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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 37 KB, 360x450, Anya_Melfissa_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
568464 No.568464 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.568611

Worst ID

>> No.568642

Shes a cunt

>> No.568706

Most likely the boing boing affected her personality.

He is pretty much a one note character and not really liked by the two other Indo girls of her gen, which makes her very sour, or so I feel.

>> No.568772

Link evidence of Reine or Ollie shittalking her. Otherwise, fuck off with your rrat shit.

Personally, I just think she's boring.

>> No.568779 [DELETED] 
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>not really liked by the two other Indo girls

>> No.568844

She and Ina need to collab more

>> No.569136

Shit pc, her esl makes her sounds abbrasive, her design altho excellent is taking too much space especially her hair so she tends to hide her booba because of it
Suggestion: play vns like you planned to, especially the more iconic one like that one about disabled girls etc

>> No.571240

Is she? Why?

>> No.571854

Her rigging does not do the design justice

>> No.572324

gonna guess her preference of speaking jp isn't doing her any favors

>> No.572456

Mad at her huge tits

>> No.572638

Untalented and uninteresting.

>> No.572843

is it coincidence that the member from both gen who is most fluent in japanese, or at least speak more often in japanese is the most boring?

>> No.572972

She is not flaunting her oppai lolis more

>> No.572976
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Why would she hide her fat tits? Her oppai loli+bare feet design is the only thing she has going for her and she actually has more fanarts than Reine even though she pulls in way less viewers. Without it she's just another generic Cunny Vtuber.

>> No.573019

rather than boring they're the least popular

japanese viewers don't support foreign vtubers the way foreigners support japanese vtubers. they straight up don't care that anya and kiara can speak japanese and will self-dub because they have a huge variety of japanese vtubers to choose from instead.

>> No.573134

I find her boring
It's a shame to have a cute model like that go wasted on such a talent

>> No.573481

People are too pussy to handle a little sass and need their cute little vtuber to pretend to be their wife

>> No.574479

If I want to see sassy women, I'll see the average women out there. She is an entertainer, of course I won't watch her if she's not entertaining.

>> No.575318

i always think Anya trying so hard to get the japanese viewer. Same with Iofi, but unlike Anya, Iofi knows Pochi personally, so it helps her to get more japanese viewer. Unless she doing more collab with JP to get more jap viewer, she will fade into obscurity.

>they're the least popular
Well, maybe because they are boring?

>> No.575359
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But seriously, what the hell is with her oppai? The design shit clearly showed that she was flat, so I can only assume it was some sick joke on the rigger's part, and Anya was too poor to afford a second commission, so she just went with it.

>> No.575869

She lost the moment they revealed she isn't flat

>> No.576066

Imagine being upset over some virtual boobs. It's not like she's forced to show her own tits to the audience, so why care about it?

>> No.576134

>Anya was too poor to afford a second commission, so she just went with it.
I thought Cover pays for character design? They explicitly say as much in their audition details? Or maybe I'm thinking of what the NijiEN auditions said a couple months ago. Or maybe IDs weren't given any such promise.

>> No.576137

It's haram.

>> No.576390 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.25 MB, 3000x2500, 1613289743714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She still has some SHAPING UP to do, she's not in proper FORM. Once she learns to stop being so FLAT I'm sure she CAN do anything, but until then she's just SQUARE.

>> No.576492

Of course. That's the entire point of Hololive after all

>> No.576705

my design is shit moment was funny, other than that she is very ....

>> No.576834


>> No.577145

her roommate have large breasts

>> No.577222

It's not that she's hiding them, it's that if they're on screen, then a quarter of the screen is also covered up by her massive hair.

>> No.577310

It's already been almost two months since she debuted. How the hell are these doxxfags so fast?

>> No.579096

>I want another cunny tuber, a billion of them isn't enough

>> No.579181

And she was actually right, her design is shit...

>> No.579706

I have mixed feelings about the INdoggos as a whole. Gen 1 INdoggos are cute because of the whole sisterly bond thing they have living together. Even their collective autism is charming if a little annoying when they all talk at once. Ollie is charming for similar reasons and she just seems like a sweet person. But the other two new ones are pretty meh overall, INdoggos are a diminishing returns branch it seems like.

>> No.579748

Reine is actually steadily gaining viewers because of how dorky she is. Which isn't apparent at first because of her voice and mannerism.
Anya's numbers on the other hand are abysmal. No idea how she made it past auditioning.

>> No.579762

Better or worse than lofi?

>> No.580601

Their VOD views are about the same as far as solo streams are concerned. Well both have a steady audience, so I don't really see the problem.

>> No.580774

Compared to all other holos her colors looks muted/desaturated, which gives her less impact

>> No.581024

So after Matsuri, this guy attacking Anya now.

>> No.581167

Are you retarded? That faggot is a clipnigger leeching. How is that an attack?

>> No.581185

What a bitter, humorless cunt. This killed my buzz when I watched the stream live, just ignore the backseaters dumbass. This is like going to a restaurant and expecting you can just enjoy your food normally after you witnessed the waitress yelling at another customer.

