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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57815918 No.57815918 [Reply] [Original]

Anycolor has released a new press release
Godspeed, leaker anon.
>Childcare leave use rate: 2
Was your oshi pregante?
>Rate of employees taking the questionnaire to assess their stress level 88.1 %
Why do they need to take the questionnaire if there's no high stress?

And last, but not least
>Wage difference by gender 73.4 %

>> No.57816168 [DELETED] 
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Holocity sexual assault deflection

>> No.57816189

Hi, I am Riku. Ask me anything about Hololive :D

>> No.57816284

It's 73% towards women

>> No.57816386

>In particular, we believe appropriately taking action against defamation and threatening behavior against Livers affiliated with the Company and protecting their human rights are the bedrock for offering a new magical experience to the world.
What if that defamation came from the company itself?

>> No.57816432

>1 whistleblower

>> No.57816437

At least their is no sexual harassment, that would be embarassing

>> No.57816516
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>task force
Are they Amongus

>> No.57816517

Aren't whistle blowers a good thing? They break NDA when a corporation is doing shady or illegal shit. Basically anycolor was being shitty and they got called out.

>> No.57816596

>Childcare leave use rate: 2
Sister, my man-vaj is quivering at the yab potential of that statistic. Accepting all rrats, give me your rrats, here here

>> No.57816738

Only black company do that.

>> No.57816821

>Rate of employees taking the questionnaire to assess their stress level 88.1 %
what in the actual fuckery

>> No.57816849

They're good for everyone but their target

>> No.57816867

Just in case someone still doesn't figure it out. These are anycolor employees numbers, not the talents.

>> No.57816895

>Ratio of male and female Female 43.5 %
>Average age 30.4 years old
hags in demand.

>> No.57816945

again still how the hell u reach 80+ stress level.

>> No.57816974

Fuck ESG

>> No.57816985
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That whole incident with Yugo and Zaion getting harassed by their managers makes a hell of a lot more sense now

>> No.57817060

How the hell do you reach this level of reading comprehension?
Oh right, SEA

>> No.57817168

Is over half of everyone in this thread ESL, or am I missing something? 88.1% is how many people took the questionnaire, not a measurement of how stressed they were. We don't know what the criteria for participation was. But with a participation rate that high, they probably told most employees they had to do it. Why would you take a questionnaire like that at work if you could avoid it?

>> No.57817184
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now who could that possibly be

>> No.57817205

Not JUST the talents. So yes, it's still possible that your Oshi applied for childcare leave.

>> No.57817275

The real takeaway from this is that only 23% of managers are female. For people keeping tally, that's +1 male that your oshi is hanging around who isn't you.

>> No.57817419

80 is the average in japan

>> No.57817472

I mean, unless there are zero men at the company, managers or not, it can be assumed that all talents are interacting with a positive number of men multiple times per day. Each individual man is actually an exponential increase in male/female interactions. You would need companies to be all female to ever be truly safe, kek.

>> No.57817689

Whistleblower =/= leaker wtf are you talking about? Most large companies have whistleblowing procedures where you can anonymously report issues internally if you are worried you might get reprisals against you for telling on your boss or whatever.
>Why do they need to take the questionnaire if there's no high stress?
Every company I've ever been in does regular employee surveys like these asking if you feel like you are able to do your job, would you recommend working here and so on.

>> No.57817775

Please understand, you're talking to people in SEA who don't have jobs.

>> No.57817812
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>Anycolor: A new stressful experience

>> No.57818210

It's funny to see how wildly misinterpreted this stuff is. The whistleblower stuff is like say you accidentally stumbled across evidence your boss or your bosses boss was embezzling company funds or something, you can't exactly tell your boss about it for fear they'll take action against you. So you can anonymously report it through some system they have set up especially for that. Regular employee surveys to see if there are issues with company culture and such are extremely normal too not noteworthy in the slightest.

>> No.57818487

Seems like a standard employee survey thing to me. My company does them every month. You get an email with a link to the survey and then if you don't do it you get follow up reminder emails.

>> No.57818496

Most boring rrat: It's just staff

>> No.57818639
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The stress and pregnancies are easy clickbait "yabs", but there's actually interesting information in here worth talking about.
>None of the policy/procedures makes any reference to what happens if there is an internal violation.
>The Rights of Third Party IPs document makes it clear that Anycolor is directly and explicitly liable for any copyright violations of an employee/talent.
>The standards they're using for internal information protection are not considered viable outside of Japan. This could be because those standards have never been brought before international bodies for review, or because they're too shit to pass said review. Those standards also haven't been updated since 2017.
>There is literally one guy in the entire company in charge of OpSec. He is also the lead Tech Security manager.
>In Fiscal Year 2022 (April 2022 - March 2023), Anycolor employed 198 talents under the Nijisanji/NijiEN brands. For those keeping score, they currently have 179 talents. 19 talents have graduated since April 2022.
>This means that FY2022 had 147 employees as executive staff, managers, and other support staff, for about a 40/60 split between Talents and non-Talents.
>304 employees took the stress survey at least once during the year. As another anon pointed out, this isn't anything significant (corpos do this all the time), meaning we could reasonably assume that the 41 that didn't are probably executive staff, slackers, or weren't with the company when the surveys were being distributed.

