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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57400654 No.57400654 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a gachikoi or a unicorn?

>> No.57400806


>> No.57400827


>> No.57401210

That doesn’t represent all unicorns, though, just the most schizo among them. Many unicorns just quietly leave and don’t come back when a chuuba gets intimate with males on stream

>> No.57401277

Gachi, but will never swallow down bs or mistreatment/abuse from any chuuba. i won' be a yes-men basically.

>> No.57401284

unicorns are all schizos.

>> No.57401338

Explain Junsgang then

>> No.57401335

and if a chuuba collabs with males i will simply not watch since it's not my interest. but if she changes her content to stop pandering to parasocials i will move on simple as.

>> No.57401362

What if he does like it? What they call them besides cuck.

>> No.57401392

I'm a gachikoi, but a unicorn is better if the chuuba has any wish to appeal to her viewers, imagine you start losing lots of viewers and don't know why, at least unicorns warn you that they don't like what're you doing

>> No.57401532

You are the schyzo one, extremes live rent free in your head and you fantasize about protecting the woman who cuck you from a respectable man.
Also neither i just pay respect to the unicorns chad everyday for preventing fags to infiltrate my hobby. Please continue doing god work, a tons of people actually appreaciate your effort but can't really voice it because faggot like the two previous will definitly put a whole harrasement campain like the psycho faggot cuck they are.

>> No.57401559

i will say it with respect, but if i get mistreatment in return then i will move on, saying to her she was a disappointment since it's a lost cause.

>> No.57401577

shit comparison. idk what "interfere" means. this is more like a comparison between un-un yes men and hanten antis

>> No.57401599

this pretty much.
a thot with a heart of gold > seiso but disrespects the audience (sincerely, not as banter)

>> No.57401620

>t. Junsgang
Hope the forcible graduation of Aloe was worth it asshole

>> No.57401699

gachi for me

>> No.57401711

i remember starting to watch Enna after her debut song, soon i realized the mistake i made and fucked off. i was expecting a cute girl with some bantering not a fucking poisoned tongue witch.

>> No.57401729

As I said, look at this fucking scyzo, I don't even know who this junsgang is. thank for proving my point anyway anon, though honnestly it was easy to bait you into exposing yourself as a mentaly ill faggot.

>> No.57401737

As a Deadbeat I'm neither

>> No.57401759

sounds like the unicorn is the based one for offering his oshi useful feedback on how to improve her streams. the gachikoi will just let his oshi's channel die in his refusal to speak up.

>> No.57401793

Aloe was abayo'd for leaking and for gossipping about Nijisanji, not for being disliked by unicorns

>> No.57401821

they fear the normie hordes will dogpile on them and label them as antis/schizos for not being good pathetic yes-men.

>> No.57401856

Junsgang=An army of unicorns/goddesses who attempt to get Holos in trouble on a regular basis. Their target changes every time the next "drama" happens. So far they've only succeeded once. Often worshipped by /#/trash and terminally online nobodies.

>> No.57401879

I love my oshi but she is just entertainment I dont owe her nothing and she doesn't owe me nothing, and I dont like males collabs. If she does it I will just leave, why should I be criticized for that?

>> No.57401891

You're not allowed to do that, women are entitled to a herd of ATM betas financing her fucking the man she actually wants.

>> No.57401925

>accept everything
>never complain
I think the unicorn is far more based than the literal doormat in that example.

>> No.57401963

So the left is a cuck and the right leaves angry comment and leaves? I'm a unicorn then.

>> No.57402069

Male vtubers have all the rights to pursue their activities and find an audience, as long as they stay in their lane. I am not mad at all the collabs of this type, but in a certain quantity and form I definitely do not like them at all. I usually won't watch anyone who makes an ultimate norm out of them.

>> No.57402072

You stupid retard don't even know what a gachikoi really is. Keep sticking to your EN whores, you can't even into basic definitions.

>> No.57402183

Most unicorns just unsub/unfollow quietly.

>> No.57402328

but that's not what the normie clout chasing indie ´´bash the chud´´´ thot fans want to hear, they are supposed to be the boogie man.

>> No.57402350

oi, speak up. what is this slave mentality? don't be afraid.

>> No.57402373

The premise that fans who dont criticise anything about their oshi are gachikoi is the fucking wrong idea. Its just a cult worshiper.

>> No.57402398

Are we revising history again? Unicorns went postal the minute they found out she had a boyfriend.

>> No.57402516

did she try to hold the cake and eat it at the same time?, if not idk af. if yes she deserved it.

>> No.57402518

I won't stay and watch but I also wouldn't sperg out. Cancel membership, unsubscribe and move on.

>> No.57402532

Gachikoi 100% but I will drop or avoid Vtubers over small things that aren’t as nebulous as “male collabs” such as
>Having gross fetishes
>Being vegan
>”Preferred Pronouns”
>Offputting voice
>Having a bitter or unprofessional attitude
>Complaining about boyfriend on Stream
There’s so many Vtubers but so little time. I want to spend it on the good ones.