>> No.581217

I mean OP.

>> No.581274

Thing is, other girls who get annoyed by backseaters know how to keep things light and tease the audience for doing it then move on to other things. She is just a hostile person who wants things her way or else. Very entitled for a newbie.

>> No.581292

Oh. Should have mentioned that in your post.

>> No.581322 [DELETED] 

Nope she's based, thread is full of backseaters getting that hot ban for being knuckle heads

>> No.581331

Just like Ame did in the TW3 right? You have to drive that point home loud and clear or these retards never get it.

>> No.581432

Not gonna (You) because you guys not seachad. During that week, the backseating chat make Ollie and Reine crying on stream. She just mad about the stupid chat.

>> No.581479

>just ignore
Literally almost every holo has had to deal with it, it's not something you can easily "just ignore"
Other examples are Ame quiting TW3 and Luna literally telling her chat to SHUTUP when beating Metroid her way

>> No.581701

Ame did at least soften up on the next Mario stream where she asked for help and the whole chat got sassy saying “no back seating we follow rules” and she laughed and teased them about it, Anya is just saying “don’t try me”

>> No.581748

How many of these girls are crying on stream? The fuck is with this fanbase

>> No.581776

her rigging is fucked up. when i watched like 10 minutes of her she's always in the bottom right corner and her mouth doesn't even move.

she has the worst rigging of any the hololive i've seen. she needs to get it fixed and/or change where the camera is positioned.

>> No.581910

Anya takes no shit from chat and I like that. Nothing wrong with that and she is not hostile to her normal chat. At least dagger took care of backseaters in one fell swoop. You also have to keep in mind that she has relatively more retarded SEAiggers in her audience than Ame. You think you can be nice to those slumdogs and they behave?

>> No.582044

she doesn't tolerate gibbering fucking NPC's backseating, she is great. OP probably shat up her chat and got told to fuck off.

>> No.582157

Just wanna put awesome Anya clip because I am melfriend.

>> No.582160

>i'm not as kind as ollie
good, she learned fast. you have to show who's boss otherwise idiots will keep annoying you. chat is basically kindergarten, needs to be disciplined.

>> No.582271
File: 474 KB, 1208x715, anya is very ogey[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fov142c.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya is always ogey, because she keeps her chat in line.

>> No.582400

> "You don't want to try me. Really."
Wow. In a single clip, I have found someone that I dislike almost as much as I do a certain restaurant-owning chicken. This might be even worse. Like, come on now.

>> No.582436

Not a single ghost can scare Anya.

>> No.582671

Anya is for oppai loli femdom.

>> No.584468

I agree that she tries so hard to get the JOPs to watch her. Iofi did that too but now she knows that it's impossible to get many JOPs' viewers.

Iofi is boring too but at least her personality is cute, Anya is just plain boring for me.

>> No.584524

But why the AAA version

>> No.584634

I like their "ARE YOU OKAY?!" chorus the most.

>> No.584733

Isn't that pretty slow? Gen 5 was doxxed before debuting, EN was doxxed are they were debuting with many having correct guesses on who was part of it

>> No.584948

All Dox SEAigger are piss scared after Reine and stopped digging all together.

>> No.584965

What happened?

>> No.584982

They love mori if I remember correctly for some fucking reason though

>> No.585067

Supposedly, she has """"powerful connections""""" that could put some locals in danger if they dig too deep into her history.

>> No.585096

I need her to be more popular so she gets more porn.

>> No.585143

>I want another mommy milkers tuber, a trillion of them isn't enough

>> No.585168

Doxxing Anya!
Posting her personal information online!
Watching your posts get deleted instantly!
Hear a knock at the door!
Opening the door to see who it is!
Feeling a surge of pain before blacking out!
Waking up surrounded by darkness!
Struggling to breath as you feel a plastic bag over your head
Hearing Anya's voice telling you that you should have quit while you were ahead!
Being held down by Anya's goons!
Having water poured onto your face!
Being waterboarded by Anya!

>> No.585187

The doxxniggers were doxxing Renie and stumbled into some who is well connected in indo then got scared shitless and probably threaten

>> No.585191

>Intentionally gets fuck all viewers so its easy to keep chat in line
Brain as big as her tits

>> No.585220

They're Reine's goons.

>> No.585738

Name one other oppai loli vtuber, nigger. No googling.

>> No.585851

It's called gatekeeping the faggots out of chat. I'd rather her do that than end up with En quality chat

>> No.586055
File: 14 KB, 251x262, 1603260231163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anya mad at backseaters
I feel for her. What a great way to turn off a streamer from a game you love than to insistently pester them about how to play the game rather then just letting them learn

>> No.586069

since she can't show her boobs she should flip her model upside down and become a feet holo

>> No.586119

Wasn't it her mom or some shit, she has connections to people who could just "dissapear" the doxxers if she found out what they were trying to do to her daughter.

