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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57622314 No.57622314 [Reply] [Original]

how did she go 3 years without a yab but now has a new one every month?

>> No.57622515

Hololive was tardwargling her.

>> No.57622554


>> No.57622563

She was yabbing every other week, Fandead just gatekept that shit. I remember when she sperged out at Miko in a mengen post because she thought Miko hated her when she said FAQ.

>> No.57622911

That's genuinely one of the best parts of being tied to a corpo, is that you have the incentive of "not wanting to get fired" keeping you from yabbing.
(If you're smart, anyway)

>> No.57623015

I would have loved to see the list of anxiety meds her manager was on.

>> No.57623109

She said to Kore Kore that her manager had caught her speaking to him multiple times and had demanded her to stop talking to drama channels.

>> No.57623112

>how to out yourself as to never having watched a vtuber

>> No.57623180

She creates drama for herself to stay relevant and tards eat it up and give her big numbers every time. 14k legit for the latest one, nearly as much as her model debut.

>> No.57623611

yabs create drama which brings her views which makes feel like she's relevant, she has no JP gachikois left so she has nothing to lose there and her EN gachis are retards who will go back to her after every yab just because she says sorry and promises it won't happen again (for sure this time, surely)

>> No.57624490

vhoejo's "talent freedom", enough said.

>> No.57624632


>> No.57624790
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I'm sorry mikeneko I just wanted to say I'm sorry
I know you translate messages for her, please send this to her

>> No.57624927

She really was a loose cannon.

>> No.57624957

probably getting corrected by yagoo himself

>> No.57624982

>has holo brand to carry her
>no yabs
>no brand to passively keep her relevant
>keeps finding new yabs and throwing a fit every time
Makes you think.

>> No.57624993

She was yabbing even predebut, tf you mean

>> No.57625064


>> No.57625079 [DELETED] 

>has a new one every month
almost all of them were nothingburgers caused by dramaniggers like (You)

>> No.57625348

>cuckfami actually believe this

>> No.57625727

Okay feminists,
She talked about 4ch posting defamation, so where exactly did we defame her? The worst I did was talk about her bipolar disorder which is obvious as day.

>> No.57626459
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I'm sorry Mikeneko
I won't post about you on 4ch anymore
Genuine remorse. Unforgivable.

>> No.57626924

in hololive she would get at least 10k viewers while wandering around in minecraft. after hololive she keeps doing things that push people away, both potential collab partners and fans. the big numbers kept her stable

>> No.57627063
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>> No.57627196

A better question is why she joined the male collab corp, refused to do male collabs, left and then started doing male collabs

>> No.57627296


>> No.57627939

Menhera mind, please understand.

>> No.57628055


>> No.57628254

Self sabotage syndrome.

>> No.57628658

They don't believe that. They want everyone else to believe that.

>> No.57629333
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Japs laughed at me for being broke but looks like the donators received the biggest betrayal.

>> No.57629469

She will be fighting with her viewers tomorrow.


>> No.57629563

The menhera thing wasn't an act. contrary to what newfags in this thread say she always said and did stupid things like complaining about people taking her timeslot, people being rude/mean/unfair to her. She admitted that she made Yagoo worried and that she was unfair to him too and that she had problems controlling her anger. But aside from some dedicated antis most people people ignore it because "lol is just Rushia kusa"
Now that she doesn't have to worry about causing troubles to other there is pretty much nothing that can stop her from saying whatever she wants.

>> No.57629793
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dont make me tap the sign

>> No.57630181

She's gone, get over it

>> No.57630297

Man you really live in a secluded bubble. How naive are you

>> No.57630608

Not an issue, her fans just forgive her everytime.

>> No.57630839


>> No.57631001

>mikeneko vs viewers
What did she mean by this?

>> No.57631186

She's going to fight antis

>> No.57631258
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>> No.57631455

Demn i remember she suddenly talked about the mito doxx event, truly a yabs

>> No.57631465

gokkun marathon with her followers

>> No.57631606

Mikeneko is owning the 弱者男性

>> No.57634723

>I am underage, EOP and retarded
Is a very accurate sign

>> No.57634896 [DELETED] 

Mikeneko proves that meme

>> No.57634979

Mikeneko proves that meme right

>> No.57635537

In retrospective every single cover employee had to hate her and most likely celebrated when she got fired. She’s so batshit insane I cannot imagine how mine crushing it has to be for the people working with her on a daily basis.