>> No.57402537

Sounds like gachikoi is just a doormat

>> No.57402551

Unicorn because I'm not a fucking cuck

>> No.57402562

ITT: the guys who wanted to be abusive boyfriends but were too fat, ugly and socially awkward for the "get girlfriend" part

>> No.57402569

no she doesn't, that was made up by nijis.

>> No.57402582

i watch streams and go to bed

>> No.57402675

Fuck you. Give me 20 years and I'll qualify for the ugly bastard role.

>> No.57402724

You should thank them schizo unicorn jihadist for instilling the terror to keep your oshi in line you pussies

>> No.57402730

>homobeggars are now trying to convince the cgdct faction to not voice their complaints after they got btfo so hard lately.

>> No.57402733

>t. Sister who wanted to be abusive girlfriend but was too fat, ugly and socially awkward for the "get boyfriend" part

>> No.57402775

Now kiss

>> No.57402776

Women can't by definition be abusive unless their boyfriend is disabled or something.

>> No.57402811

nta, explain mike fans then hahaha.

>> No.57402828

This, it's disingenuous. How a unicorn acts parallels how they'd act in a breakup. The schizos are possessive and disruptive, but most people just walk out the door. Obviously there's room in-between, but only the crazies keep sticking around and seething.

>> No.57402843

>unless their boyfriend is disabled

>> No.57402897

That's wrong though. An unicorn does not necessarily need to be in love.
Just like the unicorns from the myth didn't like virgins because they wanted to marry and fuck them.
I'm a unicorn, but not a gachikoi, because gachikois tends to either become cucks and/or stalkers.

>> No.57402912

unicorns disliked her, i didn't say they didn't. i said that's not what got her gone. i don't even agree with the reasons it happened, but at least be honest about it.

>> No.57402918

someone needs to make an art of her fans as the beated wife and mike as a buffed guy with a tank top xD

>> No.57402972

I enjoy with no engagement

>> No.57403066
File: 492 KB, 666x680, mouseDespondent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if she collabs with another female I watch
>if she collabs with an annoying boring male I don't watch that stream
>if she collabs with an entertaining male I watch that stream
Simple as

>> No.57403098

>he doesnt like it but doesnt interfere
thats called being a cuck

>> No.57403168

So my options are being a cuck ATM or a schizo. Why can't I cancel my membership and fuck off?

>> No.57403221

This but with the big heavy asterisk that I have given plenty of male english vtubers a fair chance and literally none of them are entertaining or funny

I could honestly name a dozen Japanese male vtubers that I enjoy watching and not a single (1) English one

>> No.57403286
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What exactly is this picture even trying to convey? That gachis are just unicorns without the balls to fight to preserve what they enjoy?

>> No.57403287

showing dissidence isn't being a schizo as long as you do it respectfully, once the gal shows 0 respect after that i don't see a problem with responding with an insult and fucking off.

>> No.57403349

Unicorn can still enjoy a collab with a male on screen. The meaning of unicorn means that he wants his oshi to be pure/virgin. So the collab would be fine unless she starts flirting with her male collab partners.
This whole thing got so twisted up on the EN side of vtubing that it became ridiculous.

>> No.57403412

I will never, ever understand why is it so important when a male and a female vtuber collabs. It's not like they'll fuck behind the scenes or change idol culture permanently, they'll just make an hour or two of content together and go on their ways afterwards 95% of the time, with the remaining 5% of collab resulting in a friendship and more collabs. Astel collabed with the famously cockhungry Matsuri multiple times and outside of some risque jokes, nothing happened, everyone had fun (as much fun you can have while watching Apex, I mean) and they went back to their respective audiences. Don't get me wrong, if two talents admitted to dating and do nothing but show PDA on stream regarding each other, completely changing the content of the vtuber, I'd be pissed as well, but I've yet to see an example for that. Similarly going out of your way to deny the existence of males is also weird as fuck. I believe in a healthy middle ground where they just collab and try to entertain the audience with no strings attached.

>> No.57403439
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gachikoi but i'm mostly in support of unicorns because they fight the culture war for me

>> No.57403542


>> No.57403591

Most of those unicorns were literally nijiniggers falseflagging as holofans

>> No.57403596

You know those fags who pretend to be feminists or eco warriors or whatever just to get into girls pants? Most of male vtubers are like this and I even saw a few female vtubers acknowledging that because they knew guy vtubers who applied for certain corpos JUST to get close to their oshis. What kind of a man wants to become a vtuber anyways?

>> No.57403601

I am pretty sure that has to do with no one having expectations of Matsuri. She drove away all her unicorns and isn't really relevant anymore. It's like if Bae collab'd with stars compared to when Kronii did it.

