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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57428535 No.57428535 [Reply] [Original]

It's official. Magni and Vesper are considered alumni, meaning they were not terminated.


>> No.57428650

The world may move on but I’ll never forget Kaoru...

>> No.57428668


>> No.57428692

Why hasn't anyone told me about the sexy femboy on the left

>> No.57428694

I'm tired of seeing these guys on this board. Boring let's find a new tab that's actually interesting

>> No.57428760

They didn't renew their contracts.

>> No.57428877

too busy winning to give a shit about this

>> No.57428949

unfortunately he was made of glass, graduated due to health issues ive been told

>> No.57429056

lol you know literally COVER announced its "graduation" so it was gonna be like that from the first on the surface level. we were talking about whether or not its a practical termination.

>> No.57429058
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2682, magni lying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he convince Vesper to quit?

>> No.57429492


>> No.57429636

Yes, that's what it means when you don't renew your contract. They only have themselves to blame for running out their time before deciding they weren't gonna renew. They could have had graduation streams while there was still time left on the clock, but they decided to pussyfoot around until the contract ran out. Cover had no choice at that point but to put them on indefinite hiatus while trying to continue negotiations. The graduation announcement only happened once it was clear there was no hope of getting them to sign.

>> No.57429934

>Magni and Vesper are considered alumni, meaning they were not terminated.
Cover wasn't going to publicly announce a double termination but 6 weeks of radio silence followed by a double graduation is extremely suspicious.

>> No.57429971

Well, look at that. It was a mutual agreement instead of a termination. So, we've got 5 Alums now: Coco, Sana, Kira, Magni and Vesper. The only one we are missing is for an ID to graduate which isn't likely. They'd earn more as a vtuber than anything else they could do.

>> No.57430042

eternal cope

>> No.57430092

Retards who get tattoos like this deserve the disappointment

>> No.57430155

This feels like something both sides didn't want but neither side could budge. Nobody wins when a graduation stream doesn't get to happen. Cover looks shady and the boys don't get to say a good farwell to their fans leaving a bitter taste in everyone's mouth. Clearly, Cover wanted them to renew but the guys wanted some different terms. Probably crossing out things like performances, song covers,etc since neither felt like they were into the idol side, only the streaming side. But Cover won't abandon their commitement to being an idol company and just becoming another Nijisanji.

>> No.57430164

He was probably the best gamer in Holostars too. Too bad his health was frail, he streamed until the end of his contract just so he can ask cover to grant him alumni status and preserve his content for his fans.

>> No.57430207

Yeah its much worse, the 2 of them were the biggest pussies imaginable and walked out on the golden ticket of their lives

>> No.57430322

wtf I'm gay now

>> No.57430351

Nice, can't wait until the graduation streams. They're happening later today right?

>> No.57430505

have you been missing these past few months? we have been winning non-stop, we are literally talking about the two biggest sex pests in homoEN graduating and you say we aren't winning?

>> No.57430585

Christ this is what I thought Aster was going to be

>> No.57430874
File: 86 KB, 675x934, fASxeYZq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 of the most obnoxious faggots are gone from hololive forever

>> No.57431266

Not really, it just reinforces the fact it was a contract dispute.

>Cover asks them to renew contracts
>They don't agree with the terms
>First contract expires, activities stopped
>They never come to an agreement, eventually choose graduation instead

>> No.57431423
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>> No.57432732
File: 17 KB, 600x338, lZJoJt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choose to terminate kaoru, who later becomes 4view TTRPG player
Stars deserve L

>> No.57433323

BIG COPE. A failed homostar is still a failed homostar.

>> No.57433990

/#/fag here, that's cheating. TTRPG streams are basically collabs and a guaranteed buff. His solo streams are still sub1k most of the time.

>> No.57434063

Holostars can't both be a golden ticket as well as a failure of a branch. Unicorns need to pick a fucking side.

>> No.57434130

Shouldn't have impregnated polka then.

>> No.57434165

what the fuck he even did

>> No.57434170

>they're gone
I got what I wanted, anon.

>> No.57434173

I discovered vtubers too late. Im sadge didn’t get a chance to smash that bussy

>> No.57434205

the faggots can't even be happy that they're gone, they have to cope that they were fired even though cover already stated that both just wanted out.

>> No.57434756

Fucked 2/3rds of the female staff.

>> No.57434846

Was it his fault A-chan and nodoka wanted the sex? Why the man has always to pay when the succubus fucks him over

>> No.57434930

Continued laughter at Homobeggars

>> No.57434977

What the fuck is that?

>> No.57435025

No one knows, anything you hear are rrats. But Shien and Oga speak of him fondly so doesn't seem like he did anything bad.

>> No.57435102

Graduated, terminated wo fucking cares, so long as they're gone

>> No.57435607

>Hololive thread
>Mention Ninisanji
Maybe you are one of the man in the cave in plato's allegory.

>> No.57435760

Homostars is a golden ticket for male vtubers. But is a failed project for a company like cover that could’ve just invested the money on their female vtubers. This is the reason you faggots can’t sc enough for the quitters to keep their slots. You’re too smooth brained therefore can’t find jobs to sustain your oshi’s greed. Lmao.

