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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57045106 No.57045106 [Reply] [Original]

So is the male hate on this board just a meme or do you ACTUALLY base your identity on hating your own gender?
Is it an extremely vocal and whiny minority or are there that many people here who are more concerned with whether the vtubers they like are "untainted by males" than whether they are actually entertaining?

>> No.57045194

ask yourself homobeggar, why you hate your own gender so much?

>> No.57045275

You wouldn't hate another man trying to fuck your girl?

>> No.57045308

50/50, 50% actual hate and 50% just people memeing. Anyway, you have to understand that the reason why unicorns hate males here is that to them vtubers are pretend girlfriends, and male vtubers are just competition, so they don't like them. It's like how people with actual girlfriends don't like when they interact with other males, except in that scenario it kind of makes sense to be a bit bothered by it, but people here are delusional, so it's to be expected.

>> No.57045358

They're not even fucking anyone, they probably have less of a chance of actually fucking your girl than anyone outside the company
there are baby tantrums if a girl so much as follows a holostar on twitter

>> No.57045433
File: 47 KB, 634x434, 1680248679345555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is unironically flooded with 3rd worlders, incels, simps, and trannies.

You expect those people to behave in a rational way? Just wait until a somewhat famous vtuber suicides, you'll have plenty of psychos celebrating.

>> No.57045459

Honestly, I haven't seen a single good male vtuber. If there was someone entertaining things might be different, but the current talent is pretty low tier. Convince Nothernlion to become a vtuber and you could get someone fun and some kino collab with Fauna.

>> No.57045509

A meme that is becoming reality because just pretending to be retarded leads to actual retardation

>> No.57045511

You're not fucking a girl when you watch vtubers. That's like saying you and your long-distance girlfriend are having sex whenever you facetime each other.

>> No.57045528

Conveniently memoryholed Vox SISTERS harassing/doxxing and downright sending death threats on multiple platforms when Reimu just messaged Vox innocently.

>> No.57045533

I really want a GFE vtuber to either kill themselves or get a terminal illness, I want to see whether any of theirs fans here would commit suicide over it.

>> No.57045607

yeah, because people who watch Nijis are terminally insane

>> No.57045644

They all look like high school losers chasing after a girl and when they see a guy collaborating with a girl they automatically think of the chads at school and that's why it's hate.

>> No.57045663

>yeah, because people who watch vtubers are terminally insane

>> No.57045790

I just want to protect my entertainment that is CGDCT
Males don't belong to it

>> No.57046236

Homobeggars, i will dumb it down for you:
We are excited for an hour-long soccer match, but you came and replaced 15 minutes of it with basketball, you also added a basketball player to the all-stars soccer team, we didn't like that. We say to you that we only want to watch soccer, and would appreciate the basketball stuff not be added, you proceed to tell us to "ignore it" and that we are discriminating against basketball, and that they are just both sports, so we tell you to fuck off.
You guys also like to pretend yumejos who only want to watch male vtubers don't exist.

>> No.57046356

no shit they're just as stupid and I don't like the majority of male collabs either but there are people here chimping out when a girl follows a holostar on twitter and clapping and cheering when FuwaMoco unfollowed Holostars and you're putting the girls in purity tier lists based on amount of male interactions
It's just a bit deranged

>> No.57046362

You're probably retarded for not understanding a basic concept like people (me) wanting a streamer's undivided attention, especially when it's a woman's cute or sexy voice playing as an anime girl on the Internet.
How would you feel if you haven't had breakfast in the morning?

>> No.57046388

I just don't want to watch male vtubers. I have all the cute girls in the world to choose from, why the fuck would I want to look at a faggot at the corner of my screen.
How the fuck can this simple point be so hard for homobeggars to understand.

>> No.57046438
File: 490 KB, 1024x675, 1676551035690230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ unironically has the biggest concentration of misandrists in this entire website, it's actually kind of amazing.

>> No.57046520

I’m a dyke so I just hate males on principle KEK

>> No.57046545

ok that's actually understandable lmao

>> No.57046644

>So is the male hate on this board just a meme or do you ACTUALLY base your identity on hating your own gender?
I don't hate my own gender, retardchama. I just want men to fuck off from vtubing because vtubing is for CGDCT. And since you probably have the IQ of a mop bucket, let me explain that men aren't cute girls.

>> No.57046664

That's a dumb comparison.
1. Most sports channels show all kinds of sports, some more than others depending on the season.
2. Male and female vtubers do the same exact thing, whereas different sports require different sets of skills so players can't just switch from one to the other.
3. Players of different sports are allowed to still interact with each other, so I don't even know what point you're even trying to make with this.

In conclusion, you're an imbecil.

>> No.57046801

>How would you feel if you haven't had breakfast in the morning?
I do that all the time because I take adderall for my ADHD.