>> No.57403716

The one of the right side is just a donkey. Unicorns are elusive creatures that only approach pure maidens. If the maiden is not pure they disappear the donkey instead throws a tantrum, screams, cries and shit and piss all over the place.

>> No.57403799

Well yeah, because beggarcels use unicorn as a buzzword to encompass anyone opposed to male collabs, when at least in the EN sphere the overwhelming majority of opposition comes from CGDCTfags, who just want to watch their damn girls without having homos shoved down their throat.

>> No.57404005

>What kind of a man wants to become a vtuber anyways?
If I were to start streaming, I'd choose to be a vtuber. It's not like I'm remarkably handsome and acting out some level of keyfabe sounds more interesting than being a guy who plays vidya for a living, that is if I wasn't a react andy in this hypothetical scenario. I really don't think men want to join because they want to fuck the girls, there are much easier ways to achieve that without the risk of being found out as a public person.

>> No.57404044

so those people it isn't enough to have like 90% english vtuber thots, they want the other 10% to agree with them an everything to be ironic weeb reaction content and thot culture

>> No.57404100

>Are you a cuck or an incel?

>> No.57404121

*for those people it isn't enough*. *and everything to be*

>> No.57404148
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1665444306198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual differentiating factor between unicorns and other fans is about what happens off-stream, really.
Unicorns (like the mythical creature they're named after) only want actual virgins, while others don't really mind what happens in the vtuber's life as long as it remains secret.

>> No.57404536

So the nijiniggers, why people use some weird term when there is a simpler, more accurate one. Since when people call those larper unicorn? are there so many retards?

>> No.57404660

That's not really true though, I mean sure you can have that distinction but there's a more important distinction that applies more widely, which is the dealbreaker being 'cheating'. These terms like unicorn etc are just words that describe people's attitude towards relationships. So yeah so maybe to some people not being a virgin may be a dealbreaker, but to many others it necessarily won't be, however 'cheating' is the absolute dealbreaker for most people. Which is what the nomales thing for 'unicorns' comes from.

>> No.57404725

Youre a real fag man, people used to mock internet tough guys here

>> No.57404795

Pro tips, then don't become a Vtuber. If you debut as a male Vtuber you will soon painfully realise the only keyfable that interest any potential audience you have is how many dick you sucked in your life unless by some miracle you reach more than 20K+ viewer consistently, where only 90% of your audience will care about that while the 10 other % will only care about that while pretending to not care about that.

>> No.57404944

I would be a unicorn, but I've never been that invested in a Vtuber or idol. I just unsub and stop watching.

>> No.57404967

Also there are unicorns who can’t enjoy their oshi if she’s not a virgin, those are called 処女厨. Unicorns are the hardcore purity faction: no males in the present (even friends) and no males in the past.
And as you said most of them just leave after they see something they don’t like.
Oshi no ko really fucked up in the head redditors too much to the point they think every single idol fan who enjoys traditional idol stuff is ryousuke.

>> No.57405155

I just leave and never look back

>> No.57405180

You're still schizos because you act like you were betrayed or it's a breakup. It's not preaching to say it isn't healthy or isn't normal. It is literally a delusion, a fact that is undeniable, because they're entertainers and you're a fan but you think there is more to it than that. The very least schizo unicorns whine "please just let me have my delusion, my life is terrible and I need this to live" which people can sympathize with, but it's never going to be accepted as normal. It's always schizo behavior even at more tame degrees.

>> No.57405235

pretty much, you should sit and enjoy don't forget to send some supers tee hee

>> No.57405256

why are you "otaku" retards like this? you know theres a 3dpd behind the screenz, and it is known that in 2d there is purity, or it should be known and you would know if most of you weren't young retarded faggots.
And so why do you, ANY of you, expect nature to change for this one instance?

its like you fuckers were too retarded to get a waifu

>> No.57405306

>I love her so much!
lost me there, I don't harbour "love" for people I've never met, won't ever meet, and won't ever acknowledge my existence besides reading my name in superchat (or, even in the case of the most deranged vtubers, a twitter DM at most). I do not care if the girls stream with men, don't stream with men, stream with other girls, with animals or by themselves. I just want to watch entertaining streams, and it's perfectly possible for a stream to be entertained with a male present. It is perfectly possible for a male and a female to talk to each other and stream together and not be fucking/have no interest to fuck each other, or overall have sexual tension going on. If the girls don't want to stream with males it's 100% fine (Ina doesn't, for example, but you never hear her talking about anything, she just gracefully avoids it). However, openly talking to your viewers saying you were forced into a collab with men and confirmed with your manager that you wouldn't have to interact with them in any form besides playing in the same server, as if the holostars were diseased or poison or something, that's extremely disrespectful and inconsiderate towards your fellow workers and I truly have a negative opinion of IRyS after that.

>> No.57405321

projecting much?

>> No.57405462

Who made this chart?

>> No.57405581

> the content don't interest you anymore
> you leave
> this anon
Actual mental illness FFS.

