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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57362778 No.57362778 [Reply] [Original]

>his oshi entire personality is "doesnt collab with males"

>> No.57362801

Based and blessed chimkin
I will watch her stream

>> No.57362830

I would watch her but her fake ass bitch voice is grating my eardrums

>> No.57362865

nuke this board

>> No.57362881

And that's part of what makes her great.

>> No.57362889

Don't forget to check out her new album, Point of View!


>> No.57362902

Kiara is living proof that simply avoiding homo collabs doesn't automatically make you a good vtuber, it's just the baseline

>> No.57362942


>> No.57362948

Kiara is the living proof than being the perfect vtuber doesn’t mean being popular because tourists and retards have terrible tastes.

>> No.57363055

retard shes already had a one on one session with one of the trash taste males

>> No.57363104

Liking Kiara doesn't make you better than everyone else. That's like making that your entire personality.

>> No.57363187

I’m not saying your oshi is bad, I’m saying Kiara is only disliked by retards. And it’s confirmed everyday both /here/ and by tourists comments under youtube clips.

>> No.57363262
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I've seen Kiara's personality described in so many different, contradicting and contrasting ways on /vt/ that a list of them couldn't be fit into one post.

>> No.57363315

I love kiara

>> No.57363327

Kiara might not be as popular as some of the other girls, but that doesn't make her unpopular. She's still one of the most popular and successful vtubers in the world.
However, the fact that she's pulling NijiEN numbers despite Hololive's brand power is proof that she's not a very good vtuber.

>> No.57363338

Hey if you like the sorority roastie experience more power to you

>> No.57363343

everyone in hololive is popular

>> No.57363388

>popular means good
That’s my entire point. No.

>> No.57363427

>liking Kiara doesn't make you better than everyone else
Yes it does.

>> No.57363485

>NijiEN numbers
anon...there are barely any nijiENs left getting over 2k...
let alone female ones...I was shocked to see finana is a 3view now..

>> No.57363763
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>> No.57363773

just say you never watched her, sister

>> No.57363797

god damn she's perfect

>> No.57363840

I'll click on one of these links if you organize it better

>> No.57363890

Guess we know who lost that 'all out war'.

>> No.57364250
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Whenever I went to an arcade in Japan the only thing I did was take purikura. I always walked by – you know, in arcades it’s usually when you walk through the – the gaming portion, you eventually end up in, uh, at some purikura booths. The gaming things, they always look fun but I never really, um, take time to use them because the reason why I’m usually in there is because me and my friend usually want to take purikura. Whoever I’m with, usually a girl, we usually want to take purikuras to commemorate it.

“What is it?” It’s like a photo booth, but like, a cute one where, um, the machine will kind of, like, “cutify” you by making your eyes much bigger and your skin much shinier, and um, your legs much longer and it’s really cute, and then you – after you take the photos – it’s perfect lighting, by the way – you move over to the other side and you start decorating and there’s a limited time, and then, and then, after decorating with, like, stickers and shiny letters and all that, you, eh, and choosing layouts, there’s, like, a lot of fancy cute layouts, really cute graphic design, and you go to the other side of the booth, and then you wait a little bit and it gets printed out while you’re typing in your email address and it will, like, then send it to your email address and you also get the – get it, like, on a strip, like in a proper photo booth, and then you cut it, then usually after it’s printed out, you would both go to the table, and there’s usually, like, one or two table close to the purikura booth with a scissor, but the scissor is, like, um, on a chain to the, to the, um, table, and then y-you’re like “Okay who – do you wanna cut it, or should I cut it?” and then you usually go “Ah, I’ll cut it, it’s okay” then you cut it really nicely through the middle, and then you say “Uh, I think this one is yours” and then “I’ll take the one that’s mine and I’ll put into my, into my, into my purse” and then we’re both happy, and then you’re like “Yay! Look how we’re looking really cute! Only on those purikuras because they make us a million times cuter”.

Actually, you know what? As a, as a foreigner, it makes you look really crazy cause those purikura booths, they’re usually, like, um, um, programmed in a way that they look really good on – on - on Asian features, face - facial features, um, but as a foreigner going in there, it always makes me look really really fucking crazy, like a fucking alien. Me and my foreigner friends would always laugh about how ridiculous we look. And then sometimes you can, like, choose, like how – how much it’s gonna “alienate” you, like, there’s, like, options like “natural” and even natural is fucking ridiculous but it’s so cute I still like it, yeah. Anyway, I have a lot of purikura, I have, like, a box of all of my purikura that I took, uh, over the course of the past many, many years and it’s nice – a nice memory to look back upon and there’s so many different purikura machines, like, there’s actually a huge fucking, um, business behind that. I once worked with a purikura company in Japan before though, um, and – and – and I – I know how the process is of creating one, and they have so many - they put out so many different every month, so if you go, ehh, to – to the arcades no so often, then – then - then, ehh, then you will see every time you go there there’s new ones.

