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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57662147 No.57662147 [Reply] [Original]

One month in, I'm on the fence as to who's crazier.

>> No.57662267

i don't think shiori's crazy, i think she's just on the spectrum and it's really uncomfortable to watch someone like that. it's like mocking the afflicted; it's funny for a bit, but you feel guilty after a while.
nerissa is full power catty white witch basic bitch crazy.

>> No.57662325

Shiori is crazy enough to attempt doing GFE

>> No.57662389
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>our egirls are soooooo CUHRAZY
Stop embarrassing yourself corpobrony.

>> No.57662860

GFE is only crazy if you are bad with managing your money. Yeah, eventually it might bite her in the ass with unicorns turning on her, but even if that happens it won't matter because she will have milked them for millions. She should have a nice nest egg to retire on by then. Course that requires a woman be smart with her money and not spend it as soon as she gets it.

GFE is the best way to grift lonely men. Coomer shit might sound better, but your job security is actually much worse. All it takes is someone hotter to come along and all your coomer paypigs will jump ship. But people who delude themselves into believing you are mutually in love? Those people are loyal until you give them a reason not to be.

>> No.57664778

Kiara, that white bitch is a

>> No.57664945

The one with the boyfriend yab.

>> No.57664997

>Pl shit is a yab now
Every holo girl is crazy by definition of /vt/

>> No.57665298

How did these two end up being genmates to fuwamoco? Like night and day

>> No.57665386

>Sweet Hag (Shiori)
>Bratty Hag (Nerissa)
>Sweet Cunny (FuwaMocco)
>Bratty Cunny (Bijou)
Makes perfect sense to me.

>> No.57665549

Your Mom

>> No.57665718

Actually FuwaMoco can be considered much more crazier.
Imagine being so infatuated with Japan that you devote more than a decade consuming otaku media and trying to be a perfect kawaii underground idol, to the point you prefer speaking in Japanese more while your native language slowly disintegrate inside your head.

>> No.57666117

Neither of them are crazy. Shiori is just a dork that goes on unfiltered tangents. She is even more of a cinnamon roll than the dogs. Nerissa has a weaker personality, and banking too hard on the top and bottom jokes. But she is definitely trying to generate a stronger presence. I think she does better in solo and one-on-one collabs than group collabs.

Her gfe is literally just a joke to tease chat with. She acts more like a younger sister that wants attention than goth gf. She is also really good at controlling her model, and put a lot of effort in structuring her streams. This works really well for her variety-zatsu-esque content.

>> No.57666256

>she acts more like a younger sister that wants attention
… at home, because she is the one that takes care of people outside. Just watch any advent collab.

>> No.57668197

you are

>> No.57668219

Nerissa is stupid, Shiori is actually kinda crazy but not loonie bin material, and by far not the craziest Holomem in history.

>> No.57668255

The baggage is too much. It is not worth the money.

>> No.57668319
File: 1.91 MB, 2938x3000, __nerissa_ravencroft_shiori_novella_and_yorick_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_okunin__b03f75c83d657679916686304224ca1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick is crazy for both of them

>> No.57668370

Nerissa really is uncannily like Kronii, but is actually entertaining. Kronii's best moments was being sarcastic when the other girls were being retarded, it's funny when Nerissa is kind of a cunt because the other girls are being retarded. Shiori isn't crazy, she just has actual autism (eats with scissors because it calms her down).

>> No.57668404


>> No.57668415

Hated Shiori on debut. Refused to watch her. Saw some videos and now she's a lot more endearing to me than before. She's like a little, retarded, autistic sister.

>> No.57668494

refuse to watch nerissa thanks to seanigs. shiori has improved a lot and is not that crazy at all.

>> No.57668555

>refuse to watch nerissa thanks to seanigs
What? QRD? I thought people hated Nerissa because she based her entire personality around coomerbaiting and simping for Kiara?

>> No.57668737

What happened? Ara Ara spam? I stopped watching her too because I saw my countrymen spamming that

>> No.57668808

I don't envy late joiners. either start archive diving or forget about it.

>> No.57668930

Now you're getting it

>> No.57668935

Happening to Shiori now too.