>> No.57405656

>everything is pathology
>even though a huge chunk of the population does it
I hate talking to brainlets because they just assume pathology for everything that doesn't match their perspective since they're too stupid to think beyond that

>> No.57405662

you seem obsessed with "purity" for some roastie reason but most vtuber fans dont expect them to be "pure". they just want vtubers to complete keyfabe. this is why unicorns often say "you can do whatever you want irl can have relationships with males but dont do such irl things under your vtuber persona"

>> No.57405729

No, not really, just oppened some male Vtuber general to look how people act in those place and well, i have eyes even if I tried to goudge them out multiple time.

>> No.57405946

Why do you want to be called a unicorn? It was a derogatory term referring to a kind of schizo fan. It's only on /vt/ that it was memed into something "good," but come on, this is the schizo board after all.

>> No.57406044

Sakana, Mikeneko's biggest female fan and fan artist. Ironically that chart made Mikeneko so angry she unfollowed her and removed her art from her banner.

>> No.57406073

I really respect Irys for her honesty and for putting her fans above all else. And since when did disrespecting your coworker become a bad thing?
Homobeggars really like acting like they're morally superior.

>> No.57406189

Why did she get mad at the chart?

>> No.57406270

Because she loves unicorns or at least she used to.

>> No.57406335

i just leave, dont need to leave no note

>> No.57406470

Neither, I'd just stop watching her and spending money on her. Speak with your wallet.

>> No.57406491

I don't give a fuck, half a fuck or even a quarter of a fuck if there are coed collabs going on or not. I do give a fuck if talent act in such a disrespectful manner. She could've just stayed silent, done the collab like literally everyone else did. I'm sure Botan made such comments towards this collab, for instance.

>> No.57406557

Botan didn't make* I'm in a work meeting talking about 2d avatars what am I doing with my life

>> No.57406608

>you can do whatever you want irl can have relationships with males but dont do such irl things under your vtuber persona
small dick white unicorn said that. I'd prefer my membership money and SC to go to the one whose RM arent in relationship. Why would I want my money to go to someone's wife/gf? she has a husband/bf, let him take care of his wife/gf. That would make me a black unicorn and im proud of myself for protecting my male dignity.

>> No.57406633


>> No.57406691

Unicorns are gachikois but not all gachikois are unicorns.

>> No.57406716

Why not be both then?

>> No.57406814

t. Trannycorn

>> No.57406902

you reek of a falseflagger. too blatant and fake but ill bite. then that must be an en thing. jp unicorns never try to fuck with vtubers privates. unicorns who try to fuck vtubers private up are not unicorns anymore. its just stalkers who are doing a illegal thing.

>> No.57407011

last time i checked the indo filth and twitch thots were the pro tranny stuff retard.

>> No.57407100

You become a cuck the moment you donate to or become a member of a vtuber. Do you really believe she doesn't have a boyfriend whom she spends her money on?

>> No.57407107

Neither. I don't love an internet streamer. That's only for schizos.
Gachikois are literal yesman cucks though, the woman you love cucks you and you just let it happen?

>> No.57407116

Those aren’t unicorns even if they called themselves so. There’s no difference between the vtuber and the “voice actres”. There’s no such a thing. They are the same person. If it doesn’t bother you that’s fine but the “I’m a unicorn but I don’t care if my oshi gets gangbanged as long as I don’t know about it” is pure retardation. In that case you’re not a unicorn, you’re just a fan who don’t like to watch male interaction.
I’d bet a real unicorn would rather to watch their oshi collabing with a male over their oshi having a bf. Same applies to gachikoi.

>> No.57407328

Actually not even true, if you take the often used definition. You definitely can be against male interaction but not be gachikoi. Many people who don't like the male collabing holos probably aren't necessarily gachikoi, they just don't want males in the environment.

>> No.57407381

i dont even get what you are trying to express. voice actors never talk about their things with listeners.

>> No.57407464
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correct they don't have boyfriends

>> No.57407466
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I'm the most pure degenerate. I hope my streamers find BFs/GFs and lead happy, fulfilling lives.

>> No.57407591

Thinking that ANYBODY that watches full streams and not just clips that show up at recommendations is having regular sex is the most hilarious thing ever

>> No.57407622

Link to the chart? Or that chick's account.

>> No.57407646

This but unironically. There are tons of talent that I think would be an absolute shame if they didn't have an SO. Aki fortunately does because she's the biggest wife material I know in Holo.

>> No.57407703

>rent free

>> No.57407760

It told her unicorn gachikoi they're not gachikoi.
Unicorn describes audience preference.
Gachikoi describes how invested the audience is.

>> No.57407791

Anyone who has an oshi is a cuck anon, anyone. Most of us are all cucks.

>> No.57407804

>Are we revising history again?
yes the harassment campaign was done by nijiniggers, story picked up steam when her PL was revealed to shit on nijizhangis recruitment policies or some gay shit.

