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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57706245 No.57706245 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1696254231844471037

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters.

Previous thread: >>57687843

>> No.57706278
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>> No.57706320


>> No.57706390
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>> No.57706534


>> No.57706545

I already really miss her...

>> No.57706595
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>> No.57706600

Fleece is always right, I am glad Shondo agrees and holds his opinion above everyone else's

>> No.57706630

I hope the rape check anon is doing well. I haven't seen him in a while.

>> No.57706665

He's been raped.

>> No.57706813

Live by the rape, die by the rape.

>> No.57706835

It's not about agree with her or not, it's the husbands that can't control themselves and are just "UOH LOLI RYONA PLEASE SHONDO MORE"
Fucking conduct yourself better, you're an adult

>> No.57706847


>> No.57706868


>> No.57706891

Hey just to let you know, youre just as annoying

>> No.57706958

Passionate love making with shondo

>> No.57707042

Youre right, she deleted the account because she was so annoyed with me calling you all fags that couldn't keep your mouths shut

>> No.57707059

I dunno I mean the people I saw who were against it were the usual annoying cunts so

>> No.57707111


>> No.57707180

Reading comprehension reps anon, I'm literally only talking about the people who were jacking off to the idea in her replies.
I want her to do it if she feels it's a good idea, I'm not against it. If you can't see that they are the type of people to plan to trick her into masturbating /here/ then idk what to tell you

>> No.57707184

they're more like manchilds

>> No.57707209

She deleted the account because faggots were talking about trying to get her to send actual pictures and renpc was a fucking moron and thought she showed something because hes was blocked from following on main
The entire thing could have been prevented if you dumb niggers would have just stopped talking about rrk shit in these threads

>> No.57707292

alright fair enough

>> No.57707340

>faggots were talking about trying to get her to send actual pictures
No one did that.

>> No.57707353

You are literally talking about it right now while trying to pretend you're superior, you're just as bad, kys

>> No.57707356
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>> No.57707389

This. Its fucking disgusting these "adults" are being so creepy towards her.
Kill all fetish friends, we don't want you in our community, she doesn't wants you in her community. Fuck off and kill yourselves all of you fetish friends. Nobody wants you here you fucking waste of oxygen coombrains
kill yourself coombrain

>> No.57707434
File: 154 KB, 726x778, Shondo Death Scream 2 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F32vs42.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy another thread of shitposting and samefagging

>> No.57707512

Shondo you dumb bitch. If you want to take some time off, just do it. You don't need to poison yourself.

>> No.57707629

I still think she ate the old yogurt on purpose to avoid the first rucaco family collab

>> No.57707632
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>> No.57707657

NTA but i'm pretty sure they did

>> No.57707661

Dont reply to chris

>> No.57707726

No, they tried to trick her into masturbating. That is shitty too, but not nearly as bad.

>> No.57707749 [DELETED] 

rrk is code for ririko by the way, just in case any newcuties wanted to know

>> No.57707807

>>57707726 (Me)
Unless they posted about it in some secret discord, or twitter alt. I only go off of info posted here, and rrk.

>> No.57707832

Pasta doesn't spoil easily. She should be fine.

>> No.57707929

They were talking about trying to get her to try masturbating again. But about the pictures it was literally just retarded jokes that they kept making.

>> No.57707962

Yeah I think youre right, I'm looking at old threads and I think I'm probably just confusing it with memes and renpc falling for the shitposts.
Old threads were just as bad btw

>> No.57707963

How the fuck do you trick someone into masturbating?

>> No.57707989

eh it's frozen she'll be fine
sell by dates are already pessimistic and frozen shit will last way way past it, but just decline in quality

>> No.57708000

That says 2022

>> No.57708023

More like trying to incentivize her into trying again.

>> No.57708063

reminder that all the groomerfags need to do shondo and the world a favour and rope themselves asap

>> No.57708086

anon musing about it in the thread wasn't an actual plan to do anything
and why clutch pearls at the thought of her trying to masturbate, afraid she's going to turn into a coombrain?

>> No.57708208


>> No.57708229

Go ask her about masturbating right now, see what she says

>> No.57708356


>> No.57708557
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>> No.57708625

Glad I actually got to watch her today. Usually I'm at work.

>> No.57708627


>> No.57708646

Very cute shon

>> No.57708671

I'm not a purity fag. In fact I'm a fetish fiend, but using deception is bad in any case.

