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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58134787 No.58134787 [Reply] [Original]

Is she the lgbt mama?

>> No.58134850

Kill yourself

>> No.58135003 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 753x655, Screenshot 2023-09-09 204412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We share our hobby with these people.

>> No.58135059

I don't understand this pronoun shit anymore.
He/"They"??? wtf?

>> No.58135075

Like oshi like fans
If you still watch Kronii you support the homos

>> No.58135096

Total Kronie death

>> No.58135141

why are many amerimutts like this? mentally deranged

>> No.58135161

males watch hololive sister, get over it

>> No.58135195

Hey don't attack THEM this is a hololive fan... And you better accept or you're a misogynist

>> No.58135200

i don't get it either, in real life only one person told me to call him like this and i said nothing, stay silent and walked away, i can't deal with people like this

>> No.58135225
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Trans acceptance is going to explode in Japan thanks to Vtubers and live action Koby

>> No.58135410

Stay alive

>> No.58135420 [DELETED] 
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Dogfucker tranny needs to fucking kill itself right now

>> No.58135480

>We share our hobby with these people.
Always have.

>> No.58135498

I can decode this for you.
“Straight he/they” means she’s a confused tomboy lesbian.

>> No.58135537

This one is a flip.

>> No.58135598

More like the based mama.

>> No.58135620

stop acting like its hard to understand

>> No.58135637

>kronies are pooners
No surprises here

>> No.58135639

Most of the holofan Twitter accounts I see are SEA and various other foreigners, just like that one in the screencap
I rarely see American hololive fan Twitter accounts

>> No.58135678


>> No.58135724

If you play video games and watch anime you are by default a LGBTQ whatever whatever supporter

>> No.58135737
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A gender neutral pronoun literally doesn't exist. I learned this from my AP English Language Comp class like 10 years ago, and I am ESL. You can refer to a group of people of women and men as "they", but if you want to refer to an individual of ambiguous(or unknown) gender, there is literally no option. For example, if you are referring to a group of candidates for a work position, you can call them "they" because you're referring to a pool of people and not individuals.
But the moment you see them in person, each individual cannot be referred to as "they". The closest pronoun to a gender neutral term is "it", but that can only be used to refer to objects and not human individuals.
This isn't a gender issue. It's a failure of the education system. People didn't pay attention in school, and they're retarded.

>> No.58135735

It's outlandish and bizarre.

>> No.58135838

Thank you. A sane person in a sea of loonies.

>> No.58135859

It's easy to understand, it's even easier to walk away from these "people"

>> No.58135881

How many times we said that homobeggars are the alphabet people, and Kronii is one of their leaders

>> No.58135976

You're right, but language evolves and changes.

>> No.58136007

You do know you can refer to a singular person as 'they' in English speaking countries and nobody will bat an eye, right?

>> No.58136081

That's basically to get they/them pussy. No one calls them they but you put that in your bio or into you get some bonus clout.
The world is changing guys if you wanna get pussy you gotta go with the times even if they sound silly.

>> No.58136111

Why the fuck there's people talking about the twitter person and shitting on "him"?
My thread's objective is shit on the mama. I guess I'm a retard for not cutting the screenshot well

>> No.58136145
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Damn that's crazy bro

>> No.58136172

My college English Prof said different.

>> No.58136233

There's nothing to shit about her, cunt. She's just a normal person doing her work. And yes, you're a retard.

>> No.58136240

It's easy to understand but people don't give a shit, do you thing a stranger would change his way of addressing people just because you don't "feel well in your own skin"?

>> No.58136248

>But the moment you see them in person, each individual cannot be referred to as "they"
1 person 2 souls (male, female) they is the proper description for such a creature

>> No.58136266

I fully support queer people and anime fans have a large percentage of them in the fanbase. Has anyone here ever been to a con? Tons of queer affirming artists, cosplays, and panels. The reactionary chuds are just a vocal minority that come here.

>> No.58136315

who is the pink hair one?

>> No.58136369


The '''artist''' is a waste of flesh and cover thould have never hired such a faggotenabler.

>> No.58136439

It's do your reps

>> No.58136520

WTF I thought Genshin is full of troons?

>> No.58136548

Yes you can, and you just gave me the same exact example. If I'm referring to a sole position that is occupied by 1 person, but implicitly draws from a pool of candidates, "they" is perfectly valid and correct usage.
Reading comprehension reps anon. That sentence which is used as an example, starts with "each man". The subject matter is already indicating a GROUP of candidates meant to be derivative to refer to a sole position.
You can actually refer to an individual of ambiguous gender by saying, "this person" or "this individual". There's just doesn't exist any pronoun that can flag or indicate neutral gender in the same parallel as he or she. "They" isn't a good substitute because it heavily has a bias for a group of more than 2 people. It's not fitting.

