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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.33 MB, 1000x1226, __usada_pekora_kiryu_coco_uruha_rushia_takanashi_kiara_amane_kanata_and_2_more_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_hikawa_shou__f5dc0ffeec3dd4af38266c9d740b846e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5783535 No.5783535 [Reply] [Original]

And almost no one is talking about it. This was the event that unified all branches and finally gave us the EN/JP interactions we were waiting for. This was also the best possible goodbye that could have been done for Coco. When are they all getting together next? Maybe a Christmas party? Calli and the other EN were very excited to make their own festival on the EN server.

>> No.5783689

Most people are waiting for the translation, anon

>> No.5783782

But there was no drama in it, what is there to talk about. Also, most people here don't actually watch streams.

>> No.5783961

I still think Sports Festival was better, but to each their own I guess.

>> No.5784113

>No EN
How could that have been better?

>> No.5784114
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 85435487798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are talking about it weirdo
are you insane???
go in chumbud threads or ina threads
on the side of JP's it wasnt that interesting though and any other big event was better
but for EN it was big event and important point in the history

>> No.5784246

>on the side of JP's it wasnt that interesting though and any other big event was better

>> No.5784347

Well for one you don't have the certain looming death of one the members on the corner

>> No.5784433

That's what made it all better, it was a farewell festival.

>> No.5784647

Why are ENfags this delusional?

>> No.5784988

It really was wonderful. I've only watched a couple POVs so far but it's been everything I love about this whole scene. I just want all these cute and cool girls to play and have fun together forever.

>> No.5785221

35p should stay quiet

>> No.5785238


>> No.5785340

The sports festival had how many people?

>> No.5785579
File: 477 KB, 1905x1080, take me back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hope we will be togetha... ever...

>> No.5785693

>Calli and the other EN were very excited to make their own festival on the EN server
It's not gonna happen. EN doesn't enjoy minecraft. Or rather, they're spoiled western whores who don't enjoy the meticulous painful effort needed to actualize autism for hours on end in order to build up a minecraft theme park from scratch. That...and they never had to grind buff games even after becoming hololive, which is why their immediate success set expectations for easy returns.

In other words, EN doesn't have the grit, drive, determination or necessity to accomplish what JP did. Even most of the indos are only building because they're already standing on the shoulders of giants (JP and moona) and can expand upon what's already there. Without a genuine full time minecraft autist who can afford to spend 10+ hours a day playing with digital blocks, I honestly don't think the en server will ever be anything more than a random assortment of disconnected, half assed ideas mostly devoid of collaborative planning and teamwork.

>> No.5785800
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2 days left...

>> No.5785832

It's not about how much you can hit, it's about how much you can get hit and keep moving foward!

>> No.5785868


>> No.5785907

I don't even know what was happening inside EN manager's brains to separate the branches in Minecraft

>> No.5785908


>> No.5785917

The girls asked for it.

>> No.5785961

slippery slope there

>> No.5785986

Did you not see the lag yesterday? Now imagine that with 30+ EN girls.

>> No.5785994

It was literally just a straight up copy from Nijisanji matsuri from last year. Like a literal copy, all the events were in the same order too.

>Haunted house
>Food stands
>Ice boat race
>Target shooting with box (random prize)
>Group photo

>> No.5786001

Fucking retards

>> No.5786030

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.5786041

Anon, what do you do at a summer festival?

>> No.5786075

Gura barely knows how to play minecraft, she didn't know about pressing tab to show who's online, can't get in and out of boats etc.

>> No.5786117

Must be nice being hololive, you just copy shit from other people and get 50k views.

>> No.5786201

Right now I couldn't agree more, there's only 5 of them and only 3 of them can actually build so unless they recruit some of the better builders from JP and ID to help, no fucking way. But maybe after Gen 2 debuts and the collab ban is lifted, maybe there's a chance.

>> No.5786953

You do ice boat races?

>> No.5787002

Copying requires actually building things. Some holos can't even do that much.

>> No.5787070

To be fair the Nijisanji buildings were far better but it was also mostly Ritsuki working on her own for months.

>> No.5787103

Uh, yeah.

>> No.5787167

LMAO, this is rich
>yo lets make something like this on the holoen server despite not knowing shit about minecraft and how time consuming it is to make events like that
do any of them even have any idea of how minecraft works?

>> No.5787199

>collab ban

>> No.5787395

Tbh EN is just 5 girls, and 3 of them aren't being creative. So hopefully EN2 brings a Minecraft autist a la Pekora that jumpstart shit... Or the 5 dorks get their act together and rush the Ender Dragon so the JP and EN servers get finally linked.

>> No.5787554
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>It's not about how much you can hit, it's about how much you can get hit and keep moving foward!

Rocky is that you?

>> No.5787731

write a letter to Pekor asking her to credit nijiniggers next time. She might if you are really nice about it.