>> No.57708879

Ma-ma-ma-masturbation!? How sinful!!!

>> No.57708964

Why would Shondo masturbate when she has me?

>> No.57709461

because your pp small and you have no balls otis

>> No.57709538
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>> No.57709639

My son is as strong and virile as I am.

>> No.57709738

I am so sorry for you

>> No.57709753

Shes dead isnt she...

>> No.57709830


>> No.57710033

at least 20 people did that literally every secret maro session, she was annoyed by the frequency of people asking but it didn't really upset her and she gave the "maybe you could if you did it to guro" maro just got a "can't say I've tried so maybe" effectively

>> No.57710802
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new husband here, just remembered that they added this board
ngl i kinda regret coming here

>> No.57710825

why does she have an instant frozen dinner spaghetti

>> No.57710926

No one in her family knows how to cook

>> No.57711053


>> No.57711064

boiling noodles and heating up some pasta sauce is one step above boiling some dippy eggs and toasting bread
im sure someone can do it

>> No.57711082

Shondo please post your feet

>> No.57711162

It's a bit better during streams, but you better get used to it. Just report and ignore, if you encounter bait.
That reminds me, did Shondo ever say what she cooked for her family?

>> No.57711206

>It's a bit better during streams
Now that's just a fat lie

>> No.57711492

I think the last few threads during streams, except maybe the collab one, have been fine.

>> No.57711993


>> No.57712141


>> No.57712472


>> No.57712535

My house, dm me and I'll let you come visit on weekends

>> No.57712614


>> No.57712860

Bitch you cant taste shit

>> No.57713370

I'm still a little baffled that her major breakthrough in cooking was how to poach eggs in fuckin casserole dishes in the oven because it avoids dirtying a pan (???)
I'll never make sense of that family

>> No.57713526

If she ever cooked for you it would be like anime where it looks amazing and cute but then you take a bite of it and it tastes awful and kills you

>> No.57713648

I know that she wants to be a trad wife, but I would be the one cooking. I wouldnt trust her not to poison me after a particularly bad menhera episode

>> No.57713660

Worth it

>> No.57713748

I'll cook meals she can cook a cake everyday and I'll become 600lbs because she'll get upset if I don't eat it all and let it tempt her

>> No.57713908

I'd love that experience.

>> No.57714694


>> No.57714942
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>> No.57715823

Shondo read me a bedtime story

>> No.57715887

Anons im going to bed now, be on the lookout for an alt stream because I know she'll start one as soon as im asleep

>> No.57715974

Thank you for your sacrifice but I really want one so that means it wont happen

>> No.57716277

im finally no longer on vacation!
i sure hope /shon/ threads have been going well

>> No.57716406

no read mee a bedtime sorty!

>> No.57716436

Not great, but better than usual I'd say.

>> No.57716515

reading up it looks less abyssal than a few days ago for sure.
hopefully alt stream soon

>> No.57716574

generally if they arent announced by 3am they arent happening

>> No.57717386

I've been pretty schizo lately, way too obsessive. I've been spam refreshing everywhere to see if she's liked anything new or posted something I didn't get a notification for.
Do you anons go through phases like this, or am I just being too attached

>> No.57717541

Happens. I spent an hour looking at her follow list to see if she had chatted in in certain streamers chat recently but didn't find anything.
I think its been easier for that happen recently, she feels more distant but might just be me

>> No.57717633
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To me in particular it feels like she's focusing on streaming and putting out more content lately than vtweeting and hanging out in vtubers chats. She's said streaming exhausts her many times and it's been a busy week, it's natural she's quiet when she's offline. I'd rather have busy weeks like this than twitter to stalk I think.

>> No.57717656

Vidya, Art, Watch her vods, eep.

>> No.57717736
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You ever feel like you belong somewhere you have never been? For me it's Niuvanniemi.

>> No.57717847

what the fuck is Niuvanniemi it sounds like some nordic town

>> No.57717922

>Niuvanniemi hospital is a state mental hospital in the Niuva district of Kuopio, Finland.
Anon are you ok?

>> No.57717983

>googled it
Its some finish mental hospital
That's where the Shondo/Alice offcolab will be

>> No.57718295

I'm sure you'd fit in well there anon

>> No.57718329

Yeah, but I don't know where it is

>> No.57718492

most people feel that way anon so you're not alone

>> No.57718986
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shondo when milk

>> No.57719167
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What is the context
Why did she cry in tesco

>> No.57719438
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>Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
ahhh figures, when did this happen? managed to find it before checking here

>> No.57719817


>> No.57719914

So true oomfie

>> No.57719971

Easy, July 30th. Next question.