>> No.57407940

>respectable man.
That requires a wife and family which nobody here has
Your scum just like the rest of us

>> No.57407941


She deleted it because it caused too much drama.

>> No.57407973

Well duh, that's a given, unicorns only approach the purest virgins
I know, implying female virgins past the age of 16 exist, let me dream

>> No.57408017

But she's not my girlfriend????

>> No.57408072

The fuck is this?
It's just cuck vs fan with testosterone

>> No.57408190
File: 125 KB, 822x1200, E94G_SvUYAMHCtD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesnt have a boyfriend, she has a husband, me

>> No.57408409

basically yeah. imagine a chuuba just shit talking you and the rest of the audience and you being ´´i'm very supportive no matter what happens´´

>> No.57408421

So.. they both feel the same, but only one has the spine to actually say something? Unicorn all the way.

>> No.57408464

Trannycorns is an appropriate term to describe you because it highlights the mental impairment and detachment from reality that you are experiencing.

>> No.57408519

You are supporting a woman you love and admire financially but she already has a boyfriend. Very cuckish to me.

>> No.57408697

>Just consume and give money even if you don’t like something
That’s even more schizo

>> No.57409023

basically i'm mentally unstable if i refuse to agree 100% wit the chuuba opinion, even if i dissent with respect, you seem like the mentally ill one if that makes you angry sis.

>> No.57409388

>t. Nijinig eop revisionist

>> No.57409605

No, you are simply strawmanning and saying that anyone who doesn't throw a tantrum like you do when watching other people's normal interactions are only doing so due to social pressure. And not because maybe they are adjusted people who watch vtubers as a source of entertainment, rather than using it as a means to try to fill the lack of self-respect like you do.

>> No.57409662

You dont even know the history of vtubing yet you're trying to twist saying that JP>EN? Its because of the (black) unicorns that JP vtubers are leaning into Idol framework. Do you even care to know what happened in NND or FC2?

>> No.57409685

Damn we have an actual woman here who throw a tantrum because she prioritize her viewers first than a noname nobody.

>> No.57409918

I see. So it less of the betrayal but more of the tainted honor. Which is why it is common courtesy for idol who decide to get boyfriend to announce it (if she not just outright graduate), so her fans who would like to preserve their honor can leave with dignity.
This makes idols with secret boyfriend the worst because if it ever came out, it would taint the fan's honor and they should have the right to duel the boyfriend to reclaim their honor.
Conclusion: bring back dueling to prevent idols secretly having boyfriend.

>> No.57410832

lol reminder some seething landwhale sister made this chart after fandeads got cucked for the nth time and weren't happy about it

>> No.57410939

What if I just hate male vtubers existence?

>> No.57410955

i usually dont watch en. history? the vtuber history is mostly about jp vtubing i cant talk about it endlessly. i had been actually talking with the worst kinds of jp unicorns on the most infamous vtuber matome site which was by far worse than 5ch and actually hammered by cover a few months ago, since the beginning of the site but even they put the boundaries between vtuber personas and their roommates private. unicorns arent stalkers. a few utterly deranged schizos who try to tweet a death threat to a vtuber for instance are sued by cover but they are either insane hanten antis or just potential criminals

>> No.57411035

Lmao you are lost.

>> No.57411036

>i cant talk about it endlessly.
*i can

>> No.57411073

>noooo do not express your opinion
>you have to cry and deal with it silently!
lol you just know a woman made this

>> No.57411398

The word Otaku was supposed to be derogatory (in japan) and people in the west coopted it to be something good same thing with pedophiles and "It's a compliment", I don't think knowing something is a negative label matters to people like that it's just a fucking word, moreso it's how people treat them

Pedos go to jail for their behavior in most parts of the world while it's not illegal to be a Unicorn and unfortunately some of them are whales so you won't see many idols or VTubers turn them away....yet

>> No.57411430

Neither. I recognize that these are just entertainers and I dont care who they play video games with. Anyone who does has an honest to god mental issue.

>> No.57411591

I'm pretty sure pedophile is not a Japanese word.

>> No.57411606

>comparing being a pedophile to having a certain preference in vtuber
sisters are absolutely deranged

>> No.57411727

i'm not romantically or sexually interested in any chuuba

>> No.57411729

i was the one before saying, if a chuuba does male collabs so be it, i simply won't watch that stuff and at the same time i won't take any bs from anybody.

>> No.57412607

Staying silent is way more disrespectful. Irys knows her priorities, and she's being honest with them.
Why are you so hell-bent that disrespecting a coworker is like a cardinal sin?

>> No.57412708

Gachikoi are cucks. Got it.

>> No.57413266

Well you clearly didn’t understand what I said. If you’re ESL maybe something like DeepL might help you.

