japan, the term has come to be used to describe a commonly pornographic genre of eroge, manga, and anime, which includes characters that show primary sexual characteristics from both females and males.

Nothing gay about wanting a futa dick in your mouth nothing gay at all. Trannies at least admit they love cocks you faggots are on denial of it.

>> No.58139621

what's wrong anon? scared of penises?

>> No.58139644

The site became completely and utterly obsessed with trannies after the 2020 election for some reason.

>> No.58139654

>afraid of spiders? clearly you want to fuck them

>> No.58139734

So is the bluegirl an actual dyke or what? Because it's going to be incredibly funny to see the reaction if she's straight

>> No.58139736

I'm just not a faggot penises were created to pleasure women. Not for men to suck other penises or get fucked by it.

>> No.58139761

>it's a penis
>it pleasures the girl it's attached to
what's the problem?

>> No.58139772

>mentally ill people insist that people hate them not because they make life shitty for the people around them, but because they want to fuck them
Reminder these are the types who spam "meds now" when they're a baritone voiced dude with a beard in a miniskirt.

>> No.58139916

Stop being retarded. How can you think sucking a futa dick isn't gay. It is very gay. And you're just trying to normalize it to not look like a faggot when in reality there's nothing you can say at this point that will not make you sound like a faggot the moment you decide to put a dick in your mouth whether it is from a hermaphrodite female or male guess what buddy you're gay or at least bisexual.

>> No.58139957

>anon can't differentiate futa and trannies
>calls you insane
get the fuck out of here you normalfag

>> No.58140014

Both have dicks. Sucking on a futa dick won't save you from being called a faggot. It still a goddamned dick whether you want to hear this or not.

>> No.58140029

No OP, you lost to bad diet, bad hygiene and a lack of exercise.

>> No.58140142

Not only OP but even the replies are worthless. The Western fanbase was a mistake.

>> No.58140156

>You don't like shit? You must want to fuck it
idk why this mentality ever caught on

>> No.58140210

She's literally just a tomboy dude.

>> No.58140211

pure copium from the scatophiles in media

>> No.58140246

You're an idiot.

>> No.58140317
File: 379 KB, 1082x720, towaballs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you're g-gay

>> No.58140376

Okay faggot thank you for confirming that you're closeted gay.

>> No.58140384

Most of you would not want to visit Japan or engage in Japanese media. Not if this is your reaction to the Japanese being typically Japanese.

>> No.58140401

Most of /vt are troons shitposting about troons to feel like they fit in. It's why male vtubers are so hated here. They only like cute girls because they want to be one.

I should know...

>> No.58140459

I don't want to ever go to Japan. Why would I go to a place where people think I'm inferior to them and will treat me like utter shit?

>> No.58140515
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>/pol/cel having a melty
no, I'm not a tranny just because I disagree with you

>> No.58140615

So like /vt/?

>> No.58140632

Because it makes troons like you mad. One day you'll learn that you don't belong here and you should go back to Twitter pr whatever shit site you frankenstein monsters love to use.

>> No.58140853

who's your oshi, /pol/-chan

>> No.58142040

If you did your reps, you'd realize you'd lost the moment you gave her money.

>> No.58142629

you insist futa porn is gay so much that means you secretly want to be gay for futa

>> No.58142687

This thread is pure cancer

>> No.58142845

You aren't going to deflect and project your inner gay fantasies into me sorry faggot. But if you like any type of cock that makes you a faggot. Your double standards does not apply here.

>> No.58142965

Fuck, you got me.

>> No.58143174

You lost to trannies the moment you allowed them to live this rent free in your head.
Please proceed to kill yourself.

>> No.58143309

I hope that both mentally ill trannies and tranny obsessed faggots who call anything that isn't stereotypically feminine or masculine "tranny shit" kill themselves and stay out of this hobby permanently.

>> No.58143474

It's come to the point where I want to murder both troons and anti troons for how annoying they both are.
I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of something that's been present since before all the niggers here were even born is now called tranny shit.

>> No.58143553

>a woman crossdressing and acting like a man isn't mental illness
Okay then lmao.

>> No.58143588

Go back.

>> No.58143718

It's ok to admit you want to transition anon. Spending any amount of time in /pol/ among closeted trannies will do that to you.

>> No.58143736

Weird for someone seething on a basket weaving forum about a woman he will never meet swooning over a cute tomboy to call others mentally ill.

>> No.58143770

Is it as mentally as you wanting to fuck anime characters?

>> No.58143935

It's like typical boomer cable news brainrot.

>> No.58144006

>donations go to Ao pegging other holos
I will now member and supa your vtuber

>> No.58144012

This nigga hates tomboys!
You gay nigga

>> No.58144016

troons are an ultra vocal minority on social media and anonymous boards like this. they are NEETs or welfare parasites so spam tranny shit 24/7

>> No.58144113

and that makes you?

>> No.58144181

Tomboys don't crossdress you fucking retard.

>> No.58144244

It's ok anon you're fag. It's ok.

>> No.58144293

Unlike him we don't really care about fags it's cool. There's some cute boys at tempus you can watch.

>> No.58144317

Maybe because you like the culture or the hobby culture, but you still don't understand it. That's why you're inferior, you have no understanding and no self-control.

>> No.58144535

i wish more anons would see how annoying both sides are. this culture war shit is so fucking cringe