>> No.57046855

Not him but I do not eat breakfast.

>> No.57046857

Vtubers doing intergender collabs is like having an intergender soccer team participate in the world cup, only even stupider. Now go back to twitter. You'll never be a woman by the way.

>> No.57046985

You're lying both to me and yourself, we both know that the reason you don't like male collabs is because you think the girl is your girlfriend and you don't want your girlfriend to talk to other males.

>> No.57046998

this is /vt/ and I can't really speak for the deranged, but unicorns really only care about male vtubers/streamers. For you to be mad about males like Yagoo, family members, middle age comedians, etc. you have to be pretty far gone. Take Kanata for example, unicorns had to calm HER down after that minecraft collab.

>> No.57047004

>streamer's undivided attention
What about the other six thousand guys watching her at the same time? Some of them even get their messages read.

>> No.57047049

because theres a lot of actual women here, memes aside; this board is the second advent of /cgl/

>> No.57047096

>you think the girl is your girlfriend
That assumption says a lot about you kek

>> No.57047150


>> No.57047172

I'm personally in the camp who is just deeply uninterested in male vtubers; there's already entertaining male streamers everywhere, what is the appeal of a male vtuber if you are not gay?

>> No.57047174

You're too much of a coward to actually be honest with yourself, hope this changes one day, it'll help you.

>> No.57047178

There's a lot of women (male) here but I'm not so sure about women (female)

>> No.57047251

>You're too much of a coward to actually be honest with yourself
Your projection tells me you're too much of a coward to be honest with yourself. Hope that changes one day, Anon!

>> No.57047258

I only want to watch soccer, why you adding basketball to the FIFA world cup?
You homobeggars are beyond saving if dumbing it down that much and you guys still don't get it.

>> No.57047264

>Homobeggars constantly want homocollab therefore they hate men
What? It is the opposite
>your girl
This is the cruck of the issue >>57045308. Moving on

>> No.57047290
File: 425 KB, 1001x743, 8fb55655b0dca0a7e957e84db71c6c36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS is literally my gf

>> No.57047322

Anon the Nijis integrated males and they are actually fucking them

>> No.57047374

Again, this is just and (unfunny) meme.
There's a lot of chuubas themselves who have been caught browsing this place and women love gossip, there's no good reason to assume they are not here other than tranny panic.

>> No.57047385

your woman brain will never get it

>> No.57047408

I don't hate men, I hate men pretending to be anime men who try to squeeze themselves into something I enjoy.
I don't hate male vtubers that exist and cater to their own audience, I hate male vtubers that try to leech off female vtubers that I'm watching.
I also hate the women and fags that insist on pushing integration because they don't actually watch vtubers and just want to shit up the place. Like (You).

>> No.57047528

homobeggars hate any girl who don't collab with a male or girls who cater to CGDCT, why you guys deranged like this.

>> No.57047624

I see this post every single day, so who here is the vocal and whiny minority? (It's you.)

>> No.57047632

i get that male vtubers are boring and their content is different but I really doubt that's the reason people here chimp out when a girl so much as folllows a guy on twitter

>> No.57047645

Ok, gendered sports is a bit fairer of a comparison, but even then it's still pretty weak because they only have to exclude genders when they're in a season. There's nothing stopping them from playing with people of the other gender off-season. And also there isn't any reason to exclude genders with vtubers like with sports since there's no physical requirements that would put one gender at an advantage. Vtubers are more similar to sports like chess and eSports where there isn't any gender-exclusivity.

>> No.57047700 [DELETED] 
File: 664 KB, 763x742, 1654642658891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So is the male hate on this board just a meme or do you ACTUALLY base your identity on hating your own gender?
This question can be answered by whether or not this image is deleted.

>> No.57047720

>one post every single day
>versus the board being set on fire every other day and having literal celebrations when the girls end up snubbing Tempus

>> No.57047787

> what is the appeal of a male vtuber if you are not gay?
Entertainment, anon. You just said it

>> No.57047815

women have such a confused idea of men.
it's not "misandry" or any other way of saying hating males collectively. it's about privileged access to the object of their affection. i sometimes see this "well what about MALE VIEWERS" thing brought up as a gotcha, it's a total misunderstanding. viewers are in the same boat. interacting as a streamer is a higher level they can never reach. imagine a bunch of monkeys in a cage, watching one set free on the banana tree outside. they'll go fucking wild.
i am not a unicorn but i think you only have to be a man and not pretend to be in a womanly mindset to understand where they come from.

>> No.57047907

You mean like the boyfriends almost all of them have?

>> No.57047945

>there isn't any reason to exclude genders with vtubers
Yes there is. If a female vtuber collabs with a male vtuber then they'll BOTH lose viewers and paypigs. The female vtuber will also probably get death threats and non-stop harassment from the male vtuber's crazed fans(see Mysta and Reimu). But if you keep male and female vtubers segegated then you get no problems, no drama.