>> No.57413394

>he doesn't like it but
You guys don't even know what cuckoldry is. I can ONLY get hard if my oshi is DEFINITELY fucking another man. Preferably live onstream. No (you)s please.

>> No.57413438

You know what? Im not gonna spoonfeed you but since you know how to access history, here's a case study: Look for the reason why unicorn groups exist and why the doxxing are important in the past (and present).

Entertaintment company, right? shouldnt be a problem if its not a black company. Unless they go to mainstream media, all the money they take are mostly from lonely, mentally ill males.

>> No.57413804

My best female friend is 30 yo kiss-less virgin because she doesn’t like to go out and whore herself. She also wants to live and be lived and doesn’t think just dating around everyone until you find the right one is the play. She hates whores and manwhores too.
These women exists but yeah, they are stupidly rare.

>> No.57413906

Loved and be loved*.

>> No.57414070

me :)

because i want to autistically roleplay

>> No.57414701

>for some roastie reason
you are the most retarded nigger ive had the displeasure of ever receiving a reply from
what ever made you think im a woman?

otherwise i agree with the rest, but also only if you agree some of this boards attitude is schizo shit. Well most is schizo shit.

>> No.57414857

fucking esl. But, BUT... i will give you they do act quite cock hungry.

>> No.57414890
File: 8 KB, 184x274, download (58).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She wants to collaboration with a male?
>He dosen't like it so he left opposition in the chat room & direct message to the streamer who he likes it

>> No.57415015

you probably cant grasp "antis" rightly. antis and hanten antis and affiliate bloggers/youtubers dox vtubers. not unicorns. just understand a difference between them and unicorns. antis/hanten antis/affiliate users stalk vtubers hard and slander them like nothing and try to expose their privates. its not a proper proof but its why mikeneko was often defending unicorns. antis also come out of nowhere. i once researched it when rushia was fired but literal tourists, most of whom were Apex streamer fans and affiliate matome news site readers, such as hachima and jin which are gaming news blogs making a bunch of vtuber hate articles, and the like, were being the most toxic antis there. most of them exist on twitter, matome news sites, and youtube, and dont even watch hololive.

. "black company" is nothing but a shitty /vt/ meme or an inside joke. ive never used it and no one uses it elsewhere.

>> No.57415047

anon i dont think youve had a job, much less a public persona job

>> No.57415093

Well i'll concede the fucking ESL, but thank you for seeing the obvious. Also anon, euphemism.

>> No.57415190

Being a gachi isn't being a cuck.
Also, related about other decisions the chuuba could make being a gachi shouldn't mean complete total and complete loyal submission to every single she does.
You need to have a spine to get what you want out of her the same way she get all your money, support and defense against antis from you, not just being a doormat yes-man.
I'm not saying this just because, there's many idol-ish chuubas that keep abusing and taking advantage of their dear ATMs.

>> No.57415204

I'm both, it depends on the chuuba, for Korone I'm a gachikoi, for Luna I'm an unicorn

>> No.57415250

why are you even on this board nigga

>> No.57415316

I do with my wife

>> No.57415394

very narrow minded

>> No.57415738

Neither, I watch for entertainment value only and if a stream with a guy looks entertaining I will watch it and if not I will skip it. No matter how much you donate your not entitled to choose who a vtuber can and cant collab with.

>> No.57416052

Nice explanation,
now explain what's the difference between a gachi and a cuck?

>> No.57416143

euphemism deez nuts.
I still however think with the right model and person behind it you can get a fun community thats behind the chuuber (male) besides wanting to sniff his balls
we just haven't gotten the right kayfabe and lore. Also theres probably not that much market

>> No.57416145

She was mad against anti-unicorns at the time.
Yes, you heard it right.

>> No.57416149

I'm normal

>> No.57416275

>quietly leave
lmao that literally never happens, sad unicorns either become even more schizos or antis, there's no such a thing as a quiet unicorn

>> No.57416280

you kind of have leverage, viewers are their salary

>> No.57416284

>have to imagine a tantrum from unicorns
why are incels like this

>> No.57418353
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neither because i follow multiple people and dont invest deeply enough to care. and im a clipfag with no oshi.

>> No.57418527
File: 86 KB, 364x724, 1673144984873010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have sex with women.

>> No.57418556

so the right hand one then

>> No.57418981

Because I work with other people and it is basic human courtesy not to be disrespectful towards others, even more so people in your own company? Talking about your coworkers as if they were some sort of disease or pariah is disrespectful, interacting with males is not disrespectful, although I do understand that some of her viewers wouldn't like it, she could talk about things in a way that is at least cordial towards her coworkers. Is it really too much to ask to either not talk about other people who did NOTHING to disparage them, or if you have to talk about them and have nothing positive to say, at least be a little bit cordial and diplomatic about it?