Oh, also the interesting thing is, maybe you didn’t notice, but, um, you know, the arcade part you can go no matter what gender you are, but sometimes some places that you’re not allowed to go to purikura part if you’re not a girl, yeah, because I guess a lot of guys go there to pick up girls, or they used to, so they made it so that only girls are allowed for some. But then, you know, who wanna take purikura with, um, with their boyfriends, so, uh, there other – there – there *are* other places that allow boys as well, and then you go in there with your boyfriend I guess, but then, the thing is, like, it really – it really doesn’t look good with men, like, it looks ridiculous with men. It – it works with girls, but some – there’s some purikuras that are made, uh, to be used with – with your boyfriend, if you have a boyfriend, um, so then you can choose, like, on which side th – the, um, of the, um, camera the boy is standing, so that guy will be photoshopped, like, a little bit more in a, in a nnnn, not so feminine way, ehh, but it was still creepy but it’s funny, it’s cute, it’s a cute memory.

>> No.57364287
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*Deep breath* Um, anyway, maybe I should stop. I love purikura. I love purikura. Haven’t used it in a long time, though. Actually, I used to, um, my problem was when I lived in Japan, that, um, I had a, I had a different phone can – contract. I had like a, I don’t know, it was more like a pay, um, I don’t know how to explain it, but I didn’t have a proper phone contract for a while, and – and – and, you know, uh, when you choose the email address that they send the purikura data to, um, it only gives you, like, certain, uh, choices, like, you can only use, like, um… uh, Japanese phone contract emails that come, like, with the phone contract, yeah, it’s kind of weird, so I could usually not download it but I would always send the code to, like, a Japanese friend that I had, I would be like “Hey you, sorry to annoy you again, but I just took some purikura with a friend, can you download this for me?” yeah, and they would send it to me. Mm. Yeah, it was weird, you can’t type in, like, a Gmail address or whatever, it has to be like a Softbank address, for example.

Anyway, I should stop.

They would always be so happy, though. They would be like “Yeah, I’ll download it!” and then she would send it to me and she would be like “Kiara, you look so cute in these, ehh!” and then I’m like, “No, I look like a fucking alien but okay, thank you!” Yeah, it’s indeed kinda cute, alien, but still cute.

Anyway, I should stop. Anyway, anyway, I should stop. Oh! You can also - sometimes you can make videos too and they’re really cute.

Anyway, I should stop.

Oh! And also, th – those photo booths, one thing that’s special about them too, and different from normal photo booths from Western countries, is that, like, there’s, like, really really annoying and – and excited voices, hyped up cute voices that are like “Ah! Let’s take a photo! Let’s stand like this! Oh! So cute! Next photo! Ah! Three, two, one, go! Oh! Wonderful! You did such a great job! Now let’s try this pose! Oh! Best friends forever! Ah! Now please move on to the next booth. Please don’t forget anything a – any of your belongings in this booth, and, and carefully go to the next booth, thank you! – to the other side of the booth and decorate your purikura! Oh! Yeah! Welcome to the decoration! Please use these stamps! Yeah! All these are so cute! Oh! Seasonal stamps! Yay! Very cute! Thank you very much! Ah, ah, so cute! Wonderful! Ah! Kawaii, kawaii! Ooaabublbl” and then it would be like “Ah! You only have ten seconds remaining! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Thank you! Please move to the other side of the booth. Bye bye!” and so on. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Anyway, I should stop.

Oh! I wanna take purikura with the girls once we’re all in Japan together. Mm. I never took purikura with Calli. Maaaan… Yeah, we never took purikura together, what the fuck? And once I get them over to Japan we’re gonna take purikura. Yoooo.

Okay, okay, I’ll go now.

“Boss I’m late, what’s purikura?” Oh, come on! And in German we say “Auf Wiedersehen!”
When you go to Japan, take some purikura, but, but look out first if you’re allowed to go in there as a boy. Mm. Sometimes you’re not. And you will shock the girls. You’ll shock the girls, the schoolgirls, they’ll be like “Kyaaaaa~! Kyaaaaa~!” I mean, they won’t really say anything. They won’t really be like “Go out. Leave.” They won’t have the courage to.

But anyway, bye bye!

Also, also, did you know that usually around the purikura place there’s often always a cre – crepe – crepe place close to it. Not always, though. I mean, Japanese, they – oh my – don’t even get me started on Japanese style “crepus” , crepes. They’re amazing. Oh my – don’t even – don’t –

Anyway, I should stop.

Ohh, maybe I should make a stream where I try to recreate the Japanese-style, Harajuku-style crepe! Oooooooooooooooh, let’s buy, let’s buy a crepe plate! I was thinking about that anyway a – cause I saw an ad in Amazon, there’s like these – these – these – these crepe, umm, heat plate thingies. Yeah, there’s round ones. Mmmmmmmm. Oh, I should try. I’m not gonna use hot glue!

Anyway, I should … stop.

