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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57818494 No.57818494 [Reply] [Original]

Was she a wasted gen slot?

>> No.57818552

Not really when you consider that she left open a natural position in en gen 2 for irys

>> No.57818678


>> No.57818784
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At least she got a graduation stream unlike those 2 faggots.

>> No.57818825

She was better than whoever failed to get in even if she didn't stay

>> No.57818836
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I liked sana

>> No.57818975

Yes, anyone claiming otherwise is being disingenuous. A better question is how, on the heels of Myth and practically peak hype for HoloEN, they chose this thing over literally anyone else.

>> No.57819163

Stfu fungus
Her 400 hours of streams had more value than the entirety on nijiEN combined

>> No.57819200
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>> No.57819230

Mori, Sana, Ina, Kronii, and Bae were all wasted slots. Gura and Ame are currently taking up space but at least they used to be good.

>> No.57819250


>> No.57819321


>> No.57819360

it's that cyborg guy who leaked shits from niji EN that wasted the slot. sorry I don't save nipplesanji picture

>> No.57819394

He's right
No one mentioned nijigarbage anon, and that's a nothing statement. 400 hours of paint drying would have more collective value then NijiEN

>> No.57819435

I couldn’t take anyone who had that shitty model seriously so no. CouncilRyS is a thing anyway

>> No.57819462

yes. fauna, mumei and kronii too.

>> No.57819474

Yes, should have had a second EU rep instead, who probably would have lasted longer than a year and filled an important schedule gap.

>> No.57819875

If anything, she saved IRyS from the lonely fate of being the only one in her "gen".

>> No.57820809 [DELETED] 

Do you think her back hort story was real or just a preplanned exit.
>friend of ina
>ina gets her in
>she doesn't actually want to stream
>but it's good money
>oh no mysteriously my back has been injured
>"""car accident""" [CITATION NEEDED]
>terminate contract for medical reasons

>> No.57820907

>oh no mysteriously my back has been injured
>terminate contract for medical reasons
Those are the only things we know that aren't real.

>> No.57821584

It should have been Pomu, Rosemi or Pikamee.

>> No.57821955
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>they chose this thing over literally anyone else.
You already know why.

>> No.57822424

Yes, absolutely. However, I'm also glad that she's gone. It makes Council proportionally less worse than it was before.

>> No.57824260

Irys replaced her. There should be a '6th man' gen 0 for every gen just in case some one ditches

>> No.57824492


>> No.57824618

Didn't her RM tweet that she's fine after all this.

>> No.57824998


>> No.57825218

I never watched Sana, so can someone explain to me what makes her so bad, supposedly? Just a short list will suffice.
>Inb4 "Not gonna spoonfeed you"
Yes you are. Now fucking spoonfeed me, bitch.

>> No.57825368


>> No.57825435

proof next thread ?

>> No.57825463
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Wasn't Sana notorious for going long periods without streaming, how do people enjoy a chuba who doesn't stream? Were the few times she did stream the best content ever or do people just like her model?

>> No.57825465

Sana was a mistake. A big, hideous mistake.

>> No.57825487

we don't know the exact specifics of her leaving the company. this makes her an excellent target for shitstirrers to make all sorts of rrats about, which can't be disproven (or proven)

>> No.57825645

Yes but in a way i am grateful to her being a waste because it allowed irys to be saved from her isolation and form councilrys with the now open spot.

>> No.57825750

Proof that you know why?

>> No.57825923

I don't get this, if IRyS was so lonely, with or without sana graduation they will let her join in their shit regardless no? It would probably more kino to have 5 + 1 instead of 4 + 1 I think

>> No.57825970

ask chumbud.

>> No.57826760

Okay, but in terms of her personality as a vtuber, was she unlikeable or boring or anything? Did she ever do anything wrong or what?

>> No.57827930
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NTA but she never really got out of that debut month kayfabe since her short year was plagued with breaks, so she never had the chance to settle in and develop her on screen persona. That's one of the main reasons why people say she was boring, she just didn't have the mileage to prove them otherwise.
Her interactions with the other girls were also sorta awkward sometimes because of that, so many people flat out skipped the collabs she was in.
I reality, she was a bundle of joy whenever she did stream and had quite a few good ones. If you care enough, check out her evil God korone stream, that was peak kino at the end.
I'll also always remember how grateful some chumbuds were that she managed to drag out Gura with open vc Minecraft streams on a few occasions.

>> No.57828059

She should have leaned more into her Aussie shitposter self

>> No.57828545

Does anyone think her being the runt of holoEN was a factor in her leaving?
Like her having the lowest sub count/viewer by a large margin even before the hiatuses factored in her decision to graduate?

>> No.57829141

Pretty sure her not streaming was the factor.

>> No.57829560

She was the only member of council worth watching.