>> No.57419236

>gachikoi=be a cuck
Only if you are korean

>> No.57419373

Problem is that fleshtuber can actually achieve that without model, and actually pretty well, even if they are ugly obese fatass.
Who put yourself in a situation that most of that potential market will just think you are worse than them and are compensatating, and it will be hard AF to pass that.
Also will increase your cost, you will spend a few K for 2D and even more for 3D and they will rediculise you with a 10 buck cosplay with soul.
I don't see it ever working sorry anon. Well there is some potential thing you can't do IRL like a fucking litteral dwarf (unless you are a dwarf yourself) even an orc honnestly you will have 100 time more souls with a shitty green pain on your face.

>> No.57419515
File: 1006 KB, 1024x1024, 1690080838299682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sex haver irl

>> No.57419712

Me too, that's why I know women need wrangled.
Kind of like that whore in your picture.

>> No.57419930

It hurt her money, it's that simple if you think Rushia,Mike,Nazuna cares about her fans I have a bridge to sell you in England.

>> No.57420009

name's Lottie Shinju, seiso but model is quite sexo

>> No.57420130

Seem pretty sure about it, I think she is a whore

>> No.57420164 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1188x358, 1692681865818580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are worse than jews

>> No.57420438

you're not in a relationship with any woman, anon

>> No.57420637

>t. sat on a dildo 20 minutes ago

>> No.57420650
File: 449 KB, 1440x1920, 90314063_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't aware using a certain image was a way to prove allegiance, damn you guys are too smart, I guess despite being the blackest company full of the biggest whores you can still produce smart fans that instantly know your allegiance by photo alone.

>> No.57420829

don't include me in your fantasies, creep

>> No.57421456

women who want attention never stay virgins unless theyre asexual and even then they may try it once.
women who dont care for attention usually are virgins especially if they really cant be bothered.
basically what im saying is being a unicorn for a egirl is like being a vegan in new york deli, youre getting meat in your sandwich and youre going to have to live with it.

>> No.57421551

have you considered having sex

>> No.57421640

anon... nijiniggers didnt exist on this board when that shit happened... it was literally just holofags around at that time.

>> No.57421672


>> No.57421742

no i dont think i have, are you asking to have sex with me?

>> No.57421794
File: 46 KB, 900x900, 1C3CFA44-E384-474A-8475-3BA3866DD0F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If in doubt, it’s the nijiniggers.
Unicorn are vtuber fan too sure, they complain once or twice but that’s it they don’t attack them cause they’re once a fan.

Nijinigger meanwhile hate the fact that the holos are more successful than their liver so they falseflag and want holo to hate their fanbase.

Gachikoi are fans too sure they don’t complain but if continuous male collab expect them to disappear

>> No.57421890

>doesn't know what women are like

>> No.57421937

I'm in the middle, if one of my favorite vtubers starts collabing with men, I just drop her without making a fuss over it. There are more cute new female vtubers debuting than there are established female vtubers starting to collab with men for the first time. They're free to do what they want, and so am I.

I did break my no-fuss rule for Rushia though, and called her a retard on Twitter, but she really is a retard so I don't think that counts.

>> No.57422277

>Oshi no ko really fucked up in the head redditors too much to the point they think every single idol fan who enjoys traditional idol stuff is ryousuke.
Aka is a hack but not the way you think he is, dude always trend-chasing and say the quiet part loud.
Not to mention the story as a whole glorify the Idols, despite all the dramaniggers and rape shit in the universe. Redditor somehow miss this crucial part.

>> No.57422688

more like not being parasocially retarded.
the internet anime girl is not your girlfriend bro

>> No.57426020

>okay with her having a bf
>not okay with her having a bf

>> No.57428647
File: 593 KB, 3337x2297, Ame Cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have sympathy for unicorns but I am a gachikoi

>> No.57429583

Stop pretending you're morally superior compared to others. Treating your coworker with respect doesn't make you a good person. Hitler treated his own people right; does that make him a good person? No, because YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED.
Disliking your coworker is pretty fucking normal in the workplace. Just fucking say it, you want Irys to collab with the homos. You homobeggars are a fucking disease. Basic human courtesy, my ass.
Fuck you and fuck Irys.

>> No.57429785

Lol. Faggot.

>> No.57430191

I pretend to be one or the other depending on which one causes more drama.

>> No.57430193

>don't treat coworkers badly, even if you don't particularly like them, even more so if they never did anything to you, and EVEN more so in public
neck yourself

>> No.57430350

if you just leave then it becomes a more common thing, it's called gatekeeping for a reason

>> No.57430500

I consider myself a unicorn, but that course of action doesn't represent me at all. I'm more likely to just leave and pretend she never existed. I see that as much more effective. Left is a cuck, right is a cuck who thinks that impotent rage will uncuck him. There is no path back. Once you've collabed with men you are dead to me. I'll never watch you again, I'll never speak of you again, and I will avoid you at all costs. That's the true unicorn way.

