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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57769052 No.57769052 [Reply] [Original]

Mori used to sub to Tempus and Iofi on her YouTube channel (which you can see on wayback) but at some point she unsubbed them. Rrats? Did they piss her off somehow?

>> No.57769460

She literally never gave a fuck about anyone in Holostars except Magni.

>> No.57769635

Probably mad with all shit fiesta that happened with the two that graduate. I would be too if my investment was all for naught.

>> No.57769690

Management maybe? They grilled her over the order of her name, maybe they made her just sub to the other EN girls?

>> No.57769735

She was also behind all the mass homo collabs, definitely was a push by her to "welcome" them.
Yet when the losers quit she barely had anything to say beyond "I wish them well, dont bother the other holos about it"

>> No.57769782

It's probably not that deep. She most likely reorganized it to include all of the EN girls after Advent debuted.

>> No.57770052
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>a push by her to "welcome" them
Your brain on /vt/...
Subscribing to someone means that you're "pushing" some conspiracy.

>> No.57770533

She and Kronii went to hell and back for the homos and at the end it was all for naught. Don't even acknowledge their existence anymore. It's kind of insulting.

>> No.57771328

I don't like Mori or Kronii but I can't even blame them. All that pushing, all that collabing, only for two of them to fuck off a little over a year later. I'd be pissed too and want nothing more to do with the branch because trusting any of them just isn't possible anymore.

>> No.57771773
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>Even "popular demand" Mori's thrown them in the trash

>> No.57772032

They didn't pissed her off. She just happened to be a massive numberfag who realized her mistake too late. She's not making the same amount of money before tempiss and obviously impacted her enough to cut the cancer.

>> No.57772249

Iofi removed too...I think she just made it EN only

>> No.57772400

Yea but saying the truth isint fun so what really happened was she fucked them all and dumped them

>> No.57772484
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Lofi is drama, i wouldn't deal with that

all the indo girls are horny as fuck but lofi was drama and horny

>> No.57772526

Youtube randomly desubs people. she might have just been auto kicked from their channels because Youtube is trash,

>> No.57772643

Those youtube public sub things are really wonky, I wouldn't read much into any of them. Most Holos don't even bother to update them. IRyS doesn't sub to anyone but Myth, Gura and Kronii don't sub to Advent ect.

>> No.57772756

It’s probably this. Magni and Vesper taking advantage of her and Cover to funnel back views/money to their roommates was rightfully the first and last straw. It’d be insanely tough to easily trust the rest of the EN Stars after that.

>> No.57772765

>Moom still has Astel
make of that what you will, rratfags

>> No.57772842

horny indo being horny indo

>> No.57773657

>Iofi removed too...I think she just made it EN only
That seems likely and Mori probably knows that Altare and Axel have little interest in getting mixed up in the unicorn drama.

>> No.57774517

lmao she was literally part of the whole ''popular demand'' thing

>> No.57774704

Nta but wasn't that just her stating what management said regarding the collab ban being cut short when asked?
I don't think she was making that claim

>> No.57776460

>a little over a year
Technically speaking their last appearances were before their anniversaries so....

>> No.57776592

This. They fucked over a big chunk of their career to interact even only a bit with these two fags, and the return on investment was as bad as it could be.
I don't forgive all the mental retardation, mainly from Kronii, but they're coming back to their older form of content, and it seems pretty evident that there's a reason behind it. They have big projects soon anyway, so the page already pretty much turned for them.

>> No.57776697

Irys is subbed to Myth but not Council, what's the rrat??!?!?!?

Oh maybe it is all nothing!

>> No.57776812

>Shill for your coworkers because you like their content
>Get shit on by obsessive fans for them
>Limit your own growth for them
And here’s the rrat
>They get told by management they need to start pulling their own weight instead of collabing with you for number boosts
>They quit
Yeah I’d be pretty pissed if I was Kronii or Mori.

>> No.57778833

Unsubbing from iofi is probably the biggest indicator that this is correct, management wants things nice and clean so as not to confuse the plebs

>> No.57779043

/vt/'s razor: whenever there's a completely reasonable explanation as well as a conspiracy theory, always assume the conspiracy theory to be true.

