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57687342 No.57687342 [Reply] [Original]

The last update to the best saga in the history of vtubing!
Was it just schizophrenia? Did the exorcist gave his life just to save the Orca from evil spirits (he apparently had terminal cancer but couldn't die)?

New data: The exorcist told her there was a curse in her family and she was possesed by 3 different spirits (a small kind, a woman and a man). The woman spirit was killed by one of her ancestors due to a misunderstanding. The curse is OVER.

>> No.57687407

>the Orca pussy stench was so rancid it literally killed an exorcist

>> No.57687554

her occult talk is just casual shit. some 5ch schizos tried to make it a big drama but they miserably failed

>> No.57687667

Based onmyouji

>> No.57687832

Those 3 spirits?
All me

>> No.57687888

>almost 2 years of this shit

>> No.57687935

The worst hell/purgatory/being trapped on earth after death would probably being a ghost stuck in 4chan unable to leave.

>> No.57688041
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Anon, i have a plan

>> No.57688310

Btw, have multiple personality disorder (now called dissociative identity disorder) could explain why doors were opening and shit without her knowing how.

>> No.57688344


>> No.57688626

It was obviously just a stalker and she came up with the ghost bullshit so people wouldn't get worried.

>> No.57688801

??? she said it happened in others house when she was with someone.

>> No.57689128

There was (and are) some people that still taking she was making some sort of metaphor over getting stalked but trust me, she legitimately thinks there were evil spirits in her house and she got a fucking exorcists for them.
As much as we are in 2023 there are still plenty of people believing in ghosts, even more in shintoist japan.

>> No.57689910

Mass hysteria? Trying to get in her good side by agreeing so nothing happens to them?

>> No.57690396

this was so retarded, please don't bring it back. japanese people truly have a problem with ghosts

>> No.57691995

Do Japanese people really believe in ghosts?

>> No.57692229

They're immensely superstitious so yeah.

>> No.57692926

Indos as well. Indonesia also has a disproportionate occurrence of schizophrenia in its population, which helps explain why so many are culturally adamant that spirits are real and they can hear then talk.

>> No.57692976

One of the tenets of shintoism (one of their two major religions) is around the worshipping of "kami" who are supernatural entities believed to inhabit all things.
So they believe everything has a soul, even objects.

>> No.57693110

Maybe she is making up a kayfabe story arc to entertain her viewers but getting possessed by 3 spirits would not be a casual event for most people. Hololive does lean into their character lore so it can be hard to separate their real life stories from their entertainment stories.

>> No.57693258

basically everyone has for all of human history except western fedora tippers in the last 55 years

>> No.57693294
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Shes finally free from her ghost problems

>> No.57694045

You don't?

>> No.57699296

Wtf is it with nips and ancient grudges holy shit just learn to let go and pass on

>> No.57699655

Everyone is superstitious.
The west has tried to force atheism on the populace and yet the number 1 thing that can affect house prices in most western countries especially burgerville is rumor that the house is haunted. Can't sell no matter how low to the prices went.
There's a part of the human brain that's seems responsible for religious experiences. It can be affected by electromagnets and psychotropics. But it's there.
We are built "to believeʾ. Unbelief seems almost unnatural by comparison.
Consider the riddle posed by the discovery of Gobekli Tepee.
Consider the universal commonality of certain superstitions around the globe, how disparate peoples all came the the same conclusions about what appears to be the same phenomenon.

Everyone is superstitious, some just hide it better and get on with their lives without it affecting them.

>> No.57699740

I believe in ghosts. When I was young a ghostly hand grabbed my foot and made me fall from my bike

>> No.57700017

Asians are weird man. Depending on the time of day here on /vt/ you have people who act as if it's common knowledge and that you're a crazy person for NOT believing in them.

>> No.57700087

>Consider the universal commonality of certain superstitions around the globe, how disparate peoples all came the the same conclusions about what appears to be the same phenomenon.
My favourite, apart from the obvious spectre or ghost which almost always is described as human shapes that aren't fully there, is the Foxfires.
Will-o-the-wisp. きつねび. From all around Europe to North America to Japan to the Australian abbos; all described the same thing with the same warning, separated by centuries and continents: stick to the path at night and don't follow the lights that retreat at your approach; they will lead you to ruin.

>> No.57700329

I mean, that just seems like common sense. You don't have to be superstitious to want to avoid weird shit in the night.