>> No.57669087

>calms her down
Go start your own hate thread. While it’s quirky and dangerous, i swear some of y’all have also eaten straight off the barbecue tongs or use two long skewer toothpicks like chopsticks for convenience sake. She said it as an offhand comment just to solidify her quirky goth character. If she does it regularly, she would’ve talked about it when she was Malice Diary or Moe (She literally had a NTR obsession phase as moe, if we are talking about the length of yabs she was willing to go to for views). On the other hand, I can’t really explain the moldy food phase she’s been going through this past week. Just goes back to the
>acts like a younger sister that wants attention

>> No.57669131

You do know Shiori is SEA right?

>> No.57669173 [DELETED] 

SEA, married and doing this gig for the money to pay for her mother's medical care. She doesn't want to GFE for drooling retards, but it brings in the money.

>> No.57669234 [DELETED] 

It’s not confirmed they were even dating cause shiori did many male collabs. And “honey “ can be used non-romantically. She has said it referencing chat too .
Either way that’s all pl shit from 2 years apparently some schizo dug up

>> No.57669250 [DELETED] 

Shiori isn't crazy, she's just a massive weirdo
Nerissa isn't crazy either, she's just the closer we'll ever get to EN Marine, with how puritan westerners are

and both of them are valueable additions, i like em a lot

>> No.57669269

This is also false. Do reps

>> No.57669280

So you are telling me she IS perfect wife material? For once we are doing the cucking and not the cucked, Novelites just can’t stop winning!

>> No.57669293 [DELETED] 

>It was years ago
Is a very bad cope.
You know what it is, youre just a pussy ass cuck if you can't accept it

>> No.57669297 [DELETED] 

Nerissa had a boyfriend in the past, prior to 2020
that's it, that's the "yab"
holoantis working overtime to try and tear advent down, you can smell their fear

>> No.57669363

Esl or sea resorting to insults, classic.
Ok my turn. No u

>> No.57669407

Nigger like 98% of corpo chuubaa were in a relationship in the past, they're fucking women in a nerdy hobby for fuck's sake. Nobody gives a shit unless it's still ongoing. Might as well shit your pants because they breathe.

>> No.57669430 [DELETED] 

What makes it worse with Shiori is she's selling herself as a lonely isolated misunderstood character. She wasn't. She had friends, she was loved and loved others back. She's never known pain. She's never been alone. That's a bigger betrayal than the boyfriend shit.

>> No.57669436

wait, there's another? KEK
only the twins are safe

>> No.57669477

As it should be. Ruffians are the only true winning fanbase. The rest of Advent is western cancer.

>> No.57669489

Shiorin is more actual menhera, Rissa is just horny.

>> No.57669508

Good take at first
But what is the problem with ongoing relationship as well? Wtf does their private life have to do with viewers?

>> No.57669551

>people who delude themselves into believing you are mutually in love
This is just the gist of VTubing, even "accidental" GFE bitches who genuinely think they're doing nothing wrong do it to get paypigs.

>> No.57669558

It takes 5 minutes to confirm that the guy is single now, has been in therapy for over a year, and lives in a different country. I knew everything there was to know within 2 hours of Shiori being Moe rrat getting legs. SEAmurai really reclined with their doxx reps.

>> No.57669581

Shut up and eat your apple sauce, fucking manchild

>> No.57669621

Oh nyo my whores were exposed

>> No.57669623

Sorry, could you repeat that seethe again? Can't hear you clearly with so much winning and BAU BAUs.

>> No.57669636

I don't share these fags's mental illness, but at least I could understand if someone who routinely gets touchy with their audience turns out to have a present boyfriend that would piss off a lot of people (see Rushia). It's just insincere at best and manipulative at worst, even if it's true that at the end of the day it's a character. I still don't understand why anyone would give a flying fuck if someone like, I dunno, Towa or Korone or Suisei ended up having one though, like I said I'm not mentally ill enough to get it.

>> No.57669643

Kys. Didn't read anything but that. Faggot homo.

>> No.57669678
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I think the topic of who would betray their fans first is more interesting to talk about. I'm betting none of the two.