>> No.57047954

Is a meme that became real

>> No.57047962

It's funny because it's true!

>> No.57047989

That assumption just says a lot about how you look to other people

>> No.57048003

It'll get deleted just because it's a NSFW image on a SFW board, you retard

>> No.57048046

The appeal of vtubing is largely that the streamer is pretending to be a cute anime. I don't find it entertaining, as a straight man, to see a man do that.

>> No.57048075

It will be deleted, i posted this one last year

>> No.57048080

>That assumption just says a lot about how you look to other people
But I didn't make an assumption, Anonchama

>> No.57048100

>undivided attention
If having your chat read once every three streams is undivided attention then your parents must have really love your siblings way more than you

>> No.57048123

hope they manage that someday...

>> No.57048142
File: 244 KB, 1000x1000, 1678540163339183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting how the threads with the most dogshit takes always use some Niggersanji member in the picrel.

>> No.57048183

I don't hate male vtubers, I think they're generally more interesting than female vtubers, I just don't want to see them flirting with each other

>> No.57048191

>You're probably retarded for not understanding a basic concept like people (me) wanting a streamer's undivided attention

This is somehow even more delusional than thinking you're in a realtionship with the cute anime girl lmao
you're just one more series of letters in a sea of words lil bro

>> No.57048215

YouTube channels aren't like FIFA where there's just one thing and it only lasts several weeks every 4 years. YouTube channels are like TV channels, and there's no TV channel that just shows FIFA and then hibernates until next season. TV channels show a variety of related content, some of it may be more enticing to you than the rest. If you don't like a show, just skip it and wait for another one. Likewise with vtubers, you don't have to watch every stream. Vtubers shouldn't just make one kind of content forever and ever like a soulless TV show. Their audience will get bored and leave.

>> No.57048262

What? "That" clearly stands for the same assumption you are mentioning not for a new assumption you are making. Anon what the fuck even is this level of reading comprehension?

>> No.57048298

the "undivided attention" doesn't mean it's specifically for you, just the audience
Collabs with others are often pretty disappointing to me for that reason - I just want the streamer to talk to the audience and don't want her to pay attention to the other person all day

>> No.57048307

>If you don't like a show, just skip it and wait for another one.
Keep men out of my comfy CGDCT anime. Attempts to add men will be violently rejected.

>> No.57048319
File: 165 KB, 1146x1161, MOOMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interesting how the threads with the most dogshit takes always use some Niggersanji member in the picrel.
Are you sure about that?

>> No.57048336

i hate male vtubers, trannies included

>> No.57048350

Seems like you're missing the bigger problem here. Letting people make death threats over content they don't like isn't something a society should allow.

>> No.57048359

You're so low IQ that you've tied your brain in knots. Sad!

>> No.57048375

Anon you are the one who can't read here

>> No.57048392
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>> No.57048393

I don't hate my gender. I hate male vtubers.

>> No.57048412
File: 55 KB, 392x689, 1682015315960548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said.

>> No.57048420

Sometimes I wonder if the male hate is actually coming from males. I feel like its some astroturf by females who are trying to gaslight other retards into what they believe.

>> No.57048428

reminder that vtubers are for japs made for japs and your non-jap culture doesn't get a say on how it should be run

>> No.57048453


>> No.57048476

>Letting people make death threats over content they don't like isn't something a society should allow.
Well society does allow it. What now?

>> No.57048497 [DELETED] 

Japs are a subhuman race and are not allowed to refuse my dictate

>> No.57048508

No no, it's 100% coming from males.

>> No.57048522

I suggest Hooked on Phonics, little bro. It might work for you.

>> No.57048535

it definitely is coming from other males
t. male

>> No.57048537

>Don't do thing or there will be violence (from me)
You need help. Go see a psychiatrist.

>> No.57048559

You know how Vesper and Magni demonstrated that men are more menhera than women? yeah, this applies here as well

>> No.57048575
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Meanwhile in catalog

>> No.57048610

>It's ok because... I said so, ok???

>> No.57048612

I suggest a picture book if that's not too hard of a start for you

>> No.57048634

IDK you tell me, we are supposed to be incels that hate women but then we also hate men and everything in between, so we hate everyone? I think we have reached true equality.

>> No.57048685

violence is a normal biological male response to their tribe being threatened

>> No.57048694
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I'm a CGDCT enjoyer.

>> No.57048696

I wonder whether her boyfriend knows how mentally unstable her audience would get if they knew about him

>> No.57048702

Nah people here aren't incels, they're simps, incels actually hate women, they wouldn't give half their paycheck to them just so that they hear their name being said.

