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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 189 KB, 1300x975, 1691578182048664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57449042 No.57449042 [Reply] [Original]

What vtuber best exemplifies the "pick me" archetype?

My vote is split between Pippa and Henya

>> No.57449138

Your mom

>> No.57449193

>what if a girl liked her boyfriend
Women really think this is unattractive

>> No.57449264


>> No.57449269
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 1693106931250461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image is too left-leaning to have emotional resonance. it's not important men be treated fairly in divorces and stuff? you can leave now, trash. I didn't even make it through the rest of the text on the image.

>> No.57449440

Is your screen broken? Just tilt your head or something

>> No.57449459
File: 350 KB, 683x1032, 1671152265304710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pipkin for sure. She exploits the so-called based crowd for clout and money when she is in fact a backstabbing communist.

>> No.57449580

>couldn't keep the politically charged content in a corner knowing the reader's viewpoint starts dead center
you know they have schools for stuff like this? I'm sure mommy could pay for it.

>I'm upset someone crossed my picket line
that's what happens when you buddy up with tech companies, working class people don't like you ;-)

>> No.57449746

The whole point of a pickme is that she forgoes her own interests as a woman for men's convenience. This is bad for women because it works against them both politically and socially. Essentially the female equivalent to a male feminist. Obviously this would not matter to men and it's no wonder it's continually used as bait on this board equivalent to the term "chud".

>> No.57449823

>Antis don't like feminists
>Antis don't like pick mes
Antis don't like women.

>> No.57449978

The point of a pickme is that she pretends to be based when in fact she is just scamming her audience.

>> No.57450001

This image seems to have been created by someone that saw guys making fun of other dudes being pathetic and desperate and tried to apply it to women but forgot that desperation isn't really unattractive in women and any girl could pretty easily find a guy on the internet.

I think they just mean "attention whore" instead of "pickme".

>> No.57450053

Anon, they're all pretending. That's like complaining an actor is just playing a character.

>> No.57450152

Actors are prescripted and just following directors' instructions, while VTubers actively interact with their own audience and put their own minds and thoughts into the medium. This is the reason why VTubers radiate with parasocialism.

>> No.57450174

Well, that's when it extends to vtubing, sure. She pretends to be something she's not to appeal to men. But the term existed far before that.

>> No.57450292

Pippa and Lumi

>> No.57450675

I'm not sure I follow that line of thinking. The male feminist still benefits from his stance. He might be a pathetic cuck, but a large portion of society... unfortunately looks fondly on him. News media companies will roll out the red carpet for him if he ever needs a job writing schlock for pay too. So he has the adoration of the retarded masses and decent job security.

The pickme is getting what? The affection of the man she desires? That's just normal relationship shit. The odds of anyone finding someone who is an absolutely perfect match for them, where they have to make no concessions whatsoever... that shit just ain't happening. It's not. You will find an actual unicorn before you find that so-called soul mate. People make compromises to find happiness together. You might think someone's compromises are too extreme, but it's not your relationship. If they are happy together then that's all that matters.

>> No.57450864

>you know they have schools for stuff like this? I'm sure mommy could pay for it.
Chill, snowflake. I know the joke wasn't that good, but hey

>> No.57450956

>The pickme is getting what? The affection of the man she desires?
Well, yes, but the man she desires is typically not a very good man to begin with, implicitly. And even if he is, she sets the standard that women must act a certain way that goes against their interests to obtain him. It's more than just "making compromises", it's making yourself miserable to please a man. You make him food, you let him choke you in bed, you clean his house for him and you never complain. The man is obviously happy about all of this, and maybe even the pickme is too, but the precedent it sets is decidedly anti-feminist and anti woman. Don't speak up and have boundaries, let a man boss you around like it's the 1950s while pandering to his every wish. This is the kind of thing that makes a "pickme" a negative term among women. It is equivalent to the male feminist in the sense that society throws him a bone for acting against men's interests and sets a standard other men do not want to adhere to. Follow yet?

>> No.57451114

Male feminists are doing what they are doing to get laid and to build social capital. So if this girl is not interested in getting laid and social capital, the comparison is invalid. Although I suspect that's literally what the interests of a "pickme" are.

>> No.57451166

Well yes, hence why they're called "pickmes". They want to be picked by men.

>> No.57451247

So is not, then, unfair to say she's foregoing her own interests? You could say that her interests don't align with what you believe they should be, but at the end of the day you're not the arbiter of other peoples interests.

>> No.57451309

desperation is extremely unattractive to mature guys actually, the women might get fucked but that's the most they could hope for

>> No.57451316

That implies that it's hard for women to be "picked" which isn't the case.

>> No.57451447

of course i don't know every single chuuba in existence
but from the ones i know it has to be pippa, and it's not even close
she used to be actually funny and made rly entertaining content in the beginning, but it seems like all good things must come to an end at some point

>> No.57451482

Her own interests "as a woman". It's not literally referring to the individual's interests but her group as a collective. Think of a slave that disagrees with the abolition of slavery because he's a house negro treated nicely by his master.

>> No.57451512

This thread smells of roasted beef

>> No.57451584

The implication being she wants a certain kind of man who'd only be satisfied if she acts a certain way, or maybe she even wants to be "one of the boys" and form pseudo-male friendships by acting like one of them.

>> No.57451735

What's wrong with what she says in the image exactly?

>> No.57451755

NTA but a woman who disagrees with feminists is just a normal woman. The image in the OP implying that a woman being humble and eager to please her partner is somehow a sign of desperation is trying to make a mockery of completely mundane things probably without even realizing it.

>> No.57451803

The point is profilicity vs sincerity, but I'm not gonna write a novel to explain that. It's a lost battle in the social media age.

>> No.57451866

>meeting your partnet halfway will literally end feminism and destroy society as we know it

>> No.57451902

Fat fuck sister

>> No.57451984

They're similar in that they both come from a place of desperation, stemming from low self-esteem which in turn makes them very exploitable. Male feminists will get taken advantage of by cunts. Pickmes will be taken advantage of by abusers.

Normal people tend to stay away from them because they're "broken" and prolongued exposure to them can be exhausting. But abusers and cunts don't care.

>> No.57451990

She isn't meeting him halfway, as the OP image implies. She sucks him off for hours expected nothing in return. She tries to look her best while he makes no efforts in his appearance. Yes, promoting this behavior goes against women's interests, and while men obviously would not care about this, this is why the term pickme is a dirty word amongst women.

>> No.57452044

I mean if you think "mature" just means "has a lot of experience dating women" then sure.
Plenty of guys these days are desperate themselves and would find a real connection with a girl that has the same feelings of loneliness that they do.

I swear sometimes it feels like people think that only people whose lives are perfect already should be allowed to have relationships.

>> No.57452099

Most women aren't active MRAs, anon. This goes beyond "normal woman" behavior. But even putting that aside, this *is* feminist theory, so you can safely brush aside anyone posting about this on a male dominated forum like this as a troll.

>> No.57452297

Pippa can't cook, isn't good at gfe, only likes twinks, and is too mentally ill to hold down a relationship. She's a neet from a broke ass family with too much baggage to be a pick-me. She probably would be a doormat since she's afraid of everything and the idea of people hating her, so I can picture her in an abusive relationship
Pippa is my oshi, but I would rather date almost any other woman

>> No.57452313

Collectives interests are bullshit because collectives can't make decisions, only individuals can, every movement claiming to fight for a particular group interest, including feminism is a tool for sociopaths to exert control over gullible people.

>> No.57452360

>She tries to look her best
lol, except not doing makeup will get you called a pickme by retarded whores who spend two hours painting their face every day (definitely just for their own sake!!)

>> No.57452595

The purpose of the image is to get (you)s and seethe. It never fails to get both

>> No.57452703

I have never seen that happen, but if it does it's because many people don't even know what the term really means as this thread demonstrates.

>> No.57452720

The image in the OP was made by a woman, you just gotta analyze the strawmen she stuffed in there to get an idea of where she stands.