The ESG data is the only thing worth a damn if you want anything concrete to talk about, since the rest of the document is "we're totally operating safely and in the interest of our employees; dude trust us".

>> No.57819134

The talents are not counted in the employee numbers. They never have been. Same at Cover.

>> No.57819433

>Anycolor's childcare leave use rate: 2
kek im never letting this one go, nijicucks

>> No.57819451

If that's the case, then nothing in the EGS stats refers to talents at all.

>> No.57819458

As far as I know the whistleblower must go to any news media to get the 1st amendment protection

>> No.57819621

That's kind of crazy they've taken action against hundreds of people slandering and harassing their talents. But really it's a drop in the ocean isn't it. No matter how much people you employ for this you'll never be able to defend everyone because the number of trolls is infinite. Better to do something where you can than nothing at all though.

>> No.57819730

Yeah that's right
Click through the slideshow on this page. 7 or 8 pages in there's a red bar graph with a break down of the employees and which division they're in. Business, Design, Engineer and Corporate and there's 297 people there.

>> No.57819775

rrats now, which talents used the childcare leave?

>> No.57819815

None, talents aren't on that list

>> No.57819829


>> No.57819895

>Number of occupational accidents: 1
Did someone break a bone on stream

>> No.57819906

Ah, good point. The talents don't get benefits like that, or any benefits at all.

>> No.57819990
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Lower than I thought it'd be honestly

>> No.57819995

I don't think anyone has ever really talked about minor benefits to be honest. Mostly just assumptions and conjecture.

>> No.57820157

>turns out to be a mom with a 10 year old kid
What do you retards expect, unironically.

>> No.57820256
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artist accidentally went completely blind but kept working and that's how we got this guy's design

>> No.57820353

I expected people to not be dumb and be able to read that it's about employees and not the talents.

>> No.57820508

Your hag oshi is someone's mom and you're a cuck, that's the actual answer.

>> No.57820529
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thank you for the detailed breakdown office-anon. But I'll still joke about the fact that 88.1% of employees felt the need to do a work related stress assessment. and yes it's very normal surveys at office works.

>> No.57820547

No need to be upset that you failed at basic comprehension of data.

>> No.57820604

Not even "feeling the need" I respond to them at my work because they keep nagging you to do it with follow up emails if you don't.

>> No.57820617

This board is infested with more schizoids than /x/

>> No.57820665

More than just email nags. Managers often get reports of people who did not complete surveys and then your manager will be on your ass to do it.

>> No.57820674
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damn anon sorry it's like that. For my work they're always optional.

>> No.57820679

I've not had a job where they went that far with it yet.

>> No.57821452

>Childcare leave use rate: 2
For a group that large only 2. Japan is truly doomed.

>> No.57822138

Wait, am I reading this wrong or was there drama around Holocity?

>> No.57822252

There was a thread earlier about someone saying they got assaulted there. it's 404'd now tho, dunno if I can link it

>> No.57822358

Some cosplayer said she got molested there and is having a fit attacking hololive members for some reason

>> No.57822811

attacking holomems? She seems like a pretty avid fan from what I saw on her twitter

>> No.57822953

The guy that worked on the Hololive alternative manga was also a avid fan

>> No.57823016

man, I'm really out of the loop with these huh
I forgot this manga even existed, I had no idea there was drama around that too
I guess I consoom holo in blissful ignorance for the most part

>> No.57823060

you should have elaborated on gender pay disparity. now we all know you're a woman

>> No.57823067

Anycolor doesn't list livers as employees in any of their financial reports. This is only counting their 150 or so actual staff members, not vtubers. I'm sure this garbage board will try to spin it to be about the vtubers though.

>> No.57823144

mizuryuu kei?

>> No.57824619

Do you believe that?

>> No.57825163

Sukoya. I am like 95% certain of this one considering she actually took 9 months off and Crossick pretty much ended after that.

>> No.57825298

First amendment is America only

>> No.57825408


>> No.57825481
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So they can later commit suicide or be shot to death in an attempted robbery in a neighborhood that hasn't had any robberies in the past 20 years and during said robbery nothing will be stolen from that person?

>> No.57825694

Hey man, I work with a company that helps whistleblowers, most of them just have random woman who went to college at the same time as them crawl out of the woodwork and accuse them of sexual assault, and the legal battles leave them impoverished and their social standing destroyed. Barely any whistleblowers get killed these days.

>> No.57826211

Good to know they're not straight up murdering them, but instead resort to completely destroying their life, driving them up a wall and waiting for them to commit suicide.
The society is healing.