>> No.57432969

I'm a unicorn, but I wouldn't anti a chuuba in a publiuc chat room or direct message her over it. I'd just drop her, and maybe anti her /here/ for a while to get it outta my system, and to contribute to the overall perception that male collabs are mostly hated by fans, in hopes that it causes other chuubas to avoid them in the future.

>> No.57433174

Why the fuck aren't you dating her?

>> No.57434622
File: 1.49 MB, 1410x797, 636672682131270546-d01-heath-oscars-wkcov-23-21080827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about "uncucking" yourself. It's about sending a message to other VTubers.

>> No.57434877

The left one but I got branded as the right one so I shit everywhere else that is not hers.

>> No.57435503

How does a unicorn mentality coexist with the fact that the chuuba's chat is 90+ percent male? Shouldn't a "She interacted with a male" switch be flipping every time she reads a random message or a supa?

>> No.57435840

If you made an appointment with your doctor for a checkup and showed up to find him walking out the door carrying golf clubs, you would be pissed at having your time wasted when you were expecting a service that you agreed upon. Even though you may know instinctively that your doctor could be spending his free time playing golf, it doesn't matter as long as he acts as a doctor when you show up and pay for his services. Yet for some reason, a lot of vtubers get it in their head that you should show up, be subjected to ads, merch promos, encouragements to become a member/buy superchats, and never expect anything from them in return.

>> No.57435898

t. unicorn
I'm not deluded enough to think I could ever have her. But if I can't have her, no one else can either. The rest of chat are in exactly the same position as me. None of us have her.
But if she collabs with a male by voice chatting with him, then he is closer to having her than the rest of us. He is interacting with her more intimately than we ever possibly could. And that's unacceptable.

>> No.57435984

i genuinely dont believe that anybody feels upset when male collaborations happen. i fully believe that it is a big inside joke.

>> No.57436183

Fair enough I get it now that you put it like that. I still think that mass exodus on a large enough scale is more damaging in the long run, but there's more than one way to skin a whore.

>> No.57436671

>gets intimate with
That's a weird way to spell "talks to"

>> No.57436851

The right part doesn't happen at all. that is a anti.
A unicorn simply leaves and never watches her again

>> No.57436905
File: 287 KB, 800x800, 1670882395035600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you not offended you incel!!!!!!111
Nice woman moment

>> No.57436931

and then goes on to anti her

>> No.57437069

Never happens. He just gets a new oshi

>> No.57437170 [DELETED] 

Yeah Hitler was a good person, one of the greatest of all time in fact. Neck yourself, kike.

>> No.57437184

Maybe /here/, the place to vent your anger, but never on her or more public places. But you know that already

>> No.57437228

I like how on both pictures person don't like her collabing with males. That leaves the question: why a streamer would do on stream what their audience doesn't like?

>> No.57437865

unicorn that spends money for members and SC get exposed to person behind? many turns to anti. The silent unicorn that simply leaves doesnt spend a dime at all.

>> No.57438298

Gachikoi ofcoi

>> No.57438882

>never complain and just take it like a cuck
i guess im a unicorn then

>> No.57439007


>> No.57439042
File: 412 KB, 799x763, IMG_1287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a gachikoi but only for my oshi because she works way too hard to be hated the same way the others are.

>> No.57439139
File: 156 KB, 1698x1080, 1644739908559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These aren't mutually exclusive. Unicorns that would actually get mad are going to be gachikois otherwise they'll just quietly watch someone else.

>> No.57439151

I'm a gachi and I really don't mind male collabs. I DO mind when whales make secret discords and streams interact with them in off hours. Doesn't sit right with me

>> No.57439533
File: 54 KB, 867x306, 1690848491391341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuck janny took this down but not this thread

>> No.57439798

>no one having expectations of Matsuri
Hurts to hear but yeah, she did her damnest best for that to happen

>> No.57440511

Mucho texto. Good for you or sorry that happened I guess.

>> No.57441416

at /vt/ none of this really matters, reason: 1. the people who break containment and send ranting superchats to the girls are full-blown schizos, not unicorns

2. the fags who claim that they hate unicorns are not really antiing unicorns, but rather the fans of the girls that don't let the beggars leech them

If it has yet to happen you have no right to criticize someone

>> No.57441536

neither, don't lump me in with those retarded subhuman schizos
i just enjoy the streams and when the stream ends i close the tab, it rly isn't that complicated

>> No.57441585

When did Unicorn overtake the term Incel? they seem incredibly similar in definition

>> No.57441638
File: 259 KB, 962x1188, yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>males were a mistake

>> No.57441692

Yagoo has never seen level headed in my eyes, what with his obsession with Stars and how he handled Coco and Rushia. I think he would unironically scrap top earning girls if he had some inkling that it could help the boys

>> No.57441707

the OP is retarded
all gachikoi are unicorns that hate male collabs
they either leave, flip out or are unironical cucks

>> No.57442215

Stating you're not going to talk with someone isn't disrespectful, it's a valid preference.