The part that immediatelly stands out is the tendies, recessed chins part. Not only is she insulting and shaming a good portion of women, but she's going after the men who would find such kind of woman appealing by insulting their masculinity. The typical "real man" falacy women do when they don't get their way.

>> No.57452723

>She sucks him off for hours expected nothing in return.
But she does expect something from him. Switch this pickme with a man. If a man came up to a woman and said 'i will literally lick your cunt just for the joy of licking your cunt', most women will say no. Because even then, what that man offers isnt enough to be worth their time.

>> No.57452747

The term 'pick me' is just women complaining that they have to bring something to the relationship, it's all straw-men, bitterness over past relationships and copes, and if a woman is complaining about 'pick mes', that's the only red flag you need

>> No.57452904

It's super common. You can find a million examples on reddit easily. In reality a pickme is a girl who competes for men with her personality while a normal bitch competes with her appearance only. Women who don't compete for male attention in any way are called lesbians

>> No.57452916

None of them, they just want you money retard. Do you also think that the hooters waitress is into you when she flirts for tips. Are you fuckers retarded?

>> No.57453045

Whenever I see pick me used in normalfag places, it's about women who support actual, proven abusive men(i.e some rapper who beats his gf) but only on /vt/ is it because some streamer has a large male fanbase and does things they enjoy. And it's never anything as extreme as the strawmen in this shitpost image but mundane shit.

>> No.57453108

Why do you hang out on black reddit? It's every bit as terrible as black twitter and worldstar

>> No.57453167

Anon, its still acting. Have you never heard of impromptu, ESL?

>> No.57453209

>Whenever I see pick me used in normalfag places, it's about women who support actual, proven abusive men
thats because normalfags are bad with words and are using the new memeterm 'pickme' incorrectly, when they should be using an old memeterm 'stockholm syndrome'

>> No.57453303

but if you don't join the collective, they will try to make your life miserable by manipulating the mass that follows them, saying things about you that are not true. nobody wanted to have a life like that... (so it's preferable to be part of the masses and pretend to be one of them to have social benefit, and treat the rest like cockroaches who don't think like the masses. sometimes being hypocritical has its benefits kek)

>> No.57453316

This, it's "Chad" for women. Before the internet got a hold of it and turned it into a ridiculous meme.
People who use the term and complain about it are bitter, have a skewed perception of reality and lack the self-awareness to realize most of their misery is self-inflicted.

In this case toastie roasties

>> No.57453421

Nothing, it's just Henri. You can regconize him by his use of "Pipkin" and "communist".

>> No.57453427

You still do not get it. The actors may do impromptu but do not put their personality in the medium. They just do what directors require of them. While if you watch VTubers, they are actually sharing portions of their own REAL LIFE, complete with their real personality. When you watch an actor you just watch a clown; but when you watch a VTuber it felt like having a friend. This is why no one is parasocial for actors while it's a plague in the VTubing community.

>> No.57453503

>no one is parasocial for actors

>> No.57453590

Female hands typed this post. Seething again?

>> No.57453599

Actors (including Anime seiyuus) follow a predetermined script. VTubers have their own personality.

>> No.57453748

That's slimy bullshit. Women are human just like men, not some kind of subhuman creatures incapable of agency. That also goes for races other than white. Blacks are every bit as capable of agency as whites.
"Collective interests" are a concept used to rob agency from people who can't be trusted to decide for themselves how they live their life.

>> No.57453780


>> No.57453810
File: 839 KB, 666x500, 1609725373695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fail to see anything wrong with that. What's wrong with a traditional society where women (and men) know their place?

>> No.57453884
File: 65 KB, 393x386, 1614346275400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks are more important for women that they are for men. Women are supposed to pleasure men while expecting nothing in return. It's how a healthy society should work.

>> No.57453949
File: 88 KB, 500x621, 1656114455045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is in her own ultimate interests to live in a traditional society where women are servile to men.

>> No.57454007

andrew tate thread? lmao

>> No.57454053

That's all fine and good until you realize the only ones who really benefits are the leaders and all you get is a few bones thrown your way, this type of thinking is how you get concentration camps and gulags.

>> No.57454118

Women should be banned from this site unless they present proof of marriage and motherhood.

>> No.57454119

Is it in her ultimate interests to live in a society where women are slaves to the government and corporations just like men, forced to work 2 jobs to make ends meet?
I don't know. I don't decide what you want to do with your life.

>> No.57454198

I wouldn't say women get nothing in return from this, traditionally they get stability and safety for raising her children and a guarantee that she will be cared for when her looks fade and her womb becomes barren.

>> No.57454239

It is in her ultimate interest to live in a society where she works in the home, taking care of her husband and children, perhaps doing a light, stressfree part-time job on the side, while the men work, vote, and defend the civilization.
How does a "traditional society" translate into "society where women work 2 jobs to make ends meet" in your fucked up tranny brain?

>> No.57454306

>Is it in her ultimate interests to live in a society where women are slaves to the government and corporations just like men, forced to work 2 jobs to make ends meet?
That sounds like the current feminist society

>> No.57454314

Raise the wages and lower the cost of housing and maybe we can talk, until then keep the ramblings to yourself

>> No.57454347

aside from a handful of messages that actually mention vtubers, this thread could easily be mistaken for an /r9k/ thread

>> No.57454385

I just want a girl who wants to hug me I wish those existed

>> No.57454394

I don't think you get what is being said.
That guy described some kind of "traditional society" in his question and I countered with an alternative by describing a feminist society. How the fuck am I supposed to decide what's best for some random women who is not me?

You're the one with a fucked up tranny brain because you can't read English sentences that aren't even particularly complex.

That's because that's exactly what I was trying to describe.

>> No.57454404

Kill yourself commie tranny. Wages will rise once we return to a healthier and more natural society where each gender know their place.

>> No.57454417

you won't find those here, go somewhere else

>> No.57454465

That doesn't make even the slightest amount of sense and most men can't afford a nuclear family on a single wage these days, you are deluded beyond measure and should apply a gun barrel to your skull for your own good

>> No.57454494

>That guy described some kind of "traditional society" in his question and I countered with an alternative by describing a feminist society. How the fuck am I supposed to decide what's best for some random women who is not me?
>You're the one with a fucked up tranny brain because you can't read English sentences that aren't even particularly complex.

That guy described a traditional society in a positive light, and you countered with a feminist society that's shit? How is that a counter? Learn to read yourself tranny.

>> No.57454495

You know we can raise the wages immediately by getting women out the workforce? women working is of the interest of the big corporations because it dilutes the cost of labor.

>> No.57454581


>> No.57454606

I vote that we get men out of the workforce instead.
Us men had our time in power, its time to let women be the providers. Men should be househusbands. Period.

>> No.57454611

>most men can't afford a nuclear family on a single wage these days
I'm describing a society where women and men have societal roles suited to their gender. In that society, yes, an average man's salary can in fact provide for his entire family. Just like it did since the start of human civilization all the way to the 1960s. Men are suited to produce resources. Women are suited to produce men and women. Therefore an efficient society will utilize both genders according to their strengths.

>> No.57454657


see >>57454611
What you're describing is contrary to biology and scientific nature.

>> No.57454772

Cool I'll be waiting until we get 100% female run oil rigs, steel mills and infrastructure maintenance crews.

>> No.57454780
File: 57 KB, 500x370, Japanese_young_ladies_stage_show_for_Hitlerjugend_1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. A society where both men and women work their asses off to produce resources and no one produces children or raises them is against the principles of comparative advantage.

>> No.57454786

male penguins look after their eggs while the females hunt
seahorses deposit their eggs in the males pouch and the male gives birth to their children
your gender roles are arbitrary and you don't even like vtubers

>> No.57454785

Explain to me how men are more biologically suited to working cash registers, stacking shelves, waiting, or sitting on the computer typing all day.
Producing resources ain't limited to manual labor anymore, old man.

