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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57046209 No.57046209 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they hate EUs so much?

>> No.57046386

EUs are simply not a valuable demographic for the consumption of VTubing content.

>> No.57046655

i dunno, maybe eufags should show some appreciation than sending more sc to shiori who doesn't even target eu time

>> No.57046742

EU ES where are your supas?

>> No.57046758

EUfags aren't at the level of paypiggery that AmeriGODs and JapanTITANS are. EUPOORS don't have money.

>> No.57046833

I see we have another weekly Yuropoor begging thread

>> No.57046879

Don't worry I wrote a jingle for fwmc morning. Once my royalties pay out I can superchat every stream.

>> No.57046886

>unarchived karaoke?
That’s not uncommon for Hololive. The first two weren’t anyway.
Also US and Japan is their biggest base of support.

>> No.57046925
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Because europoor deserve nothing but contempt

>> No.57046973


>> No.57047005

How tf do gbs outspend euros?

>> No.57047042

>Not streaming during eurohours = less yurofag donating
I don't see the contradiction. The contempt is unnecessary. That ARS will never stop making me laugh, though.

>> No.57047083

That stream was during euro hours retard

>> No.57047118

Even during EU primetime, the money doesn’t come as it should. It’s just not their audience at all. I think Shiori probably gets more from them.

>> No.57047189

No it wasn't, retard. It was way too late for euros.

>> No.57047209

shiori did on the first monetization and does get more. shameful really, eu doesn't deserve anything

>> No.57047218

Pero hates Europeans so it will never even reach them.

>> No.57047394

They don’t make enough EU-income in general. It’s hard for Hololive girls, but it’s far worse for Fuwamoco in that case. Does anyone know if Shiori does okay with them because I suspected that she may in my other post but never looked into it?

>> No.57047397

No way. Game recognise game. I have a feeling me and the great Peroccino will become great friends.

>> No.57047410

Right language, stronger currency than the euro, still richer than any eu country that isn't Germany

>> No.57047483

Because they stream during times most euros can't watch.

>> No.57047672

Are you fucking stupid? Fuwamoco streamed far more during EU primetime than the other Advent girls, but that just isn’t their audience. This isn’t even up for debate, because what I’m saying is just true. Compare their time slots.

>> No.57047733

The only Fuwamoco stream that happens during EU primetime is their morning show, you dumb fuck.

>> No.57047810

That’s not EU primetime you retard. Goddamn, many people outside the number thread are fucking stupid as shit.

>> No.57047835

Because EU don't supa when they stream during EU primetime. Imagine getting out supa'd by japs watching at 5 am kek.

>> No.57047873

It absolutely is, you fucking moron. The other """EU""" time slot is way too fucking late for something outside of the weekend.

>> No.57047884
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Shut up. Shut the fuck up and stop BITCHING about everything some vtuber does. Don't you LITTLE GIRLS have some playground drama to worry about? Maybe Jenny got a time out for jerking off Timmy?

Get off 4chan, swallow another Sunny D, and hop back on Call of Duty, little Katie. At least there you can pretend you stand for something greater than yourself.

>> No.57047996

>The other EU time slot…
That’s the one that is EU primetime. You don’t seem to actually know what primetime even means. Their morning show doesn’t fall under primetime.

>> No.57048146

It's not prime time, you dumb fuck. I'm telling you that it's too fucking late for anyone who's not a NEET. And of course there's no superchats coming in from people who aren't fucking employed.

>> No.57048472

1. Look up the meaning of “US primetime” and “EU primetime”
2. The Advent girls mostly stream at US primetime, and US viewers don’t generally say it’s too late for them, therefore it’s not actually primetime.
3. Fuwamoco tested EU primetime out, and they don’t get enough support from EU. The argument that EU primetime is too late, when it isn’t for the US primetime, is so beyond ridiculous as to be laughable.

>> No.57048563

They never streamed EU primetime. Best they had is 22:00 beginning which is borderline for German wagies.

>> No.57048698

Traditional primetime is eight to 11 o'clock at night

>> No.57048777


>> No.57048791

Yes. 8 beginning till 11. Not beginning between 8 and 11.

>> No.57048976

All those hours fall under what are know as the prime time hours. The stream doesn’t actually have to start at 8pm and continue until the time is up.

>> No.57049130

Actual retard.

>> No.57049282

>must start exactly at 8pm
“more Americans tune in from 9:15pm to 9:30pm than any other period during primetime.”

>> No.57049296

Anon if they regularly stream at 3:00 am they won't build a comparable fanbase to us who get primetime streams.
Then occasionally STARTING your stream on the periphery of primetime doesn't compare.
Not that I think germany would ever match gb if they did just talking about primetime.

>> No.57049357

Morning show is at 5pm. That's almost as good as it gets. All the other streams start between 1 and 3 am.