Oh! We could use raspberries from my balcony once they’ve, once they are, umm, growing.

A – A – A – Anyway…

>> No.57364374
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this. because: Kiara's charm is similar but critically different from OP's claim, she's the most female. some women are like more like Athena, others more like Aphrodite, the destiny of each is to become Hera which feminists will rankle at as becoming old and ugly, but it is also the female power and memory transfer process. but each starts off somewhere on the judgement of Paris spectrum in expressing femininity. and the point of Kiara is she's the most Aphrodite-like personality, one in which histrionic traits simply cannot be separated from the physical reality of vagina. of course sisters hate it, it would be pure manapoison to them, it would take qəfiẓat hadéreḫ to be okay.

>> No.57364382

deja vu...

>> No.57364517


>> No.57364696
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Eh, good enough

>> No.57364970

She doesn't have a personality beyond "speaks many languages"

>> No.57365457

This post reeks of homobeggar seethe and resentment roru

>> No.57365505

based oshi, will sub to her

>> No.57365568

damn, he sounds like a pretty based guy

>> No.57366389

Honestly pretty based.

>> No.57367019


>> No.57368924

>>his oshi entire personality is "doesnt collab with males"
thats great

>> No.57369042
File: 58 KB, 500x498, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's a single holo that lives up to this statement more than picrel
she literally has nothing else going for her

>> No.57371167

>I'm going deaf. Please pity me
>I'm the most overrated singer in Hololive
>You know I'm friends with Coco?
Kanata has a lot more going for her than just her no males policy.

>> No.57371242

It's amazing feeling to not have to hear some faggot on a stream, ever.

>> No.57371275

Not collabing with males is the baseline for the vtuber to be watchable.

>> No.57371418

>his oshi entire personality is "doesnt collab with males"
But enough about Gura, since even Kiara's antis agree that there is more to her personality than just not collabing with males, obviously they hate that personality

So I don't understand your post who is this even for? The people that hate Kiara and the people that love Kiara both disagree with your premise

>> No.57371726

Yeah, Nijifag here. Kiara isn't that low even at her bottom. Ollie, on the other hand...

>> No.57371802

>Thinking that personality matters
>When the majority of VTuber fans are attracted to blank canvas that they can insert positive qualities
What you thought people like Ina or Mumei for their personality, and not the fact that they can easily insert personality traits onto them?

>> No.57372997

good business sense

>> No.57373037

Cry harder homobegger. We fucking won, you didn't.

>> No.57373263

Holy based!

>> No.57373523


She's got stuff going for her
>great combination of cute dork AND cool singer
>actually an underrated singer and performer nowadays
>tons of great sufferkino
>doesn't despise her fans
>one of the hardest workers in hololive

You are kind of close with the pity comment though. She's THE underdog of hololive. So much shit has gone wrong for her and contnues to go wrong that you can't help but root for her to succeed. Unfortunately you wouldn't know anything about Kanata though because vt doesn't discuss jp members unless its like the top 3 members or drama which is why you think she doesn't have anything other than "no males" because of one clip. (also Coco is dead stop living in 2020)

>> No.57373535
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Yes, that's fantastic, you can go back now.

>> No.57373981

>Kiara might be the most unpopular in EN but that does not make her unpopular
Yes anon, that's what it means.

>> No.57374149

Kiara is living proof that not collabing with males doesn't mean you can talk about male friends. Or play only jprgs for two years and expect people to watch at 10 in the morning.

>> No.57374275

Maybe Finana shouldn't have antagonized her fanbase just because the clique and twitter/discord told her to.

>> No.57374399

>OP oshi entire personality is collab with male and got treated as a side kick
>inb4 my oshi is a holo

>> No.57374474

Do we have a clip of when she said no one cared about the stars a day after the graduation announcement

>> No.57374734

I mean, Mori and Bae often get her low numbers if you want to open that can of worms.

>> No.57374808

In your head I guess. Kiara never said any of that. In fact she’s the only one to even mention them while Ollie tweeted once, Tempus all canceled streams and the rest of holoEN said absolutely nothing.

>> No.57374856

Are you trying to get me to like her?

>> No.57374913

Yeah and Bae streams at a much better timeslot, while Mori is all over the place with when she starts a stream

>> No.57376919
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That's why it's my oshi

>> No.57378296

does kiara even have a personality aside from being pekora's biggest dickrider

>> No.57379014

She hasnt named pekora in years, retardchama

>> No.57385966
File: 56 KB, 473x677, quas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this MakeYour Kiara Thread Day?
Doesnt matter, she just released an album and is happy.

>> No.57386094

Based right?

>> No.57386834

she actually acknowledged and said vesper during the raid, it shoulda been ME!!!! I fucking hate this whore.

>> No.57387837

this post just summoned Hakka collab

>> No.57393816

and that she's cute

>> No.57394238
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>and this here to your left ladies and gentlemen, is the worlds finest dumb ass
>ehhhh honto!? kiiimo!