>> No.57719975

omg she is back

>> No.57720392
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nothing else, the reasons are beyond me
thank you and have a good day
good luck with the tism

>> No.57722489

Man I wish I could lay in bed with her watching her favorite show ITS NOT FAIR

>> No.57722631

I miss the watchalongs :C

>> No.57722765
File: 133 KB, 296x300, Oli Awooga[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3frcbj.aac].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me when i see a flat mentally ill girl

>> No.57724056


>> No.57724441

Can't believe you guys got baited into spoon-feeding again, when will you learn?

>> No.57724564

Spoon feed what

>> No.57725157

ill spoonfeed you my buttcheeks shogger

>> No.57726646

I want Shondo to play MK8 with shoggers so you all selfdox

>> No.57726917

weird post

>> No.57726958

I'm not setting up my switch for that

>> No.57727205

I don't think she'd like fighting games

>> No.57727257

it shows your country flag so you will be able to tell which shoggers are ESL/third world so you can laugh at them and disregard their irrelevant opinions

>> No.57727281


>> No.57727323

I already know that though

>> No.57727355

overseas netplay is subhuman nobody wants to try to try to block your 8f delay overhead

>> No.57727433

Half the people already did that through hype chat anyway, who cares.

>> No.57727512

mk8 is mario kart anon...

>> No.57727605

nuh uh

>> No.57728581

alt stream is live

>> No.57728583

Why is this bitch still awake
Go to sleep retard

>> No.57728907

am i dumb? the alt i know isn't live. am i missing an alt?

>> No.57728969

The first dude is shitposting, but she's still online on Discord which means she's awake

>> No.57729066

Sorry losers. she's live in a call with me.

>> No.57729074

Yeah my post was about discord
Doesn't mean I'm not stalking around because I really don't trust her on accounts anymore

>> No.57729197

That does not mean much, she often upload her vods overnight. Uploading during the day can makes the internet useless for the rest of the family

>> No.57729305

I can feel it. She needs headpats right now

>> No.57729392

watchalong VOD >>57691877 was asking for https://gofile.io/d/zD1ADI

>> No.57731128


>> No.57731211

please shondo even a tweet I can't stand being cucked out of your feedback about the schizo game

>> No.57731419

Was her feedback not that she really really really like milk?

>> No.57731514

For a moment I thought Shondo was going to play Titanfall with Vivi

>> No.57731533

shon's little pink tongue

>> No.57732235

sometimes when I get the sudden urge to want to punch shondo, I punch up my own thighs but then get sad that they don't bruise and just end up a light shade of red.
god I want to put bruises on her body so bad.

>> No.57732674

I think you need professional help

>> No.57733632

sometimes late at night i piss in front of shondos house and then speed away on my motorbike

>> No.57733834

more like every day

>> No.57737466

makes sense why she quit skebs and all but even with the plethora of fanart only giru does especially interesting work
shondo always had a knack for coming up with ideas and finding the perfect artist for them

>> No.57737696

>>57737466 (me)
A few more amateur ones at least throw some ideas out there, but yeah some shoggas gotta come up with some good ideas and pick up the skebbing slack because I look back through my folder at some of my favorite skebs of hers and it's just like wow.

>> No.57738878

I set up twitchlink so it automatically starts the download when a stream starts, and then dreamed that Shondo tried a new streaming platform without anyone archiving it, and that I missed everything. One of the sillier nightmares I have had lately, but it still woke me up.

>> No.57739056

What's some examples of skebs she's gotten that are interesting

>> No.57739315
File: 2.79 MB, 2559x2023, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_euphoniummatsu__1244dcd1b71e5fe09d970f2c3d4e0c03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the angel one, the ferris wheel one, the dark magical girl one, the bikini ones, the emo one, the kimono one, anything mercure did before the cibbon rage MV
I mean half of it is really just it's professionals doing the work, but like I said she knows who to pick who can take a relatively simple idea and run with it

>> No.57739679
File: 388 KB, 1920x1355, @lit_ter_M Fjn8zVAaEAA1QDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nail and ren were of course skilled and they had "interesting" drawings as well on occasion
giru also has some boring ones and skebs aren't always great either
it was just a thought, and part of it was definitely a lot of those grade A skebs came late last year pretty close to each other

>> No.57739755

That one she requested from one of my favorite artists that was the first time I ever saw her, therefore the best one.