>> No.57669696

>What makes it worse with ANY FEMALE EVER is she's selling herself as a lonely isolated misunderstood character. She wasn't. She had friends, she was loved and loved others back. She's never known pain. She's never been alone. That's a bigger betrayal than the boyfriend shit.

>> No.57669728

I will say random shit on here and expect retards to believe me (based).

>> No.57669731 [DELETED] 

it didn't work with Ame, Mori, Gura, Kiara
it didn't work with Fauna and Mumei
it won't work with Nerissa and Shiorin
when will you doxxtards realize nobody gives a shit about IRL relationships
keep your mental illness to yourself

>> No.57669733

Nerissa sells herself as Kiara's buttbuddy, not like Shiori who uwu goth gf so useless I can't make toast let me be ur princess desuu

>> No.57669761

>viewers are nerds who want to enjoy a nerd hobby
>some normalfag who -wants money- decides to crash the party because they feel entitled to money
>wtf why is that a problem
Go back to your normalfaggot life and work a real job and leave nerd jobs to nerd people, you fucking poser.

>> No.57669805

But my point is that even "le depressed" women or "le too weird to be normal XD" girls have never actually known any real problems except one time a guy called them out for being disingenuous whores. That's it, that's the extent of oppression for women.

The lifecycle of women is such that they basically coast until they do something really retarded and then it all falls apart because their fallback was being a cute girl who extracted resources from men, nothing more.

>> No.57669850

I thought the novelty of this job was "cute anime girl is real" and not "female streamer is single"

>> No.57669854

Ngl, they have perfected the CGDCT route, but how do you stand watching an entire stream that’s 50% incoherent dog speech? I’ll keep watching the clips, but I’m not gonna sit through two three hours of Teletubies.
Also Shiori is nice to doggos, don’t bite the hand that feeds you if it’s holding scissors

>> No.57669900

I would rather that they not be associated with those lesser whores, and I'm hoping that once FuwaMoco move to Japan they associate with the JP girls like they should outside of force anniversary celebration bullshit.

>> No.57669912

Genmates aren't supposed to be the same, you WANT them to be different.

>> No.57670050 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57670051

Shiori was probably hired (also) to keep the gen together. You can see it in the collabs, she's the glue that holds the group when Bijou's trolling, Nerissa's tilting, and FWMC low skills in videogames (I am not sure how real and how much it's kaybfabe) all pull them in different directions.

>> No.57670160 [DELETED] 

Oof, cucklites aren't recovering after today. Exposed as the worst Holo member and worst fanbase.

>> No.57670181


>> No.57670196 [DELETED] 

Yeah throw her to the homos, this bitch belongs to the streets

>> No.57670204


>> No.57670213

Yessss, let it sink in. The one thing that you thought you were special for, that only you could enjoy is becoming the norm and normies like me will replace and take over the likes of you, your hobbies, and your safe space.

Real job grinders will also have a more stable income so that we will be topping the SCs and support your oshis more than you ever could. Normalfags just can’t stop winning.

>> No.57670244

Shiori in collabs
>Older sister / mother role
>Constant reassurance when someone fucks up "There there it's ok!"
>Constant praise when someone does well "Aw, good job!"
>Constant well-being check "Are you ok?"

Shiori when alone with chat
>Younger sister that wants (You)r attention
>Needed to be reminded daily to throw out 2 week past expiry milk
>Needed to be pampered and taken care of while sick
>Wanted to spend time with (You) despite being sick, clingy younger sister
>Likes being helped and doted on
>"Oh my gosh chat look look!" Involving (You) in everything that excites her

>> No.57670251

>Sweet Cunny (FuwaMocco)
Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.57670270

Because she's fake and you're retarded for buying her act. Next.

>> No.57670304

>She is even more of a cinnamon roll than the dogs
This is true. I encourage anyone to read the crunchroll interview that she did at debut. She comes across as a really sweet person.

>> No.57670346 [DELETED] 

She's just been exposed as a manipulative sociopath. How does a cucklite like you even still bat for her? Do you have no self respect?

>> No.57670356
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So she even got good head game. Novelites just can’t stop winning

>> No.57670371

There's a saying of how's an anon with ADHD can't get along with another anon with ADHD

>> No.57670397 [DELETED] 

Better not look at fauna and mumei prior to hololive oh nonono, Nerissa too.
What happened to past shit doesn't matter btw?

