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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56679776 No.56679776 [Reply] [Original]

How are we looking fellas?

>> No.56679893

you were so close anon

>> No.56679922

It's pretty obvious you're a novelty(idk her fanbase name)

>> No.56680147

Neriisa and Shiori have yet to prove themselves.

They dont make it obvious, shiori even more so.
Nerissa is like a black Kiara, so she might jus be a idolfag in disguise

>> No.56680761

Talking about anal sex and nigger dick isn't cute you child grooming tranny.

>> No.56680805

Kiara doesn't belong to CGDCT.

>> No.56680818
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>see shiori in the OP
>Nijitrannies immediately start seething
She's so powerful, I love her

>> No.56680857


>> No.56680939

kiara is the only one who has a permanent place there. she doesnt even like kpop, because a lot of it isnt CGDCT

>> No.56681028

I love how you guys removed the Connor and vesper incident from your memory hole. Keep on rewriting history like the Nijikeks.

>> No.56681436

>Raids kiara
>Gets fired
Based Kiara.

>> No.56681538

There was no incident involving kiara. Using nijikeks in your post doesn't fool anyone.

>> No.56681557
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>> No.56681660

Funny how it looks like a mix of Mori and Ame.

>> No.56681686

You can tell these bait threads are made by Kiara fans or what’s left of them go watch her talk about homos instead of shitting up the catalog

>> No.56681745

yo what kinda streams you watching bro lol
got a link?
>Connor and vesper incident
>there never was a connor incident
>there never was a vesper incident
you either need to drop the meds or take more of them lol

>> No.56681780

Using the ultimate niji cope lying you really are a nijikek

>> No.56681788
File: 1.16 MB, 1044x1060, Today_I_will_remind_them2_111003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope deadbeat.

>> No.56681847

Yeah... You need to let go of these repulsed memories.

>> No.56681870


>> No.56681885

who or what is that?

>> No.56681889

op you know the first C stands for "cute" no? in what universe is that whore cute?

>> No.56682172

Is this really how you want to live your life?

>> No.56682338

Laughing at schizos bending over backwards to say this doesn’t count. Nice reprieve from work

>> No.56682463
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she pretty cute in an annoying bitch kinda way

>> No.56682651

this is fanfiction; the actual factions as of right now based on demonstrated behavior are myth, council, advent and irys as an independent agent.

>> No.56682858

Remove the homo collabers
I would also remove Nerissa and Shiori already because of their previous behavior.

>> No.56682950

Remove gura

>> No.56683433

none of these girls belong here because they weren't created by immaculate conception and thus are all male-collabing whores

>> No.56683530
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So far so good.

>> No.56683767

If you’re removing Nerissa and Shiori then fauna has to go as well which I’m fine with. Realistically it’s only Gura, Fuwamoco, and Biboo

>> No.56683857

Unless you think their father is fucking them that’s a weird statement

>> No.56683899

They've never collabed with Tempus, retard. They stay.

>> No.56683964

fuck off KFP subhuman

>> No.56684817
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>> No.56684832

>homo collabers
No seriously when the FUCK did this happen??? Irys is almost Kanata-tier about it.
Mumei was in 1 (one) mixed branch Gartic stream where she was so quiet that half of /vt/'s convinced she was tricked into it, and Ina signed up for a Vocaloid cover with like 7 other singers 2 of whom were m*le (fewer than in the original, even).
They're both hyperschizo reaches that only get trotted out by shitposters, easiest tell-tale sign that they don't actually care. Makes me extra curious how high the bar must be to count the other two.

>> No.56685177

Mumei literally got gangraped during the collab.

>> No.56685227

no, that's exactly how unitard brains work
it's disgusting, but that's how it is

>> No.56685333

Stop projecting

>> No.56685416

I'd say to just remove Ina, but otherwise I agree with this

>> No.56685542

i know the truth seems cruel, especially if (you)'re the schizo one, but come on kid... "no u"? rly? can't come up with anything better? that's disappointing...

>> No.56686112

not a big Irys watcher but in her 3d showcase she talked about going to butler cafes implying its something she does somewhat regularly. From what I understand a butler club is basically just a less sleazy host club.