>> No.58136549

In what world, if you're talking about those niche cons that always fail then sure.

>> No.58136551

if i go up to you and mistakenly refer to you as a girl, are you honestly not gonna correct me? im not forcing you to call me lord aziroth the 5th heir to the throne dude
its a pronoun holy shit. a way to not have to repeat someones name over and over. who gives a fuck if someone has their preferred pronouns in their bio. like imagine that being what mindbreaks you. neopronouns on the other hand yeah that shits pretty weird.
if you are esl you have no opinion lmfao

>> No.58136586

The earliest known instance of the singular they is from 1375 you blubbering retard.

>> No.58136659

All those faggots do is make essays on youtube why x anime make women objects, y anime is sexist and shit like that
In vtubing is the same, they cry that homos don't have space in the industry and they suffer, all they do is complain about muh minorities, they don't give a shit about the content

>> No.58136669

mama's art isnt bad. rigging is a bit weird for ao but its nice and simple. nothing really to shit on imo but everyone has different tastes. i like my chuubas simple

>> No.58136695

Have you walked through artist Alley at a big convention?
Do you not see everyone selling pronoun buttons and shit? You've never seen any panels at big cons talking about queer representation in anime? You've never seen anyone in drag cross playing? You e never seen a same sex couple.holding hands?

>> No.58136737

You are right, we should stop using pronouns altogether.
Sorry i meant to say:
>Are right, should stop using pronouns altogether.

>> No.58136755

Your English teacher said that? Where did THEY get THEIR degree?

>> No.58136775

t. roon

>> No.58136827

all the people with Kronii pfp are in some way like this, this one also loves to pick up fights with unicorns and was part of the ''We don't need EN3'' groups

>> No.58136840

With a dick bigger and than yours

>> No.58136862

Why there's "nothing bad" about her but absolutely everything is bad about the tweet person?

>> No.58136863

So are you a dick they/them or a pussy they/them?

>> No.58136905

VTubing is an inherently autistic hobby and autistic people are more likely to troon out and become LGBT predators in general. The correlation between autism and trannyism is very well documented.

>> No.58136907

>"They" isn't a good substitute because it heavily has a bias for a group of more than 2 people.
Maybe if your only source of English is from a fucking textbook, but I can assure you that through this funny little thing called 'context' everyone will know what you mean when you use 'they'.

>> No.58136919

It's singular you retard, "Each (//~every single~) man (<-singular) hurried, till they (<-singular) drew near.

>> No.58137045
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If you properly knew English and you weren't afraid of offending me(or my teacher), you could just ask, "Where did he get his degree?". I can then choose to correct you if she was female, or I can not correct you to confirm that the teacher was indeed male.
It's that easy bro. Just because you like to talk with grammatical quirks doesn't mean it's correct.

>> No.58137055
File: 204 KB, 340x802, Kaoru_not_crossdressing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flat and wears a suit
>She's gotta be a man!
Oddly demeaning for somebody who probably thinks they're accepting.

Also Kaoru was just a crossdresser, it's not that deep

>> No.58137065

>unironic con goers
What happened to this site?

>> No.58137089

From my researching work, I concluded that this person has split personalities who share the same body.

>> No.58137099

im not one of the anons shitting on that random twitter user
i dont really know how to respond to this. but anyways has anyone seen that Tim and Moby clip talking about pronouns? they had a good example when using they as a singular pronoun because a robot is an easy way to present a gender-ambiguous or straight up gender-noncomforming thing. but dang this thread went downhill. lgbt culture has always been prevalent in anime yet we still get le retarded anons who "dont understand pronouns" invested in anime subcultures

>> No.58137118

Some of us grew up and improved ourselves

>> No.58137129

It's pretty impressive how Kronii attracts the biggest retards

>> No.58137147

They only have textbooks in Jakarta

>> No.58137187

Cutting your dick off isn't improving

>> No.58137197

or its easier to just say they and skip the whole "correcting" process lmfao. plus the biggest tantrum people throw IS the correction process when they mistake the gender identity

>> No.58137200

'Each man' is the subject brother. You cannot ignore grammar modifiers like that. That's how the sentence was conjugated. I'm not going to compromise my own understanding of English because you refuse to learn how to read.