>> No.57831079

>A wasted slot
>Despite being the hardest working EN

>> No.57831184

There was nothing inherently wrong with her other than it was clear she just didn't want to stream. She liked her audience, was yab free but her heart just wasn't in it and she clearly made up or exagerated issues to avoid streaming. E.g. the infamous back pain

>> No.57831190

In hindsight yes, but not before she graduated. Dumb question.

>> No.57831360

I see. Was she at least funny or entertaining or good at games or anything?

>> No.57831390

Yes. She was horrible. Any affection you see for her here was generated after her graduation. Whilst she was in Hololive she was a poor streamer with an annoying voice and questionable game tastes

>> No.57831392

Id like to believe she left cuz she had a black girl model, sounded australian, and was chinese or something. The chinese aspect just makes her racist, no matter what asian race she is, they all hate outsiders of their ethnicity.
Every other rrat doesnt make sense, although its a shame cuz i like dark skin model, even if hers looked like it was done in MSPaint 5 minutes before debut.

>> No.57831535

She was entertaining. Light and fluffy.

>> No.57834488

She was probably the best in EN at gaming, when she wanted to be. Aside from that >>57831535

>> No.57836147
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sana was great, i loved every second of her streams and i was sad to see her go. that said, i can't help but wonder what it would be like if someone else took her place

>> No.57836248
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>We are now at a point where a large chunk of anons weren't even here for summer 2022
>while council as a whole steal feels like it debuted yesterday to me
Christ I've been on this board and /JP/ for far too long

>> No.57837449
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She was fun while she was there.

>> No.57837752

Yes. So was Chris, Aloe, and HoloCN. Sana, Chris, and Aloe didn't last long enough for it to be worth the investment from Cover and the slot that could have been used by a better earner. HoloCN was profitable, but a waste of time since it took a lot of effort to deal the Chinese and get out of China. Coco and Rushia, on the other hand, were worth it. They were Hololive's best earners despite any hassles they caused. Sana did not earn enough to be worth it.

>> No.57838016

No, that was Bae pushing for her to be included in the council discord servers, they both admitted that was bae the main reason "councilrys" exists.
Sana's graduation just made things easier for marketing.

>> No.57838259

if chris hadn't of gotten shitcanned then gen 1, and likely all subsequent gens would've had 6 members instead of 5 so technically she's 7-10 wasted slots

>> No.57839918


>> No.57840606

>sana was great!
>back hort
>dog hort
>hort hort never gonna stream
she barely streamed retards, stop pretending like she had a glorious time being part of the gen she abandoned and left a scar on

>> No.57841008

Fauna is the best at games because she trains. That's how you git gud

>> No.57841224

She's dead. Now a thread died for yours. So you're a waste of a human being.

>> No.57841391

Honestly the biggest thing people were disappointed about is she never really did drawing streams like ina, although apparently she had stricter contracts compared to ina

>> No.57841443
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Not to me, love me sana

>> No.57841785

Sana will never be a wasted slot when she got knocked kronni down a peg

>> No.57842111

And when she treasured Kronini's gifts

>> No.57842267

Ina nepotism is real. It wasn't a rrat.

>> No.57842295


>> No.57842912
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>> No.57843088

Hey OP, mark this one as the answer

>> No.57843239

Wasted implies she underperformed. In fact sana did not perform at all and got pissy when she realized it is a job and she has to do her job. Ina probably told her it was just a chill thing where you play videogames.

>> No.57843283


>> No.57843290

Sana literally advocated for homos in the first place to own the haters, you retard.

>> No.57843353

All homobeggars
They were chosen specifically for their likelihood to stream with males. Even mumei streamed with holostars. Only Fauna hasn't and that's because she's a numberfag.

>> No.57843401

She did, yes, it's baffling her sannoids keep trying to claim she's an invalid. Some people really are mental and not in the funny way like autismos but actual fucking simp faggots who keep trying to change reality for a woman who couldn't care less about them.

>> No.57843492

There's no doubt about it

>> No.57843541

Even worse you've wasted 2 years of your faggot life and still can't write "/jp/" correctly.

>> No.57843682

Yes she was and it's not even a question. People only claim she was good because he had the holo brand attached to her.
At the start she was already trying out gura's gimmick of X hurts to not stream then she walked out not long after. She was barely there but people love to act like she was this amazing streamer they watched for a long time.

>> No.57843770

Yes, I think she got tired that people keep asking her

>> No.57844002

She's focusing her career doing artworks for chinese gacha company rather than streaming. The backpain was a lie after all, as she tweeted after the graduation.

>> No.57844483

Yes, I believe some people can't deal with such a shame, even though she can ignored that and just keep doing her job

>> No.57844516


>> No.57844581

She was okayish. I love her dorky side.

>> No.57844636

Nobody asked about fauna
