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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56810560 No.56810560 [Reply] [Original]

>Fuwamoco drama because they did ONE stream in Japanese and that apparently is cucking
>Bijou drama because she played BG3 wrong and made the collab slightly awkward as a result
>Shiori drama because uhhhh apparently she has a lot of red flags (whatever that means) and she's definitely going to yab at some point, any day now
>IRyS drama because she'll play against homoshits in a sponsored stream while having zero interactions with them
>general doxxfaggotry spammed nonstop
so this board nowadays only exists for Hololive anti to astroturf and vent their frustration while larping as concerned fans right? Despite the fact that without Hololive this place wouldn't even exist. Do jannies even care anymore?

>> No.56810805

Always has been
This is the Idol/Kawaii/Phase hive
You wanna talk about Hololive go to the fan Discords

>> No.56810883

Jannies don't care as long as you don't make fun of brown people or Mori.

>> No.56810890

IRyS makes holoniggers, nijiniggers, Vshojocucks and literally everyone possible seethe

>> No.56810903

i won't be surprised if this thread gets removed.
seameidos enabled these schizos to run rampant

>> No.56811098

That isnt even real drama at all, its a bunch of discordniggers trying to gaslight /vt/ into thinking its suppose to be a bad thing

>> No.56811190

Sea creatures exist only to chase drama. They're always itching at the chance to jump on any sort of drama until another thing happens and they chase that until the dopamine runs out and they move on.

>> No.56811351

Jannies only do their work when you say anything bad about SEA. They don’t give a shit about shitters making the board unbearable without fucking filters in place

>> No.56811411

I wonder what they hope to achieve because it isn't actually hurting any holos.

>> No.56811454

I fucking hate being a seamonkey so much

>> No.56811637

If these things don't piss you off then you aren't a true fan.

>> No.56811670

t. nijinigger