>> No.56686506

For those two he is including when they talk about males they hang out with off stream. Irys has that one staff guy she said she talked to i think and that switch alert.
Kiara has a couple instances of talking about doing stuff that sounds like dates with guys. She was also a tempus supporter but never collab with them, she did think about doing it a fee times.

>> No.56686610

>Kiara has a couple instances of talking about doing stuff that sounds like dates with guys
That never happened.
>she did think about doing it a fee times.
That also never happened. Try again.

>> No.56686801

Digibro. He was an extremely successful anituber back in the day. He had at least 3/4k comining in on patreon and had a fiance. He loved moeshit and cute stuff.
One day he turned troon(unironically), his fiance left him for a literal fat ugly bastard (not joking), and he decided to actually destroy his entire channel in a schizo meltdown unrelated to his ex gf. He lost all his patrons, lost all his subscribers, and "retired" after his comeback failed.
Sad story desu.

>> No.56686850

The artist formerly known as digibro

>> No.56686930

Mindbroken fanfiction.

>> No.56686947

And you just outed yourself at not being a stream watcher or even a thread reader. The most common one was the Highhiker's Guide to the Galaxy member stream from last year where she was talking about that male friend of hers who is a deadbeat that doesn't know she is Kiara. That shit was brought up a lot here. Stop being retarded.
Irys just got answered above me with her recent 3d showcase

>> No.56687015

Well she's dead to me

>> No.56687112

if we're removing for previous behavior then gura should be gone too

>> No.56687201


>> No.56687241

Everyone should be gone. The only true CGDCT is the dogs I think. Unless there was some stream from there PL I am missing the worse they did was be characters from a VN where they have a romantic experience with the self insert that as you.
Maybe Bijou is fine as well but I don't know much about her.

>> No.56687417

Why are CGDCT fans so transphobic when they have such a high number of trans women?

>> No.56687482

What the fuck digibro trooned out

>> No.56687572

Yes it was an absolute career-ending shitshow. see >>56686801

>> No.56687800

Shiori will 100% not stay there and Nerissa will 80% not stay there, might as well not put them on

>> No.56687813

Do you even know what CGDCT even stands for? Mumei is doing CGDCT, and if you're seething about a group collab over a year ago where she couldn't even speak the language, it's entirely a (You) problem. You don't even want CGDCT at this point, it's obvious because you're literally trying to exclude everyone from it.

>> No.56687983

Any male collab for fun disqualifies you.
HOWEVER I'll say that one year of abstinence is enough to be forgiven and become cgdct again, so I'm okay with Mumei being there again now.

>> No.56688082

>Do you even know what CGDCT even stands for? Mumei is doing CGDCT, and if you're seething about a group collab over a year ago where she couldn't even speak the language, it's entirely a (You) problem. You don't even want CGDCT at this point, it's obvious because you're literally trying to exclude everyone from it.
>Sure she went against CGDCT but she changed her mind. So let's pretend it didn't happen
Mori hasn't collab'd with males in months. Would you have put her and Kronii in the CGDCT side too?
My point is that going by the other anons logic that doing it once or having a PL that did it stops them from being apart of the picture then every single girl but three should not be in the picture you retarded nigger.

>> No.56688194

the chain was talking about their previous actions, retrardbro follow along

>> No.56688365

she just exudes that nijikiller energy

>> No.56689125

Kiara is an obnoxious dyke, not cgdct
Shiori doesn't belong anywhere close near cgdct
Hard to say much about Nerissa
I don't like Fauna, she always seemed incredibly fake to me, but I don't know much about her as i never had the lsightest interest in her so i'll give her a pass trusting other anons.

>> No.56689205

Real chart. But hey, 4 is enough for anime.

>> No.56689330

>doesn't like kpop

>> No.56689382

That's the entire problem with this discussion. There is no definitive start or end, or even a hard definition, it's ultimately arbitrary, which is why people are still bickering and why your point can even stand in the first place. Thankfully the discussion itself doesn't even matter, people will watch and support whoever they want depending on their personal beliefs.

>> No.56689387

>Gigguk blocks ur path

>> No.56689450

there's too many uses of PL in this thread for me to take any of you seriously

>> No.56689457

No one that responds to this bait thread actually watches streams right?

>> No.56689491

Aaaaand into the trash it goes

>> No.56689530

No one tell him about their chimken rumao.