>> No.57740806

she should shill her favorite artists more when theyre opening commisions, that way she can just make husbands spend time ordering skebs instead

>> No.57742413
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I love her so much!

>> No.57742471 [DELETED] 

Haven't been on this board in a while, I thought you guys hated this chooba because they were deep dicked by a 6'4" weeb boyfriend?

>> No.57742979

>over the last few years her husbands have grown from 100 schizos to 2000 ironic schizos

>> No.57743438

good morning i hate all of you

>> No.57743569

I love you

>> No.57744618
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I hope that Shondo is having a restful sleep and good dreams

>> No.57744993

I hate you, all of you and myself

>> No.57745222

We already know that. Now go back to sleep, Shondo.

>> No.57746085

Explain the teddy bear lore to me

>> No.57746380

She grinds her cunny on it

>> No.57746755

Shes still on discord and no more tweets. She died from eating the spaghetti didn't she

>> No.57746809

She's uploading vods

>> No.57747174

she likes dolls and stuffed animals

>> No.57747519

fuck it's late aaaa
let me dream about shondo toes pleease

>> No.57748490

the masculine urge to get a job after 10 years of neetdom just so i can support shondo :sob:
is this what it feels like to care for someone?

>> No.57748756

How do you even get a job after so long? Asking for a friend.

>> No.57749065

it really depends on how much suffering your friend is willing to go through
if he applies at a temp agency he could start working a few days later, but those jobs are hell
looking for a normal job and applying for it is hell aswell, but the work environment is bound to be a bit better

>> No.57749252

Im in a similar position. Ive basically stagnated in my career, making just enough money to get by each month and have been happy. But shes motivating me to go further and try to get a better position so I can donate to her more often.
I dont know if this is some trick or if shes actually really good for me but I dont care either way, Im here for the ride

>> No.57749640

Yes. Flat and funpilled.

>> No.57750457
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Spats-less version that pettan posted on pixiv only.

>> No.57751769

Shondy's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out, got me singing like

>> No.57752659

No stream today

>> No.57752769

Good observation anon

>> No.57753227
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Shorter spats because why not?

>> No.57754033

pettan my beloved

>> No.57755021

I wonder if she's okay.

>> No.57755141

She's doing good, I just have her a very nice kiss.

>> No.57755252


>> No.57755712
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I will be productive today

>> No.57756250

She died from spaghetti

>> No.57757340

Has she woken up yet??

>> No.57759342


>> No.57759422

Probably. Hard to tell if she doesn't tweet something.

>> No.57759489

this is a good idea someone should pitch to her
although I give it 90% that she considers that too close to begging for skebs so she won't do it

>> No.57761376
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>> No.57763375


>> No.57763936

She's here with me. We're watching Birdemic

>> No.57764228

Tell her to start tweeting, and to do an alt stream tonight

>> No.57764352
File: 13 KB, 112x112, 1663528633327329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wish I lived in the US so that I could just go and buy a gun.

>> No.57764418

why do you need a gun anonchama

>> No.57764450

You're doing great anon, maybe try some art or something to take your mind off it. Shondo will love it either way

>> No.57764482

Nefarious reasons.

>> No.57764785
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>the nefarious reason

>> No.57765658 [DELETED] 
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>>57764352 (me)
Now I'm wondering if it would be easier to smuggle a gun from there to Europe or get an illegal gun + ammunition. Maybe a crossbow is still a better choice, ease of obtaining considered.

>> No.57765887

Come to Bosnia. We have like 250k registered and 800k unregistered guns in a country of 3,5 million people.

>> No.57765956 [SPOILER] 
File: 401 KB, 1456x2184, 20230904_174507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that shondo retweeted this art of her being kidnapped and raped

>> No.57765955
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>> No.57765964

You also have three large ethnic groups that hate each other.

>> No.57766108

She literally asked if it'd be okay to retweet it. Everyone said yes.

>> No.57766380

I'm curious to what you're planning anon, and if it's shondo related

>> No.57766437

I think hes just prepping for france

>> No.57766524 [DELETED] 
File: 643 KB, 906x682, 1674092733885139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make Breivik look like a nigger.

>> No.57767797

did she dieded

>> No.57768021

Did she ever go offline on discord last night?