>> No.57670442 [DELETED] 

Good news for you then cucklite. Those women are also whores. Shiori is just an exceptionally bad one because she's not even hiding she joined Hololive to grift.

>> No.57670453

fwmc is the standard, everyone else is at least slightly below or not depending on your standard
nerissa is confirmed safe now.
shiori and bijou are in probation

>> No.57670456

i dont even care about those whores

>> No.57670469

read what was replied to

>> No.57670481


>> No.57670496 [DELETED] 

>replied to past shit
>hololive is a clean slate blah blah
>the past doesn't matter blah blah
>timelooping past shit
Yes very interesting.

>> No.57670513 [DELETED] 

I love how you think whataboutisms means that your whore oshi isn't a cock carousel riding whore.

>> No.57670555

Tell me about Nerissa.

>> No.57670567

>evening in Jakarta

>> No.57670600

you're exaggarating tho. and vtubers are only whores if they currently have relations AND peddle gfe.
and maybe you have the true unicorn definition of maidenhood, but damn is that really hard to achieve even if you are japanese

>> No.57670620

Same anon, NEXT
That’s some crazy wpm though, like 100,120? Is that what chronically online looks like?

>> No.57670665
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Did none of you watch her PL? I feel kind of bad for her since she was so proud of it. Anyway she was incredibly normal and dull. She's just trying to live up to the goth gf model and will go back to being normie in 6months.

>> No.57670718

nerissa is just all horny
shiori is the real crazy girl

>> No.57670765

What is this biboo boyfriend rrat?

>> No.57670784

This is even worse than the black joke.

>> No.57670800

you can do reps for it, its in the archives

>> No.57670839

What did Bijou do?

>> No.57670845

Cucklites got cucked in just over a month. She truly is the NTRtuber.

>> No.57670917

I can't believe people are proud of watching their shit. It's like sissy hypno porn, but instead of turning you into a cuck they are turning you into an infant.

>> No.57670926
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nerissa is great, and does the best type of gfe: coombaiting, still waiting on her to make a song/cover i actually like though
she is still great regardless, only shiori is pretty bad since its literally her bread and butter - but at least we all had her on probation from the beginning

>> No.57670965

Seething cucklite tries attacking fwmc. It won't work.

>> No.57670985 [DELETED] 

RM had a long distance relationship with a dude and hooked up with him for a month to play videogames and likely more. She's on probation because she plays cool games in entertaining ways as a primary source of content and pretty much made falling in love with her a fail condition from day 1.

>> No.57670988

fwmc are funny, up there with pekora and korone
>it's like _____
is there something you'd like to tell us anon? (hot btw)

>> No.57671015

>A-Actually there's things worse than being a cuck!
Shiroi fans are so spineless kek

>> No.57671022 [DELETED] 


>> No.57671034

>knowledge of something means you engage in it
Holy shit, does that mean I'm not actually a virgin?

>> No.57671038
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reminder that the board hated biboo and lui for daring to speak or be part thai. she out of all of advent deserves the most lenience

>> No.57671058

He's right though

>> No.57671088 [DELETED] 

Up to you, buddy.

>> No.57671096

idk you think someone who knows a genre of animal cruelty might be in circles he shouldnt be.
that sort of stuff isn't public knowledge anon, now wear this dress

>> No.57671105 [DELETED] 

Pebble bros….

>> No.57671133 [DELETED] 

Why do so many people hate that place?
Ok now I hate it too.

>> No.57671138 [DELETED] 

You should look up Shondo if you want to see how much fun a long distance bf can have with your oshi when they meetup irl for a short period of time

>> No.57671185 [DELETED] 

Fuck sake man, I will never understand unicorns, but I mean at least you guys are straight shooters. I kneel.

>> No.57671250 [DELETED] 

i dont have his standard, but being and supporting unicorns are about protecting things more than just your particular preference.
its like willingly paying taxes to a shit government. the best of us evade it, the least we can do is complain

>> No.57671298 [DELETED] 

>I will never understand unicorns
Girls like Bijou act overly cutesy for attention. That's cute if she's single and wanting her chat to fawn over her. That's depressing if she has a boyfriend she's already went through these motions with.