>> No.57779885

She only liked Magni and Vesper, Vesper was forced out of the company by Altare and Magni left with him because he didnt like it.
Why would she support the scumfuck who drove her friends out?

>> No.57781761

Can we stop pretending like it wasn't overwhelmingly more likely that Magni and Vesper were giant cunts than any of the other explanations floating around? Jesus. I know we don't know shit for real but the sheer amount of circumstantial evidence that it was entirely their fault is overwhelming at this point.

>> No.57782665

Yes it's definitely every single other person except Altare, that's the reasonable answer, Occam's reacharound

>> No.57782859

Everyday I like Mori more and more, I'm going from anti to actually watching her

>> No.57783001

She helped inflate their numbers, now it's back to business with her gennates and other hololiveEN

>> No.57783504

It's more likely to you that one talent with questionable numbers even among his immediate peers, who has zero history of getting anything in particular done, forced out another member of the company than it is that the two most consistently problematic members of the branch, to their own admission, who have a history of causing problems and surround themselves with infamous troublemakers and shit disturbers, and also already received special privileges, had a shit fit.

>> No.57783677

he probably convinced vesper to leave his meds too. what a devious individual

>> No.57783990

I honestly think it should be mandatory for tallent to sub all other talent in their commnity tab

keeps idiots like OP from thinking "SHE HATES THEM" bullshit off the net plus it helps people find other talent in the same company easier if they already don't know where to look.

>> No.57784510

Didn't she do that once?

>> No.57785532

dude this is a drama board post some rrats or gtfo

>> No.57785603

before and after advent debut, dont think too hard about it

>> No.57785694

Yeah, so what?

>> No.57785889

Mori unsubbed from Tempus when she realized they were unprofessional, grifting pieces of shit. As for Iofi she kept slapping Mori's tits and yelling "LOOK AT EM GO". This resulted in a restraining order.

>> No.57786116 [DELETED] 

When was the last time she spoke to them? I think she gave up on the whole branch after seeing they were such shitters. She's not a charity

>> No.57786200

Why do you think Sora was at the Tempus debuts? Mori always has been the one management acts through in EN and has never had an issue with male collabs so they asked her to collab with them and boost their numbers. You never see Gura or Kiara doing promotional work like Mori does for Cover. Now that she has been hurt as a result and the two she was alright collabing with left she has no interest in the Stars.

>> No.57786652

I don't blame her. Sacrificed her noooms for those two fags only for them to slink out the back door when things became mildly "tough". Pathetic.
At least for her things are looking up with all that wanpiss stuff I guess.

>> No.57786894 [DELETED] 

Altare and Axel are okay but I still desire Total Tempus Death

>> No.57787229 [DELETED] 

she slowed down after finding out some indie "friends" thought she was a sell out and stopped completely after a while. devilcube is currently on hiatus

>> No.57790353

>Can we stop pretending it's not your completely unfounded rrat and it's actually my completely unfounded rrat that happened

That's all this entire thread is, a bunch of people with zero actual knowledge of what happened coming up with conspiracy theories and throwing them around like they're facts. What we do know is that the only two holostars that kronii/mori actually interacted with regularly decided to graduate. It's not unusually that they would not interact with the other holostars because both kronii and mori have only interacted with like once or twice with altare and axel.

>> No.57790540 [DELETED] 

Makes no sense since their RMs still follow each other lemao

>> No.57790612

ever since Magni and Vesper dipped she has no point, they're the only ever two to have fun with

>> No.57790985

IRyS doesn't have her subscriptions set to public anon she only has featured channels
She just hasn't added to it since debut
She is most likely subbed to all EN

>> No.57791384 [DELETED] 

>Makes no sense since their RMs still follow each other
Cover does have total control over their Hololive accounts.

>> No.57795657

mori only cares about herself retard

>> No.57800538 [DELETED] 

If only you knew both Calli and her RM well, you wouldn't have been trying to push your pignoise agenda.

>> No.57800699

Still cares more about her deadbeats than Gura about chumbuds

>> No.57801338

>That's all this entire thread is, a bunch of people with zero actual knowledge of what happened coming up with conspiracy theories and throwing them around like they're facts

Thats not this thread but really just this entire board in a nutshell. I could make a rrat about how it was Omega that backstabbed them both and caused them to fuck off and some retard on this board would belieb it.