>> No.57048742

It's coming from the same guys who complain about guys in porn. It's a combination of closet homosexuality and make insecurity.

>> No.57048754

Incels unironically hate both men and women anon that's not some kind of gotcha. They hate a LOT of stuff.

>> No.57048765

if you're dating a vtuber as famous as a holomem you're already aware and probably get a massive ego boost knowing you're the worst nightmare of millions of people around the world.

>> No.57048806

I don't hate males, I just don't want to watch them as vtubers.

>> No.57048844

Pretty much what is being said here >>57048765
I'm sure the guy enjoys the fact that lots of losers on the internet spend a lot of money just for a small interaction with his girlfriend while he gets to fuck her everyday free of charge.

>> No.57048846

>Don't do thing or there will be violence (from me)
I clearly specified that crazed female fans of male vtubers tend to send death threats and cited a specific example. I didn't say I'm sending any death threats. Your schizophrenia and/or HRT is making you hallucinate things I never said. Maybe it's time for your meds?

>> No.57048849

Or maybe they are just based futa enjoyers?

>> No.57048880

Who says they don't know? Most people just accept simping for another men's girl on the internet, the world is cucked like that.

>> No.57048882

Its actual unironic Chris-chan logic. Chris-chan spurned every male that wasn't a family member because he honestly thought they were all girlfriend stealers and the main reason his "love quest" was a failure.

>> No.57048891

Hey anon, I know there's a lot of us here but hundreds is a less of a totally insane estimate

>> No.57048921

>he's still replying
Holy shit how long are gonna keep this up? Could I pound my keyboard at random and you'd reply to it? kek

>> No.57048942

>base your identity on hating your own gender
what the fuck are you talking about retard

>> No.57048959

>he's still replying
How long is this one gonna reply to me?

>> No.57048966

the main difference is chris chan is insane, im just a lonely 32 year old virgin with grey hair

>> No.57048973

Ok, ooga booga man. Throw your spear at the make vtubers that are "invading your tribe" and see what happens.
Spoiler: you get arrested and go to jail because we as a society have decided that murder is bad.

>> No.57048982

Her boyfriend here. Eh, I'm fine with it.

>> No.57049066

You are a cunt for not sharing btw

>> No.57049088
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>> No.57049161

>seething so much he can't even straighten up his mind to type a sentence anymore
Well, my job here is done

>> No.57049181
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>> No.57049201

Bet you get a huge ego boost fucking her after her stream for cuck simps ends, can you describe what is like?

>> No.57049247

based & true

>> No.57049249

im not saying it's what should happen, just that it would be normal if it did

>> No.57049257

I only hate male vtubers that don't know their place, especially Vesper and Magni

>> No.57049265


>> No.57049268
File: 2.26 MB, 281x281, 1643515003054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are male vtubers hated?

Meanwhile, NijiEN
>girls having a kino moment, and males burst in and ruin it with pog emotes and twitch memes while loudly talking about their dicks and their cum spurt
>they went 3 months without a single all-female collab, and even today they are very rare
>The girls openly ship themselves with the guys and it took a massive fan backlash to stop them.
>Luca barges into girl's streams to flirt with them while their fans watch, playing the ultimate power move.
>Luca multiple times tried to corner girls into offcollabs in front of thousands of people when they can't politely decline, sounding really aggressive about it. Tries to get the girls into sexual conversation asking about their underwear and their butts.
>Reimu flew to Britain, and Vox took a simultaneous break while lying to his fans. When Reimu returns she brags about knowing where Vox keeps the keys to his house. She visited him many more times after that.
>Millie started throwing herself at every single male member like a thirsty whore and even sexually harassed the new guys lusting for their dicks, even though the new guys weren't trying to be BFE. (it would be like if Vox drooled over Rosemi's crotch when she debuted)
>Enna offcollabed with Kyo 1v1 in her bedroom while flipping off her fans and calling them cucks. Shows obvious attraction to him, talking about him constantly and bringing him into all her streams. So much so that her streams have been described as a "third wheel relationship"
>Several members have joined NijiEN with the open intention of fucking their oshi, including Ver, Kyo, Kotoka, and Meloco. They have every opportunity to do so as offline collabs between genders is extremely common and easy to set up. NijiEN actually relies on this as a recruitment method.
>the thread OP is often some homosexual shit, the thread is overrun by fujo women posting gay shit in the thread
>In the JP branch many of the talents are known to be in relationships, and several of these pairings have been openly acknowledged too.

You want this for Hololive too? No thank you.

>> No.57049272

>I clearly specified that crazed female fans of male vtubers tend to send death threats and cited a specific example.
What the fuck are you even talking about? No where in any of that string of replies did that ever get said or even implied. You sound insane.

>> No.57049332

That's pretty short

>> No.57049343

It's neither of those things. I'm glad to be born male. I just want CGDCT because that's what I paid for. It's not that really that complicated of a concept.