>> No.57671490 [DELETED] 

I doubt she did the mahou shoujo LARP with her boyfriend.

>> No.57671643

>This thread
Ruffians stay winning

>> No.57671685

cute doggos will NEVER make my dick diamonds like nerissa. you are a dogfucker

>> No.57671709 [DELETED] 

I would rather be a cute appreciator than be a used whore lover like you, lmao.

>> No.57671762
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have fun not jerking off to your oshi

>> No.57671813

Have fun thinking about all the other men's cum that's been inside her

>> No.57671853 [DELETED] 

>women act cute with their boyfriends
ah virgin

>> No.57671867

Seafags hate each other when they’re all basically the same.

>> No.57671893

>i cant respond without sounding mad
okay. but i dont think about them thoughbeit.

>> No.57672114

it's fascinating the lengths some "people" will go to to shit on hololive vtubers

>> No.57672380

Call it an acquired taste. Nothing hurts more than a woman not knowing what to do in bed when they are already in their 20s. But guess you won’t ever have that problem apple sauce boy.

Also to break your deluded fantasy about sex, just because someone has had a relationship doesn’t mean they become non virgin automatically. Some, if not most, couples including myself started off with soft core stuff and don’t go all the way until much later. Also I recently met a whole bunch of SEA people who actually commit to the no sex until marriage game, simply because that’s their culture.

But none of that matters because the advent girls or any streamer and vtuber for that matter, are just entertainers. You don’t know anything about them and calling them whores proof nothing but how pathetic of a human being you are.

>> No.57672401

holy shit now i want to delete my own response to him, dude get some help.

>> No.57672444

So this is the power of a cucklite... Sugoi. Shiori has still has sex though lmao

>> No.57672467

Non of them are crazy enough to pretend to be ESL for the views.

>> No.57672468

>Also I recently met a whole bunch of SEA people who actually commit to the no sex until marriage game, simply because that’s their culture.

>> No.57672502

Shiori is legitimately esl lmao

>> No.57672503

Same anon, NEXT

>> No.57672606

They are actually japanese anon

>> No.57672646

>still trying to force cuck meme with pl shit
This thread should have been deleted long ago janny by the way.

>> No.57672668

Isn't the entire point of vtubing that it doesn't matter who or what they are irl?

>> No.57672689

Yeah but you know how insecure men can be

>> No.57672732

Yeah and you can hardly tell. It's not like she puts on a fake Japanese accent while she speaks English.

>> No.57672737

hey, as long as they can maintain the kayfabe i don't think it's a problem

>> No.57672767

correct, but shitposters gonna shitpost

>> No.57672782

It's technically in the SEA region, but people there tend to be much nicer than the islanders. People from Indonesia and the Philippines hate everyone around them and Thailand just gets caught in the crossfire.

>> No.57672846

Reminder that everything you see or read on anonymous board is 100% fake

>> No.57673058
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I don’t have a lot of sex

>> No.57673091
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>Nothing hurts more than a woman not knowing what to do in bed when they are already in their 20s
Shiroin fans are now bragging about their oshi being trained by other men...

>> No.57673522

Unironically FWMC

>> No.57674361

>>Sweet Cunny (FuwaMocco)
Uh, anon?

>> No.57674565

Wait what? Lui is part thai? She isn't 100% japanese?

>> No.57674590

Nihon has fallen...

>> No.57674659

No, she just has interest in learning different languages.

>> No.57674678

A hot onee-san who's a full head taller than me with Nerissa's body type isn't going to show up at my house tomorrow and have rough baby-making sex with me. Afterwards she won't hold me in her arms and rub my head as we drift asleep together.
I can assure everyone on this board, this isn't going to happen.

>> No.57674691

You and your like are the same kinda dudes who think that a girl saying "Good morning" to you means you're in a relationship. Everyone will be "accidental" GFE to you because you're that incredibly lonely and attached yourself to the first form of positive attention.

>> No.57674712

I don't mind at all, it make me even more curious about her because i always loved Lui in collab so i will try to watch more of her streams now.

>> No.57675047

>"Men are easy, just be nice to them"

>> No.57675567

Which 90% of women failed to do in modern times.