>> No.57436324

Kira didn't get a stream either. He just dipped like magni and vesper. Your termination rrat has no legs you chuckle fuck.

You faggaloons are insecure as fuck. You're still screeching because they already came back to streaming. It was about them existing at all in any form that drives you autismos nuts. They left because they were tired of the shit new management that can't be bothered with tempus, though you faggots probably get off to that.

>> No.57436754

Cry, sister, cry. Get it all out.

>> No.57436879

Uh but >>57430164 said the tummy trap loved streaming and went all the way until the end. Magni and Vesper loved their fans too right? Surely there's no way they'd abandon them without even saying goodbye, I'll just wait until the graduation streams there's no way

>> No.57436924

He have the same energy as
>"look at me i shoot myself first, take that im gonna die first before you kill me"

>> No.57436969


>> No.57436998

Sex pest, like the one shitposters keep warning you about, but real.

>> No.57437000

BASED /vt/ SCHIZOS keeping the legacy alive by SEETHING all day LONG

>> No.57437225

Seethe. They simply gave up. They barely get monetary support from fans. Stop blaming others for your oshi’s failures.

>> No.57437252

pretty reasonable rrat, I think the same. they weren't looking to do all the idol obligations and shit and just wanted to stream games, a shame

>> No.57437462

i should add onto this however; management was notoriously not great (to put it nicely), it seems to this day management on both stars and holoEN specifically are a bit inconsistent with their communication and whatnot, im sure it must be a headache to deal w thag

>> No.57437641

>Hitler dies by suicide

>> No.57437919

Mentioning each other company is normal in this kind of baitthread or discussion, right? I saw a lot of holo being used a lot in the nijibait thread, I thought it was normal but apparently not

>> No.57438013

Shien and Oga are just 'Bros before hoes' Guys.

>> No.57438140

Just how bitter were they towards Holostars management that they refused to even do a graduation stream?

>> No.57438197

Still won’t watch.

>> No.57438230

Kira didn't have a graduation stream, but he did say goodbye on twitter.

>> No.57438329

Do you believe they sign the contract when they debut?

>> No.57438470

Actual retard you aren’t forced to do song covers and the only performance that’s forced is holofes which is unrelated to homos.

>> No.57438562

If I had to take a guess I'd say that they were big ole pussies and didn't want to face their fans (like that couple that got matching Magni tattoos) and be honest with them about what was going on. This is worse for homofags than if they had been fired because it means that they willingly left and never even told their fans and most vocal supports thank you or goodbye. They knowingly, willingly ditched them. If homolovers didn't take such glee in their cunty behavior I'd almost feel bad for them being done dirty like that.

>> No.57438648 [DELETED] 

Sex pest. Not the imaginary one shitposters talk about. Actual, real sex pest.

>> No.57438727

I felt bad for them until they started coping hard by pulling cover down.

>> No.57438736

>Magni and Vesper loved their fans too right? Surely there's no way they'd abandon them without even saying goodbye
It's not like they're not streaming anymore. Why say goodbye to your fans when you're not leaving them?

>> No.57439003

I do. Or rather, I believe they have a different contract for their pre-debut phase and sign a new one on their official debut.

>> No.57439607 [DELETED] 

It's aluminum you stupid yankee

>> No.57439697

It's aluminium you stupid yankee fuck google correction

>> No.57439745

You should just listen to how hard he flirted with Kira. Like we are talking full gay homo he would slurp his dick if he was in the same room gay.

>> No.57439809

I don't think so, they didn't strike me as people that didn't care for their fans.
Maybe it was for the same reason they got suspended in the first place.

>> No.57439820

It's how you spot newfags who don't know you can't type cuck in all caps on 4chan.

>> No.57439955

No? Their activities stopped before Tempus anniversary, they obviously sign their contracts before debut. Sana graduated before Council's anniversary as well.

>> No.57440443

Kaoru had his chances to be Suisei of Holostars, but blew it by not getting treatment for his gambling addiction and bipolar disorder.
Pretty sad case in my opinion.

>> No.57440512

Are they expecting to be respected in the manner if their legacy is being remembered as quitters?

>> No.57440619

Aside from retards spreading misinformation, Kaoru was biggest shot at the time while 'stars were still small. Problem was that he is bipolar and was addicted to toys and gambling and would blow money on shit. He also did some questionable choices and ended up getting booted because of it.

>> No.57440694


>> No.57440949
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x720, Kira[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0j4tr2.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57441131

but that means they ditched their fans without a graduation stream on purpose...

>> No.57441409

He ran off to Argentina wym

>> No.57441840

tbf a tattoo like that is fine it's a ykyk tattoo

>> No.57442466

Holostars are legit cursed, every time it looks like things will go well for them something goes wrong. Kaoru inclining? Kaoru terminated. 2nd Act concert a success and new JP members revealed? Shinove is leaving. Tempus have a strong start for a Holostars branch? Vesper gets suspended and fucks all their momentum. Tempus looking to recover lost ground by building up hype for their impending 1st anniversary? Magni and Vesper get the anni delayed, then they graduate. They can't catch a break.

>> No.57444311

