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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57549234 No.57549234 [Reply] [Original]

What is wrong with them?

>> No.57549303

Holobronies champion segregation.

>> No.57549533

Segregation is good.

>> No.57549641

it isn't so much mixed collabs as it is hiring the absolute most boring fucking people imaginable. None of the StarsEN are entertaining which is especially sad when your competition are all women. Hire a better talent scout

>> No.57549790

Reddit thread

>> No.57549869

Bitches got their asses kicked. Maybe if they'd put in a little effort they could stand up the to boys.

>> No.57549942

Hololive's fanbase is just a bunch of incels

>> No.57549981

Yet they had 10 times more viewers, the homos should learn how to not be boring instead of grinding fps

>> No.57550037
File: 350 KB, 851x1283, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More accurate

>> No.57550071

Seething redditors in this thread

>> No.57550119

Where do I press the upvote button?

>> No.57550139

That's supposed to be bad or what?

>> No.57550225

StarsEN had potential to be professional brotubers but they squandered it and hired sex pests, menheras, “I support le cause,” and the most bland fucks imaginable. NijiEN isn’t any different either which makes me think it’s a western thing.

>> No.57550253

It's cause regardless of what happens it barely puts a dent to the girls cause their fans will come up with mental gymnastic copes. So from business, why not? There's no repercussion so might as well throw stuff at the wall until it luckily sticks. They prob think that if they're lucky, they indeed can expand to an untapped market.

>> No.57550346

Very bad

>> No.57550368

Ironic considering your even on this website, you roastie

>> No.57550488

The world needs more segregation

>> No.57550494


>> No.57550505

Understood, if something is bad it's better for you to stay away and never interact with that, so please have your way, madam

>> No.57550545

>untapped market
Non-gender segregated anything is the default, not an untapped market. That's why it's so dumb they're fucking up their niche.

>> No.57552435

>Unicorns share their views with feminazis

>> No.57553302

Wow, a bunch of faggots who had all the time in the world to play a garbage game because they don't have any work to do performed better than the girls who were recording for concerts, 3D lives, showcases, songs, voice over shit, etc. Maybe Cover shouldn't fucking ask people to join their corpo shill fest 3 days before the public announcement.

>> No.57553507

Even your namecalling implies that we need segregation

>> No.57553884

feminazis hate sexy/cute anime shit that appeals to male nerds. try harder.

>> No.57553950

Sadly, reddit has infected hololive...

>> No.57555019

The guys were streaming RUST non stop, they barely played OW2 contrary to Towa that have been her rm's spam game.

>> No.57555130

And Astel didn't touch the server once but he clearly was doing something else other than playing OW, right?

>> No.57555410

so what your proud to be an incel? grow up and stop blaming all your problems on women.

>> No.57555413

Yes? Do you even know the meaning of the word?

>> No.57555489

they're terminally online and the only source of happiness they have is trying to score cheap brownie points while spiting the people they hate. That's why their obsessive about it, this is literally all they have. If they don't do this, they actually have to contemplate how shit their lives are and how they spend so much time trying to ruin a hobby over retarded grievances that no one cares about.

>> No.57555494

then dont watch the male collabs?

>> No.57555559

the one who needs to learn is (you), fuckboy.

>> No.57555565

would be true except the part about women getting harassed for coed collabs too. but people are always memory holing that to make a shitty argument even though there is so much evidence.

>> No.57555575

Have you considered he's a Niji fan?

>> No.57555609

those incels are drowning their oshi's in money. Without them, vtuber income would take an absolute nosedive.

Not saying there aren't a lot of toxic ones, but definitely be careful what you wish for. Kronii and Ame proved that pretty clear.

>> No.57555639

or they just think streaming with new people would be fun and hope their fanbase can be mature about it

>> No.57555651

Yeah playing Apex. You can check his vods. Do you think Astel would have lost over a week worth of practice when he's played FPS for three years straight? Are you brain damaged?

>> No.57555716

>Insults people to try and act high and mighty.
The big problem with faggots.

>> No.57555728

It's not a problem with the interview process. I'm confident they picked the best they were offered and that applications for holostars are just THAT grim.

>> No.57555731

I mean Kronii and Ame are still around arent they? they still make more than a good living. personally I'd rather take a money hit then pander to incels and change my plans around them. Not everything is about CCV or money.

>> No.57555771

Nobody knows the meaning, I lost count of how many times I seen that word thrown around and I can count in one hand how many times it was correct

>> No.57555777

>getting mad because someone told the truth
the problem with faggots

>> No.57555818

That's why you aren't a vtuber to begin, or a 2view at best

>> No.57555830

I agree, im not a fan of the guys in Holo personally. But I also dont throw a fit when they collab with them and harass the girls, which is clearly the bigger issue.

>> No.57555831

>They were too busy playing an FPS to play an FPS so there's no way they would be good!
Retarded retard

>> No.57555865

And now Kronii has reversed everything she apparently stood for and is going back to GFE content and being a sexual tease. While I completely agree that not everything is about numbers (my oshi is the runt of her gen), it's clear that they think that, at least a little. I can't speak for Ame since I haven't kept up with her, but it's obvious Kronii is back pedaling hard since the homo graduations.