>> No.57454861

Comparative advantage. Women are more biologically suited to birth children and take care of them. Therefore we should assign women to the task of raising and taking care of their own children, and men to the task of stacking shelves and accounting.

>> No.57454900

...what? Is this the intellect of the average feminist? JFC

>> No.57454956

>the guy on a watchlist and the glowie assigned to him get into a retarded slapfight on /vt/

>> No.57454992


>> No.57455014

Holly molly! so you prove that gender roles are arbitrary by comparing humans to a completely different species that doesn't even belong to the same taxonomical class.

>> No.57455025

As long as I and my family are in a better social position than the cockroaches below, and that those "leaders" do nothing more than give me and my loved ones benefits while affecting the rest of the population, well I wouldn't care.
Why do you think that the majority of Argentine politicians have their families very well cared for, with a lot of money and happy, while the rest of the population dies of hunger (there are more than 40% of poor people in Argentina according to statistics) eh?

>> No.57455041

You'll never get picked, sister, but keep seething if that helps you cope.
>he doesn't know

>> No.57455259
File: 151 KB, 600x835, american reich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it turns out different species have different gender roles, and act according to those roles, . Thanks for agreeing with me that gender isn't just a social construct, but a biological one and that humans should also act according to their gender roles in order to maximize societal wellbeing.

>> No.57455496

I don't see how Pippa could possibly apply. She's extremely opinionated and will stubbornly die on really stupid hills. She has a lot of "everybody is stupid but me" moments where she takes a contrarian stance that literally no one agrees with.

>> No.57455498

I find it funny that these hollywood fucks can only envision a good, beautiful traditional society in terms of an Axis victory where Nazis take over America. It's like
>how dare you to want to live in that world? Don't you see?! The doll has a creepy face and is doing the no-no salute! You must hate this and embrace "modernity"!
They themselves give credit to the theory that it'd be better if the Axis won.

>> No.57455528

Because such arrangement is unsustainable when people get fed up by the elites degeneracy and either people rebel or the regime does something so incredibly stupid that causes it's downfall, then you and your family will be in the crosshairs of those who have grievances towards those who benefited from the old regime. Totalitarian regimes never did well in the long run and are often out competed by freer societies, but I don't think it's productive to continue to argue with the same type of sociopath as those I was criticizing.

>> No.57455697
File: 32 KB, 215x260, 1685342511601661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't want kids or to be married/in a relationship because the thought of me doing either of those things creep me out
>The thought of myself actually having sex disgusts me
>At the point where I'm fine with living and dying alone because I know I'd offer nothing worthwhile
>Can't bring myself to care too much about dating, the world, etc.
For every winner there has to be a loser, I don't really mind being in that role and I suppose it's just natural selection doing it's job.

>> No.57455710

clown shoes, the lot of you
You decided that these things are truths and try to rationalize it when the fact is that it has no bearing in a case-by-case basis, collectively weep at your failed fascist ideologies and hang from a ceiling fan while I shitpost in another thread

>> No.57455750

Uh... gender roles that existed from the start of human civilization till the past century are "failed fascist ideologies" now?

>> No.57455799

>I love giving unreciprocated facial abuse head for 5+ hours <3
I pick you.

>> No.57455820

>tranny telling other people they have big feet and to kill themselves
Peak comedy

>> No.57455835

>k-kill yourselves, i'm running away before i have no arguments left!
If only all debates were this easy.

>> No.57455919

What postmodernism does to a mf...

>> No.57455975

We're free to circlejerk about how much we love nazis on the vtuber board but you shouldn't expect other people to join the orgy

>> No.57456010

FuwaMoco are the rare twin pickmes.

>> No.57456076

>>Don't you see?! The doll has a creepy face!
You forgot the
>woman has hairdo/makeup that's weird according to current fashion!
>suburbs bad! all houses rook same!
>white smoke in background! they must be burning up the jews in the cremetoriums!
>flag in from of each lawn! patriotism bad!
I'm trying real hard but I can't find anything else they added to try to make you feel "off" about this pic. It's an honestly pathetic attempt because all men want the life depicted here, no matter how many little "elements" they add.

>> No.57456086


>> No.57456105

Jelly, Shiina, Mumei

>> No.57456184

How the fuck is Henya a pickme. She's just a sweet wholesome kettle.

My vote goes for /here/chuubas whose entire gimmick is they pander to 4chan, like Kiki or whatever.

>> No.57456297

This place is the last place anyone should pander to

>> No.57456306


I don't know whether I, as a nazi supporter, should feel good, or sad, that traditional gender roles have been associated purely with nazis. Like really? You leftist fucks can't find any other way to return to a beautiful, natural, functioning society anymore? It's gotta be us huh. Oh well.

>> No.57456309

Don't go spreading names around like that, people might actually try to go watch them

>> No.57456552

If only Youtube would allow nazi vtubers... an alpha male can dream though

>> No.57456553

Not like it's easy to find more info on /here/ chuubas, right?
Anyone who actually stays and watches her will watch less of my oshi and therefore me and my oshi would have better time which is a win for me

>> No.57456647

>Ardent pickme defenders are unironic nazi chudcels
And this is why the term will always be relevant, because they enable types like this kek

>> No.57456658

>because all men want the life depicted here, no matter how many little "elements" they add.
The reason for this is because men believe (correctly) that a society like this best ensure their bloodline's chance of continuing, and the offsprings' survival. It's in our genes man. In every single one of our non-RBC cells. No amount of social engineering can defeat the genetic material's need to replicate.

>> No.57456753

Pickmes, much like femcels aren't real lmao

>> No.57456769

Literally the only people that don't like "pickmes" are bitter feminists and women that are SEETHING that other women get picked and they don't.
Not realizing if they were actually good people and treated men well they would get picked.
I have no sympathy for them. Using the term pickme as an insult is like a scarlet letter. Tells you everything you need to know about a woman, like if she were to use woke terms e.g.
>uhm sweaty? that's problematic !
etc etc

>> No.57456794

Wildly curious what these dweebs think of Hololive and whether they watch vtubers of any gender at all

>> No.57456827

I really want to know what is poster looks like, because they either don't have a y chromosome, or there's some other serious genetic defect.

>> No.57456914

From what I see here a "pick me" is every chuba that doesn't antagonize their audience, this thread is swarming with seething 2 views and trannies who are bitter no one find their toxic personalities entertaining.

>> No.57456959

>I like giving unreciprocated facial abuse head for 5 hours.
Picked. I pick her. Send her over.

>> No.57457008
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, lumi replies to femanon [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fu6mb56.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick me

>> No.57457105
File: 464 KB, 1354x784, surprised pikachu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women whenever men pick girls who treat them well

>> No.57457128

Being a pick-me isn't being a woman who wants men to like her, it's being a woman who puts down other women so men will like her, damn.

>> No.57457196

Guys fight each for women, so it's understandable women do the same even if it's more retarded

>> No.57457247

Shocking concept.
But it's not hard to believe considering the MAJORITY of women in life fail Ninas ONE rule.
>Men are easy, just be nice to them
They literally cannot handle that.

>> No.57457299

I'm the last person to shit on someone for their choice in chuuba, but honestly women like this are terrible to date, let alone watch for me. They always end up as mental cases who make their problems their whole identity.

>> No.57457320

It's both of those things. And it is explicitly feminist rhetoric so asking a male forum to agree with it is a losing battle.

>> No.57457327

But... we aren't penguins or seahorses?? You couldn't tell a penguin that the mothers wait with the eggs while the males hunt food, it's against their nature.
What you're missing is that no one is saying that a female sex always has these exact roles, just that there are certain general determinants based on sex that you can't change. What they are isn't set in stone across life, but across one species

>> No.57457336

It's even funny when you remember she said that to the 3 other girls in her wave and they all shat on her for it lol

>> No.57457495

This concept is not bad to women because the woman treats the man well. It is bad because the woman treats herself poorly for the man, and sets a precedent that other women must do the same.