>> No.57768297

>Online in discord for over 24 hours
>no activity on any twitters
>hasn't appeared in Ini or Oli's chat
>Alice @'d her main, still nothing

>> No.57768316

Don't think so.

>> No.57768800

Shondo, please say something.

>> No.57769107

shes been hospitalized because of the spaghetti

>> No.57769233

If we don't hear anything withing the next few hours, I will go full schizo. I'm starting to get worried.

>> No.57769947

Incoming tweet from wheelchairuser69

>> No.57770069

the spaghetti was not okay

>> No.57770077

I think at minimum her tummy hort and shes too embarrassed to tell us

>> No.57770079

No new likes on either account since last night

>> No.57770112

1. shes relaxing/busy and is ignoring her PC
2. she got sick from the spaghett
3. shogger came to the house
4. family member got hurt/sick
5. she is having an extreme meltdown thanks in part to the milk game
6. she hates us

>> No.57770363

I say 1 is most likely but I'd also bet on 5, maybe she was up late playing the rest of the game

>> No.57770396

I'm getting worried

>> No.57770412

I see no reason to worry or panic yet. Worry should only settle in around 24~36 hours of silence. Actual panic only after 60-ish hours of silence. It's not the first time this happens anyway.

>> No.57770557

i think 5. She was feeling very down at the end of the stream. plus she was yelled at.

>> No.57770613

There is a likely chance it is 5. I hate most you /shon/ but we don't need to panic and bombard her. She talked about seeing spiders again and said she wanted to play more after stream.
But given her praise of the game, it might have just gotten a bit too real. She is likely just under her desk right now or laying in bed. Give her time.

>> No.57770618

I want to be a voice inside her head.

>> No.57770670

Thanks for the update Wheelchairuser69.

>> No.57770790
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>shondo disconnects for most of the day (probably good for her)
>schizos meltdown

>> No.57770826

When was the last time she went 24 hrs without tweeting?

>> No.57770850

I mean, what worries me is that she did not disconnect. She has been online on discord all this time.

>> No.57770871

When she was with me at my house

>> No.57770931

You realize by setting your discord status to busy, it hides whether or not you've went AFK. She is probably being comfy with her family or something.

>> No.57770934

Shondo if you die because of pasta of all things im going to be PISSED

>> No.57770976

I'm going to break both of your legs if I see you in Paris

>> No.57770983

Usually she goes offline when she goes to sleep. Maybe she is just uploading VODs, but that paired with the silence worries me.

>> No.57771025

It's not your house, Otis.

>> No.57771087

dont forget to smack her butt after youre done hitting her face

>> No.57771144

The numbers I said are my personal worry time meters, I should have been a little clearer.
>When was the last time she went 24 hrs without tweeting?
Never, from what I saw. But she's been close a few times.

>> No.57771295

Number 1
Enjoy your Shondo weekend, anon

>> No.57771737

I think she's just tired and getting back to a full stream schedule is running her down. I hope she's fine but wouldn't be surprised if she's just mentally and physically exhausted. Especially how the stream ended yesterday

>> No.57772162

how long do normal dating people go without any sort of interaction?

>> No.57772194

How would any of us know?

>> No.57772284


>> No.57772296

Ill assume it would be the same frequency, or more, as I have with my mother, and we make sure to say good morning and good night every day, even if it's just a text so we know the other person is still alive, so about 16h.

>> No.57772329

this isn't a normal dating scenario so it's not a useful comparison to draw expectations from

>> No.57772396

The most I went with my 1 (one) prior relationship was like 6 hours when we were both awake. I don't know if that's normal or not so I'm not the best judge

>> No.57772401

Depends on the schedule. I'd say at most 4-6 hours
Also this

>> No.57772889

Reminder that corpo watchers can go weeks without hearing from their oshi and be completely fine

>> No.57772928

But they arent married to their oshi. Also shondo is permanently online so its weird for her to go this long without an update

>> No.57773104

This says a lot about our Shonciety

>> No.57773212


>> No.57773400

At least she's OK, now I can go to bed without worrying

>> No.57773406

There, happy now?

>> No.57773419

yeah playing a schizo game was a good idea.

>> No.57773421
File: 8 KB, 607x164, image_2023-09-04_220454106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife tweet, now stop worrying

>> No.57773470


>> No.57773531

Im never happy

>> No.57773605

Odds that the milk game gave her brainworms?

