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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56925828 No.56925828 [Reply] [Original]

Who is joining?

>> No.56925875

Not me.

>> No.56925877

They betrayed Pero and left him to fend for himself.
Was gonna member, but not anymore because of that.

>> No.56925882

Depends on how they respond to #jinglegate today.

>> No.56925903

me, they made me smile a lot

>> No.56925905
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>> No.56925940

it's for the best that they quit, they wouldn't be able to show Pero powerfucking the monsters on-screen

>> No.56925961

I may even join the higher tier to pay for both of them.

>> No.56926036

Me. Membering Bibou as well.

>> No.56926064

I refuse to member to anyone but my oshi, however, I deeply appreciate these doggos and their ability to chase away fake fans

>> No.56926163

who's your oshi anon

>> No.56926185

Honestly none of Advent piqued my interest enough to member. The dogs seem solid just not my kinda thing but I respect them. I'll bet more than anyone they'll deliver good value for people that fo decide to member them

>> No.56926252

probably not day 1, gonna wait until i know which content they put out
if they say something about that in the celebration stream, i might join

i'm going in blind for Biboo and Nerissa though

>> No.56927343

They will be my first ever membership and biboo will be my second.
Everybody else from EN can go fuck themselves. I might member some JP girls depending on how collabs go

>> No.56927409

I never member or send superchats or buy merch.I am not even subscribed to any of the chuubas I regularly watch. I have also have never typed anything in chat. Pretty based I know.

>> No.56927434

Not me.

>> No.56927468

I used to have multiple Holo memberships which I canceled over time, but I will join FWMC. It will be my only Holo membership.

>> No.56927496

Not unless they drop the teletubbies kayfabe and do some lewd twinfucking asmr's

>> No.56927804

and also biboo maybe

>> No.56927848

I will turn gift on and that's it. Maybe when I know what member stream they do I will bother paying for it

>> No.56929527


>> No.56930023

Me. Also higher tired if they have it to pay for them both. I will be membered to:
Eventually, it will be down to three again (fwmc considered 2x) as that is how much I intend to give.

>> No.56930077
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>> No.56930820

HoloEn is getting worse year by year. I'll enjoy what I can of it as a casually as possible till I get filtered out.

>> No.56931066

If they do twin asmr, I might consider.

>> No.56931170


>> No.56932287

me, first HoloEN membership

>> No.56932430

I generally don't give money to big corpos. Only small corpos and indies.
I might reconsider if either therm or Bibou do lewd member streams, which they probably won't

>> No.56932434

Yes, I'll be ending my Kaela membership and membering them

>> No.56934034


>> No.56936256

i refuse to give youtube any money after the gay scat musicvideo

>> No.56936412

This is going to be the first membership I buy.

>> No.56936585

FWMC ask ruffians to make a little jingle
This naturally infuriated twitter trannies

>> No.56936759

I'll probably join and cancel Mumei. Her content has been shit lately, and I have a feeling fwmc members will get decent benefits.

>> No.56936915

I’m joining.
I’m hoping for membership ASMR too.

>> No.56937334

>Paying to any chuuba even if she/they is your oshi

>> No.56937643


>> No.56937868


>> No.56938018

I bought Backrooms 1998, played after the tutorial, got too scared to keep going. Saw their stream last night and figured I could watch them do it instead.

Turns out they were ALSO too scared to play Backrooms 1998. Except they couldn't even get past the tutorial where there are no monsters.

But I will member to them. I love the doggos.

>> No.56939362

My oshi is Kaela though, maybe I’ll see their emotes first

>> No.56939495
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>> No.56939558

The only time I have ever given money to any vtuber in all 3 years of watching them was a $5 superchat to Sana.

>> No.56939678

Josh-kun got unfollowed by Mori

>> No.56939767

No, I don't support EN streamers that stream in Japanese.

>> No.56940084

JP girls have been around much longer, if you're not membered now, you never planned to be.

>> No.56940101

Based brapper?

>> No.56940597
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>> No.56944743


>> No.56944977

Only if they reaffirm the pledge to protect my smile
Then I will perform the financial obligation

>> No.56945100

During the membership stream, I will make my own pledge to them and oath to protect their smiles.

>> No.56945308

You’re a bigger man than I am, anon
Taking on the burden of protecting smiles is no easy task

>> No.56945437

Not really worth it to member big corpo vtubers anymore. They get more money than I'll ever see in my lifetime as it is, and all of their exclusive content just gets posted elsewhere anyway.
That said I do still have some Myth memberships in ARS for shitposting purposes.

>> No.56947671

Yeah, I'm still thinking it up, because I don't want to write something half-assed, and I want something that can be done from the ruffian POV.
Something like promising to always be by their side and watch over them.

>> No.56950592

Not right now, need a month or two to stablize my finances before I take on any more financial commitments.
I'm planning on it though. I truly believe these cute doggos are my oshi.

>> No.56951089

It’s over. We’re raising a generation of lurkers. Bilions must yab

>> No.56951538


>> No.56951764

Obviously I will, also joining Bijou's once it goes live.

>> No.56951834


>> No.56952232

Me, they will be added to


I might also get Biboo's

>> No.56952258

I am a Europoor. It is in my nature to lurk.