>> No.57635640

You couldn't have outed yourself as a newfag more efficiently than this, her whole career was built on yabs

>> No.57638477

Sexy Menhera

>> No.57642839

Pretty much

>> No.57645851

the competent ones were, the others went around causing problems. one of her cats died and they didn't let the menhera cat lady take time off to cool down. for comparison noel was allowed to take a break because of a hamster

>> No.57650038

tardwranglers are very important

>> No.57650480

Everything's a yab of you're retarded enough. From my point of view, there has never been a single yab in all of holo history. The only thing that came close came from like 5 Chinese guys and their bots. But they don't work for holo (maybe?) so I don't count it.

>> No.57651032

Based on the reactions of the talents when she was fired she wasn’t well liked and the few that still liked her turned on her instantly because she apparently doxxed them to the Japanese keemstar. Said information is why he blew the whistle on her, as it was too much even for him.

>> No.57651302

But the sex is so good with women that are fucked in the head.

>> No.57651730

It really is incredible! But the stalking and having your car keyed and tires slashed is a real kick in the ass…

>> No.57651913

She finally got caught giving info to a drama channels. She was probably doing it for years

>> No.57654600

I don't know why you expect me to believe that guy has standards. him being friends with the alien only raises further doubts

>> No.57655003

But they're not friends. He has nothing to do with mafu.

>> No.57655402

Anon they can't just cancel an entire concert at a real venue because of a dead cat.

>> No.57655695

They did offer her time off. She refused it because she's addicted to her online persona.

>> No.57656211

I don't really see the issue with being stalked
like if she was just in my living room when I woke up it's not like it hurts me or anything. Like what is she gonna do, rape me? Feel like I'd just walk past her and go make coffee instead of be bothered by it

>> No.57656653

She reads our posts and gets incredibly hurt by it because she can't understand western humor. Forgive me, mikeneko.

>> No.57656756

My favorite Rushia story is her playing GTA just so she could say nigger since Miko did it to great effect.

>> No.57656806

She complained about having to practice for the concert during that time though. She had time off earlier when her cat first got sick.

>> No.57656984


>> No.57657079
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>> No.57657216

I love my vampire boomer dad

>> No.57658486

>one slip and it all went to shit
yeah that's the only explanation. the poor manesan assinged to her was freed, at least.

>> No.57658989

Mafumafu used to dick her into submission.

>> No.57659025

No, get hurt and be mad about it! That makes the make up sex 10 times better.

>> No.57659122

I want to have sex with Mito so badly.

>> No.57659187

We need to convince her to stop fighting antis, that is not OK. Mikeneko is repeating the same pattern from last year

>> No.57659299

A yab always snowballs into another yab into another yab. You always have to stop the first yab. And the mafumafu nigger started the first yab.

>> No.57659410

I mean if you choose to believe that one guy who bragged about fucking her, she’s a dead fish in bed so she doesn’t even have the good at sex part going for her. Now I would quite happily ragdoll her while I fuck her silly but that’s just me.

>> No.57659604

Mikeneko 100% fucks like a tiger.

>> No.57660315

Nope too late https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EVXYD7EiEuU
She is gonna mind break herself in 3 hours.

if you see this mikeneko, just STOP caring about the antis and care for yourself and the people who cheer for you

I still want to fuck you so hard your brain turns into mush though

>> No.57660479

because she gets dumber by the day

>> No.57660667

>As a result, we, as a company, have determined that it has become difficult to continue managing and supporting her and have elected to make this decision.

>> No.57660733

too bad he died

>> No.57660857

her brain is already mush anon

>> No.57661373

Not enough
[spoiker]I will rearrange her insides and turn her brains into egg batter[/spoiler]

>> No.57661443

>I'm so desperate, I'll fuck a woman who I know will destroy my life
It's never worth it bros, trust me.

t. dated a crazy bitch who tried to kidnap my niece

>> No.57663333


>> No.57663403

>if you see this mikeneko, just STOP caring about the antis and care for yourself and the people who cheer for you

Dude, she got 13k viewers last time she did this type of stream and tons of superchats. She will keep doing this regularly.