>> No.56689593

What did i miss about Ina? Personality-wise she's more cgdct than anyone on that list except fwmc

That's retarded. Most cgdct shows have some males as background charas. Butler helping out ojou-sama, bus driver giving important advice, some muscular guy helping out with physical work in an episode.

>> No.56689736

Yeah, as irrelevant background chars who do nothing
How are you comparing that to a female vtuber collabing with a male one on stream

>> No.56689835

example? if it's a simple conversation and doesn't happen all the time i don't see how that could be a problem

>> No.56689896

why is Irys not here

>> No.56689985

Sponsored tournament where she flirted with female voice actress the whole time.

>> No.56690119

>talents do CGDCT
>schizos go 'doesnt count'
Seethe. EN is pretty comfy now.

>> No.56690184

Just sayin', if the Mumei collab counts then this one does too. It's one or the other.
For the record I think they're both redeemed I just get sick of it always being Mooms and Wawa being memoryholed

>> No.56690585

You can't be CGDCT sometimes and collab with dudes and talk about giving condom money to male friends you have

>> No.56690729

I agree about Shiori, but I think Nerissa will stay cgdct. Going out of her way to unlike art involving tempus that she mistakenly liked, coupled with her commitment to collabing with everyone in Hololive(she emphasized girls big time) makes me pretty confident.

>> No.56690853


>> No.56691075

good thing those things aren't happening then

>> No.56691215

Literally happened with Mori, in case you forgot how she reacted to that SC

>> No.56691378

When was this again? If it's pre-advent I don't care. If it's more than a year ago I REALLY don't care.

>> No.56691515

Why not just go all the way and say "if she didn't collab with a man in the last 24 hours she's cgdct to me", retard?

>> No.56691602

why not just go all the way and say "if she's being cute she's cgdct to me", retard?

>> No.56691632

I loved moeshit and sometimes i dream about being a cute anime girl, but i'm 35, hairy, fat, balding guy and i just too self aware to not trooning out because i know i just become a pathetic monster if i do it.

>> No.56691717

Because it's about them not collabing with men
A girl can be as cute as she wants, if she collabs with guys for fun and isn't forced to do so by management or for shilling reasons then she's out and I unsub, simple as.

>> No.56691788

so it's not about them doing cgdct? It's about your imaginary war

>> No.56691894

cgdct has always been about it being cute girls only in vtubing, since the time people brought it up
There's a reason Mori, Kronii or Bae are never in any cgdct images or posts.

>> No.56691912

You are pathetic.

>> No.56692025

Sounds like you trying to justify your wad of shit

>> No.56692062

"people" only started bringing it up after male collabs, and they're never in these images because you keep trying to do your holo vs holo shit

>> No.56692114

Nope, just people having preferences. Nothing wrong with only being interested in virtual cute anime idols and nothing else.
>"people" only started bringing it up after male collabs
What a shocker, almost like not doing them is what sets them apart. You're a genius.

>> No.56692133


>> No.56692237

The reality as you and your fellow "people" don't get to decide what a cute girl doing cute things is

>> No.56692247

no, it's almost like you found a new catchphrase you like spamming everywhere without you actually knowing it's meaning, and changing it's definition on the go

>> No.56692303

Actually I can decide on anything I want. No one is owed my support. I can sub and member and support any vtuber I want for any reason I feel like.

>> No.56692337

>why not just be extreme and unreasonable with everything?
because most people aren't, otherwise you end up with 'lol none of them are cgdct' like some of the retards posting here

>> No.56692451

That's fine, you still don't get to objectively decide what constitutes as a cute girl doing cute things, throwing around your shiny new buzzword won't make it true

>> No.56692549

you previously said it's not about them doing cute things, define cgdct then

>> No.56692557

I do in the sense that any term means what the majority of people say it means. Languages evolve, see "literally".
I'm well aware of what it used to be relating to anime. Now the meaning has altered in the vtubing community and clearly most people using the word on this board feel that way when using it.

>> No.56692572

Single stream across 300 is less than 1 scene in 12 episodes show.

>> No.56692634

Stop confusing cute girls doing cute things with being unicorn-friendly those are two very different things

>> No.56692661

cgdct in vtubing refers to any cute vtuber girl who does cute things either on her own or solely with other cute girls. No men.