>> No.57676973


>> No.57677051

Young japs love to travel to thailand so she has learned a bit thai. It is like an american learning to speak spanish because they like going to mexico

>> No.57677384

It's Hololive Hagvent anon...

>> No.57677432

Jakarta sounds like the name of some wicked capital of the subhuman horde in a fantasy novel.

>> No.57677947

Cool story, bro.

>> No.57678200 [DELETED] 

I don't believe you.

>> No.57678384

shiori's model has nothing to do with her voice and personality, I wonder if the model was for someone else and was replaced at the last moment

>> No.57678442

She's an unironic Nepo hire.

>> No.57679252

Although it doesn’t quite fit, they probably didn’t view it that way.

>> No.57679702

Anon, when a girl is nice to you expecting gifts, it's called prostitution. That's why VTubers are nice to the audience. Grow up.

>> No.57679818

>listening to retards /here/
kill yourself

>> No.57681027 [DELETED] 

I found this video of her saying she wanted to quit streaming, apparently it was in decemeber https://streamable.com/ofyjvj


Did she just have a menhera moment? or she was serious, and then changed her mind when EN3 happened?

>> No.57681119

>was replaced at the last moment
I don't think so, it's just that she's early 00s idea of goth vs modern idea of goth as "big titty goth gf".

She fits her model and character perfectly, with her love for writing and fanfictions.

>> No.57681270

By who? None of the current members of HoloEN have a connection to her.

>> No.57681690

It is unrealistic and frankly unreasonable to expect an adult woman in her mid-late 20s to have never had a boyfriend.

>> No.57681795

From what I gather, the channel wasn't enough for her to live off but a huge commitment. As a Holo, that won't ever be a problem.

>> No.57682284

you think girls who have sex... get GOOD at sex? had a hookup with a girl who admitted to having a lot of sex in the past, and she was pretty obviously unskilled at basic foreplay, riding etc. most girls do fuck all during sex in most cases so the whole "you virgins don't know what you want" is some pathetic cope. also saging cuz i dont bump bait threads

>> No.57682819

Fucking dammit, why biboo too? I fully expected Shiori to be a turboslut, Rissa to have a bf, it was obvious. But not fucking Biboo. God, please, fucking why can’t there women hide their tracks better?

>> No.57682911

Shiori is autistic enough to be weird but normal enough to capitalize on that weirdness for content, and been doing it for ages.
Nerissa likes Kiara.

So Nerissa

>> No.57683227
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I want both to fuck a shota.

>> No.57683302

I want them to molest Biboo

>> No.57683725

I love Shiorin, doesn’t matter if she had/has a bf. I will continue to love and support her.

>> No.57683742

I still have seen 0 fucking proofs.

>> No.57683929

>sociopathic grifter
>degenerate sex fiend and potential rapist
It's like comparing apples and oranges. They're entirely different kinds of crazy.

>> No.57683972

Retards, anon means the tuber/character, not the 3d voice whores.

>> No.57684442

It's not that she liked Kiara, but that she owns so much merch of her (that includes unofficial merch) and refers to her Kiara plushie as her "emotional support plushie". Kiara is ignoring red flags like crazy.

>> No.57684582

>grifter about being a 2view before you were born

>> No.57684636

Wanna try that again in English, little bro?

>> No.57684986

That's right sista, #cut4hex!

>> No.57685299

Having only skimmed over the content of this shit thread, Shiori seems like a femcel who desperately used the internet for her outlets

>> No.57685373

Fuck phone posting. I meant she was a 2view before you were born. How’s that grifting

>> No.57685423

Neither. Shiori's a femcel, and Nerissa is just a modern white millennial.

>> No.57685524

I wouldn't know, I wrote them off as the Kiara and Mori of their gen the first week after debut

Bijou and FWMC are the ones streaming games

>> No.57685639

One thing's for sure though: they're both the worst of their branch and probably 2nd only to Mori for worst HoloEN hire

>> No.57685792

>and probably 2nd only to Mori for worst HoloEN hire
So Nerissa's going to be on Japanese TV and doing partnerships with huge manga series soon?

>> No.57685910

Or maybe red is her favourite colour.