>> No.57826272

Fuck forgot about them, I used to love Crossick as well. this rrat holds merit

>> No.57826770

This isn't about the talents.

>> No.57828274

This isn't even about that kind of whistleblower it's about the number of times their internal whistleblowing procedure has been used. As in if you have discovered some bad things happening but feel uncomfortable to go to your direct boss about it you can like anonymously report the problem

>> No.57828451

Ohhhh shit. I get a HAG and a LOLI? Geeez! Lucky!

>> No.57829798
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>t-the talents don't count as employees

>> No.57830149

They have to be for cover, since they pay them they need the accountability for their taxes.

>> No.57830252

Kurosanji refers to themselves as "contractors" when dealing with livers. This is also why they dont get a salary

>> No.57830294

Why minor aren't insta ban in this board when they are this obvious about it? all adult know the difference between an employe and a contractor....

>> No.57831714

That was for medschool do your reps. I am pretty curious who it actually is, considering how well documented rrats and spies are

>> No.57836203


>> No.57836632

>345 employees
Does this even include the talents? Aren't they considered "contractors"?

>> No.57836830

Just so everyone can be on the same page, FY2022 is May 2021 - April 2022.

>> No.57836844

>Was your oshi pregante?
why even try being this disingenuous? they're talking about all 300+ employees here, not just livers.

>> No.57837044

They have been losing multiple cases
Not a great track record to file new lawsuits

>> No.57839639

anycolor has 345 employees, its literally listed on the report anon

>> No.57839682

No, that's just employees retard kun. vtubers are contractors in all agencies

>> No.57840037

did anycolor write that? cause if I was working for a company's PR I wouldn't want to admit that to the public neither

>> No.57840070

if cover was smart enough to make holo en employees they would get 40 hours a week of work out of them

>> No.57841006

>don't want to fill stress survey
>they stress you out until you do

>> No.57841090

to be fair to anycolor, theres negative things in their report like work time, disparity between male/female, etc so they arent only putting positive things

>> No.57842138

>Wage difference by gender 73.4 %
I'm no fan of niji but what do you expect from commission-based compensation?

>> No.57842257

Jesus this place is really filled with retards

>> No.57842363

Cataloguefag please learn to read

>> No.57846079

yikes, not a good look

>> No.57846209

>Fiscal Year 2022 (April 2022 - March 2023)
FY2022 is May 2021 - April 2022

>> No.57847386
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The interesting discrepancy is how the ESG data says there were 345 employees in FY2022, while their IR report says there were only 230 employees in FY2022. 115 unaccounted employees, and it's not the livers since there were 186 of them.

>> No.57850411

Only person who is openly married and has a child is Gwelu so does this mean that some other NIJISANJI chuuba could have used the childcare thing or does that also include the various staff?

>> No.57850522

If you bothered to read the thread, you'd see that 30 other people ALSO asked this fucking question, and you'd also see that the livers themselves are not considered employees of the company, but contractors, so none of the stats apply to talents.

>> No.57850585 [DELETED] 

Yeah I didn't bother to read this thread because it's too fucking long and I don't want to read all the replies you faggot. Go back to seething nijinigger.

>> No.57850643

arent a few of the male talents fathers
wait i just realized after i wrote that, its mothers that take maternity leave, its literally in the name, maternity.

>> No.57850678

Well, I don't have an oshi in Nijisanji so that doesn't bother me.

>> No.57850745

Not someone who watches this shit company, but couldn't it be a staffer like say an A-chan type for Niji?

Or is this specifically for their livers?

>> No.57850750

Only male talent that is a father that we 100% know of is Gwelu. Anyone else is just speculation.

>> No.57851608

So which 2 livers impregnated their managers?

>> No.57851813

I want Yashiro to impregnate me...

>> No.57852145

>vtubers are contractors in all agencies
A-chan and Nodoka in what category fails?

>> No.57852250

The childcare claimants? Millie and Enna

>> No.57853360

A-chan is a director and Nodoka is her assistant.

>> No.57855037


>> No.57855225

Hello, police? Your Honor? I have been trolled, I am not a crank, this is a serious issue for the courts.

>> No.57855979 [DELETED] 

They are, but that is also an accident waiting to happen for overseas talents. Plenty of countries have laws that reclassify workers as employees if you fulfill a set criteria, like no outside worker, attending meeting without billable hours, no substitutions and the like.
Having talents reinvest part of their earnings into the IP is an even crazier idea and could get ugly in an actual court case.

>> No.57856055

They are, but that is also an accident waiting to happen for overseas talents. Plenty of countries have laws that reclassify workers as employees if you fulfill a set of criteria, like no outside work, attending meeting without billable hours, no substitutions and the like.
Having talents reinvest part of their earnings into the IP is an even crazier idea and could get ugly in an actual court case.

>> No.57858160


>> No.57862043

You can't just ignore it or you get a default judgment slapped on you that will actually be real.