>> No.56692672

>Languages evolve, see "literally".
Literally kill yourself, please.

>> No.56692674 [DELETED] 
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Funny how cucks insist on pushing Shiori as a cgdct

>> No.56692715

so any stream not involving male vtubers at the time is cgdct?

>> No.56692720

>you still don't get to objectively decide what constitutes as a cute girl doing cute things
Cute girls doing cute things is when cute girls do cute things. It's not hard to understand.

>> No.56692723

>the word akshually isn't literally "cute girls doing cute things" as the label suggests, it has a deeper meaning agreed upon by subhumans on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
You are fucking kidding me, some of you clowns astound me

>> No.56692743

She's a twitch whore (mentally) with anime avatar.

>> No.56692748

>comparing a collab where kronii and mori flirted with guys to a collab where mumei never spoke a single word to the jp homos

>> No.56692762
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Laugh at the fat pink runt.

>> No.56692819

Yes and that is what it is most if the time (99% of it)
Not that hard to understand

>> No.56692822

>homo collabs are when you go out to eat and your waiter is male
Do sisters really?

>> No.56692830

Sure, but the term is mostly used to refer to the vtubers themselves, who are made up by the sum of their parts.
Streaming with girls only today will not undo the fact that they tainted themselves by collabing with men yesterday, to give an example.

>> No.56692905

And I'm sure your wife is also a lovely girl 99% of the time but that 1% of the time she cheated on you with a guy will still ruin it for you in all those other moments

>> No.56692942

"Tainted" is faggotry perpetuated by overweight troons. Once again you don't get to decide what excludes someone from cgdct or not

>> No.56692971

>appear in a collab
kill yourself

>> No.56692998

>so any stream not involving male vtubers at the time is cgdct?
Yes, but also the girl or girls aren't allowed to talk about sex acts they have had with men or sex acts they want to have with men.

>> No.56693023

Do closet cucks really?
Go fuck yours

>> No.56693065

We can also it "here's a list of vtubers who are cute and who not collab with men nor do they talk like sluts or tell us about their bfs or husbands or do anything else of that sort", but "cgdct" is just shorter and understood by anyone using it

>> No.56693126

Ate my words there
*we can also call it
*and who do not

>> No.56693132


>> No.56693164

You don't retcon the word's definition I'm afraid
It's literally cute girls doing cute things and that's what it's going to be, you and your sekrit /vt/ club doesn't get to decide anything

>> No.56693181

>but also the girl or girls aren't allowed to talk about sex acts they have had with men or sex acts they want to have with men
I've never seen cgdct used for anything other than holoen, so i'm not sure why you even included this

>> No.56693186

Those are completely different things retard. You don't want cgdct, you want to be a unicorn but are too retarded to admit it. Occasional collabs with males have zero effect on cgdct status if they are kept neutral.

>> No.56693212

Actually, we do, hence why everyone on this board uses it that way except for the 10% being upset about it such as you
Face reality

>> No.56693288

You objectively dont

>> No.56693313

If I was a unicorn I would care about them talking to a male cashier or getting dance lessons from a male instructor at the studio. I don't. I care about what they do on stream as the vtuber.

>> No.56693328

i wonder if this classifies as discord raid or just some pathetic trolling. either way you don't belong here.

>> No.56693330

>And you just outed yourself at not being a stream watcher or even a thread reader.
lol no. You're just retarded.
>The most common one was the Highhiker's Guide to the Galaxy member stream from last year where she was talking about that male friend of hers who is a deadbeat that doesn't know she is Kiara
That was a vague acquaintance in the periphery of her friend group. Wanna try again?

>> No.56693388

>Everyone on this board
As in fellow retards such as yourself who retcon the definition of a word to fit their sekrit club while having no objective bearing on it's actual meaning

>> No.56693470

Go back to posting in your shitty containment with your fellow subhumans numbertroon

>> No.56693492

You can give it any other term you want, it doesn't change a thing. There will always be a distinction between those who choose to not collab with males and those who do such collabs. And plenty of people here will never support the latter, regardless of what term you give it.

>> No.56693529

>i'm not sure why you even included this
Because it's true. Any girl talking about sex acts she's had or wants to have with men is automatically disqualified from CGDCT whether she's in Hololive or not.