>> No.57700664

>The west has tried to force atheism on the populace and yet the number 1 thing that can affect house prices in most western countries especially burgerville is rumor that the house is haunted. Can't sell no matter how low to the prices went.
Someone needs to make a website advertising this so that the people who aren't retards can grab a house for a good deal in this shit economy.

>> No.57700885

Latinx too

>> No.57701000

Only white people don't.

>> No.57701135

Everyone does except Americans. There're rationalists all across the world that don't believe in any other paranatural shit but still believe in ghosts. I come from an atheist country that aggressively pushed against god and superstition except that we all believe in ghosts and practice regular ghost safety growing up.

>> No.57701235


>> No.57701689

Based white people

>> No.57703428

>The woman spirit was killed by one of her ancestors due to a misunderstanding.
Chloe is literally from a family of assassins.

>> No.57703551

>>57703428 (me)
>family of assassins.
I mean this more like joke revelation than a statement, but now we know why she's the "cleaner" of HoloX.

>> No.57703669

>Do Japanese people really believe in ghosts?
Many Asians, in general, even if they're Atheist, many believe in supernatural.

>> No.57703707
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>She pretended for over a year and made up this bullshit elaborate story to say her house was haunted just to hide the fact that she had a boyfriend.
>And people beloved it.

>> No.57703788

she started this shit to cover up a fart on stream and she's been keeping it up for like a year now. Jesus Christ her dedication is terrifying

>> No.57703925
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All VTubers are mentally ill
ALL of them
Why ever doubt

>> No.57703946

the latines believe in everything. Monsters, witches, ghouls ..etc...it's their native blood

>> No.57705084

Yes. That's just how these people are, anon. They seriously believe bloodtype is an indicator of personality- it somehow makes even less sense than horoscopes and zodiac signs.

>> No.57711790

And the atmospheric pressure shit too.

>> No.57712208
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Chloe is super mentally ill and was taking Shions trash the other day to take home.

>> No.57712633

And yet a solo traveller at night, already a perilous prospect, with no light of their own was probably more inclined to follow a bobbing light that waits for them to catch up but always stays out of reach. Perhaps it's a friend with a light source?
Perhaps it's a friendly entity helping to light the way on a moonless night when the traveller is lost?
Apparently not hence the universal warning: don't follow the lights.

>> No.57712975

>I mean this more like joke revelation than a statement, but now we know why she's the "cleaner" of HoloX.
When they debuted I assumed that's what that meant; I didn't know it was to be taken literally. For a year afterwards I was still under the impression that she was meant to be a hitman/assassin character, but a pon one considering her nature. I thought it fit in better with the theme of the rest of the gen.
Nope, literally a just a janny who for some reason has an inexplicable killer whale motif.

>> No.57713209

The blood type shit is atrocious. It's fine for making small talk or whatever, but a good number of companies (and even the dating scene) in Japan used to treat blood type way too seriously when it came to hiring people. A and AB were the ones everyone wanted since they're seen as the "serious and obedient" type while B was frowned upon for being "selfish" or something. Not sure about O.

>> No.57713501

This bullshit was big in the 90s.
I didn't think japs gave a shit these days and the ones that do are joking.

>> No.57713835

The same could be said of Homeopathy and Astrology. The problem is that dumb people legitimately believe that bullshit.

>> No.57716932
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>> No.57717047

All 3 of those people? Me.

>> No.57720642

Having an exorcism done at your house is a bit more special but getting a ritual purification at a shrine is about as common as a Christian going to a confessional.

>> No.57720719

They younger people are moving onto MBTI now.

>> No.57720826

I cant believe Japanese ghosts because Mashiro hasn't found one yet

>> No.57723818

She's not baptized, easy pick for the devil.
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.57723908

What possible drama could 5ch schizos even come up with? It was a female voice in the first place too so they can't even go off that?

>> No.57724040

the exorcist must had fucked her in order to kill the curse while taking a 2 millions yen fee

>> No.57724189

Congrats on your transition anon

>> No.57724359
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No priest, no crucifix, no exorcism. Sorry JPbros, that's the way it is.

>> No.57724743

Wrong kind of "spook", anon

>> No.57729376

I'm gonna save her. Baptize her in my cum.

>> No.57729427

That doesn't actually exist.

>> No.57729702

everyone knows that an exorcist is stronger after they die, since they can fight on the ghosts' level

>> No.57729720

Don't let this distract you from the fact that Pekora bought a fucking monkey

>> No.57729816

Old news. Boring

>> No.57730005

>he fell for all the distractions

>> No.57730333

Being stuck with unsellable property is scarier than any ghost.