>> No.57457506

Well anon, that's because her genmates were cunts. Not surprising from niji, the black company.
I would bet money that Enna is the worst female in all of vtubing. As a human being she is just irredeemable.

>> No.57457515

Wait a fucking minute. There is no male pick-me version because all men are pick-me. Holy shit. WAKE UP SHEEPLE

>> No.57457572

Better set the precedent to treat men like shit and die miserable, bitter and alone.

>> No.57457637

How is any of that treating herself poorly? She's ensuring a loyal provider for her genetic spawns. Treating yourself poorly is working a white-collar job in a big city till you're 35, then remembering that your egg carton's empty then scrambling to freeze them, then dying alone with your cat and wine.

>> No.57457660

you're discovering /vt/ posters true identities for the first time, now slowly back away from this catalog thread

>> No.57457673

There are men that doesn't give shit about female interest and still have a normal romantic life.

>> No.57457745

Well yes. All males compete for wombs, while women technically don't *have* to compete for seeds. In order to reproduce, they can share the same seed by the same man, but multiple men can't share a womb. Therefore, women are actually much less competitive over men than men are over women. It's just that male competition is so prevalent that we don't really see it.

>> No.57457751

t. retarded incel

>> No.57457754

>t. The Overmind

>> No.57457757
File: 67 KB, 225x225, cute bob lia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess i'm an outlier for liking her music and karaoke streams?
There's much worse out there, I dont think its fair to put her as the defacto.

>> No.57457784

>took this long for Henya to be mentioned
I like how OP mentioned Pippa and Henya together to put out some bait, but the OP image itself was more than enough.

>> No.57457817

If men can't treat women well they should not be allowed access to partners. That is the baseline rhetoric here. The pickme violates this and goes against her fellow women. You are not a feminist you will not agree with this rhetoric, but that is the logic regardless.

>> No.57457839

In spite of everything outside of generals being centered around hating chuubas on this board, I don't actually hate any... other than Enna. You're right, she's actually just an irredeemable human being.

>> No.57457843

shh it's okay baby... don't worry

>> No.57457878

It was made by a femcel Redditor actually

>> No.57457900

Exactly. Every dollar you earn, every rep you do in the gym, every time you go the the shower. It's male competition. Without women in the world, we'd all just be living in cardboard boxes and playing vidya/jacking off all day.

>> No.57457988

The "loyal provider" in question is having her do all of the work around the house and will most likely dump her as soon as she turns 25. The man makes no compromises while she bends over backwards for him, which is the behavior being chastised. This does not signal a happy ending for woman or child.

>> No.57458058

>If men can't treat women well
By traditional standards, if I'm defending her and our children, and providing for them, I'm treating her well.
This is the standard i will adhere to.

>> No.57458092

See >>57452720
What you're missing is that this meme was inherently created by a woman to tear down a certain character that she then exaggerated beyond recognition, hence a strawman.
You claim that arguments such as "she's meeting him halfway" don't work only BECAUSE you go off of an already skewed example engineered to be as negative as possible for a certain message. You can't take that as fact as if these women are the norm or common.
Realistically, there is no one like picrel, this is just a feminist hitpiece against any woman who puts effort into her relationship, probably made by a dyke.

>> No.57458117
File: 260 KB, 500x500, 1693429974726665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was leaning into the "OP is a faggot" side entering this thread, but some of these replies are just demented. You guys really need to get out more, download tinder or something jesas.

>> No.57458190

The woman is supposed to be the one doing housework, while the man goes to work and earns the pay. When she's 25, this woman will have at least 4 children. No man (niggers excepted) is about to dump the mother of his 4 children. At most he marries a second wife/concubine, if his finances allow for the providing of the extra children. This signals a great life for the women and her children.

>> No.57458192

If women can't treat men well should they also not be allowed access to partners?

>> No.57458208

Justpearlythings and Shoeonhead are both examples that match the example in the OP quite clearly. They say women peak at 14, call women whores, bash the 19th amendment. And that's not even mentioning vtubers like Pippa or Shondo who do the same. It may seem like a caricature to you, but this type of woman is very real, and while obviously appealing to men does no favors for the female sex as a collective.

>> No.57458228

>Literally cutting the workforce in half won't raise wages for the half that remain
How fucking retarded can you be?

>> No.57458246

>download tinder
That's the worst advice you can give to a person

>> No.57458259

>Realistically, there is no one like picrel, this is just a feminist hitpiece against any woman who puts effort into her relationship,
There should. All women should be like this. Many women used to be like this.

>> No.57458297

You sound like my dad. My mother was miserable in her marriage and found somebody that suited her way better when the kids got out of school. I can't even remember the last time I saw that guy, who knows where he is now. Good luck I guess

>> No.57458307

>No man (niggers excepted) is about to dump the mother of his 4 children
MGTOW actively promotes this behavior and single mothers exist in droves. Allow men to get away with this behavior like the pickme, and they will.

>> No.57458398

Your parents are divorced due to society. A century earlier with the same circumstances, they wouldn't have, and that's the way it should be.

>> No.57458401

Your mother lied to you and gaslit you throughout your childhood

>> No.57458407

>most likely dump her as soon as she turns 25
Now that is definitely some femcel bullshit
I can practically smell the scent of crystal cafe coming off of you
>no compromises
Yeah you know, apart from the small fact that a huge percentage of his income is solely going into the family but sure, no compromises

>> No.57458415

That's just a handful of dudes on the internet, you can't seriously be arguing this.

>> No.57458443

Because the
>relationships should be purely dictated as a man does everything while a woman is a boring housewife with no personality
>You should shit on others for liking a vtuber that caters to men
Takes are any better? At least with tinder you can meet someone

>> No.57458514

Not a single woman has explained what makes a vtuber a pickme but instead are having offtopic /soc/ tier rants about their failed relationship issues

>> No.57458519

Dunno about mgtow, but the mother of my four children is also the one that ensures their survival and upbringing, aka. the one that helps *my* bloodline survive and thrive. I'm not about to dump her and leave my children/genes to suffer

>> No.57458531

You made that up on the spot and my dad was an indifferent man who worked a 9-5 and then yelled at Fox News until he went to bed every night, you just don't get it

>> No.57458535

Had a couple hundred thousand followers on Leddit before it got nuked. It's continued in spirit by MRAs and Tate worshippers and what have you. The amount of single mothers that exist says it all, really.

>> No.57458538

>the female sex as a collective is in danger because....................four whores are playing characters on stream
Are you retarded or an actual real biological woman?

>> No.57458601

Sounds like an upstanding man. In a proper society your parents wouldn't have divorced and you would all be a lot happier. Unfortunately we live in a feminist society.

>> No.57458668

I mean, it's not women preaching the rhetoric that women dry up at age 25. And a single parent can't even provide for a family on one income anymore, which means the mother must work in turn. So yeah, no compromises.

>> No.57458670

Anyone but the most offended feminist can tell she is being ironic.
While they might exist it seems like the line feminist should draw is non existent. You need to properly classify your argument and where being a pick me ends. Because as it stands, what you say sounds more like you hate women who want a mate and work to get one, which is normal behavior, unless you are of the opinion that all women who are seeking male attention are pick mes

>> No.57458675

>single mothers
It's feminists that pushed divorce laws

>> No.57458678

>muh Faux News
Okay, that's far enough.
I applaud you for baiting the thread all this long but you overdid it with this bit

Great effort tho

>> No.57458707

Most divorces are initiated by women, not men. And a couple hundred thousand? That's nothing.

>> No.57458779

>The amount of single mothers that exist says it all, really
The amount of niggers that exist says it all, really.
The civilized white man doesn't leave his family behind

>> No.57458782

>And a single parent can't even provide for a family on one income anymore,
Because we don't live a traditional society anymore.
And women do dry up at 25. After 25, fertility goes down, years left of fertility goes down, risk of complications go up, rate of healthy children go down. Any woman reading this thread. Have your kids younger.

