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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57623838 No.57623838 [Reply] [Original]

Irys actually is a fucking genius. I can't stress this enough that how powerful her facade is right now(and I don't mean this in a negative way).
I don't know how, but she has wrapped around people in her fingers(even me till some extent) which you can't escape if you start watching her regularly.
No matter what she does on stream, you will still support her and pay her your pocket money. That's just how strong she is.
She has either mastered the art of manipulation or mastered the art to look so dumb that people belive she isn't acting. This is some Gura level play personally

>> No.57623889

She's trash, a failure vsinger

>> No.57623910
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another unremarkable bait thread

>> No.57623958
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Let it go Ena cuck

>> No.57624011

How is this bait, I am legit praising her and calling her a genius

>> No.57624049

you're really good at being a faggot

>> No.57624101

Anon, this thread is actually a discussion about her hidden tallent. I have not even said anything slightly negative about her. I even called out the Enna nigger

>> No.57624168

>she has wrapped around people in her fingers(even me till some extent)
>This is some Gura level play personally

>> No.57624196
File: 317 KB, 600x536, 1665821448687913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing, genius

>> No.57624560

I agree anon

>> No.57624604

it's true. she's like some stupid 3 legged dog with one eye. You know its a fucking retard, you know it's a pain in the ass, but look at it's cute dumb face! look at it wagging it's dumb tail despite it's retardation! you just can't help smiling and wanting to pet her and tell her she's doing her best, that she's a good girl.

>> No.57624662


>> No.57624674

>Irys actually is
>stress this enough that how
>wrapped around people in her fingers (???)
>till some extent
>art to look so dumb
ESL-kun... please improve...

>> No.57625192

nope, at least one of us is just a like-minded idiot

>> No.57625334

Straight from Jakarta.

>> No.57625408

Both options you listed are cynical. Either she's manipulative or acting. There's no "oh she just is naturally endearing". It's not even subtle.

>> No.57625419

I luv Iwys

>> No.57625653

She's a fucking retard and that's how we want her to stay.

>> No.57625825

Sisters still mad because the overwatch shit was a nothingburger?

>> No.57626438

She is smarter than most people give her credit for but she is not some sort of evil mastermind, otherwise she would do everything perfectly and I wouldn't be having panic attacks because she streamed almost all week at JP times with lots of Japanese and I think she is going to leave me.

>> No.57626808

>male collab

>> No.57627120
File: 162 KB, 720x998, 1680685357868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really are active today pippacucks

>> No.57627777

Her power level is nothing compared to Mike's.

>> No.57629314

She's retarded, not a genius. So this is bait.She doesn't have enough neurons to pretend to be someone else

>> No.57631464

Buy an ad, CuckRyStocrat.

>> No.57633494

She's retarded, but she understands what her audience wants. She was the only one who gave this kind of response, while Lui and Chloe were much more disrespectful:
>Company asked me to do this sponsorship
>Exciting to not just play Overwatch but to team up and play with JP girls, this is a JP girls sponsored collab
>Holostars will be in their own VC separate from us, so I won't be talking with them for this sponsorship
>This is something I also confirmed with management beforehand

By leading with "the company asked me", she's hinting that management applied pressure. She did the same again when she later mentioned that they told her about the collab 3-4 days before the public announcement, and that the decision was made "fast".

>> No.57634450

/vt/ thinks that smart women are bad and dumb women are good.

>> No.57634566

Bad thread

>> No.57635925

I want IRyS to masturbate me to completion with her slender cute little fingers

>> No.57636040

>which you can't escape if you start watching her regularly
I dropped her though?

>> No.57638165

>"she has wrapped around people in her fingers(even me till some extent)"


>> No.57639119

But we know Gura's just playing a kid friendly character. IRyS on the other hand... I see why she has Goslings, like >>57626438.

>> No.57643413

shut up

>> No.57644396

she said yes very fast

>> No.57647983

I IRyS actually abandons her EN fanbase even a little bit I will actually go schizo lmao

>> No.57650865

>Irys actually is a fucking genius.
You are correct, sir

>> No.57652725

Have you considered that she just streams, tries to do good by her fans while not going too far out of the bounds of what she can and can't do as a Holo vtuber?
That not everything in this world is some grand complicated nefarious plot instigated by capitalism to drain every dollar out of your wallet through shrewd transactional baiting?

>> No.57652830

this and thispilled. also she has a cute hairy butthole
