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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57724531 No.57724531 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57724661


>> No.57724687

Good. Bilibili is preferable to the west. It was them who ended the male collaber era of hololive

>> No.57724740

Good to see Cover is making smart decisions

>> No.57724751
File: 786 KB, 617x704, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a shitposter that has been trying to post missinfo and false shit for months now
>That account is not owned by cover. Its some random chinese. Cover has no access to bilibili as they are blacklisted by the CCP
>The chinese are using this account as "proof" that Cover bent over to China and to shitpost
>On top of this they have a "list of demands" of insane schizo shit they are pushing

>> No.57724826

>list of demands
Every fucking time. It;s just too funny

>> No.57724825

What are the demands.

>> No.57724854

Nice try, Zhang.

No social credits for you.

>> No.57724865

Hololive doesn't own the account. This is false advertisement.

>> No.57724874

They need the vtuber money because they are losing a lot $$$

>> No.57724876
File: 47 KB, 488x488, 1286436795239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday i thank Coco for pulling Cover out of the shithole known as ccp

>> No.57724879

B2 is well known for hiring paid keyboard warriors to push agenda so i wouldn't put this theory above them.

>> No.57724909
File: 108 KB, 1297x781, 1691366273842712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+100 social credit points for (you)

>> No.57724943

They going bankrupt after the 2nd quarterly report.

>> No.57725006

I miss cringing at her reddit meme reviews.

>> No.57725018

Begging Cover to return but insists on having a "list of demands" so they don't look too pathetic.

>> No.57725122

Thank you Reddit normie dragon.

>> No.57725199

It would be really funny if Cover reveals they got the Chinese game perms back

>> No.57725409

>>The chinese are using this account as "proof" that Cover bent over to China and to shitpost
uploading content like its official is a terrible shitpost, this literally gains nothing. Like it's very clearly not a shitpost because they wouldn't be able to help themselves without going too far and doing some big "WE'RE SORRY CHINA WE LOVE YOU, WE'RE BACK" instead of just silently uploading official videos with no fanfare. Also, why would they be doing this now, like 3 years later instead of much sooner when people would've actually been more willing to laugh at the dumb shitpost and would've found it funnier.

>> No.57725413


>> No.57725578

by the way this ''official'' COVER account was used to promote concerts of other vtuber (Mea and Asoul).

>> No.57725682

Thanks for the info based Sushi poster

>> No.57725826

I don't know where this cope came from but that really is Cover's account.

>> No.57726028

You came running to the thread just to damage control because they want to go back to bilibili. Pathetic.

>> No.57726193

Foreign companies aren't allowed to directly manage their official channels, they can only be managed by mainlanders.

>> No.57726360

And chink chonk bing bong to you too sir!

>> No.57726364

Yeah, but Cover has to have some connections with the owner, since cover has copyright over Hololive.

>> No.57726434


>> No.57726479

its not controlled by Cover

>> No.57726507

Since when has chinkland ever cared about copyrights lol

>> No.57726522

>in chinaland

>> No.57726525

chinks don't give the slightest fuck about copyright. They have no concept of civilized protection of intellectual property and are instead like deranged niggers who steal other people's shit to pawn it off as their own.

>> No.57726608

Copyright not exist in China

>> No.57726701
File: 1.03 MB, 1454x1706, 1692606979107776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly maximum chink copium

>> No.57726713

>Cover has to have some connections with the owner

>> No.57726715

>Yeah, but Cover has to have some connections with the owner
no more
>since cover has copyright over Hololive.
>Chinese respecting copyrights

>> No.57726735

>china copies breath of the wild 1:1 and adds some anime girls
>nintendo - the most anal company ever who will copyright strike a youtube video of someone playing their game - literally can't do anything about having their game straight up stolen and resold while becoming one of the most popular games ever made

>> No.57726761

Nigga they have their own unlicensed Disneyland

>> No.57727022
File: 110 KB, 1079x1084, hamnyeaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh the wonderful sight of chinese antis still licking the footprints and sole of Yagoo's boot. Good luck keeping Biribiri alive KEK

>> No.57727557

Can't wait for the time to see which copium will win

>> No.57727874

They should create vtubers that groom guys and spy for them. Yes, tell me alll about your job.

>> No.57729377

Get ratio'd OP, this guy exposed you

>> No.57731272

>mucho text schizo rambling
what does this prove exactly?

>> No.57731738

but will they upload Coco's last hologra?

>> No.57731917

you do realize the second post was anti-zhang you fucking idiot

>> No.57732116
File: 861 KB, 3104x3326, __kiryu_coco_and_la_darknesss_hololive_drawn_by_ryoshi__4345f908c5c8eaf96a74bd02da5ed3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Kaichou!

>> No.57732134


>> No.57732236

Fucking leeches

>> No.57732258

Ogey zhang

>> No.57732325

>China the home of bootlegs
>Giving a shit about a Japanese company's copyright
How are you this retarded?

>> No.57732441
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>> No.57732900

Bilililil weren't desperate 3 years ago.

>> No.57733029

Dumbest post on all of 4channel today.
Holy shit you are a dumb nigger.

>> No.57733111

Go away chinaman

>> No.57733374

Ching ching chong

>> No.57734328

>Chinkoid sees foreign company doing good in china
>We can steal their idea and get rich ourselves
>Use arbitrary CCP rules and demands to harass and drive out the foreign investment and steal their shit
>Now we can make money ourselves and the foreign devils cant take our moneys anymore, china stronk
>Business falls flat because we only stole some superficial ideas but don't know how to actually succeed
>Hemorrhaging money and investment dries up because we showed everyone how we treat foreign companies
>"Look at all these loyal Chinese fans who are waiting for you to come back!"
Story of the ccp.
Investing in niggerland china, not even once.

>> No.57734844

Your holoCN sers

>> No.57736632

So Cover finally got the chink investors money again?
Does that mean we can finally get that fucking game released