>> No.56952318

Me but I want to cancel one of my other memberships. Probably going to say goodbye to Ame

>> No.56952335

Me! Biboo as well

>> No.56952379

Only my oshi gets my money.
But I'll be watching them a lot.

>> No.56952493

me but i'm going to wait around 3 months or more. ruffians is full of shit licker right now

>> No.56953628

That's on (you)

>> No.56953926

I don't side with beggars.

>> No.56954497

gonna test the waters a bit more. maybe after a month.

>> No.56954784



Pero did pretty well, I'd say

>> No.56956242

Me !

>> No.56956346

Me. I think ill sub to all the girls for 1 month and then edit accordingly after that.

>> No.56956347

If there is mic sniffing asmr I’ll get the highest tier

>> No.56956389

Maybe I'm missing out but Biboo has been the only one that had multiple kino stream in a short amount of time for me. I'm finally dropping my Towa membership After 2 years since no way in hell I'm dropping Ame. Only really had it up for wallpapers anyways.

I hope Biboo makes it worth it

>> No.56956469
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I'll get all advent memberships

>> No.56956698

Me. Happy to support them. Not really interested in membering the other Advent girls for now.

>> No.56956895

get a wife

>> No.56957001

bro sent mommy to the BANK

>> No.56957142

If you need a couple months to prepare for a ~$10 monthly expense, you should not be membering anyone and the girls would not want you to.

>> No.56957179

Biboo has been absolutely fantastic and she may end up being my first Holo membership. A lot of the stuff I liked about Gura, I like about her, except Biboo streams more of the games I like (and streams more in general).

>> No.56957297

Pero has shown that hes more rhan capable of handing the backrooms by himself

>> No.56957334

> $10
Bro. All my memberships are $5. Butyvt4gm youre right. If you cant spare 5 bucks without having to plan it out. Just dont.

>> No.56957592

It was simultaneously the most childish and yet best way to handle the situation with josh. You thought fwmc are nice and sweet so they would be easy to bully? Well, we playing by playground rules now

>> No.56961508

I will

>> No.56961596

Everyone since I'm still on ARS

>> No.56962388

>I am a Europoor. It is in my nature to lurk.
Are you Latvian? I hear it's basically a national pastime/defence strategy to lurk in the murky swamps of that land.

>> No.56962542

If you decided that you had to cut some, which would you cut?
Hard mode: Holo channel doesn't even count.

>> No.56962755

Based. I’m only planning on membering fuwamoco from EN, the JP girls got the rest of my membership money

>> No.56963191

im sitting in the frame waiting to get gifted

>> No.56963287

I hope they put up his cross-eyed thin-skulled face in the misunderstanding corner.

>> No.56964371

Do I have to member twice?

>> No.56965071

nope you get two for the price of one!

>> No.56968404

not me

>> No.56968458

What a deal!

>> No.56969203
File: 2.09 MB, 1600x2000, __a_chan_hololive_drawn_by_efreezerarts__524f23c80b60aca503a854d6b484bc9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you even get for membering the Hololive channel, A-chan nudes?

>> No.56970480

I will be the first member
And I will be the last member

>> No.56974598

pride your member's fees go directly to cover without some streamer taking a cut.

>> No.56980589

I do not superchat... but they have honestly earned my membership.

>> No.56980921

Some kind rich Americans will gift a few thousand subs, right?

>> No.56981022

I am already paying enough

>> No.56981069

No they rather superchat.
Good luck to you in the 3rd world where a membership costs half your monthly income.

>> No.56983074

i canceled my membership to mumei simply because she has a shitty personality

>> No.56987130 [DELETED] 


>> No.56989140

Cancelling my Gura membership for them.

>> No.56993289


>> No.56993534

What did you say? And why

>> No.56993538

That's more expensive

>> No.56997912

I’ll probably join because i like spamming emotes

>> No.56998029


>> No.56998184

>twitter trannies
I'm sorry, was doing some obligatory montly detoxification from that shit hole, why are they getting riled up from that again?

>> No.57002405

Only if there are footcam streams

>> No.57004821

what kind of content are they going to paywall?

>> No.57007254

Lewd art paywall?

>> No.57009516

I'm only membered to one channel and I don't plan on changing it. They're cute though

>> No.57009552

Don't spam too much and risk the yt algojanny flagging your account and shadowbanning you; happened to me and took 8months+ before it was resolved. And I got lucky. I think the general advice for those that get shadowed is to just open a new account and abandon the old.
I would have, but I didn't want to lose multiple long running multi-year memberships to start from scratch. Fuck that.

Don't spam, pace yourselves.

>> No.57009573
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I see my oshi there!

>> No.57010981

But there are two of them, I'm afraid they want to charge 10 dollars because "they can do Streams separately"

>> No.57013941

I'd guess asmr testing or VN situation role play

>> No.57015474

me if i was not in debt

>> No.57016709
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Only when we get this will I

>> No.57017651

I will. On debut I was planning to go all in on Nerissa, but she went too coomer bait for my preference.

Each Fuwamoco stream so far has made me genuinely happier watching than most streamers I've ever watched. I'll support them with membership for sure.

Had a few memberships previously to Bettel, Froot, and a couple Indies. Cancelled them now though since I've been watching Advent lately instead.