>> No.57049367

>I'm not insane!
Sounds like what an insane person would say.

>> No.57049376

Homobeggars are misogynists that hate women that do not reduce themselves to a barbie doll to elevate a man

>> No.57049411

It sounds pretty clear to me.

>> No.57049469

Not really. It would make headlines, make vtubers look bad, and probably be the final yab that kills the vtuber industry, at least in the West.

>> No.57049501

I thought you were replying to my other post. Sorry about that Anon. But if it makes you feel any better I fucked your mom last night

>> No.57049539
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Look man, I tried to be level headed and give gender mixed content a chance.
It changes the vibes way too much. Even on streams of people I don't actually gachikoi for. You mix dudes in and it starts feeling like a reality show in the veins of big brother or jersey shore.
t. ex-pomudachi

>> No.57049546

nah, people would look at it and wonder why it didnt happen sooner
what kind of sick male decides to become a vtuber and try to get into an all female idol group

>> No.57049585
File: 30 KB, 640x360, 938211d7ac848a0098ef76c5fd6fee66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns are just followers of Chris-chan.

>> No.57049607

Kill yourself homobeggar

>> No.57049664

>your girl
>doesnt know your name and will never have an interaction with you
no, spending 50 dollars so she says your name isn't a relationship

>> No.57049724

Collabing with oppositely gendered coworkers every once in a while is a lot different than being Nijisanji.

>> No.57049787

The irony of the men they would actually be dating and want to fuck don't give a shit that they pander their sexuality to online strangers

>> No.57049863

That's a normal thing that happens in the music industry. The real sick fucks are the ones making death threats over it and justifying it like you're doing.

>> No.57049911

I mean, they get to fuck them, don't think they can feel threatened like unicorns do for some reason

>> No.57050061

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. Holofaggots seanigggers cucks are worse than Jeffrey Epstein and their cult of pedophiles.

>> No.57050186

I don't hate them I just want them far from my oshi, stay in your corner

>> No.57050209 [DELETED] 

Here are your answers, OP. /VT/ards are just mostly maladjusted autistic unsocialised faggots who couldn't ask their middle/high school crush out and just sat and seethed how their more confident peers "stole" "their" girls. So they project their fantasies on a female vtuber and seethe when they see a man next to her. Literally just Chris-Chan and his quest for a boyfriend free girl.

>> No.57050212

That doesn't exist you retarded glowniggers. Even in anime moeshit is the worse faggotry for normalfaggots possible.

>> No.57050257

How do you think Njisanji got to where it is today?

>> No.57050332

male vtubers are faggots.

>> No.57050356

Kek, you paid for some emotes, retard.

>> No.57050371

Now that you said your bit you can proceed to kill yourself, troon.

>> No.57050429

based, replying to that many people is unironically justified

>> No.57050440

The same as vtubers simps faggots. You are exactly the same cum eating cuckolds. Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha KEK SO Y BOY

>> No.57050449

I thought that humanity managed to purge people who unironically thought this but I guess we are doomed on a trajectory to extinction and all because Japan wasn't transformed into a permanent nuclear weapon testing ground

>> No.57050465

>being this upset that people don't like the same shit you do
Consider improving yourself.

>> No.57050510
File: 298 KB, 1414x2000, 1692866170847797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm not a unicorn I'm just way more interested in watching girls.

>> No.57050540

Being a waste product of society isn't the same as simply not like the same shit

>> No.57050552

Cucks Americans. Are vtubers simps fans coonsomers of e-girls thots. Hololive whores in En and Japan.

>> No.57050573

That's not a nice thing to say about yourself anon, you can improve. Just take it one step at a time.

>> No.57050586

Yes I support TMD (Total Male Death)

>> No.57050640

You watching a whore with a boyfriend or even a husband. Good riddance. Paying for the condoms. Cucks.

>> No.57050653

>n-n-no u
Tell me about your friends and girlfriend anon, I really would like to hear about how you think you are a well-adjusted and successful person

>> No.57050675

Same here anon, don't get the extreme reactions on both sides.

>> No.57050691

Even yourself. So kill yourself right now.

>> No.57050696
File: 246 KB, 1200x1457, 1690379049907950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting much?

>> No.57050733


>> No.57050751

Nijisanji has been this way since day one. They've always been a virtual streamer group first and foremost.

>> No.57050777

No already know about this whore. She is still a has boyfriend.

>> No.57050781

Projecting isn't going to help you face your problems. You need to face yourself and admit that there are things that need to be changed. You can start by closing this tab instead of seething on an anonymous image board. If you did that, maybe you would actually have a girlfriend instead of pretending to have one.

>> No.57050790

Spoken like a true trannie

>> No.57050820

Why are you watching anyone then? All of them have or will have boyfriend/husband.