>> No.57049709

They are obviously going to continue during US primetime, and also continue their morning stream as well, so my question would be this: isn’t the morning stream at a good time for you? Why is EU prime time also needed?
>Morning show is at 5pm
I’m saying that is not EU prime time, or their actual EU prime time slot, but should still be good for EU anyway right? If people think I was arguing against the time of the morning show, I’m clearly not. It’s really good.

>> No.57049833

>Why is EU prime time also needed?
I'm mentally deranged and wake up at 3 am for them so it's not. I was trying to weigh in on the question whether they stream in EU primetime.
I was saying that even if they would go for EU primetime it wouldn't match US or even gb.

>> No.57050110

If you want EU friendly hours watch EU vtubers.

>> No.57050190

I think I should specify next time that I’m not talking about their morning show, then I can mention how thd EU prime time slots is not working out. Even if it’s not about you in particular, I realize other people may think I’m arguing against the time off their morning show. Maybe if so many people get mad or confused, that I can correct something on my end.

>> No.57050258

>krauts really think they're richer than bongs

>> No.57050391

Gdp pp Germany 53,5k GB 46,8k
Far richer

>> No.57050445

I am a bong I just knew if I said richer than any individual EU country I'd have krauts replying to me with GDP numbers and I didn't want that

>> No.57052967

Corporate mandated English karaoke tend to be unarchived because of pissy copyrights.
They promised most of their karaoke will be archived but they can't have 100% of them be archived.

>> No.57053201

Yeah and the RARE streams which happen in """EU""" hours start at 22-23 and it's clear they will end after midnight. Wagies can't watch that.
Kill yourself you moronic burger.

Fact is, majority of FWMC streams are outright impossible to catch for EU. Even the FWMCmorning isn't great, lots of people are finishing work when that happens and aren't home yet. It makes sense that they aren't capable of building huge EU fanbase. Not to mention Cover in general never bothering to stream in EU hours. Most of euros just gave up on shitty EN and only watch JP girls, if they tune into vtubers at all.

it's 100% only the fault of Cover. You can't expect to have loyal audience when you never put in effort into creating one.

>> No.57053453

Eurofags are literally poor or schizo (or both). I actually think more schizos come from there than SEA

>> No.57053574

Lots of people work from 9 to 17 or 10 to 18 nowadays. They'll be home after stream ends. 8-16 is still common but not as dominant as two decades ago. Prime time is 19+. Stream starting at 23 and lasting till 3 in the night is NOT primetime.

>> No.57053683

Retarded deflector. Biggest schizos are consistently from NA. Like that guy who has been shitting up FuwaMoco threads for last week, he shows up at 1-2 a.m. of EU which is prime time for US while SEA hasn't properly woken up yet.

>> No.57053754

>Does anyone know if Shiori does okay with them
She streams at 4am for euros, what do you think?

>> No.57053908
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>> No.57053942

>The argument that EU primetime is too late
If you weren't a dipshit NEET, you'd realize that people stop working at 4 PM, then drive back home, have dinner and only around 6 PM and later are ready to watch streams. Not even Kiara streams EU primetime, she starts at something like 3 PM while most euros are still at work. Hololive doesn't cater to EU, it's just that simple.

>> No.57054022

>Yeah and…
All you had to say was yeah
>majority of FWMC streams are outright impossible to catch for EU
That’s standard for Hololive EN. They actually need to make money.
>Not to mention Cover in general never bothering to stream in EU hours. Most of euros just gave up on shitty EN
They gave up indeed. No point.

>> No.57054084

Cretin. You have no right to make such claims. They never even tried. There is no data to draw conclusions from.

>> No.57054631
File: 136 KB, 665x613, 1662348672880822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 hour earlier for GB timezone
>literally only shows 1 stream (with only 10 SCs in EUR/GBP), so hardly enough data to draw any reasonable conclusion from

>> No.57054681

That literally never stops JP/USbros

>> No.57054910

JP and US people had loads of content for long years. EU never had any proper content (and still don't). Is it really so hard to see why >at the moment< there's less people in EU immediately ready to throw out money? EU was always neglected so they just don't bother checking Holo EN for the most part.
Cover should first release multiple Eu-friendly streamers who have Eu as their PRIMARY focus, let the people in Eu believe they are finally being catered to and only after few months you will have any basis to do analysis.

>> No.57055045

Fair enough. I never really thought about it. I would actually be interested to see them do this with EN4. It would absolutely be better than having 15 streamers compete for the 8pm EST slot.

>> No.57055149

Germ here.
We have one of the highest taxations in the whole world while getting paid jack for it.
krautcucks are continuing to vote in governments that cuck them. Pls undastand.
At least I have some memberships.

>> No.57055574

I never was an anti before, but slowly, I feel like I'm getting closer and closer.

>> No.57059108

What flavor of schizo is this? It's new to me

>> No.57059270

EN karaokes never get archived

>> No.57059293

I do not know. But I like it.
