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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5735879 No.5735879 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5735968

I, for one, do not understand her appeal.

>> No.5736833

How can you not understand the appeal?

>> No.5737026

who make these cute drawings in her laptop, ame or a relative ?

>> No.5737111

A girl next door that streams like a motherfucker.
There is a lot to love about Ame, and I say that as a commited shrimp.

>> No.5737506

shit taste.
she appeals to people who think that drivers licenses are evil and that parents should not be required to take care of their children.

>> No.5739696 [DELETED] 

I love fat ugly chicks too

>> No.5739718

She's that socially awkward cutie who's a legit gamer

>> No.5739724


>> No.5739794

Take your meds, nigger.

>> No.5739838

Are you still forcing this?

>> No.5740144

>girl next door
Appeals to lonely beta male fantasy, don’t care

>> No.5740217

just sharing facts.

>> No.5740273

Out of all of EN, she seems like the one to genuinely enjoy doing it. Positivity is contagious

>> No.5740288

She's easily the most creative memeber of Hololive.

>> No.5740316

lol so random xd. meds pls!

>> No.5740324
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>> No.5740352

If you are a loser then a mediocre girl next door feels attainable. Teamates have low self-esteem so they gravitate towards the bottom tier women.

>> No.5740422

She's the only hololive vtuber I've ever been comfortable lewding

>> No.5740451

The rabbit was literally made for lewding

>> No.5740588

she's just like me but a female!

>> No.5740626

What rabbit?

>> No.5741119

Amelia hurt the feelings of 70 million British People, including Scots (who ARE British) by harmfully pretending that Scotland was an independent country rather than part of the United Kingdom (by showing an image of the flag of Scotland apart from the Union Jack). Scotland is part of the territorial integrity of the United Kingdom and has no claim to independence or sovereignty outside of the United Kingdom. Amelia's actions, and Cover's subsequent silence, only serve to embolden the illegitimate Scottish Separatist Movement and Cover is implicitly responsible for the upset which results from such rhetoric.
We stand with the people of Scotland to demand the reasonable apology that we are due and the immediate and complete termination of Amelia's involvement in all Hololive activities. We will continue to do so until we are heard.

>> No.5741196

You care enough to out yourself, lol.

>> No.5741244


>> No.5741278

How can she be a legit gamer if she struggles to climb out of silver in apex, her main game

>> No.5741306

She's a woman.

>> No.5741352

KEK, imagine how based amelia would be if she single-handedly breaks britain apart. I know this is just a shitpost and they dont really care. But just imagine

>> No.5741398


>> No.5741411
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>Calli: Let's make a wish for what we want by the end of the year.
>Ame: I want bread.
>Calli: But we can't say it out loud or it won't come true.

>> No.5741444

Oh, they do care, because they will be breaking up pretty soon indeed. There is nothing valuable left for scots in UK.
And ame destroying brits is just icing on the cake. Go Ame, fuck this bitch up.

>> No.5741448

So is Aqua, probably.

>> No.5741506
File: 167 KB, 261x279, MikoGos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does this shrine maiden:


>> No.5741545

Ame just sucks at games to be honest. She's a GIRL gamer, not a girl GAMER.

>> No.5741600
File: 154 KB, 282x322, miko23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew Miko loves blondes a lot but what the fuck is happening here?

>> No.5741637

not random. do your reps.

>> No.5741720

Rape attempt.

>> No.5741787

She is more like an OGRE gamer. I would not call that thing a girl.

>> No.5741820

Fresh meat.

>> No.5741913

sperging out

>> No.5741968

what if she was a girl GAYMER

>> No.5742078

She's bi so half gay half mer

>> No.5742137

Ame is turbogay for Gura. Strictly platonically.

>> No.5742166

Nah, I'm sure Ame hides her power level and she's actually gigabased and hates fags, nigs, and woke shit. Just the impression that I get.

>> No.5742224

Most of the people I knew who were addicted to league of legends were firmly in silver, only occasionally peeking into low gold. Only a handful actually managed to make it to diamond and above. Playing games a lot doesn't mean getting any good at them, it's a different thing.

I think for any given competitive game the 'core' audience, who might play quite a bit, never achieve a notable level of skill. Counter strike, League, Dota, Tekken 7, etc. All pretty popular and the average player is terrible. And yet if you go to their steam pages you will see thousands of hours in games like these, they play every single day.

>> No.5742254

>suspicious absence of spics in the list lol
Jokes aside, she pretty much must be like that, considering where she comes from.

>> No.5742333

Ame is a complete hillbilly and I would gladly live the rest of my life in a trailer park with her.

>> No.5742368

Ame has pretty good aim at least, certainly way above average.

>> No.5742373

Based on her location of upbringing I'd believe it.

>> No.5742381

She is dime a dozen california suburban trash. I say this with affection.

>> No.5742408

I get the vibe she hates woke shit, but I doubt she's racist or hates gays.

>> No.5742498

That is the most common stance in America so I agree.

>> No.5742519

Ame was marketed as the EN fps God. I started playing apex because she made it look fun, and made it to diamond first season. She has no excuse.

>> No.5742594

Do you have testicles?

>> No.5742599

She is all aim, no brain. Plus she's not even that great at aiming, probably not even a standard deviation above the median.

>> No.5742680

Lol is that the secret to being a gamer

>> No.5742701

Well you don't have stream snipers

>> No.5742759

She plays offline as well. There was a rank jump from bronze to silver between streams

>> No.5742818

Unironically yes. You have faster twitch reaction time and competitive drive because of the T.

>> No.5742928

Testicles are required for the FPS genre for reasons I can't explain. I can think of several female fighting game pros but no girl is bleeding edge at counter strike. That's not real.

>> No.5742998

RTS too, when that genre wasn't dead. The only good "female" SC2 player was a troon.

>> No.5743070

Your spatial awareness is also better. I find the whole argument weird, women are made for procreation, not competitive sports, which are a proxy for combat.

>> No.5743090

The uninformed watch her because of her stupid quirks I guess.
And the informed 4chan fags watch her because she is an edgy egoist like the majority of idiots on this site.
>hurr durr altruism is bad
>only selfish interests matter in life

>> No.5743193

>selflessly throws herself at anything that endangers her precious Gura

Yeah, Ame, totally.

>> No.5743232

Very bizarre take. I don't even know how to tell you how wrong you are.

>> No.5743233

She just raised almost 200,000 dollars for animal shelters what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5743289

Well, she obviously did it all to pet her ego!11!!

>> No.5743333


>> No.5743386
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Yes but she felt good about it which means it's a selfish action. It's only charity if it hurts.

>> No.5743438

watame viewer/orthodox christian detected

>> No.5743450

It's only charity if it's non-consensual.

>> No.5743841

It’s only altruism if it hurts.
Charity can be selfish or selfless, depending on whether you enjoy or hate it.

>> No.5743872

You are unwell and should seek psychiatric care for your obsessive hatred of an internet streamer pretending to be a detective

>> No.5743987
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But self-inflicted pain is a form of self-gratification.

>> No.5744051

No you fucking retard. Helping others should feel good. If you don't feel good helping others you're autistic or a psycho

>> No.5744090 [DELETED] 

She's a Garuly Johnson libertarian Anon, not a 4chan MAGA chud.

>> No.5744155

>Garuly Johnson
Sounds like a fucking digimon character or some shit.

>> No.5744295
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So all human action ultimately stems from self-interest, and therefore altruism doesn't exist outside of a perceived ideal????

>> No.5744656
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>> No.5748402

retardchama... your meds...

>> No.5751229


>> No.5751438

I thought you were dead ayn rand, why are you posting on /vt/?