>> No.586141


>> No.586328

Her hair would still be in the way. She needs a haircut first before she can show feet and oppai.

>> No.586750
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You do realize cunny refers to pussy, right? Slapping big tits on won't change that.

>> No.586784

her dead eyes freak me out

>> No.586930
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>> No.586931

I wish she would play games I care about. I like her design and her voice, and >>581024 gave me some respect for her but her taste filters me too hard.

>> No.586970
File: 86 KB, 800x716, 1612453947443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.586974

Reading this thread is selling on Anya, funnily enough. It sounds like it'd be interesting to check her out.

>> No.586980
File: 236 KB, 381x351, 1612861673424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if she had the funds to upgrade, the current GPU crisis might force her to wait half a year until she can buy parts at a reasonable price

>> No.586989
File: 145 KB, 348x298, 1610723379267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is YOUR problem?! She's ogey

>> No.587013
File: 344 KB, 900x700, 1607876904343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive is free entertainment. Nothing stops you from checking them out for a while.

>> No.587033

Ahh yeah, I forgot. In an ideal world she'd get enough to just buy a pre-built OR just deal with a scalper but I can't expected that I guess.
Maybe Reine's goons can just find on in Indo and threaten them into lowering the price

>> No.587171

>until she can buy parts at a reasonable price
I know she's not the most popular, but surely she gets enough SCs and members to splurge on something that's so important for her job

>> No.587189

I am pretty sure Reine could give Anya her old rig, if it was really that bad. ID2 seems pretty close all things considered.

>> No.587384

I want to drink Anya’s sword milkies!

>> No.587505
File: 1.01 MB, 312x258, 1607207414857.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be nice...

>> No.587519

The world isn't ready for lolimilk. Too far ahead of he time.

>> No.587567

>Everyone wants either Anyas tits or feet
>I just want to suck on her neck
Its rough being a neckfag.

>> No.587601
File: 73 KB, 460x651, FEB2FA7A-B9A2-45D8-B2CC-0476156E399A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk napebro I think marine has the best one.

>> No.587639
File: 254 KB, 620x918, O|O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.587673
File: 303 KB, 700x700, 1608409260069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Anya is not ogey!

>> No.587671

Marine is tall though. Anya you get to pick up and carry around while you enjoy the taste of her neck.

>> No.587704
File: 37 KB, 214x208, 1611510844757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampires in this Anya thread!?

>> No.587798

Necks, shoulders, and upper backs are woefully underappreciated.

>> No.588102

You haven't lived until you've pressed your canines against a girl's neck and felt her shudder against them when she gasps. Its quite enjoyable.

>> No.588232
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>> No.588711

I'd gladly leave bite marks on Anya's neck just to show everyone that she's mine.

>> No.588769

Mori doesn't self dub unless she has to and goes hard on what they like about westerners

>> No.588864

Anya is a poorfag so i relate to her a lot

>> No.591345


>> No.593045

Honestly I haven't checked in on her since shortly after debut but it seemed like she was having issues setting boundaries with her chat. She wanted to push rules like "don't so much as say boin boin in my chat or I'll ban you no warning first time context doesn't matter" but then she goes in the collab with Ollie and makes jokes about how she's more boin boin than Ollie. You can't have it both ways. The level of jokes she makes as a streamer sets the level of jokes that are acceptable for chat to make... not to mention she just wasn't interacting enough overall.... like you can't just sit there and expect your looks to carry you when there are dozens of other girls who look just as good AND are more entertaining by a mile.

I keep saying I'll check back in on her eventually but I only hear bad things so I haven't bothered.

>> No.593157
File: 502 KB, 499x573, 1599059323003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't Risu the poor indo?

>> No.593187

>poor indo
as opposed to what?

>> No.593222

all other indogs are rich

>> No.593882

Reine's death squads and mansion.

>> No.594195

That is a lot of talk for not much substance. Just don't watch her faggot. I don't you want to watch dagger anyway.

>> No.594305

don't think*

>> No.594403

imagine being so braindead that you look at three lines as a lot
Everything you had said was already coherent. What do you mean by this?

>> No.594411

my rrat is that it's anya herself making these threads so contrarian anons will watch her. probably preparing a redemption arc too

>> No.596673

Free entertainment, but there's only so much time in the day.

>> No.597440

based on this thread I'm hoping for a sadistic ball-crushing bitch but I know I'd be disappointed

>> No.597632

She giggled, clapped and cheered for about 40 seconds when she glitched on top of a car in a horror walking simulator yesterday, she's cute and I like her

>> No.598154

>Probably the only ID that is watchable
>What the fuck is her problem
Her problem is probably OP shit taste

>> No.599449

How fucking new are you retard?

>> No.599578
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, rrat removal [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi9naqt.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in you go faggot

>> No.600497


>> No.600696

no, no he's right
only lolis have cunny, but oppai loli still counts

>> No.602441

Yes, Cover pays it. That anon just have a retard rrat