>> No.5787775

Ina and maybe Kiara have the power level, the real problem is there's no motivation when it's just the same 5 people and you can't have spontaneous interactions like JP/ID can. Think of all the PekoMoona type relationships that can't form because management doesn't want anyone touching Gura

>> No.5787935

>no EN
That IS what's better

>> No.5787968

Did EN not build anything?

>> No.5788594

There’s just not really that many ways to make a summer festival in Minecraft.

>> No.5788681

The only collabs cover lets them do in the first month is within their gen in order to help them get to know each other better and have a stronger group bond.

>> No.5788696

woah there slow down anon

>> No.5788708

To be fair all those people likely wouldn’t be on at the same time

>> No.5788816

Moona only played minecraft for the first time last year. 3 weeks after playing MC, she made herself an auto cane/bamboo farm, a hidden door sex dungeon then meets Pekora and incline from there.
Then again, Moona is a special type of autism that picks up these youtube minecraft build tutorial quickly. She does her MumboJumbo reps.
Point is, westerners have zero excuse blaming "minecraft is hard" when a third world indonesian vtuber worked hard on learning the game. But they wanted to recreate the same MC prestige and kino without dialling in the effort.

>> No.5789620

Bob Ross built a big beautiful vanity project house. Ame built a railway to nowhere, fubar tower, a communal hub house of sorts, and some outdoor decorations to make the server seem more alive than it usually is (the latter being one of the greatest non-utility contributions to en server). Gura built a hut and a giant door sculpture. Kiara built two houses, a fast food diorama, then fucked off to conduct human experiments in the frozen tundra, and does part time work on the Chad jp server. Mori doesn't even know how to play. All of them usually do their own thing instead of working together and pooling their efforts like the JP "kensetsu-tachi."

The highlights of their minecraft endeavors were the exploding Ina collab, the indo collabs, and their visits to the jp server. In other words, they barely built anything of consequence over the past 10 months. An empty server is no excuse. They could've gone full western culture and invited the jp holos over to embrace burger. For example, mori could've built herself a fancy pyrotechnical stage to sing and rap on. She didn't. Just try to imagine all the other wasted possibilities. Minecraft unironically would've been a better investment of their time than a number of other games, as the payoff would've been fun collabs, team building, and a trophy world to show off to current and future gens.

>> No.5789915
File: 411 KB, 1980x1080, EnA6-4TVQAA2g_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During Holoserver's darkest hour there was one EN around playing by herself building project after project to keep the torch alive.
And that EN GOD is being kept out of the EN server. What is management thinking?

>> No.5789941

Seethe niggersanji

>> No.5790258

Both were absolute kino, no need to decide which is better, you can't. Miko and Mio's sports festival were a masterpiece, Usada kensetsu summer festival was a masterpiece. Both were masterpieces, 100/100. that is enough.

>> No.5791770

I keep seeing how people claim gen 2 will save the en mc server but are there even any english vtubers with the same block autism like pekora or moona?

>> No.5792457

Polka visited the EN server with Kiara. Did anyone else?

>> No.5792519

She's not. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.5792568

Yes? There are a hell of a lot more.

>> No.5792687
File: 25 KB, 740x370, Mick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's completely right they got the tools ,but they don't got the heart. They're building like a bunch of bums!

>> No.5792742

Because there's no EN and faggot EOP fans

>> No.5792768

everyone is talking about it. are you retarded or something?

>> No.5792809

Prove that you speak japanese.

>> No.5792984
File: 298 KB, 600x583, 1620352435465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was the greatest event in Hololive history
I don't mean to be mean but it was a minecraft server where most of the girls fucked around for a little bit. It's cool but I don't understand treating it like much more than it was and diminishing other events which were more impressive.

>> No.5793216

>girls are having fun creating unique content making everyone laugh
>management cancels it
>girls are having fun going onto other minecraft servers making new buildings there to help develop that server
>management cancels it
>some sluts literally collab with a full on sjw and real life people
>management is ok with it and even decide to make them participate in an exposition that will raise money for a political organization
why is the hololive management so fucking trash?

>> No.5793351

No En didn't make the sports festival worse just like having them in the summer festival didn't really make it better

>> No.5793549

Ahhh, The ratt infestation ground 0
>Cali first to leave, she hates Hololive
>Gura is humiliated up to tears by Pekora's aura
>Korone won't be somewhere were she can't be the center of attention
>Coco didn't want be near Gura to avoid management issues
>Miko leeches off of Pekora sucess, that's why PekoMiko is dead
>Watson is bottom, Ina is top

>> No.5793747

She caught depression because management keeps bottling her up

>> No.5794077

They unironically hate their audience which is why you should watch indies.

>> No.5796714

What indies do you recommend?

>> No.5797694

>No EN
You answered your own question

>> No.5799111

didn't watch it lol
too many people talking over each other drives me up the wall

>> No.5799500

The tako to the moon collab was hilarious as fuck. The fact that two of them woke up in the middle of the night to join in and help was really cute.