>> No.57663504

Rushia has been caught with a man for atleast 7 times before she got terminated.

>> No.57663722

Her meltdowns are the only thing entertaining about her anymore. I wonder how many more she'll go through before she finally, actually snaps.

>> No.57663955

Not Rushia, mikeneko was

>> No.57664036

Mikeneko is known for handling criticism extremely poorly and falling into depression after fights. This is a terrible idea.

>> No.57664050

Exactly, that’s why I will fuck her brains out. She knows the yab earns her views, so I’ll take one for the team and CORRECT her myself.

>> No.57664142

Crocodile tears my guy.

>> No.57664504

I don't see these viewers sticking around so she can only do this a few times

>> No.57665101

They should have moved her to Indonesia, where they could legally beat her whenever she acts out. That's what she needs.

>> No.57666651

Do you think we can convince her to cosplay in a bikini

>> No.57666776

She only does that for korekore

>> No.57666852

Vaccination turned her into a retard

>> No.57666876

She's been a retard for far longer /pol/chama.

>> No.57666976

Especially flare was basically gloating lmao

>> No.57667003

Flare is always bossy like that

>> No.57667017

Her manager deserved a raise

>> No.57667092

After vaccination was when her menhera turned from entertaining to unhinged.

>> No.57667142

Do you think if we she give her a corona booster shot we can convince her to post nudes

>> No.57667161

It seemed like she was the one most happy about rushia being gone.
Probably had some behind the scenes beef with her.

>> No.57667175

Do you think if we give her a corona booster shot we can convince her to post nudes

>> No.57667204

Seems like the vaxx fried your brain too ESL-kun

>> No.57667235

Flare always looks disappointed like that. It's how she imposes authority.

>> No.57667238

she's literally, LITERALLY fucking retarded
please understand

>> No.57667258

I remember her always overlapping official stuff and when someone in the chat called her out, she guilt tripped the chat with crocodile tears
There's also the part where she claimed she got bullied by a senpai for streaming during HER timeslot and once she got fired, that timeslot was starting to being used by everyone else, which means she was blocking others from streaming during the timeslot she monopolized
Oh right, she also tried to fake a hot mic yabe of her talking to her "boyfriend" during her jump king collab with Watame and made things really awkward for the sheep, who tried really hard to speak and mute Rushia's voice

>> No.57667305

None of this happened

>> No.57667415

her doctor wouldn't let her get vaccinated. he was worried about how it would affect her since she was on meds even in hololive. there's an old rushia clip where she says some new stuff she was trying had some bad side effects. she was paranoid about the coof for quite a while

>> No.57667433


>> No.57667596


>> No.57667653

This did not age well. Goddammit Vesper.

>> No.57667713

This just makes me love her even more. Why are women who are fucked in the head this irresistible?

>> No.57667785

they should rehire her

>> No.57667906

She got vaccinated against her doctor's advice and had severe side effects.
Comments of the clips were full of ESL sea niggers who said "u need to drink watur and lie down"

>> No.57668154
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>> No.57668873
File: 52 KB, 166x179, 1693397316443098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That moment when he and Magni are Alums and Rushia isn't.

Probably means nothing but still is funny.

>> No.57668922

nta but damn retards like you are dumb as fuck. She was faking the whole shit to freak Watame out as payback for what she did to her on jump king. I am so glad I am not a fucking schizo like you anti freaks.

>> No.57669099

You do know she had a different mafumafu discord yab 6 months before the one that ended it all?

>> No.57669165

I feel so bad. I just want to save her.

There’s only so much of this I can take.

>> No.57669306

Fancucks actually believed her about the vaccine. Grim.

>> No.57669314
File: 601 KB, 768x719, IMG_6398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will be 5 sim-WHAT NO KIARA PLEASE NO-ACKKKKK!!!!!kkkkkkkkkkk...kkk....k... *death rattle*

>> No.57669444

Her brain artery problem is very real. Some people report migraine headaches after covid shots. It's very plausible.

>> No.57672788


>> No.57672815


>> No.57672920

>turning herself in a lolcow

This can only end well.

>> No.57673799

>my niece
Is she single?