>> No.58137211

>Just because you like to talk with grammatical quirks doesn't mean it's correct.
Just like how you like sucking cock doesn't make you a faggot.

>> No.58137258

You don't like to get drunk and high and pull cosplay thot tail?

>> No.58137265

What's next, saying your dildo is bigger too?

>> No.58137326

>unironic troons here
I'll never take homobeggars seriously ever again

>> No.58137339

He/they or She/they are trannies who know they can't pass and use it to cope and pretend they were never trying to pass in the first place.

They/thems are straight women upset they were told Pride isn't about them and found a way to force their way in.

>> No.58137365
File: 139 KB, 1368x742, musshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not a cringe person like the twitter one. She's useful, can draw and shit, she even write yuri manga I guess that counts as "lgbt points" according to retards

Still looks as a female, still plap-plap plap plap

>> No.58137388

I would fuck both of them

>> No.58137432

>muh dick
I hope you know that everyone in your life talks shit about you behind your back besides your mentally ill online friends, and you’ll never be accepted by anyone in your family.

>> No.58137473

>explaining pronouns to negative iq weebs makes you a troon
is this knowledge cursed or something? is it wrong to not be a moron

>> No.58137507

If you look like a girl I will use she/her no matter what you write in your bio. If you look like a guy I will use he/him. Deal with it.

>> No.58137548

Nobody cares

>> No.58137625

keyword LOOK like a girl. not is. wow you cracked the code on gender identity anon

>> No.58137643 [DELETED] 
File: 971 KB, 1292x2584, 1692022106251007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What actually happened is we were these people, the trannies are the half of us who went to indoctrinating colleges, the richer half basically. This happened primarily to the site founding cohort of ages 30-40 and is probably best reflected in the general fate of the SomethingAwful forums. History lesson for kids, before 4chan there was SA and it's culture invented what you understand as trolling/shitposting, this was called "FYAD" and is where English speaking internet culture in general became "rude anonymous boy" instead of the politeness we had learned in real life. Like 60 or 70% of those original people became the trannies, they're still part of the extended FYAD culture and probably view themselves as the legitimate cultural fate of our entire generation. In their mind anyone not going along with them is just an "inheritor", a follower copying his parents culture and you'll see that core assumption in everything they try to do.

Also I noticed the more conservative the parents the more lib the kids, older millenials only. I think the actual disaster is Boomers didn't raise their kids, they were too afraid to ever grow old and so never did, so here we are watching boomers spend what should be our money because they just never grew up period.

KGB active measures destroyed the US in the 1980's and we live in a dancing corpse with people who's big concern is not feeling weird while buying panties

>> No.58137749

You don't look like a girl.

>> No.58137795

Knowing about pronouns doesn't make you a troon but trying to explain it when nobody asked means you probably is one

>> No.58137866

Even the most masculine girl looks nothing like a man, unless you see only the back it's easy to discern which is which

>> No.58137910

Shut the fuck up zoomie

>> No.58137995
File: 97 KB, 450x450, 1654614038926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to conventions for Hololive shit and plastic models, and to laugh at freaks and weirdos and get beers in cool restaurants at major cities.

>> No.58138029

This is the average homobeggar, keep that in mind when they call you an incel or unicorn kek

>> No.58138113

is it literally impossible to argue something and not be it? i am a biological male. i have a dick and balls.
i mean i can show u really good passers but that would be weird exposing random people
old people not wanting to learn, who wouldve guessed.

>> No.58138170
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Threadly reminder the owner and founder of sa, richard Kyanka, killed himself with a shotgun mouthwash over alimony, he was a jew, a libshit, got beat into submission by both of his exwifes in court, had parts of his spine surgically removed and abused his daughter as donation bait for ebegging. Every mod on sa is an autistic power tripping tranny and the site has been irrelevant for over 10 years due to lowtaxes gross mismanagement.

>> No.58138171

Man this board has tranny derangement syndrome bad. You just mentions pronouns and the whole thread blows up. This place is just as bad as /v/

>> No.58138181

Stop enabling the mentally ill, we already have enough of that on /vt/.

>> No.58138195 [DELETED] 
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>trannies are bad
Idk i fap to obkatiekat. I dont know if that's gay

>> No.58138201

Jesus. Why choose this hill to die on? 30 seconds of brain cell use would make you realize how inane you are being

>> No.58138281


>> No.58138302

where can I get more info on "old internet" "lore"?
t. zoomiezoom

>> No.58138361

Nah my family loves me I love them, I get drunk with my friends every weekend they like me too. I also get laid on the reg.