>> No.57050835


>> No.57050847

You literally are though, unless they use some different kind of contraceptives

>> No.57050900

>being successful is only about how many friends you have
You NPCs are hilarious. Aproval is all you live for. Bet if everyone started jumping off a cliff you'd do it too.

>> No.57050917

Anon, I don't need to convince you, you already know yourself that the type of life you are living isn't ok, trying to fake smug "no u" replies isn't gonna make me think otherwise

>> No.57050925

Yes we are a Male to Female tranny board
We can't wait to cut our dicks and join hololive

>> No.57050980

Most of the ones that get all the hate actually deserve it for being so fucking annoying

>> No.57050983

According to science, they have female brain in male body desu

>> No.57050993

>being successful is only about how many friends you have
That sentence was never said, start your reading comprehension reps.
And get some friends since you are at it, now that you basically admitted to not having any,

>> No.57051048

I believe you

>> No.57051139

My gender isn't "male vtuber" so no. KYS tranny.

>> No.57051175

Yeah we know that you think you are a woman

>> No.57051256
File: 82 KB, 363x561, 1693059131142855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting and join your dead fags.

>> No.57051292

>p p projecting
Whatever you say tranny

>> No.57051326

This. I just started my HRT journey because of Hololive.

>> No.57051327

So why are you bunch so emotionally invested in what's merely a hobby/entertainment?

>> No.57051380

Autism and schizophrenia

>> No.57051423

You are inferring he is not well-adjusted and successful person based on his assumed lack of friends and girlfriend.
My understanding of your post is correct, no need to play the idiot, even if it probably comes naturally to you.

>> No.57051499

No, I am saying that he's neither successful nor has friends you retard

>> No.57051531
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Tranny, people not watching your male vtuber flops doesn't mean they don't watch male fleshstreamers, actors or anime/videogames with them or hate other males. They very specifically don't watch male vtubers and the numbers reflect that. Hope you can someday cope with losing your homos and the branch dying. Or kill yourself from stress.

>> No.57051614

>Or kill yourself from stress.
sure mr.42%

>> No.57051615

There are no well adjusted individuals on 4chan, I don't know why you're acting like you're an exception.

>> No.57051634
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Male vtubers are all shit. I don't hate my gender at all, but fundamentally a male vtuber doesn't have the same charm or wit as a female one. go ahead and whine at me but every male vtuber falls into two buckets.

but when you faggots all spam them, I just don't fucking care. We just wanna talk about vtubers. Not every thread needs to be about males.

>> No.57051669

In this case, I don't know why you are arguing that that anon isn't well adjusted

>> No.57051683

okay thats nice but have you tried watching the boys?

>> No.57051685


>> No.57051708

Is just the same 5 faggots spamming the same memes over and over again you could call it a discord circlejerk.

>> No.57051730

I gave them a try, and I didn't care afterwards. They aren't what I want to see. Maybe Flayon but his voice is shit. Reminds me of Makoto from danganrompa's EN dub.

>> No.57051849

Who the fuck is like Flayon but female in EN?

>> No.57051932

i was baiting and trying to come up with a good response but damn i cant even pretend to be a homo lover
there's literally nothing likeable about them at all

they should have just stayed in their lane

>> No.57051954

nta but I gave them a chance, everyone but magni was boring, and even magni fell off pretty quickly too. so yeah, i don't hate them, just don't watch them as they are not to my taste.

>> No.57052051

This would be based though because you'd get to watch women get absolutely demolished and contribute nothing to their teams

>> No.57052075

I dont hate them collabing with males, I hate them collabing with male vtubers because male vtubers are all skeezy as fuck.
When Marine interacts with ZUN or Korone interacts with Yuzo Koshiro I go "Cool, those are awesome professional dudes"
When they collab with "gay rape forced blowjob ASMR" guy I dont like it
When they specifically only want to play APEX aka autistic tinder I know what's up and I'm not paying for their social life

>> No.57052340

If you look at memberships as paying for content then it's an outright scam. No membership content is worth even the cheapest tiers, especially how the internet is full of free distractions. The only way they make sense is if you look at it as a way to support creators you like so they putting content out there. Also why do you care? I can waste my cash however I please. No need to seethe just coz I didn't hand you some.

>> No.57052468

Imagine being so obsessed that you see a girl and immediately start thinking about all the other men they may or may not have had sex with

>> No.57052541

Holy projection

>> No.57052721

If you really are a straight man then it shouldn’t matter who is behind an avatar because you feel secure about your preferences.
It’s like those straight man who don’t wash their asses because it is somehow gay

>> No.57052915

>number of subs by groups
Hmm, let's compare the sum of subscribers across 40 channels to the sum across 8. Seems fair. No need to take into account the amount of overlapping subscribers or anything.

