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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57826998 No.57826998 [Reply] [Original]

complicit moderation edition

Previous thread:

>What is /edg/
/edg/ is a thread for people who are tired of the absolute state of /vt/. You can come here for shelter against the perpetual storm of shitflinging that is this board in current year. Complain about shitposters, discuss the vtubing fandom as a whole or even talk about how much you love your oshi. Who your oshi is doesn't matter here as long as your oshi isn't 4chan.

>Who is /edg/ for?
Oldfags who want to get some rest
Newfags and tourists (without malicious intentions) who want to ask questions about vtubing or board culture
People who genuinely love this hobby

>Who is /edg/ not for?
People who's only source of dopamine is seeing (You)s underneath their post


>> No.57827037
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>> No.57827116
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You cannot save /vt/
This board should never have existed in the first place, or have half the pages

>> No.57827262

adding "Defeatists" into the last section of the general for the next thread

>> No.57827851

earneat discussion, is the board really worse right now? Old hlg was a bit unbeareable

>> No.57827983

I'm a newfag but i hate how constant bait thread being baked

t. SEAnewfag

>> No.57828219
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My oshi loves your oshi. And the chuuba you hate the most is at the very worst indifferent to your oshi, but most likely respects what she does for you. There is no grudge. There is no race against each other to get ahead. There is no war. They do this because they love what they are doing and are free to move on. I for one do not watch everyone and pay member and merch of everyone, it's simply not in my capabilities. But as long as there are vtubers who interact with fans for the sake of it - no matter if several times a day, two times a week, once a year, never again - I will be their supporter. Because they make my life richer and that they enrich your life, too.
Imho it's different evils at different times. At the start doxxposting was much more rampant. Now there is more general shitflinging about opinions, like male streamers and big companies.

>> No.57828228

This place has some great stuff but it's mostly in generals and where moderation occurs. I'm tried of console wars, especially when there is zero barrier of entry here and you can watch whomever you want for free.

>> No.57828658

I really just want to be able to have genuine discussions about vtubers without some schizo or shitposter trying to stir shit up by being disingenuous, pretending to be retarded, entertaining /vt/ schizo rrats and treating them as undeniable fact, misrepresenting facts and spreading misinformation, doxxposting and repeating what the voices in their heads keep telling them ad nauseam in an attempt to get the rest of the board to believe their delusions.

It's all just so tiresome. The only refuge are generals but even then there a lot of generals that are left to the hounds and not fit to be in at times.

>> No.57829151

This sounds more like the discussion discussion general. Stop talking about what you want to talk about and actually have the conversation, fuckers.

>> No.57829255

Are there people who enjoy donathons as viewers? I'm cool with membership/sub and donation dynamic, even Patreon I understand but donathons always just feel like a step too far for me and always dominates about a month of time.