>> No.58138364

>using weeb as an insult on 4chan

>> No.58138410
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>> No.58138438

It's really not, but that doesn't make it any less retarded

>> No.58138441

>I-I'm not a troon, I just need to vehemently defend them online because I do okay?

>> No.58138470

Whatever ya say fag

>> No.58138535

weeb wasnt the insult part bro

>> No.58138589

I'm confused. Why is everyone calling the blue girl a tranny or a dude or whatever? She still very much looks like a girl just in somewhat masculine clothes. Her voice is also somewhat deep I suppose but nothing we haven't heard before. Like, I just dont get it. She's just an ikefem and theres lots of men and even women that really like those.

>> No.58138605

She's Towa 2.0.

>> No.58138692

You get drunk every weekend? Do you have to drink to fight your depression? I bet your friends get too drunk and accidentally use your real name or pronouns. You probably accept it as a mistake but that’s how they really feel.

>> No.58138715

I want to agree with you because I hate trannies, but you're wrong. "They" can absolutely be used as a neutral pronoun referring to a singular person.

>> No.58138727 [DELETED] 

don't insult Towa in /vt/.

>> No.58138763

This is what happens to the english language if you let mutts make their own rules.

>> No.58138782

"He" has always been the default until the previous decade

>> No.58138829
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>don't insult Towa in /vt/.

>> No.58138908

This is wrong, a ton of thriller books used "they" for unknown (singular) culprits for decades.

>> No.58138910

Just some retards being salty because she's dykebait and doesn't necessarily appeal to them. I don't mind personally since we have so many different kinds of chuubas so why not an ikefem? I even find her attractive

>> No.58138961

Nah, there is a really small chance they are actually personally offended.
Much more likely they are just farming (you)s

>> No.58139019

He/They shit is so fucking funny man. I get they/them like yeah motherfucker looks and talks like an alien and is probably possessed by multiple demons but what the fuck is meant when you give a he/she and ALSO they

>> No.58139106

this is a woman who believes she's a man, retards.

>> No.58139167

I will agree that her design and aesthetic aren't the primary reason but I'd say it's the fact she initiated contact with the stars on twitter is what's causing some schizos to go the extra mile with bait.

>> No.58139182 [DELETED] 

Actually do your RM reps for once.

>> No.58139263

I don't care about doxxshit but if she's an actual troon then yeah go ahead. Otherwise if it's speculation shit then fuckoff.

>> No.58139585

All writers are SJWs at heart

>> No.58139685
File: 272 KB, 1417x232, i don&#039;t care.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only valuable thing about this wall of text was the kronii pic

>> No.58139828

Is this not just the classic "female prince" trope?

>> No.58139852

>if i go up to you and mistakenly refer to you as a girl, are you honestly not gonna correct me?
I'm going to think you're telling a joke
Trannies are the only people whose existence hinges on being called the right words. A real woman doesn't disappear because you call her a man

>> No.58139903

Yes. Flare used to have that title but she outright rejected it.

>> No.58139906

I'm pretty sure there's some pretty nasty looking women that would get pissed if you called them a guy.

>> No.58140424

In top of that, Kaoru had a very low and manish voice that was a stark contrast with her model. Nobody would thing about him as anything but a man.

>> No.58140447

you want some subway surfers and family guy funny moments with that?

>> No.58140793

You already said you're ESL. Your argument boils down to demanding native speakers adapt to your rigid understanding of English.

>> No.58140929

It's just annoying and retarded. Nobody actually cares so stop pretending you do and stop trying to have arguments about it.

>> No.58141000

I miss the Beyblade autist.

>> No.58141110

If you go up to a tough guy and call him a girl as a way to insult him then he will probably beat the shit out of you. If you do similar to a woman she might scratch your eyes out. You're just terminally online so you don't understand what I mean.

>> No.58141746

>tfw a lot of Jap games have given you the option to choose 1st person pronouns since the 90s

Fuck, even a lot of porn games nowadays let you do that

>> No.58141830 [DELETED] 

And this is just scratching the surface.
She was bought in to pander to these people and now we have to deal with them.

>> No.58141968

There's no way you guys arent just lying when you say you don't understand the they them pronoun thing. You don't have to use it or accept it but you would have to be retarded for it to confuse you gramatically. Just use your heads. To make it very clear im not arguing about tranny shit here im talking about grammar

>> No.58142062

>Just use your heads

>> No.58142080

Love all the triggered trannies in this thread kek.