>> No.57053038

I don't hate male collabs or males in general, I hate male vtubers. Especially English speaking ones, they are gay and cringe.
On the other hand, I only watch male fleshtubers, because female ones are sluts or boring
Anime girls are cute, anime guys are fags, its pretty simple

>> No.57053140

this guy gets it

>> No.57053147

There's a reason males are more responsible and better in general. We're brutal with the competition and force each other to evolve.
Go be a woman someplace else.

>> No.57054527
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It's a meme, perpetuated by both the gullible and the delinquent.

At the end of the day, anonymous is anonymous, and the streamer is doing their job.

>> No.57055483

>I hate them collabing with male vtubers because male vtubers are all skeezy as fuck.
This also

There has never been a male vtuber who has been able to come off as kind outside of Toya and Maimoto. Maybe Roberu and Astel but thats it.

>> No.57055554

I hate every male in the world, including myself

>> No.57055572

Look we just want CGDCT. No one wants your weird twitch shit where viewers become a third wheel as MALE STREAMER and FEMALE STREAMER are flirting and doing off collabs together.

>> No.57055720

>You guys also like to pretend yumejos who only want to watch male vtubers don't exist.
They don't, it's just that simps and western whores always benefit from creating double standards.

If women all go after chad they're just 'being smart' or whatever, but if men don't want to date fat single moms with high body counts then they're being assholes.

>> No.57056163

Male vtubers are the digital equivalent of makeup on a man. I don't want to watch a drag queen.

>> No.57056297
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I don't find male vtubers to be entertaining whatsoever. That's the entire fucking problem. Chuuba I enjoy watching keep interacting with these boring fuckers. Every male collab is a waste of a stream. Thank fucking God those days seem to be over for Holo EN.

>> No.57056341

>Thank fucking God those days seem to be over for Holo EN.
It'll never stop beggars.

>> No.57056487

What you don't understand is that I don't hate my own gender, I hate them near my women, otherwise I have no problem with males.

>> No.57056503

This anon gets it.

>> No.57056618

Males don't exist in the CGDCT genre and that is why I watch some of Hololive, for that experience.

>> No.57056716

Doesn't matter, Cover finally realized money talks and bullshit walks. Maybe beggars can actually get what they want again if they actually bought merch and paid for memberships.

>> No.57056871

Holostars in 2023 have gotten
>included in the NY's countdown video
>toured around the hololive EXPO
>included with several new songs
>brand new gen of males
>twitch takeover
>integrated into the main fucking EN account
>managed to do some podcast as well
>still can't get an audience
if Cover was smart, this is when you start cutting ties. Hololive can withstand losing them.

>> No.57056919

There's no way you're so stupid that you can't look at something depending on its context. That's pretty bad.

>> No.57056991

We're the most influential minority. I don't care about non-en male VTubers they're inoffensive and irrelevant to the chuubas I watch. We wield less power and are a lot less organized than the k-pop sisters which is a good thing.

>> No.57057053

Are you retarded?
Why would I watch something that doesn't interest me just to reaffirm my security?

>> No.57057082
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>We just want CGDCT

>> No.57057099


>> No.57057629
File: 667 KB, 1038x580, myth anniversary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is such a backwards arguement lmao
>why don't you fuck men? do you hate your own gender?
>why do you prefer female teachers/nurses/retail workers/waitresses to male ones? do you hate your own gender
there are simply things that women do better than them
vtubing is one of them, i don't want to watch some fag behind an anime avatar, i'll leave it to the sisters
i wanna watch cute girls doing cute things

>> No.57058224
File: 82 KB, 455x674, main-qimg-1cce45ce56f5f3acab1088890cb735a8-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an extremely vocal group of tribalistic unicorns who live in constant fear that they're gonna get cucked by their fake anime gf. Being eternally buttmad, they tend to dominate discussions because most people don't eat, breathe, and shit vtubers 24/7 until something important happens. It's like Vesper; they all shit on him until he posted and suddenly his fans start talking.

This happens on every board; it's why this site has a hipster reputation: people stop obsessing over popular things, leaving only frustrated retards to gripe.

>> No.57059658

Please breathe in and out and realize that this picture of society and women is a construct built by the internet. In the real world you're not gonna encounter those opinions outside of the most liberal bubbles at college.

>> No.57059719

Can you give me a QRD on the Kanata situation? Did she collab with men?

>> No.57059921

>There's an extremely vocal group of tribalistic unicorns who live in constant fear that they're gonna get cucked by their fake anime gf.
Men don't belong in this CGDCT hobby and we'll aggressively protect it via gatekeeping.
>they tend to dominate discussions
Because we're the majority.

>> No.57060060

The construct is born from reality. The fiction is people pretending that society isn't severely fucked up nowadays.