>> No.57773699

It's genuinely crazy, I was thinking about this. Corpos go weeks without saying a word and come back and their viewers don't mind or care. Shondo goes quiet for 18 hours and it's the end of the world.

>> No.57773705

2 weeks 2 breakdowns that put her out of commission
upping the meds did not work.

>> No.57773715

i didnt pay attention much while she was playing. why would it give her brainworms? it just seemed like bizarre schizo shit

>> No.57773761

>put her out of commission
its her fucking weekend

>> No.57773816
File: 358 KB, 2300x2262, 1669534214817782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't catch it but it looked like it would be the kind of thing to do so
a day of mental illness isn't really a breakdown anon
>why would it give her brainworms?
>it just seemed like bizarre schizo shit
have you considered the bizarre schizo shit she's gone through?

>> No.57773844

>put her out of commission
>she streamed 24 hours this week

>> No.57773848

it made her not feel special anymore, she thought she was the only one that had this childhood and that she was the main character, with people surrounding her with love all the time.
Then she plays this game which is pretty much what she is 1 for 1 down to being groomed by someone online and getting doxxed by them.

>> No.57773879

thats retarded anon

>> No.57773978

yeah, because she's never gone from lovey dovey one second to deleting her alt and condemning her entire core audience in the span of a day

>> No.57774118
File: 166 KB, 600x600, 1693818483134792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes fine. Just a couple of brainworms. Nade nade.

>> No.57774168

what even is your point

>> No.57774189


>> No.57774208


>> No.57774232

Are these your drawings?

>> No.57774400

Glad you enjoy them!

>> No.57774525

you are a retarded nigger

>> No.57774576


>> No.57774744

cute drawing anon

>> No.57774930

Shondo starting gift sub wars in Kitanya's chat

>> No.57774976

Are we really doomed to watch her suffer forever due to someone leaving? It's always going to happen, beginning to truly despise it

>> No.57775043

Who left?

>> No.57775086

Did someone leave recently?

>> No.57775125

Because it digs up past trauma and emotions because she relates to it. Once the thought is planted her schizo brain ruminates on it

>> No.57775219

Anon, sorry to say this, but I truly doubt she'll make it to the age of 30, and there's very little we can actively do to help her other than throwing money at the problem as long as possible. Hope I'm wrong, though. She has passion and talent for what she does.

>> No.57775254

Shondo has caused Kitanya to reap over 50 subs in the last 10 minutes or so

>> No.57775276


>> No.57775329
File: 175 KB, 424x388, 1681122894477071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girl lives in South Africa and is extremely physically frail. Fucking good.

>> No.57775402

Next one will be me until she begs me to come back

>> No.57775534

She said a while back she's going to stop letting people like this into her head and she's going to give love to good husbands instead. She's stuck to that pretty well.

>> No.57775919

Kitanya's model rigging is very smooth, I trust her with baby Shondo

>> No.57776265

why do i love this girl so much

>> No.57777230
File: 11 KB, 397x58, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanya asked what bodypart max would rather replace with a mechanical version...

>> No.57777666


>> No.57777829

>Shondo replaces brain
>she becomes giga Stacy

>> No.57778344

I fucking hate you all of the fucking retards who made feel bad yesterday
Kill yourself you useless pieces of shit

>> No.57778495

Sorry shondo if anything I said hurt you

>> No.57778535


>> No.57778556

spill the tea sister

>> No.57778670

Answer my DMs you ungrateful brat.

>> No.57779014

who made who feel bad about what

>> No.57779202
File: 455 KB, 1080x1076, InCollage_20230713_083550416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57779559

you can't just make up two imaginary scenarios to get mad at you need to pick one

>> No.57780000

>good husbands
These don't exist, it's parasitic emotional leeches all the way down.

>> No.57780080

Quads of the bitter truth

>> No.57780225

Shondo or you?

>> No.57780556

Shondo was invited to a VR collab party that starts in an hour, but couldn't make it. I'm guessing because of her sisters.

>> No.57780580

There are good husbands but you don't know about them because they don't do anything to stand out (and Shondo doesn't care about them)

>> No.57780585

Wrong, the mature, chaste husband are good and Shondo's ideal man and the ones she actually loves. Unfortunately most of you are repulsive fetish friends, all fetish friends are degusting garbage human beings in every single way and Shondo merely tolerates you but in reality she want you to leave her community.