>> No.57730831

>Perhaps it's a friend with a light source?
lol, this is the sort of shit you get eaten for in the jungle. Nah, this is just another filter between the stupidly naive and the rest.

>> No.57730875

Have you ever went down on an asian woman? It's like the Pacific ocean down there.

>> No.57731213

I know. Hot right?

>> No.57731501

>exactly my current life, but without having to fill piss bottles
could be worse

>> No.57731516

The atmospheric pressure is real. You need to experience it firsthand to understand it. It's like if a debuff area suddenly appeared.

>> No.57731731
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You mean it's full of grim, trash and microplastics?

>> No.57732470

Why does every Chloe thread gets derailed into discussing something else?

>> No.57732765

Because Chloe is boring when you take away her sex model, her singing voice and her smell.

>> No.57733200

Yeah, if you're not allowed to discuss half the things that make her a chuuba I guess there's not that much to talk about. I like her, she has a pretty decent taste in games (luckly gacha shit is relegated to shill streams) and she learns pretty fast even if it's her first time playing some of them. Her only issue is that she doesn't stream as often as I'd like her to do but most of the times she keeps up on twitter with silly stuff that you can't help but laugh every time you see a notification from her

>> No.57733975

what is that thing?

>> No.57736174

you can't take away her smell

>> No.57736299

Low air pressure can cause various symptoms, from headaches and mild distress to nausea and vomiting

>> No.57738428

Polka and half a dozen holos get headaches when the barometric pressure gets too low.

>> No.57740083

>not exorcised by Christian catholic white priest
Nigga, her soul has been promised to Satan after death and spirits didn't wanted to fuck with it

>> No.57740866

haunted stankpuss
explains it all

>> No.57743571

An interesting observation is how we all have the same reaction to uncanny valley.
Something or someone may look human and all, but your instincts scream at you that it is NOT a human and you should get the fuck away. What the fuck have our ancestors have dealt with to warrant this instinct being deep in our mind?

>> No.57743791

Tribalism unironically. It's not some sort of /x/-tier level skinwalkers or any of that. Humans are pretty good at recognizing each others and anything that tries to emulate it will be shunned and treated as something off

>> No.57744637

This but unironically
>ghost keeps turning on the bath taps and opening the door to the bathroom
>ghost said "kusai" live on stream (translators note: kusai means stinky)
>Chloe is known for bad hygiene
Conclusion, Chloe stinks so bad she woke up the dead with her stench and they are all trying to get her to take a bath.

>> No.57744932

She said "urusai" though. Funny story anon, haven't heard that a milion times already

>> No.57746228

It's true tho
Source: Me, I'm the ghost

>> No.57746524

my head canon about this is that it's because of homo sapiens meeting neanderthals

>> No.57747542
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It's funny that cloe went full shizo when she heard a ghost voice, while miko just excited when she heard one.

>> No.57747601

She should have invited Senchou over to exorcise the spirit in her own way. She could have even livestreamed herself helping Marine.

>> No.57749605
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>Chloe killed the exorcist to have more material for her zatsudan

>> No.57749845

You are a fool, Jacinto.

>> No.57749857

because whitex people are the ghosts. just sit down and think a little, they don't belong to this planet.

>> No.57750966

This desu, Yakub's greatest mistake

>> No.57752897

Ghosts are real and so is God. Deal with it

>> No.57755863

All the holos are scared of ghosts
I await the day there's a yurei holo.

>> No.57757725

I don't understand uncanny valley, never in my life felt what you're describing.

>> No.57759933


>> No.57760333

It was always because she was moving. She overreacted and then fed into chats reaction as a fun excuse to not stream as regularly and off collab with some people. Sorry for revealing the man behind the curtain.

>> No.57762708

Next you're going to say she's not really a sentient and sapient animu grill

>> No.57764316

Chloe is Roman Catholic, while Miko is a Satanist.

>> No.57765426

nobody actually believes in shinto in japan they just go along with the traditions as a cultural thing

and this is what happens when you have a country that tries to remove religion as much as possible. people start believing in ghosts or other supernatural things to fill the gap. same shit in china after mao.

>> No.57766026

Beats not having a house at all, landowner.

>> No.57767341

Literally me.

>> No.57769096

People will forget it's supposed to be haunted in a couple years of people actually living there.
Maintaining haunting rumors is practically impossible with an actively lived in and maintained building.

>> No.57772814

It works in small neighborhoods/towns.
I think any house associated with grisly murders also fares badly.

>> No.57774720


>> No.57776403

Ok, synth.