>> No.56693577

plenty of people here don't actually watch streams and just shit up the catalog

>> No.56693591

Yeah go ahead and give it another name, I don't care
Stop changing definitions of what it says on the label of a very clear set if words

>> No.56693631

I hope you get just as upset at the 50 posts per hour misusing "literally" here.

>> No.56693721

You're the same category of person as those who try to make trap a slur. Everyone would be happier if you stopped existing.

>> No.56693816

Not as aggregious as obnoxious underage browns misusing something as clear as "cute girls doing cute things" making it so it has a special sekrit club /here/ meaning instead

>> No.56693913

You sure love saying "sekrit club".

>> No.56693960

And you sure love saying

>> No.56694218

there's no sekrit club, 99% of antipost you see originate from /#/

>> No.56694273

Yeah I'm fully aware of that, those third world shitters need to be cremated

>> No.56694275
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Gachikoi, Unicorn, CGDCT, they're all synonyms for 'mentally-ill incel' at the end of the day.

>> No.56694327

AKA the toilet bowl of the worst board among the blue boards which is saying a lot

>> No.56694839

I pray to Allah that all numberfags die a horribly painful death

>> No.56695083
File: 170 KB, 2713x1296, 1666082201420575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctrl+f irys
I don't much care for these schizo rrats/antirys/whatever. But, so far only the three I posted are the ones that are 'currently' in the "I'm not going to strongly disagree they aren't cgdct. I'll just shitpost to be contrarian." selection. On a long enough timeline, and large enough rrats picrel will be cgdct until the next gen comes out. Rinse and repeat. Dis, thyme four shore.

>> No.56695324
File: 8 KB, 309x163, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of new low I was hoping for and you did not disappoint, thank you anon.
She directly asked chat if they'd be okay with her doing male collabs a while ago. Before Tempus. She didn't follow through AFAIK but he's right, I'd classify that as thinking about doing it.

>> No.56695464

Liked a Hatsune Miku song enough to jump in when a Holostar started organizing a cover of it.
...That's it.

>> No.56695610


>> No.56695714


>> No.56696159

It's crazy how people seethe so much whenever Shiori's involved. Girl hasn't even done anything yet.

>> No.56696317

>you have to clap when a girl you like is hitting it off with another guy

>> No.56696700

Cute Girls Doing Cute Things was always the English name for the iyashikei genre. The only ones who remotely qualify from this list are the twins. The rest are too western-streamer like.
This term never made sense with EN chuubas. It just started being used because at first retards were embarrassed of saying they were unicorns.

>> No.56696799

Gura (sometimes) and Fuwamoco are the only cute girls in EN.

>> No.56696968
File: 258 KB, 680x550, 1692643959185881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to play it off as tee hee its just a restaurant silly
This is a place where lonely women go to be fawned over and flirt with men for money. Its almost as if a guy went to a strip club and tried to say he was only getting a drink at a bar.

>> No.56697372
File: 157 KB, 754x639, 1688569253843449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking to, or even acknowledging the existence of a male is "hitting it off"
Oh right, how silly of me, I forgot the most important part. "Mentally-ill incel with a cuckolding fetish".

>> No.56697663

remove shiori and nerissa off that list. They don't even remotely belong.

>> No.56697955

>78% of Americans have at least considered dating someone they worked with, and 58% eventually did. 3 in 4 people have had a romantic relationship with someone they work with
I'm not saying this is going to be the case because I'm not a fucking retard that equates vtubing to the workplace like some idiots who go 'lol they're just coworkers bro,' but you don't need to be a schizo to know that extended casual interaction can lead to relationships, casual or otherwise.

>> No.56703123

Someone post the fiances hololive audition

>> No.56705721

>why do people who like watching fictional girls being cute together hate irl men who larp as girls?

>> No.56706750

the dreaded tune

>> No.56708412

Lmao even

>> No.56709438

No. She had that whole spiel at the end of her debut. If she just “didn’t do anything” then she would probably be up there with FWMC in terms of leading the pack.

>> No.56710762

>previous behavior
no one is on the list then you nijinigger cuck

>> No.56711966


>> No.56714833


>> No.56715256

The whole point of this shit is pretending to be a girl your audience crushes on and make them pay money for scraps of validation.