>> No.57780591

these girls are whores

>> No.57780633

Whose party? Who else will come?

>> No.57780822

pictures of your extracted balls in order to prove you're her ideal man

>> No.57780839

No clue, could it be for Abi? It was her birthday last week I believe.

>> No.57781317

Shondo sent Tanya a fumo and there hasn't been updates since it left UK
South Africa...

>> No.57781393
File: 11 KB, 273x44, 1693866275324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is so racist

>> No.57781449

Thanks for updating on her activities anons. Im out and cant watch/stalk chatterino

>> No.57781483

Shondo hitting kitanya with the inadvertant childlike racism

>> No.57781613

shondo just said that she would rape both kitanya and inis if they ever set foot in Britain

>> No.57781669

be raped by both kitanya and inis*

>> No.57781824

Shondo just said that I am her favorite husband.

>> No.57781865

shondo just said she hates black people

>> No.57781874

shondo just said that attractiveness is an objective thing.

>> No.57781900

shondo just dropped the n-bomb with hard R's on kitanya's chat

>> No.57781906

Inis is confirming that shondo is a brocon

>> No.57781918

shondo is currently crying because inis just said that she's not a lesbian

>> No.57781927

She actually said this, and she is correct.

>> No.57782075


>> No.57782106

If its objective, then her attraction to disfigured quasimodo jason serial killer monster men can't be real because they are objectively unattractive. Her opinion doesn't reflect objectiveness, it reflects subjectivity.

>> No.57782114

She's correct

>> No.57782148

this is actually true, she hasn't sent another marriage since Inis said this.

>> No.57782157


>> No.57782185

Meh, I find freaky monster girls hot which is basically the female equivalent, so it makes sense

>> No.57782233

Inis has repeated that she's not lesbian 6 times in the last 15 minutes, knowing her wife is in the chat

>> No.57782235

So attractiveness is subjective then, and she's wrong.

>> No.57782247

t. objectively ugly

>> No.57782299

t. retard that misuses words

>> No.57782362

I don't understand Inis... Shondo calls her her wife, Inis says she's not attracted to women, Shondo calls her her platonic wife, Inis freaks out and says they're not platonically married they're romantically married (after Shondo showed her how she looks IRL) and now Inis is saying she's not a lesbian and doesn't like women in front of Shondo...

>> No.57782447

Inis is mentally ill and has a chat of her own male husbands to worry about as well.

>> No.57782480

Inis gets visits from social workers. Don't take her too seriously.

>> No.57782482

Now she's asking kitanya to eat her out
I don't get her

>> No.57782494

Inis is a little broken

>> No.57782534

Does inis care if I cheat on Shondo with her?

>> No.57782539

and now she wants to eat kitanya out

>> No.57782605

no, the last time shondo raided her, she turned the parasocialness up to 11, she knows how fickle husbands are

>> No.57782846

>go to a ball, where we will both find mates
>such is life
so even these parasocial women are into cucking their audience

>> No.57783022

Untrue, she's put husbands in their place before and has even asked Shondo if she's allowed to show things off to her husbands when Shondo raids. She respects Shondo's relationship.
Also cheaters die, Inis is a literal whore. She's exactly what faggots in this thread (baselessly) fear Shondo becoming. She's a party girl.

>> No.57783094

is she really? I just thought she was a bit of a nutter

>> No.57783099

Why are you replying?

>> No.57783101

>Inis is a literal whore
how much for a night with inis?

>> No.57783111

she seems like the easy to put out type of mentally ill

>> No.57783156

This, Inis is the BPD, fickle, manipulative slutty type of mentally ill. Still cute and I enjoy her, but different from Shondo.

>> No.57783192

>She respects Shondo's relationship
>Inis is a literal whore
one of these things isn't true. if she can't respect her partners, she can't respect her friend's partners.

>> No.57784088

which post do you think is shondo's after inis rejected her with that "not lesbian" line?

>> No.57784269

this one

>> No.57784528

hopefully none of them

>> No.57784719
File: 174 KB, 1492x1080, 1682343862018624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye bye /shon/

>> No.57784844

See you later shogga, hope you have a good rest of your day

>> No.57784876

shon toes

>> No.57784985

Mlem mlem mlem mlem

>> No.57785177

Shondo I know you're here reply to Alice already

>> No.57785246

I will lick Shondos ears and give her an orgasm before I die

>> No.57785312

I Love Shondo

>> No.57785531