>> No.57458807

>in question is having her do all of the work around the house and will most likely dump her as soon as she turns 25. The man makes no compromises while she bends over backwards for him,
Nothing in the image suggests the man is doing anything let alone what you're saying. Sounds to me like you're projecting. Maybe if you were more like the 'pickme' you wouldn't have had such bad past relationships?

>> No.57458831

What, you thought I had a dick? No man would go against the pickme, because it is their best interests not to. I am simply explaining the other side of the argument, why this term exists in the first place. And putting aside that these 4 "characters" have massive pull and influence, they are far from the only women that have this line of thinking.

>> No.57458854

I need to start thoroughly analyzing anti posts, they keep using bizarrely feminine talking points and expressions. You can fairly reliably determine sex via word choice and sentence structure, it would be an interesting experiment.

>> No.57458928

I'm not making a single word of that up, that's my life and if you don't want to accept that then it's not really my problem. Glean from that whatever you want.
My dad got remarried and he travels around the country in his retirement. I met his wife one time in 10 years. His happiness isn't really my concern anymore, but my mother is still involved in my life and she's happy with her husband so that's all that matters to me. Dad treated her wrong and that relationship ended for the better. Live and learn, and all that.

>> No.57458932

MGTOW promotes not getting into relationships to begin with, stop being a retard.

>> No.57458946

No anon. You like her because she's good at singing.
Her personality is fucking TERRIBLE.
One of the worst people in vtubing period. As time goes you'll see more and more of her true self. She's fucking evil.
I bet you haven't seen the clip of her yet, her genmates and the pictures she has of half naked children.

>> No.57458997

She's in the kitchen cooking for him, she's satisfying him sexually while he provides nothing in return, and he can't even be bothered to put effort into his appearance. Reading comprehension reps tell you exactly what kind of man the pickme bends over backwards for, and it is not the kind that would provide well for his family.

>> No.57459047

Why did you ignore what I said about them sacrificing a huge part of their income? This is the opposite of no compromises for the man.
Also it seems very muddled what you're arguing. On one hand you're talking about women doing the house work while men don't as it is in a nuclear family, but then you talk about women having to get a job, as it is today, and that doesn't make sense because married men today do help in the household a lot and you'd have to be delusional to deny this.
It's ludicrous to claim that women still are in the same household position as in the 60s

>> No.57459050

>And putting aside that these 4 "characters" have massive pull and influence, they are far from the only women that have this line of thinking.
Dunno who you're talking about but it sounds like they have more intelligence than the average woman.
Since you're a woman, you should at least know to listen to them, and to men (ie. those who are smarter than you) instead of subscribing to modern social engineering designed to weaken our society to the benefit of others.

Sounds like your mom fell prey to feminism, sad. It take a lot for a man to abandon the mother of his children.

>> No.57459062

There used to be memes updooted to hell and back on the Leddit laughing about pumping and dumping women they impregnated. Of course it's gone now.

>> No.57459079

Why are women allowed and encouraged to treat their male partners poorly?
Why is their access unrestricted?
We do not have a deficit of women.
I don't like being negative and I try to avoid rrats but she really is a cunt. Probably a sociopath if I had to guess.

>> No.57459114

Good God almighty, it's a real XX woman

I was under the impression you were born with a cock and got it chopped off, yes

>> No.57459165

She's not that bad if you aren't a unicorn. She's the only niji I watch and I think she can be pretty funny, and her higurashi concert is my favorite performance of any vtuber.

All the other nijis suck ass desu so I avoid collabs

>> No.57459176
File: 167 KB, 1920x1080, 50s with technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a negative response to the negative feminist society. "Fight poison with poison" as they say. I understand them, but I'm more of a positivist. I envision a return to tradition.

>> No.57459192
File: 39 KB, 389x464, 1689037559445166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're supposed to have kids at a young age
>You're supposed to get married
>You're supposed to be a goy for ((society))
Nah, I'm good. I'll continue to follow the golden rules, treat people right (unless they give me a reason not to and/or try to maliciously fuck with me) and do the bare minimum requored of me to sustain myself. However, i'm just gonna play Vidya/whatever shit that tickles my fancy and live alone until I die

>> No.57459299

remarkably based

>> No.57459300

What of your genes? Your y chromosome? Do they not yearn in every cell for you to reproduce? Can't you feel the urge? I understand that society is shit for men, but our genes don't care about that.

>> No.57459313
File: 259 KB, 1451x1414, 1678644021470705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere does it say anything about the man not being reciprocal. All it states is when she herself wants to do for the man. Relationships go both ways, femanon. Maybe you should do for your partner more next time.

>> No.57459325

Because when both parents have to work to provide for the children and the law demands as such (child support lol) it's not nearly as much of a compromise as you're suggesting, and hardly ever willing on the man's part.
>because married men today do help in the household a lot and you'd have to be delusional to deny this
We are discussing a hypothetical scenario where a pickme chooses an unworthy man to be the father of her children. A good man would help around the house, and would make compromises in the relationship deeming a pickme gf unnecessary. A pickme might choose a Stephen Crowder type on the other hand, negging her to work harder and do her wifely duties in her pregnancy.

>> No.57459336

How did you get here?
With traditional gender roles the man WORKS all day and does the tough chores and fixes shit at home.
The woman does cleaning and cooking and childrearing.
If the man compromises and bends over for a woman SHE loses respect for him and the relationship ends.
>Dump as soon as she turns 25.
>Dumping the mother of his children, his WIFE.
Now this is either pure bait or you think every relationship is based on dicaprio.
Either way, stop baiting immediately.

>> No.57459422

>I love giving unreciprocated facial abuse head
Come on, now. Not surprised you're a Pippafag at all.

>> No.57459450

What you still fail to see is that this "pick me" is an inherent feminist strawman argument. You then bash other women who you perceive to be pick mes but only due to your own impression of them with those extremist memes in the back of your mind

>> No.57459469

>We are discussing a hypothetical scenario where a pickme chooses an unworthy man to be the father of her children. A good man would help around the house, and would make compromises in the relationship deeming a pickme gf unnecessary. A pickme might choose a Stephen Crowder type on the other hand, negging her to work harder and do her wifely duties in her pregnancy.
You're just a sad product of this modern society that we're trying to revert. Hopefully you'd come to understand before your eggs dry up too.

>> No.57459522

Your fallacy is the concept of the pick me girl inherently
> >>57459450

>> No.57459530

I gave you 4 examples of this type of woman existing. It's hardly a strawman. I imagine you can meet quite a few of them on those 4chan Discord servers I've heard horror stories about.

>> No.57459567

>he provides nothing in return,
Protection from danger
Provision, roof, food, water, heating etc all of that shit
Security in her station
Wealth and status

>> No.57459574

>'REEEEEEEE, women can't just have interesting hobbies of their own accord'
why are sisters like this?

>> No.57459596
File: 550 KB, 1452x1731, 1669749217446157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I love"
>"for 5+ hours <3"
Someone needs to learn what teasing, dirty talk is.

>> No.57459603

Roastie hands made that "meme"
Christ they really, REALLY cant stand the idea of a man getting happiness without boxing himself into their neat little mold huh?

>> No.57459658

>A single man owning a house
>In the current year
He can provide an apartment, I guess. But a woman can get herself a fucking apartment.

>> No.57459669

>Women shouldn't bash women!!!! That's the real reason we don't like pickmes!
>Proceeds to bashe women that don't conform to what they desire.
wew lad
Yeah we'll keep picking the "pickmes" thank you seething roasties.
Would rather be alone than have to deal with such cunts

>> No.57459672

The fact she(female) took the retarded comic at face value instead of trying to look beyond and speculating on who the author was and what were her intentions says it all

>> No.57459674

Yeah I'm not about to put my lips on your cunt femanon. If you think "reciprocation" is that then no. Reciprocation is asymmetrical, as in you give me head, I provide for you and the children.
Plus, ask yourself this, would you truly, from the bottom of your heart, *respect* and be forever loyal, your entire life, to a man that licks your clit because you ask him to? No other man would even enter your vision? Don't need to answer, just think on this.