>> No.58142117
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>> No.58142200

>thread about ao mama
>kronies derail it
usual business

>> No.58142253

But they aren't. It's a one sided tantrum fest about how much some anons hate a boogeythem that isn't even here, and isn't even any of the talents.

>> No.58142330

I was talking about Ao not Kronii dumdum. I know about Kronii and no, it doesn't make her trans. The more you start throwing around these words the faster they'll lose their meaning

>> No.58142597

Just like getting cancer means your body is just evolving and changing (and that's a good thing!)

>> No.58143211

this board soon it's gonna become a /pol/ colony, the same happened to /tv/

>> No.58143322

wait till you find out that this site has always been majority right-wing

>> No.58143412


>> No.58143442


>> No.58143500

That's what you think, 2016chama.

>> No.58143546

This, why would you want to make things complicated for no reason? It's completely fucking irrelevant in this context whether THEY (= the teacher) are male, female or an attack helicopter.

>> No.58143571

Not always. If you were a real oldfag you would know most the memes we made were jokes back in the day. We called everyone every racial slur, but we all got along. It wasn't until 2015,2016 that the actually Nazis came here. I guess that's what you get pretending to be Nazis for years. This boards quality has gone downhill ever since.

>> No.58143651

it's not about being right-wing or not, it's /pol/tards bringind their retarded culture wars to every fucking board.

>> No.58143729

That's how the real world is. I know a number of trannies and most wanna be left alone and just not get fired or killed for being trans, and since that doesn't happen anymore they really don't talk about politics unless I bring it up, or were talking about something else. It's the current crazy rightoids who made this current moral panic that are OBSESSED with trannies. They reference them every chance they get. It's so weird.

>> No.58143828

Just cuz we threw around nigger and made jew jokes didn't mean we were right wing. No one back then wanted to actually exterminate the Jews like pol does now.

>> No.58143916

>No one back then wanted to actually exterminate the Jews like pol does now.

>> No.58143998

You will never be a woman.

>> No.58144215

willfully ignorant or actually retarded?

>> No.58144310

No body cares about it anon-kun, I know pronouns stuff, I use it when someones sex is ambiguous, but trannies should neck themselves, you including.

>> No.58144313

>gender neutral term is "it", but that can only be used to refer to objects and not human individuals
And alphabet retards are subhumans, not actual humans, so "it" is the correct way to address them.

>> No.58145161
File: 348 KB, 678x621, 1660604387615623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. You're incredibly based. I've finally lived enough to see an ESL have to teach ameritroons and eurotroons to use their language properly. This is the world we live in. You're based, anon, never forget that.

>> No.58145356

Kaoru, the character, was male.

>> No.58146610

Go back /pol/nigger

>> No.58146854

>I am ESL
You don't even speak the language.

>> No.58147122

Did you know pronouns in Japanese are gender-neutral?

>> No.58147497

this just in, 20th century lifelong anglican Agatha Christie was actually an SJW this entire time

>> No.58147680

/pol/ infests everything because every aspect of life can be construed as part of the neverending culture war, especially media
there are fucking "fascist wallpaper" threads on /wg/
making /pol/ was the biggest mistake moot ever made with this site because it gave the cancer a place to fester and grow and now you can't discuss anything anywhere without /pol/ tourists making themselves known.

>> No.58148009

That was funny 6 years ago

>> No.58150262

Twtter moment there, pretty sure the dude was straight and masculine and the model just looked like a girl

>> No.58151692

The fucking americans as usual, only these idiots come up with that

>> No.58152690

fucking idiot, even if you have no idea what you're talking about, you could at least read the thread you're posting in

>> No.58153337

Pre-stormfaggotry was a golden age

>> No.58153446

4chan leaned anarcholibertarian not fascist, much like the vast majority of the early internet
There were both left and right-wingers, but they both agreed that censorship and centralized control was bullshit

>> No.58154346

IPO giveth, IPO taketh
And the sooner you retards realize that Japan is not the target audience of DEV_IS, the better you'll anticipate what comes after.

>> No.58154410

>I don't understand this pronoun shit

>> No.58154739

This. 4chan was by and large anarchy adjacent and both left and right were made fun of. Then Stormfaggots wormed their way in and infected the site with their retardation. Now everything is trannies this or libtards that and it's so tiring.

>> No.58157798

I always feel like I'm going insane when I see the 500th post of someone sperging out over trannies when noone brought them up. Everyone on this board claims to hate politics because it ruins 'le vtuber immersion' but they are always waiting for their next chance to own the freaking libs. Noone fucking cares. Go watch your oshi and be happy

>> No.58160577

>I am ESL
opinion discharged