Meanwhile the ones who didn't are going stronger than ever. The new gen which seems to be unicorn central is the most popular gen to date. It is very obvious who pulls the crowds and it's not cross gender collabs. You can yell incel all you want, but the numbers don't lie.

>> No.57555871

>unicorn is a numberfaggot
why am I not surprised

>> No.57555875

>Defending homos
>Calls other people faggots
Braindead faggot

>> No.57555917

Anon you should seriously rope yourself. FPS isn't just aiming. Map and skill knowledge are both pretty important. Being good at one FPS won't necessarily carry that skill over to others. Are you a woman? Is that why you don't know anything about games?

>> No.57555947

ok good for Kronii then thats her choice. you seem to think I have a problem with this? Im for talent choosing who they do and dont collab with and am consistent either way.

>> No.57556003

>unicorn only has insults and no arguments
many such cases. I accept your concession buddy.

>> No.57556055

So the homos had the mechanical skill because shooters are their main kind of game while the girls side had only 2 who play fps frequently while the other 3 are complete noobs and they had almost no time to train and play together before the shill stream but it's their fault that they didn't put any effort?

>> No.57556135

Yes. Almost all of the Holostar team besides Astel were constantly grinding Rust the entire week. Three of them don't even play Overwatch. The one practice session was it.

>> No.57556216

you're in the minority then. The amount of "talent freedom" faggots who said "no, not like that" when Kiara said she would never do homo collabs was insanity. This is also why people have a low opinion of homobeggers.

You might not be doing it, but a lot of them are clearly doing this out of spite, not because they want the girls to just do what they want to do. A lot of them seem to do this to "own the incels" and that's not exactly an attitude that engenders good will.

>> No.57556291

And Rust is a racing game now? But yeah, sure, the girls should've put more effort even if 4 of them are dealing with Blue Journey, one was dealing with her own 3D debut plus the debuts of her semi-genmates and all were also involved with HoloSummer, not to mention individual shit they also have. Anyway, when's the 3rd act?

>> No.57556426

Rust is shitty Minecraft with guns. Anon instead of malding you should just watch streams so you become less retarded.

>> No.57556523

>fanbase can be mature
yeah like that ever happened. It's pretty obvious what happens behind the meeting rooms
>but what if the girls' fans throw up a fit!?
>they will, but on the next day they'll start moving the goal posts to cope with why their oshi is streaming with the opposite gender like usual.

>> No.57556752

And you are proud of that? This is why society is shit.

>> No.57558840

What is the meaning? Please explain to me what an incel is and why it's bad to be one?

>> No.57558870

>it isn't so much mixed collabs
Yes it is, fuck off FAGGOT

>> No.57559020

Segregation creates diversity.

With mixed-gens, hololive would be the same as nijisanji.
With HOLOZONTAL, hololive would be the same as VSPO.
Instead, celebrate diversity.

>> No.57559144

just let ID get collab mix with those types of sponsorships, they have no problems with those events and have enough jp speakers and english speakers to handle them, BUT THEY BETTER STOP FORCING HOMOCOLLABS FOR JP AND EN, THEY KNOW WHAT MADE THEM SUCCESSFUL AND SHOULD STICK WITH THAT.

>> No.57559313

>More people saw the girls getting demolished
This isn't the W you think it is monkey.
Aqua had the highest viewership during that Vsaiko Apex shit, almost 100K, nearly 3 times her usual viewership got to see Aqua choke and play like shit.

>> No.57560747

It means internet celebrity, yeah, I'm that popular

>> No.57560857
File: 567 KB, 1461x1436, 672055AE-D736-4C56-96D8-E5B36B751B3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t even hate the dudes is just that they are shitters compared to the girls. Same shit would happen if XQC or some super popular dude kept trying to shill his 3 view friend on stream.

>> No.57560917

I can't speak for JP but most of the EN girls are bigger shitters than the boys.

>> No.57560916

>”Kaela we need you to collab with males since your are the most popular one”

>> No.57560935

Nah it is all about the mixed collabs, I will never take them laying down.

>> No.57560952

they were welcoming disgusting faggots into the space(likely out of dick thirst), they deserved it.

>> No.57561008

What is wrong with you? Is the right question to ask.

>> No.57561052

it is hirting them, slowly. they're losing all the fans' good will one step at a time.

>> No.57561106

thats why youre nobody

>> No.57561170

so you're a passive wimp who would let cover ruin everything you love about hololive without even trying to do anything

>> No.57561213

What are you gonna do? Sign a petition? Lemao.

>> No.57561353

no one gives a fuck what you support. the "incels" are the ones carrying hololive and roasties like you pretend to be part of it, when you wont even watch the streams you claim to enjoy.
Hololive was only ablr to achieve what it did thanks to those "incels" so shut the fuck up and go back, no one wants you.

>> No.57561454

Its not that deep dude. You don't like it just leave. You can try new things. Like sex or something.

>> No.57561484

"harrasing" the girls is extremeky violent and is harming everyone
"harrasing" the girls makes no difference at all youre just wasting youre time.

you cant claim to believe in both or everyone will know youre retarded

>> No.57561610

thats not the own you think it is. no one will be fooled by that mr.sex. go back to twitter or reddit, maybe it will work there.

>> No.57562228

bettel is entertaining