>> No.57459690

You gave 4 streamers that are playing a character for comedy and entertainment and you compare it to real life relationships.

Whatever you might think about the pick me thing otherwise, it is definitely just a meme within the vtuber sphere

>> No.57459710
File: 75 KB, 240x240, 1692603027566259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGL if I had a fanbase that consisted of anons from this thread It wouldn't be worth it, even if they whaled hundreds. I'm glad most of you will never take these mindsets into the actual dating world.

>> No.57459721

This is radfem rhetoric, not libfem. It is unironically completely okay to bash women that go against women's collective interests.

>> No.57459727
File: 25 KB, 680x382, 1624577501618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, no. Don't get me wrong, I still find women attractive and will gawk/appreciate one that catches my eye. But I've always been more preoccupied and laser focused on hobbies/interests, learning things, occult shit (since I'm an autistic fuck like that) and if i was forced to choose between a relationship or me pursuing my interests/desires then I would choose the latter every time.

>> No.57459733

The fact that we get to keep breathing in such a society
At least according to their response to it

>> No.57459748

Justpearlythings is absolutely not playing a character for "comedy", though I wish she was.

>> No.57459756

Are you that femanon that was ITT all this time?

>> No.57459774


>> No.57459790

A woman get herself an apartment and no children, or no father to her children.
A man can get an apartment for his family.

>> No.57459872

>Actual seething femanons spotted
I'm not surprised knowing that most known vtubers are /here/ but still.
If you tried being nice to men, men will be nice in return, a shocking concept. Try it sometime, might stop being 1 or 2views. Or don't. I don't care.
Yes she is.

>> No.57459893

>multiple alt accounts
>make them have a "conversation"
>people will fall for this
Shes not going to stop existing anon.

>> No.57459912

Thanks for the recommends. I already watch Pippa and I used to watch shoe0nhead before she turned into a leftist. I'll check out the other ones.

>> No.57459931

>If you tried being nice to men, men will be nice in return
This type of man is fine.
The pickme does not pursue this type of man.

>> No.57460005


>> No.57460024
File: 102 KB, 740x1024, 1669167506639607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the long term, we're talking the rise and fall of civilizations, it is in the collective interest of women to be servile to men.

>> No.57460036

Oh joy, a broken down apartment she has to take care of herself with screaming children in a nigger infested neighborhood since the man is never at home to "provide". What an ideal life, truly.

>> No.57460098

The goalposts keep moving.
>Have a pickme
>they apparently go for pieces of shit men
>get exactly what they deserve for their poor choices
>everyone sees what happened and now see not to emulate this behavior.
In your scenario what the fuck is the problem?

>> No.57460099
File: 73 KB, 1241x898, 1693188611871886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a woman, and not a streamer. You can project all you want but you're still schizo who thinks the world should be like a 1950's nuclear family. while Forgetting that housewifes were dope fiends and husbands beat the fuck out their kids during that time

>> No.57460138

>it's okay to attack people who don't conform to the collective
Why are women so fucking retarded?

>> No.57460173

To be fair to Toasty Roasty I did date the pickme girl in the OP years ago right down to the blonde hair tied up in pigtails, the weird fashion sense and the huge tits.
The honeymoon period lasted for a year and then I grew tired of her and the grew to hate her guts. I ended the relationship because at that pace I was gonna turn into an abusive boyfriend.

>> No.57460178

The fallacy is that it's an inherently extreme concept without brakes and unclear borders. Any movement gravitates towards the most extreme interpretations without clear boundaries. As it stands, this just sets the precedent that women shouldn't be looking for the approval of men at all because they would be labeled "pick me" girls

>> No.57460180

The first 3 bullet points happen. The last does not. In reality these women become influencers and flaunt this type of behavior to the masses, promoting it's emulation.

>> No.57460197


>> No.57460201

>not a woman
Retard. Although things were definitely better than now, that's not a high bar to reach.
You haven't gone back before the issues.
You put the times right back in line for reaching THIS point we are in now. That's a silly loop.
Go back 2000 years ago.

>> No.57460204

Sounds like the ills of modern society. Glad you can recognize it. So may I interest you in this>>57455259 pic related.
Price: the woman has to stay at home *gasp* , cook and do chores instead of working a useless job. I know it's a high price to pay but consider the benefits.

>> No.57460208

Pickmes are good because they go against the grain and actually cater to man. My only issue with them is that 90% of them are just after the resources those men provide them once they butter them up bit with the right talking points.

I see through a pickme in seconds so it's not an issue for me, and if the malepandering gets enough traction it can go from simply utilitaristic to something more meaningful. All things considered pickmes aren't that bad, if you know how to handle them.

>> No.57460243

barely disguised seethe thread
and these retards fucking bit

>> No.57460260

>It is unironically completely okay to bash women that go against women's collective interests.
As defined by you.
“Pickme” is just an overused term women use to attack fellow women over anything the other women do that doesn’t conform to what the first one likes.
>girl likes vidya? She is just being a pickme pandering to men by engaging their interests!
>girl doesn’t like vidya? She is just being a pickme pandering to men by avoiding things typically seen as non-feminine!

>> No.57460311

>while Forgetting that housewifes were dope fiends and husbands beat the fuck out their kids during that time
More jewish lies to justify the ills of modern society.

>> No.57460326

>nobody was happy in the 50s
There's a wojak for people like you

>> No.57460325

Liberals believe in women caking themselves in makeup and becoming virtual prostitutes because uhhhh muh freedom I guess. The radfem recognizes this as bullshit and shames such behavior rightfully. Different set of beliefs entirely.

>> No.57460327

You're extrapolating extreme examples and acting like they were the norm. This is common amongst feminists to drag down traditional households.

>> No.57460357

>while Forgetting that housewifes were dope fiends and husbands beat the fuck out their kids during that time
I know right? Now everyone are dope fiends and beat their kids as a single parent. Progress!

>> No.57460363

It's true that it's become a buzzword. Many such cases. Doesn't mean it never meant anything.

>> No.57460367

Gimme her number. That is if she isn't married.

>> No.57460382

Not every family is like yours, Tyrone

>> No.57460385

>stealth /pol/ thread

>> No.57460391
File: 1.16 MB, 676x596, hello reddit [sound=https2F2F211ate.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back nigger

>> No.57460395

I mean I'm a single man and I own a house and last I checked, it is the current year. Guess I just blew your whole argument out of the water.

>> No.57460414

lmao you're right

>> No.57460427
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, Gigachad in the mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and comfypilled.

>> No.57460431

This is such a gross mischaracterization of what liberal means but I guess that's common for America
The radfem is just more socially acceptable volcels

>> No.57460446

You are the exception that defines the rule.

>> No.57460462

>muh hecking polerino
If you wanna get a thread killed quick just say bad things about Mori Calliope

>> No.57460495

you can tell genuine interest from larping very easily. Those e-girls with anime wallpapers all over their room, custom keyboards and aliexpress skimpy cosplay? 100% larpers and pickmes. I bet half of that shit is a set they take down after they are done taking pics.

>> No.57460507

Wait until you hear what the liberal party is in Japan. The same words mean different things in different contexts.

>> No.57460509

tranny gtfo
More like an attempt at a crystal cafe thread

>> No.57460548

...Just like how you're assuming that for every man to be happy he needs to have a brain dead housewife and kids while paying for everything himself?
Look up the rates of reported OD's back in the 50's and 60's, a large amount were from hosuewives who would get blitzed because all they amounted to in life was cleaning up for a guy and kids all day.

>> No.57460576

Feminine typing.
Social media pickmes are the LEAST of concerns when it comes to women and social media actively or subconsciously destroying society.

>> No.57460596
File: 713 KB, 550x734, kiara Go Back, Go Back, Go Back [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdapwrj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit tranny nigger

>> No.57460634

Are they really pickmes or are they just gay for each other?