>> No.57060325

Manager signed kanata up for the hololive team in a big minecraft tournament and neither of them realized that the full tounament roster included both male and female japanese streamers and tubers in its teams. Kanata never joined the general voice call, only the team chat with her fellow holomem during the actual event rounds, and spent the entire pregame when the organizers(male) were explaing the rules and the breaks between rounds with audio muted hiding in a corner staring at a wall.

>> No.57060643
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Chloe basically came over and calmed her down like a baseball manager. I get Chloe hates males in general but she got in a very paranoid state.

>> No.57060905

You're the one demanding males in female spaces trannychama

>> No.57061283

Fair enough but you would watch my stream sometime right /vt/ bro?.../vt/ Bro?...

>> No.57061553

Nice projection, but sorry I just want to look at cute anime girl streamers. Sorry if that offends you.

>> No.57061911

Kanta is such a fucking sperg

>> No.57062002
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She had every reason to.

>> No.57062551
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Goku is a faggot?

>> No.57063026

This >>57045509 anon is very correct.

It's just people who larped their way into believing their own shitty ideas and behaviors.

>> No.57063272

Girls with personal integerity and convictions are hot.

>> No.57063516

I know nobody bothers to remember anymore, but around Tempus debut people /here/ were actually open to the idea of males in Hololive EN.
Hell, before this mess it wasn't unusual seeing people discuss Roberu or Pizza Dad in global.
What people hoped was having hololive brotubers for the EN sphere, what they got instead was menheras, constant collabs with girls, no EN3 for a whole ass year and constant homobegging (which was already a thing, but nowhere near this level).
Are you really surprised that people ended up hating them?

>> No.57063535

Right? I remember just a few months ago there were the typical "Kronii fucks Vesper" and anti-Tempus threads but not much else. Now, IRyS being part of a in-company match against Holostars leads to several posts calling her a whore and worse.

>> No.57064054

> hating male
> hating male Vtuber
Anon it's the same difference than
> hating male
> hating fags
Now cope harder, sister.

>> No.57067761

They also just are painfully boring

>> No.57068690

CGDCT enjoyer? More like closet tranny.

>> No.57068785


>> No.57069130

Why is vtuber for CGDCT? I thought it was about streamers pretending (to a degree/various levels) to be anime characters.
(nta and unironically btw)

>> No.57069778

NTA, but this thread implies a reference to Hololive which is an all-female vtuber group. Holo girls are like characters from CGDCT anime (e.g. Love Live). Other vtuber groups, like Nijisanji, specialize in different genres and have characters of mixed genders.

>> No.57069922

For me its the act of feeling like a third wheel. I want to be entertained and distracted not be made uncomfortable. There are also situations where its some super cringey flirting that makes me physically cringe. Like when Lia from phase invited a dude who was just super cringey trying to flirt with her. I'm just no interested in shit like that. If I wanted that type of entertainment I would seek it out.

>> No.57070351

It's not hard to understand. If I order a hamburger off the menu at a restaurant, and the waiter instead brings me a veggie burger, and tells me "You better eat this or you're a bad person who murders poor fuzzy animals for food" I'm going to say "fuck you" and leave the restaurant, and probably give them a bad review on Yelp.

The majority of people on this board are fans of Hololive, with a substantial minority of Niji fans and a smaller minority of trolls from Discord and Twitter like yourself who are just here to "own the incels."

Yeah, people ultimately have forgotten what led to all this in the first place. Cover, or at least HoloEN, started trying to "change" Hololive using Holostars as their vehicle, and it led to EN's numbers cratering as a result. Cover has had this idea that they can get Niji's audience or some nebulous "mainstream" audience if they start copying Nijisanji. But this was always a mistake because Niji EN has become a nonstop yab machine

So it's not surprising there is pushback going on. Ultimately a lot of Hololive fans felt was a sneaky attempt to push out the "old" Holo fans in favor of a new audience, and certain talents (Mori, Kronii) added fuel to that fire, whether deliberately or not.

Fortunately Cover seems to have paused to reassess their strategy for the time being, at least in EN.

>> No.57070429

That's fair

>> No.57070692

Well you can always just skip the collab, not even Kronii collabs with males all the time, its really rare.

>> No.57070741

I don't hate men. I hate maletubers.

>> No.57070800

only reason goku has children is because chichi raped him.

>> No.57071647

I think what scared a lot of fans was that it was going to turn into Niji where there were men popping into every single stream, and frankly they were probably right. Had the collabs been more successful I think they'd have done more and more collabs with males over time.

The collabs didn't work though and Holostars talents are starting to graduate which suggests Cover is reconsidering how to handle the branch.

>> No.57076261


>> No.57076590


>> No.57076746

to be fair he enjoyed it

>> No.57076878
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>Is it an extremely vocal and whiny minority
Go back