>> No.57460635

Uh nobody likes Callis music except me
Mods dlet thred pls i wanna make a new one pushing a counter narrativr about the OP pic k thx

>> No.57460651

Jezebels hate the "pick me" types because they don't have a single feminine thing about them other than tits and a hole between their legs.

>> No.57460667

I do too, 37 years old
The girlfriend is a 22 year old drop out with aspirations of becoming a vtuber but she gives good head and footjobs so I put up with it

>> No.57460682

The problem with the term "pick me" as the image attached shows is all sorts of ridiculous ideas and accusations get balled up in it and then it gets thrown at girls who just never got along well with other girls in the past.
It's the worst kind of strawman bait which is why I never take it seriously and assume incel women are around when it starts to come up.

>> No.57460697

I never said that, you're stramanning. Why would I want a brain dead housewife? This is completely unrelated to a traditional household and just shows your personal bias

>> No.57460717

>treat their fans (male) well
>They are popular, successful and loved
Shocking twist!

>> No.57460728

And when she stops sexually satisfying you?

>> No.57460757

>Look up the rates of reported OD's back in the 50's and 60's, a large amount were from hosuewives who would get blitzed because all they amounted to in life was cleaning up for a guy and kids all day.
Turns out even the 50s weren't immune to leftist social engineering. After all we had just defeated muh evil nazis, for the sake of jews and communists. Of course the women wouldn't be satisfied, the seed of feminism had already been planted long ago. Voting rights were given in the freaking 20s. You'd have to go further back.

>> No.57460760
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No no. Pick a me was her PL. She's Henya the Genius now and she has boing boing.

>> No.57460783

>"pick me" archetype

>> No.57460804

Who tf is advocating for guys to dump their wives at 25? Getting a woman to be attracted to you and finding one who you want a long term relationship is hard enough, you think guys want to go through that again and again? Only the richest (and also the most sociopathic among the poor) are capable of something like that. I think the femanon in this thread has several memes mixed together in her head.

Any sort of talk about 'pump and dump' is about hookup culture which both genders participate in and which will exist regardless of anything any manosphere guy says.

>> No.57460855

Henya has been nothing but herself since the beginning even in PL. Any girl that tries to get close to Asmon...it's pretty damn obvious it's a pick me.

>> No.57460876

Third anon here, 31 a home and two cars. Gf is 19, and we do all the things the feminism-contamined girls that went to school with me wanted to. Planning to eventually marry and have 3 kids with her - as long as she doesn't fuck up until then, that is.

Have you tried not being ugly? Inside and outside, that is.

>> No.57460891

What's wrong with just acknowledging that people of both genders can be shit because of humans in general being capable of turning into shitheads. There's a lot you can rightfully shit on Jews for but the human condition is not one of those things

>> No.57460892

I think of those two in the same way I'd think of a Blue's Clues ripoff, they're basically treating their audience like children which is not necessarily something a "pick-me" would do

>> No.57460890

Nooooo, they are evil pick mes that would want to kill all women for sex with the disgusting moids! Don't you see??!! How dare they be nice to men!

>> No.57460921

NTA but if you're a woman and you're not providing sex and/or children, what good are you? You think your value lies in working a soulless office job? and being "independent and need no men"? Lol.
It's amazing how women are so susceptible to society brainwashing. I mean it's natural that they are, it's just easy to take advantage of it, like now.

>> No.57460936

>because all they amounted to in life was cleaning up for a guy and kids all day
>be safe, secure and not have to work a day in their life
>have a loving family they chose to make
>have all the free time in the world to do as they wish and make friends
>kill themselves because they have to clean a little bit and their life is so 'boring'
That sounds like women alright.

>> No.57460967

...isn't the housing market jewed to shit? How are you faggots getting a house if it wasn't inherited from a family member or rich?

>> No.57460996

Yes, that is unironically what femcels online have made themselves believe.

>> No.57461076

>women corrupted by jews*
replace jews with whatever you believe caused the modern society.

>> No.57461084

Still does not disprove the fact that she stabbed her fans in the back because she worked for a Zhang company.

>> No.57461179

I live a fruitless NEET existence. I spend my days masturbating and watching Chinese cartoons. I provide no value to society as I am not part of it. And you know what? It's comfy. I recommend it.

>> No.57461220

The Vtuber market hade been chinked to shit.

>> No.57461235

Interesting how both you and another reply suggest you're on the verge of dumping your young girlfriends. Goes to show how unsustainable the pickme's lifestyle truly is.

>> No.57461241

Why should she stop tho?
I never understand when women especulate about their future and they see themselves closing their legs into eternity, to their own husbands. Makes no sense to me. It's very prevalent in Japan and Korea too.

But to answer the question you were actually making is we have a great sex life and in her own slow retarded way she's learning to love being a homemaker. I hope it works out between us.

>> No.57461281

Kiki (the one that's /here/)

>> No.57461311

Why would she stop?
Unless you both reach an age where you don't fuck anymore because you're old corpses walking.
When you stop fucking, the bond breaks down. Unless you both lose ALL sex drive entirely because old as fuck.

>> No.57461313

That is just a parasite.

>> No.57461347

When you have children sex will naturally take a backseat. She will be exhausted from looking after the children, too tired to do anything. I pray for her sake you're more understanding than you sound.

>> No.57461348

I hate how much of a lefty pippa is, she should just shut the fuck up. No one watches vtubers for political agendas

>> No.57461360

>as long as she doesn't do bad things, we'll marry
>on the verge of dumping your bf
You have the mental gymnastics down pat to be identified as a woman online, congrats anon.

>> No.57461380

In this same vein, does a male just get to choose one day he doesn't feel like protecting his wife and family anymore? That he can just stop providing?
No of course not.
Why do women feel they can shirk their responsibilities and duties when they feel like it?

>> No.57461387
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>> No.57461398

Imagine believing someone who had been exposed as a Communist.

>> No.57461450

>does a male just get to choose one day he doesn't feel like protecting his wife and family anymore? That he can just stop providing?
He can if he's black or SEA

>> No.57461459


The more violent the head, the better

>> No.57461483

I disagree with women going to university, but damn, a basic reading comprehension class would be necessary

>> No.57461544

What anybody on this board considers "bad things" is nothing short of lunacy. The asinine things female vtubers get chastised for on the daily shows this clearly. Attempting to appeal to a man of this board's caliber is certainly a challenge... pickmes work so hard for so little gain. I'd feel bad if it wasn't their own doinh.

>> No.57461565

Ignore this femoid's lies >>57461347. Pregnancy doesn't kil a woman's sex drive, some get even hornier(which is kinda fucked up, ngl).

The women that marry and instantly "lose interest" in their husbands never had any to begin with. These literally whored themselves for the wife position, then stopped once they got what they needed.

>> No.57461593

Good luck to you two, I'm also looking for a young, no-university woman to be a housewife

>> No.57461611

Anybody who flippantly suggests that they might dump a girlfriend of theirs without prompt is not in it for the long haul. Which is how we come back to the "dumping at 25" point.

>> No.57461649

Pregnancy doesn't kill a woman's sex drive. Children do.

>> No.57461671

Personally I bought one right before Covid ended and I'm fully convinced a tragedy like that is the only way somebody else will be able to buy in for the near future, at least in America. I had a lot of money put away from when someone I knew died and dumped much of that on the down payment. I don't subscribe to the incel shit that's being peddled here, I just worry about what's going to happen to my younger brother who is basically going to rent until he dies. He can't save anything alone and frankly I can't do much either at the moment. Worst part is he doesn't even like vtubers and other nerdy shit so he's not comfortable crashing at my place for free. I got lucky and no amount of overtime was going to change that, he'll have to win the lottery at this rate.

>> No.57461729

Most likely third worlders. Would explain a lot.

>> No.57462005

>The asinine things
>Oh boohoo I can't treat my fans however I want! I don't understand why because I've been spoiled and showered with donations all day!
See Fuwamoco, not a "pick me" and everyone loves them

>> No.57462008

The real reason women hate "pickmes" is because they raise the bar of the BARE MIMINUM they have to do to be attractive to men above "just existing". There, I said it.
31-yo anon here. Bought an old two-floor building that had messy documentation(multiple inheritance/divorces involved) for cheap, demolished everything but the pillars and outers walls, rebuilt.
People have different expectations for the glorified online dancing girl and irl relationships, what a shocker! In any case, all these pickmes seem to be doing way better than you, seetheanon. Curious, isn't it?

>> No.57462059
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the pickme who wanted to date me was fat btw

>> No.57462072

>People have different expectations for the glorified online dancing girl and irl relationships
Do they? I was under the impression people wanted these girls to be their virtual girlfriends and held them to such standards.

>> No.57462102

All I'm getting here is that the men, women and trannies (also known as "it") are just mentally ill the opinions in this thread shouldn't be considered seriously

With that out of the way: FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.57462181

nobody is impeding you from living a traditional lifestyle. Women just got the choice not to, if they want.
And they willingly choose to stay away from your ugly ass

>> No.57462189

yeah I have also found that black women love white men and will do anything to make the relationship work, we should all be doing our part to make a stable future for our families

>> No.57462199

Have you not followed what they said on stream how they can be whatever to you what you want? Friends, daughters, wives, whatever

>> No.57462264

You niggers know this is just a thinly veiled recommendation thread, right?

>> No.57462345

nta but that doesn't have anything to do with what he said

>> No.57462367

That's what the vtubers themselves say, sure. The fans have different perspectives.

>> No.57462377

>Race mixing

>> No.57462385

You are delusional. We have seen a declining bar for women and a raising bar for men for generations now. It has almost come to a point of crisis.

Every fatty uggo gets easy access to Chad's cock while male virginity is on the rise.

>> No.57462394

I thought that we were complaining about the cost of living, some old fart was yapping about women ruining the economy or something and I didn't really read that part

>> No.57462440

you are entitled

>> No.57462450

You just need patience and a good realtor. I would advise against buying a house now though with how high rates are. I bought my house last year.

>> No.57462457

>Tfw we're at the point where male virginity is being valued
>Especially by other men

>> No.57462472

Not really, not my problem if you didn't keep up with the generals. Also nothing wrong with wanting to have your vtuber be like your girlfriend if she provides that kind of content

>> No.57462485

when I retire I'm going to the Philippines and I'm going to bring my weeb shit with me, each figure will be like a small bar of gold in their eyes and the women will beg for my seed

>> No.57462558

Ironic, that is exactly what those vtubers are. A customer complaining about being served an overcooked steak is not entitled, just rightfully complaining about a bad product

>> No.57462568

There is not a single general on this board where at least 40% of the posts do not center around sexual fantasies about a vtuber.

>> No.57462600

It's also dirt cheap to live there if you worked years in a western society. Good luck anon I believe in you

>> No.57462610

Not exactly. The woman's struggle isn't to fuck, anon, any of them can. Femcels can't DATE long-term and/or marry. Just look ITT at the roasties seething about being swapped for younger gals when they age. The thing is, now that they work and have easy attention form low-value men, they all think they can marry Chad. They, obviously, can't. There's actually a LOT of competition for high-value men out there, to the point you become more attractive to other women purely because you already have a gf/wife.

The whole "hurting all women" feminist bs that's being spouted here is because some women, rather than fight for the top chads, realized they can be queens by doing the bare mimimum. This makes the roasties, who were already rejected or pump&dumped by other men, seethe. Because they don't have to make ANY effort for men they THINk are below them.

>> No.57462684

my thanks, please don't pray for me, pray for my baby-mamas

>> No.57462716

It's pretty hard to keep up with a thread when you're at work.

Well fucking duh, our priorities will change because now we have kids we must keep safe, I also won't be able to play videogames or go camping as often. Doesn't mean our libidos will just die, doesn't mean we won't fool around when the kids are asleep, doesn't mean I'll stop wanting footjobs now that her feet are more rough and haggard and she uses bright red nail polish and wears a toering, doesn't mean she'll stop enjoy being blindfolded and cuffed.

Yeah I firmly believe that, my parents banged well into my teenage years and beyond and they had a great relationship. It's always been a fetish/fantasy of mine to make love to a pregnant woman who is carrying my child. Hope I can make it happen with her.

Thanks bro, we're all gonna make it.

I run my own business. It's really not that hard as long as you don't rack up credit card debt like a retard and don't try to buy a mcmansion or a loft downtown.

>> No.57462760

Of course, because it's a hobby with attractive ficitional character models, why shouldn't they be? Just for a prude femcel like you?

>> No.57462939

no. If you don't like it, don't watch. If you go out of your way to complain, specially if you use insulting language you are a piece of shit

>> No.57463018

You're silly.
Most people on this board watch vtubers as an equivalent to a girlfriend. To argue otherwise is to be blind.

>> No.57463405

>Yeah, and if you don't like the steak, just don't eat it! It's that simple!
I hate how retarded you people are that you seriously think this little. Of course you can issue criticism about the entertainment you consume, especially if you are a long time fan. If you pay for a product given how it's advertised and it turns out differently you even have a legal claim for reparation. Now obviously that's not how it works with entertainment and most service based industries because that's inherently more arbitrary, but it's an example where "just don't consume it" doesn't work. Whenever there is money involved especially.
Women just have a hard time accepting that they're in the wrong.

>specially if you use insulting language
Oh, so you do order these things? Apparently using insulting language gives you less of a right according to you, but that doesn't make sense because you already established that fans shouldn't complain period.

No, you are not a piece of shit for complaining, that is a dangerous mindset, and absolutely detrimental for any entertainer to believe in

>> No.57463515

I would not argue most and there's absolutely no problem with this when the vtuber caters to that. Have you tried being less miserable?

>> No.57463833

Leave it to a woman coming up with an insult for pleasant women

>> No.57463895

>black women love white men
I've noticed this. Black women are always flirting with me. For a while I had no idea if Black women are just more forward in general with this type of thing or if they just really like white guys.

>> No.57463898

Or because women are traitors by heart.

>> No.57464004

Blacks are usually fat and ugly, but it is the whites and asians who are the manipulative backstabbers who will betray you for money.

>> No.57464209

>be mulatto
>Lose weight and try to be less ugly
>Realize it doesn't matter because no one would date black person, let alone a half breed mutt unless it's some weird blacked shit
>Would never date black women since I don't really have a preference for them
At the very least even if I am going to be alone I can take solace in the fact that I'm not fat anymore

>> No.57464352

"pick me" is just what an ugly and jealous girl says about a happy woman

>> No.57464354

now you just have to get jacked and continue browsing cuckold threads to shoot your shot, that's like, just two things

>> No.57464523

That's how Pipkin became popular in the first place anyway. See also

>> No.57464601

>Essentially the female equivalent to a male feminist.
and do you know what the female equivalent to an incel is?

>> No.57465003

pack it up lads we're done here

>> No.57465224

>Look up the rates of reported OD's back in the 50's and 60's, a large amount were from hosuewives who would get blitzed because all they amounted to in life was cleaning up for a guy and kids all day.
Basically the jews dangled "there's a better alternative" in front of women, and they fell for it. Women as a whole are less happy now than when they were housewives.
Really mirrors the Adam and Eve's story.

>> No.57465333

Why not just embrace the blacked shit? I wouldn't mind dating a woman who has a racial fetish for me. In fact it's a bonus.

>> No.57465527

Asians and whites closer to each other than they are to blacks, who genetically have never left Africa.

>> No.57465789

Fauna obviously.

>> No.57466078

the "out of africa" theory has been debunked anyways
humans of all races started showing up independently across the globe

>> No.57466283

Lol what? Do you think we evolved from apes into humans independently or what
>inb4 doesn't "believe" in evolution

>> No.57466374

>humans evolved from monkeys
but that's not what the theory of evolution even proposes retard
